Feinstein Next After Burr Stock Scandal Take-Down: FBI Asks Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein For Documents About Her Husband’s Stock Trades


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

"In March, news broke that Republican senators Richard Burr, Kelly Loeffler, Ron Johnson and Jim Inhofe sold significant stock shares following a January 24th meeting on the Coronavirus threat.

As predicted, it wasn’t just Republicans.

Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein of California was also connected to suspicious stock trades.

Feinstein’s husband, Richard Blum sold his shares in Allogene Therapeutics Inc, a biotech company, and made between $1.5 million and $6 million before the Coronavirus stock market spiral.

Feinstein claims she had nothing to do with her husband’s stock trades."

You know, I actually believe her. The Feinsteins have made their massive fortune over the years being tied at the hip with the Chicoms (as shown by her facilitation of Chicom espionage for decades being revealed shows).

I would not be surprised to find out that Xi warned her husband that the proverbial shit was about to ht the global fan and to sell, sell, sell....

Perhaps the FBI should request they turn over their cell phones and computers as well.....

Only Burr will go under and probably Feinstein(as she is a democrat)
why Burr:
Tuesday's bipartisan report, from a panel chaired by North Carolina Republican Richard Burr, undercuts Trump's years of efforts to portray allegations of Kremlin assistance to his campaign as a "hoax," driven by Democrats and a “deep state” embedded within the government bureaucracy.


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