fetus of woman on forced life support malformed?

Please cite the doctor who said the baby was malformed, retarded...

And Luser, please share..how many dead people have breathed for days after their deaths?
Gotta love Republicans. That goddamned fetus has rights until it gets shat out and then it's on its own from there and fuck it if it needs any of our help surviving.
When all else fails, and you're shown as the ghouls you are, pretend that the baby would die after birth anyway because nobody will support it, since Republicans vote for less welfare.

At this point the fascinating part of this story isn't that the woman did ultimately die, after the court intervened...it is quite possible the baby was damaged and unlikely to live, or that the hospital was misinterpreting the law.

At this point what is fascinating is that the baby killing ghouls don't care. They have no evidence whatever that there was anything wrong with the baby, aside from the statement of an attorney who said the lower extremities might have been malformed, and the baby's head MIGHT have bee oversized...except..those things wouldn't happen as a result of lack of oxygen. That's their portrayal of ultrasound results that they are in no way qualified to interpret. But that's good enough for the baby (and now, woman) killers!

If someone wants a vulnerable, helpless person dead, by golly, they're going to make sure it gets done! All someone has to do is breathe the word "abortion" "baby" or "deformed" and they are there with their instruments, waiting to cut whatever needs to be cut, ready to pull whatever needs to be pulled, to kill that thing.

The minute someone says "unconscious" or gives a weak, sick, incommunicado person a bleak prognosis, they are there to tell everybody that person would not want to be a burden upon society! They would want to die right now, and not suffer while waiting for a possibly more positive outcome. Because doctors...and lawyers, it appears, and journalists, are ALWAYS correct about complex medical diagnoses...and if they say there's no hope, there's no more questions to be asked. Death must come post haste!
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Killing babies is killing babies...it's all good for Noom.

Define "severely malformed". Generally speaking, "malformations" can't be seen until after 20 weeks...and even then, the extent and severity can be very difficult to determine.

What the baby killers always argue is that if there's even a whisper of a chance that a baby isn't 100 percent perfect, it is a monster and must be destroyed. No matter how close to birth.

No tolerance for imperfect babies. Diversity is just a word when it comes to babies...we're only supposed to embrace diversity when it's in reference to sexual deviants.


The "right" is all for saving deformed, mentally ill and probably severly ill fetuses, but don't ask them if they are willing to help pay for the medical expense or raising it....hell they don't even want to do that for children that are alive and healthy but poor...they want to cut their food stamps, and welfare.....and they try to sound so righteous by calling us "Baby Killers"......that is too funny.....


The "right" is all for saving deformed, mentally ill and probably severly ill fetuses, but don't ask them if they are willing to help pay for the medical expense or raising it....hell they don't even want to do that for children that are alive and healthy but poor...they want to cut their food stamps, and welfare.....and they try to sound so righteous by calling us "Baby Killers"......that is too funny.....


still telling that same lie huh? Go do something you know like burning a cross in a yard.
This should serve as a warning to us all. Its not enough to talk to one's family or spouse about one's wishes because there will always be meddling know-it-all's like we see here and they will always butt in where they have no business. Leave it to them, and you could end up on life support for many years, stuck in a never-never land between life and death.

See an attorney, get it in writing and make sure every family member has a copy. even so, if you live in some barbaric backwater like Texasss, the state might well over-ride your wishes.

If the right gets their way, we will have no rights over our own bodies. Not to our reproduction, not to our life and not to our death.
Again, you confuse your compatriots with mine.

The idea that babies must be killed because Republicans won't support progressive legislation is nothing but propaganda, and justification for killing. Fascists have engaged in it many, many times. It's essentially blackmail...do as we say, or we kill your children.
The "right" is all for saving deformed, mentally ill and probably severly ill fetuses, but don't ask them if they are willing to help pay for the medical expense or raising it....hell they don't even want to do that for children that are alive and healthy but poor...they want to cut their food stamps, and welfare.....and they try to sound so righteous by calling us "Baby Killers"......that is too funny.....


still telling that same lie huh? Go do something you know like burning a cross in a yard.

Strictly speaking, you're right. If the right gets their way, kids will be able to get jobs scrubbing toilets at their grade schools.
Even if that were true, it's still infinitely better than being hacked to bits for the sake of some deadbeat who doesnt' want to pay child support, or some pimp who doesn't want to lose $$.
Please cite the doctor who said the baby was malformed, retarded...

And Luser, please share..how many dead people have breathed for days after their deaths?

I didn't say deaths, I said taken off life support. My friends cousin died from the very same thing this woman died from this summer, he lived for four days after being taken off life support. Everything isn't like in the movies.
People can go right away, or sometimes it can take a few days. Google it if you don't believe me.
Of course someone as knowledgable as you should have known this.

As for the child being deformed, many sites are reporting it has fluid on the brain, that it is so deformed you cannot tell the sex, and it most likely has heart problems... Not our problem you didn't do your homework before speaking out your ass.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
Please cite the doctor who said the baby was malformed, retarded...

And Luser, please share..how many dead people have breathed for days after their deaths?

I don't have to, most people are intelligent enough to know that if your brain is deprived of oxygen for any length of time you are are going to suffer brain damage....
Brain Damage Caused by a Lack of Oxygen During Labor and Delivery

He/she also has fluid in the skull and his lower extremities are deformed.....but you don't care because you aren't the one that is going to fork over the money to pay for his medical expenses, you're just going to side with your party to cut his food stamps and welfare.....and repeal Obamacare so he also won't have health care. :razz::razz:
Brain damage isn't death. S. Hawking is brain damaged.

So how many people continue to breathe after they're dead?

And please cite and source the medical professionals who said the child had fluid on the skull and deformed lower extremities.
Brain damage isn't death. S. Hawking is brain damaged.
Please provide some backing to your most uninformed comment. Hawking has ALS/SMA, a disease where nerve cells that control "muscles" are damaged and does not in any way impair a person's mind.

So how many people continue to breathe after they're dead?
By means of machines or on their own?

And please cite and source the medical professionals who said the child had fluid on the skull and deformed lower extremities.
Ha,ha, so you think the attorneys are making this up? I'm sure the doctors that have been monitoring the dead mother's body are the ones that made the diagnosis...which will all come to the surface once the family's suit goes to court.
In the bible it says that in the last days, "they will long for death, but death will flee from them". Ariel Sharon was kept on life support for eight years.
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Please cite the doctor who said the baby was malformed, retarded...

And Luser, please share..how many dead people have breathed for days after their deaths?

I didn't say deaths, I said taken off life support. My friends cousin died from the very same thing this woman died from this summer, he lived for four days after being taken off life support. Everything isn't like in the movies.
People can go right away, or sometimes it can take a few days. Google it if you don't believe me.
Of course someone as knowledgable as you should have known this.

As for the child being deformed, many sites are reporting it has fluid on the brain, that it is so deformed you cannot tell the sex, and it most likely has heart problems... Not our problem you didn't do your homework before speaking out your ass.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

I could have sworn you said people could continue breathing after dying.

"Most likely" "Many sites" "cannot tell the sex"

Babies are still born every single day where the sex was mis-diagnosed, and it isn't because they're "malformed".

Just come out and say it..no doctor said that the baby had any issues. The hospital wanted to deliver the baby, which tells you exactly what the medical professionals who actually viewed the ultrasounds believed.

What we have is the word of a couple of attorneys who were fighting to get her taken off life support, who made some references to ultrasounds that you know nothing about. Maybe the ultrasounds they were referencing were taken at 14 weeks, in which case yeah, it would be hard to tell the sex..and up until the last month, pretty much all babies in utero that are photographed using ultrasound look funky.

You just leap at any chance to kill babies. That's what it comes down to.
The tendency to believe what attorneys say about medical issues also shows an alarming stupidity, I might add.

As does the belief that doctors are never wrong with their diagnoses, and if a doctor says "by golly that looks funny" it means the victim..I mean patient...should just off themselves then and there, and if they are unable to, then there should be somebody on hand to do it for them, quick before they wake up.
The tendency to believe what attorneys say about medical issues also shows an alarming stupidity, I might add.
It is far more stupid to think that an attorney would publicly make allegations that he is not able to prove in court.

As does the belief that doctors are never wrong with their diagnoses, and if a doctor says "by golly that looks funny" it means the victim..I mean patient...should just off themselves then and there, and if they are unable to, then there should be somebody on hand to do it for them, quick before they wake up.
Nobody is saying that doctors are never wrong....but I do believe the records will show that the cases where the doctors are wrong are far less than the cases where they are right. And in this case, there have been more than one doctor making the same claim. So, are you able to put up the money to keep this woman on artificial respirators just in case they are wrong this time? As the saying goes, put up or shut up!

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