CDZ Fellow Conservatives, let's discuss Ben Carson together.

I agree with Carson on many issues but at first figured he would be weeded out. However, he has hung in there and is doing well.

His response to the Oregon shootings has me torn. I hate the hashtag approach but I like that he continues to proclaim his Christianity...

There is no "good" way to respond to that tragedy if you are a politician running for office. You know you will be asked and your answer, no matter what it is, will make one group angry, another satisfied, and still another disappointed.
Of course there's no good way to respond to that or any tragedy if you are a politician running for office. I simply am not a fan of hashtaggery. Maybe it's because twitter is not my cup of tea or maybe it's because I can't get the image of Michelle Obama wearing a phony frowny face holding the sign #bringbackourgirls out of my head. The hashtag thing seems cheap and insincere to me. This post asked for my opinion, I gave it.
I agree with Carson on many issues but at first figured he would be weeded out. However, he has hung in there and is doing well.

His response to the Oregon shootings has me torn. I hate the hashtag approach but I like that he continues to proclaim his Christianity...

There is no "good" way to respond to that tragedy if you are a politician running for office. You know you will be asked and your answer, no matter what it is, will make one group angry, another satisfied, and still another disappointed.
Of course there's no good way to respond to that or any tragedy if you are a politician running for office. I simply am not a fan of hashtaggery. Maybe it's because twitter is not my cup of tea or maybe it's because I can't get the image of Michelle Obama wearing a phony frowny face holding the sign #bringbackourgirls out of my head. The hashtag thing seems cheap and insincere to me. This post asked for my opinion, I gave it.

I agree. In fact we used to call that kind of thing Slacktivism. You look like you are doing something, like you care, but you didn't. It's like those ribbon stickers on cars. Most people got them for next to nothing and that's all they did was to put a sticker on their car. Slacktivism.
As incredible as it seems to intelligent and logical people, there are actually people who agree with these totally wacko things he has said.

Be aware the link is from AlterNet. My hope is that his fans can either respond to what he said or prove he didn't really say it cuz folks, the last thing we want in the WH is someone who is THIS clueless.

Ben Carson's Follies: 7 of the Most Stupefying Statements by the GOP's Favorite Neurosurgeon

i think you meant barry...
I like Ben Carson. He has done more to impress me than any other candidate at this point. He has taken the #2 spot from Walker in my personal considerations. Cruz remains my #1 and who I will vote for if he is still running when the primary gets to my state. The man stands up for what he believes in regardless of the pressure and I admire that in him. He is the strongest principled conservative in the field and I am 100% committed to supporting his candidacy.

That said, Carson slips into #2 for much of the same reasons. The only area I think Cruz has an advantage is, Cruz understands how dirty the left plays. He is going to be more prepared for the level of nastiness yet to ensue... and believe me, it's coming.

Carson, I think, takes a bad rap for being "timid" has been pointed out here. I don't think the man is timid... watch the Prayer Breakfast dressing down of Obama with Obama sitting right beside him... that's not someone who is timid. Carson, like many highly-intelligent people, speaks in a manner that is very reserved and contemplative. I see a lot of that same attribute in Carly Fiorina. It's not timidity as much as a reserve or patience. When you think about it in those terms, it's actually a great attribute for a leader to have.

Here is where I think Carson has something very special... It's his story. When you learn about his upbringing, it is inspiring, especially for African-American people. He came from relative poverty to become one of the world's most renown neurosurgeons. All along the way, using the core philosophies of conservatism. He is not some politician born into a life of privilege, trying to convey a philosophy he can't relate to and doesn't really grasp... he is speaking from the heart, relaying his own experiences and providing the living example of the philosophy he speaks of. This is very powerful and compelling.
I like Ben Carson. He has done more to impress me than any other candidate at this point. He has taken the #2 spot from Walker in my personal considerations. Cruz remains my #1 and who I will vote for if he is still running when the primary gets to my state. The man stands up for what he believes in regardless of the pressure and I admire that in him. He is the strongest principled conservative in the field and I am 100% committed to supporting his candidacy.

That said, Carson slips into #2 for much of the same reasons. The only area I think Cruz has an advantage is, Cruz understands how dirty the left plays. He is going to be more prepared for the level of nastiness yet to ensue... and believe me, it's coming.

Carson, I think, takes a bad rap for being "timid" has been pointed out here. I don't think the man is timid... watch the Prayer Breakfast dressing down of Obama with Obama sitting right beside him... that's not someone who is timid. Carson, like many highly-intelligent people, speaks in a manner that is very reserved and contemplative. I see a lot of that same attribute in Carly Fiorina. It's not timidity as much as a reserve or patience. When you think about it in those terms, it's actually a great attribute for a leader to have.

Here is where I think Carson has something very special... It's his story. When you learn about his upbringing, it is inspiring, especially for African-American people. He came from relative poverty to become one of the world's most renown neurosurgeons. All along the way, using the core philosophies of conservatism. He is not some politician born into a life of privilege, trying to convey a philosophy he can't relate to and doesn't really grasp... he is speaking from the heart, relaying his own experiences and providing the living example of the philosophy he speaks of. This is very powerful and compelling.

Well said. I agree. Cruz is my guy right now as well.
He and his wife were on Fox and Friends this morning. He must have taken speaking lessons as he is speaking more forcefully. He's got a new book out and was fun and engaging. Rubio also showed up to the curvy couch and was very good. Either makes obama look like the hack he is.
A brilliant neurosurgeon and great American. Obama is just Al Sharpton after speech lessons.
There really is no comparison between Dr. Carson and Obama. Obama is a lying con man, nothing more.
I am not a cuckservative. Yet, why not reply?

Ben Carson = Herman Cain version 2.0

Another affirmative action candidate (The old grey mare, Carly, is the other). Check out his actual history at Johns Hopkins... turns out he was actually a horrible "doctor" subject to a steady stream of malpractice suites that are only found in the bottom 20% of doctors. He mangles children... then takes credit for the work that consists of teams of 100's of people (of course, only when the team succeeds).
And now the cuckservatives want to show yet again how "not racist" they are.

For crying out loud! the guy is obviously high, probably on self prescribed painkillers, in all the debates!

Thinking an affirmative action "doctor" is presidential material is no different than thinking a "community organizer" is.

Now I'll grant you, I am prejudiced against "doctors"... they kill people and get a lot of money for it...Or they simply sign their name and get a lot of money.

Nurses and Paramedics are the people who actually save lives.
I'd vote for a Nurse, Paramedic or Military Surgeon before I'd ever vote for a parasite "doctor".
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