feminism is no longer about women having equality. feminism is about women having supremacy over men

1st post
Intelligent women and intelligent men do not indulge themselves in this sort of bullshit. They sit down and deal with each other as intelligent human beings. Dialogue. You know??? Today's white, male "conservative" politicians have not shown any talent or willingness to come to the table and speak intelligently. It's all been "I'm white and I've got a dick."

Where is the willingness to come to the table and have an adult conversation about our differences? By intelligent and well-read people?
Intelligent women and intelligent men do not indulge themselves in this sort of bullshit. They sit down and deal with each other as intelligent human beings. Dialogue. You know??? Today's white, male "conservative" politicians have not shown any talent or willingness to come to the table and speak intelligently. It's all been "I'm white and I've got a dick."

Where is the willingness to come to the table and have an adult conversation about our differences? By intelligent and well-read people?

BTW: the same thing is true about supposed racial differences. Come to the conference table. The round table. Present your views and the rationale behind them.
Intelligent women and intelligent men do not indulge themselves in this sort of bullshit. They sit down and deal with each other as intelligent human beings. Dialogue. You know??? Today's white, male "conservative" politicians have not shown any talent or willingness to come to the table and speak intelligently. It's all been "I'm white and I've got a dick."

Where is the willingness to come to the table and have an adult conversation about our differences? By intelligent and well-read people?
ok. what are some female grievances?
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking

I support equality before the law.

I also support the notion that if women act like men, they are treated as men.

Telling men to "shut up and do as we say" elicits only raucous laughter, and a call for a beer and a turkey sandwich.

"Chips on the plate, sweetheart."

It would be interesting to see how those feminist hags plan to enforce their "supremacy" over men.
--------------------------------------------- they will have their elected government and its men , women , police , cops , judges , soldiers yada , yada , do the Enforcing Americano .
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking

I think that men assume that given power, women would do to me what men did to women. They think of it as sides of a coin where if one side is up, another has to be down.
Great to hear the pigs squeal
Until they are slapped and put back in their place...why else is there a 50 shades and more?

The thread proves that many people (men and women alike) stop developing intellectually when they are no longer required to by their school, vocation, etc. It is what gave us Trump; dumb people with voting rights.
The thread proves that many people (men and women alike) stop developing intellectually when they are no longer required to by their school, vocation, etc. It is what gave us Trump; dumb people with voting rights.
If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain
This is why people voted for Bernie (the socialist) Sanders or "I'm with her". These dolts don't want to have to think, so want someone else to do it for them. Thank God, America woke up and smacked these dumbfucks back down for at least 3 or more generations.
The thread proves that many people (men and women alike) stop developing intellectually when they are no longer required to by their school, vocation, etc. It is what gave us Trump; dumb people with voting rights.
If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain
This is why people voted for Bernie (the socialist) Sanders or "I'm with her". These dolts don't want to have to think, so want someone else to do it for them. Thank God, America woke up and smacked these dumbfucks back down for at least 3 or more generations.
------------------------------------------- hope so Andoron .
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking
When there is equality, there will be disagreements. Get used to it.
Sometimes he wins; sometimes she wins.
So a "disagreement" is where women politicians tell men to shut up?
Doc1 tells me to shut up or he'll slap me around, and that's just a disagreement around here, but if a woman says "shut up" it's a feminazi battle for supremacy?
Sorry to sound like a feminist here, but you're a moron.
Intelligent women and intelligent men do not indulge themselves in this sort of bullshit. They sit down and deal with each other as intelligent human beings. Dialogue. You know??? Today's white, male "conservative" politicians have not shown any talent or willingness to come to the table and speak intelligently. It's all been "I'm white and I've got a dick."

Where is the willingness to come to the table and have an adult conversation about our differences? By intelligent and well-read people?
Those people are around; just not here.
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking
My grandmother was a Second Wave feminist. She raised three children on her own in the 50's when her alcoholic husband shoved a shotgun in her face.

She had the support of the Catholic Church when she kicked him out, and she never went on any social programs to raise her children while working three jobs. She still fights for women's rights, but she believes men and women have different but equal roles in society. These third wave feminists completely confuse her.

The title is 100% correct. Feminists only want the high paying jobs that men have. You don’t hear them advocating for the dirty shit jobs men do, or the dangerous ones that cause men to be the 90%+ that die at the workplace. Or how about having women get drafted into the military until they make up 50% of the personnel?

Every time you hear a dumb feminist c**t open their yaps about the “pay gap” just remind them of those facts.
The thread proves that many people (men and women alike) stop developing intellectually when they are no longer required to by their school, vocation, etc. It is what gave us Trump; dumb people with voting rights.
If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain
This is why people voted for Bernie (the socialist) Sanders or "I'm with her". These dolts don't want to have to think, so want someone else to do it for them. Thank God, America woke up and smacked these dumbfucks back down for at least 3 or more generations.

The question being - is it still awake?
I'm the only male on my block who knows how to fix shit. So, all of the husbands' wives call me when something breaks.

It's pathetic.

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