fetus of woman on forced life support malformed?

You obviously don't know attorneys, lol.
Or the law.
That's really all I need to say to that.
So if all these doctors are making the claim, you can cite and reference them, surely.

I've been asking since the thread started. So far, nobody has.

I think Luser gave it her best. She came up with some vague references to commentary in the blogosphere.
No, the argument was won the first time I asked for references to the doctors who said the baby was "malformed", and the references did not come. That was, I think, on page one.

Each page thereafter has been win, on top of win, on top of win. Evidenced by the recent attempts to change the subject, and the advancement of the troll army.
The tendency to believe what attorneys say about medical issues also shows an alarming stupidity, I might add.

As does the belief that doctors are never wrong with their diagnoses, and if a doctor says "by golly that looks funny" it means the victim..I mean patient...should just off themselves then and there, and if they are unable to, then there should be somebody on hand to do it for them, quick before they wake up.

Attorneys get their information from medical reports which they're prepared to file in court. The doctors cannot publicly disclose or discuss a patient's condition, especially since the hospital was opposed to the family's wishes in this case.

Your second assertion is just your usual stupidity in such cases. We have reached the point where medical science can maintain pulse and respiration long beyond the point where anything approaching life exists. You don't get to decide such cases. Your rabid assertions make we wonder how many restraining orders have been taken out against you.
Brain damage isn't death. S. Hawking is brain damaged.

So how many people continue to breathe after they're dead?

And please cite and source the medical professionals who said the child had fluid on the skull and deformed lower extremities.

Of course Stephen Hawking is not brain damaged! He's a genius. He has ALS. This does not affect the brain. It is a motor neuron disease.

Surely you understand that "breathing" with machines forcing air into lungs isn't really breathing.
The motor neurons in the brain are adversely affected, troll. That = brain damage.

Not that it's relevant.
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The tendency to believe what attorneys say about medical issues also shows an alarming stupidity, I might add.

As does the belief that doctors are never wrong with their diagnoses, and if a doctor says "by golly that looks funny" it means the victim..I mean patient...should just off themselves then and there, and if they are unable to, then there should be somebody on hand to do it for them, quick before they wake up.

Attorneys get their information from medical reports which they're prepared to file in court. The doctors cannot publicly disclose or discuss a patient's condition, especially since the hospital was opposed to the family's wishes in this case.

Your second assertion is just your usual stupidity in such cases. We have reached the point where medical science can maintain pulse and respiration long beyond the point where anything approaching life exists. You don't get to decide such cases. Your rabid assertions make we wonder how many restraining orders have been taken out against you.

We don't know if the hospital opposed the family's wishes. If you have some evidence of that, provide it. We know that the hospital was complying with state law but not that the hospital had any independent interest in keeping the pregnant woman on life support. Had there been no state law mandating this care, would the hospital have kept this woman on life support?
You obviously don't know attorneys, lol.
Or the law.
That's really all I need to say to that.

I may not have had as much experience with them as you have, but common sense dictates the opposite.

Which shows you are lacking in common sense as well as wit.

Your experience with two-bit attorneys and "real" attorneys does not make you an expert on attorneys......but keep trying, it's amusing to see you show how little you know and how hard you work at defending it.
The motor neurons in the brain are adversely affected, troll. That = brain damage.

I'm normally on your side, so don't try to insult me. You have few enough friends and allies here as it is. Hawking's disability is caused by muscle atrophy not brain damage. ALS has been known to cause, but does not always cause cognitive impairment.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We don't know what the condition of the fetus was. We don't know what evidence was presented to the judge. Just because we have never seen such evidence doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
The motor neurons in the brain are adversely affected, troll. That = brain damage.

I'm normally on your side, so don't try to insult me. You have few enough friends and allies here as it is. Hawking's disability is caused by muscle atrophy not brain damage. ALS has been known to cause, but does not always cause cognitive impairment.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We don't know what the condition of the fetus was. We don't know what evidence was presented to the judge. Just because we have never seen such evidence doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

kgrill got

this is an open & shut case.
No, the argument was won the first time I asked for references to the doctors who said the baby was "malformed", and the references did not come. That was, I think, on page one.

Each page thereafter has been win, on top of win, on top of win. Evidenced by the recent attempts to change the subject, and the advancement of the troll army.

Nobody is changing the subject, that you are to dense to comprehend what is being said is no sign that the subject is changing. Just because doctors have not been named is not indication that the information is made up. The attorneys are reporting the diagnosis that was provided in the medical records. The doctors that made the diagnosis have not been made public.....what part of that do you not understand? ....but keep trying.....you have already lost and don't even realize it....the woman has been taken off life support.

Even Faux News didn't counter the lawyers, but maybe they surreptitiously are the ones that are misleading you to think that?
Munoz's attorneys, Heather King and Jessica Hall Janicek, issued a statement Wednesday describing the condition of the fetus, now believed to be at about 22 weeks' gestation. King and Janicek based their statement on medical records they received from the hospital.Brain-dead woman kept alive by hospital is carrying 'deformed' fetus, attorney says | Fox News

Yes, well, you've never been my ally anyway, katz, so it doesn't matter. I have been yours, but pfft...no passes on your bitchiness just because you often agree with me. Sorry.

ALS is a disease of the brain, it is degenerative.

In fact, they think it can be caused by brain injury in some cases.

It's beside the point anyway. My point was that people who are "brain damaged" ...in whatever text that is used by whomever is using it, are not necessarily "better off dead"
The motor neurons in the brain are adversely affected, troll. That = brain damage.

Not that it's relevant.

Please provide some links to back up your ignorant supposition, we already know that is what you think, and that in itself would make it suspect.
No, the argument was won the first time I asked for references to the doctors who said the baby was "malformed", and the references did not come. That was, I think, on page one.

Each page thereafter has been win, on top of win, on top of win. Evidenced by the recent attempts to change the subject, and the advancement of the troll army.

Nobody is changing the subject, that you are to dense to comprehend what is being said is no sign that the subject is changing. Just because doctors have not been named is not indication that the information is made up. The attorneys are reporting the diagnosis that was provided in the medical records. The doctors that made the diagnosis have not been made public.....what part of that do you not understand? ....but keep trying.....you have already lost and don't even realize it....the woman has been taken off life support.

Even Faux News didn't counter the lawyers, but maybe they surreptitiously are the ones that are misleading you to think that?
Munoz's attorneys, Heather King and Jessica Hall Janicek, issued a statement Wednesday describing the condition of the fetus, now believed to be at about 22 weeks' gestation. King and Janicek based their statement on medical records they received from the hospital.Brain-dead woman kept alive by hospital is carrying 'deformed' fetus, attorney says | Fox News

Lol..keep that fail coming.

Cling to it, desperately.
No, the argument was won the first time I asked for references to the doctors who said the baby was "malformed", and the references did not come. That was, I think, on page one.

Each page thereafter has been win, on top of win, on top of win. Evidenced by the recent attempts to change the subject, and the advancement of the troll army.

Nobody is changing the subject, that you are to dense to comprehend what is being said is no sign that the subject is changing. Just because doctors have not been named is not indication that the information is made up. The attorneys are reporting the diagnosis that was provided in the medical records. The doctors that made the diagnosis have not been made public.....what part of that do you not understand? ....but keep trying.....you have already lost and don't even realize it....the woman has been taken off life support.

Even Faux News didn't counter the lawyers, but maybe they surreptitiously are the ones that are misleading you to think that?
Munoz's attorneys, Heather King and Jessica Hall Janicek, issued a statement Wednesday describing the condition of the fetus, now believed to be at about 22 weeks' gestation. King and Janicek based their statement on medical records they received from the hospital.Brain-dead woman kept alive by hospital is carrying 'deformed' fetus, attorney says | Fox News

if Fox sides w/ the family, thats all i need to know

\end thread
Yes, well, you've never been my ally anyway, katz, so it doesn't matter. I have been yours, but pfft...no passes on your bitchiness just because you often agree with me. Sorry.

ALS is a disease of the brain, it is degenerative.

In fact, they think it can be caused by brain injury in some cases.

It's beside the point anyway. My point was that people who are "brain damaged" ...in whatever text that is used by whomever is using it, are not necessarily "better off dead"

Well, that's true. Those who are brain damaged, especially since birth, are never better off dead. They still have joys and satisfactions they still know joy and love.
Yes, well, you've never been my ally anyway, katz, so it doesn't matter. I have been yours, but pfft...no passes on your bitchiness just because you often agree with me. Sorry.

ALS is a disease of the brain, it is degenerative.

In fact, they think it can be caused by brain injury in some cases.

It's beside the point anyway. My point was that people who are "brain damaged" ...in whatever text that is used by whomever is using it, are not necessarily "better off dead"

You've been asked over and over to provide some proof of your allegation.....and still nada...nothing....zip......zero....

Well, I guess you got nothing......

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