Fifty babies a year are alive after abortion in the UK

Ironic, isn't it - advancing science and technology posing threats to the basic tenets of liberalism? Never fear, though. Liberals have been wrong on every national security issue since the advent of the Cold War, and they're blabbering louder than ever. Why would scientific truth slow them down?
Did you notice that the thrust of the story appears to be that doctors are unwilling to administer drugs to kill the child before forced labor, not that the children are killed in the first place?
musicman said:
Ironic, isn't it - advancing science and technology posing threats to the basic tenets of liberalism? Never fear, though. Liberals have been wrong on every national security issue since the advent of the Cold War, and they're blabbering louder than ever. Why would scientific truth slow them down?

I have a cousin who delivered her first baby about 2 or 3 months prematurely (the baby was a little over 2 lbs when born). When Roe vs. Wade was decided, her baby would have been written off as dead. Today my cousin's daughter is a healthy teenager (and driving her mom nuts, but that comes with the territory).

When Roe vs. Wade was first decided, it applied to the first trimester only, somehow the right has grown to encompass all 9 months up to and including the last second any part of the baby is in the birth canal.
KarlMarx said:
I have a cousin who delivered her first baby about 2 or 3 months prematurely (the baby was a little over 2 lbs when born). When Roe vs. Wade was decided, her baby would have been written off as dead. Today my cousin's daughter is a healthy teenager (and driving her mom nuts, but that comes with the territory).

When Roe vs. Wade was first decided, it applied to the first trimester only, somehow the right has grown to encompass all 9 months up to and including the last second any part of the baby is in the birth canal.

The all encompasing, until the end of pregnancy, type of abortion 'right' was decided at the same time as Roe v Wade and announced at the same time. It was the Doe v. Bolton decision, it wasn't widely publicized because newspapers at the time thought that the public would be unwilling to accept unlimited abortion 'rights' and it could cause issues.
Excellent, push social abortion back to 18 weeks. Getting rid of it entirely would be preferable.
My personal feelings on abortion aside, the question that needs to be settled in this country is "whose call is it"? The Constitution has been raped and pillaged to the point where matters which are the clear purview of the people - through their duly elected state representatives - have been hijacked by the federal judiciary.
Regardless of how one feels about school prayer, gay marriage, abortion, flag burning and so on, there is a principal at stake i.e. respecting the intent and meaning of the Constitution by the Founding Fathers.

The Constitution was created to protect our rights, it is not a "Pez" dispenser for rights.

Bending the meaning of the Constitution to satisfy the outcry of a particular group (gays, women who want abortions, etc) may seem like a good idea today, but that same logic may then be applied against people in the future.

Women got the right to vote after a long struggle and were granted the right when an amendment was added to the Constitution. Slavery was abolished in the same manner.

Those who wish to have abortion as a right or gay marriage would be well advised to take the same path as the suffragists and abolitionists rather than have those rights handed to them by judicial fiat.
One of the biggest problems I have with the way abortion has been handled doesn't even have anything to do with my opposition to abortion in general. Here's the deal, it's been propped up as a woman's right to choose. Last time I checked, it takes two to make a baby, and the father is just as much a parent as the mother is. However, only the mother has control of whether the baby is born. What's to keep a spiteful woman from killing her child to get revenge on the father, who's always wanted kids? Divorced parents have been using kids to get even with each other for centuries, so what's to stop this atrocity from happening? Shouldn't the father of the child have some say?

The reason they don't is simple. Abortion is portrayed as a simple medical procedure rather than a killing because the baby is "part of the woman's body," and it's argued that she be allowed to remove it in the same manner that a woman might get liposuction or breast reduction. Once that baby becomes daddy's as well, their "part of the woman's body" argument becomes substantially weaker.
"Abortion on demand is allowed in Britain up to 24 weeks — more than halfway through a normal pregnancy and the highest legal limit for such terminations in Europe."

24 weeks is much to late to be having an abortion
Trigg said:
"Abortion on demand is allowed in Britain up to 24 weeks — more than halfway through a normal pregnancy and the highest legal limit for such terminations in Europe."

24 weeks is much to late to be having an abortion


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