Feeling sorry for employers who claim they can't find workers

That's great for you. I enjoy waking up and relaxing now. A little fishing. Time at the hunting cabin. Cross country skiing. For most retirement brings total satisfaction.
i love it ...local places are having to post their wages ....now hiring at 12 an hour etc...love it....force them to reveal the pay rate and force them to raise it
I have zero vested interest in jobs anymore. Yes people don't enjoy working in a paper mill. So who cares if they do or don't? I'm just discussing starting wages. 26.75 is decent. Not great but with the benefits is ok.

Not great? I have only made a figure approaching that once in a lifetime, with a Master's degree and 15 years experience. My God man, shut up and salvage what little self respect you have left!
I'm just discussing. No need for me to shut up. There's always many viewpoints.
The worst day in retirement beats the best day of work. Spare the love. Most workers tolerate their jobs. Some really like them. But most deal with them.
You're an idiot. I loved my career. When I retired I did nothing for two years...got bored to tears and decided to do something with the rest of my life. Now I'm a golf professional. I love my job. Look forward to going to work every day.
There is no way I could do nothing either. I've worked for myself and brought in way more money than working for someone else... But... I got bored between jobs. Fuck that.
It depends on the person I guess. I don't miss the god awful rat race but maybe some do. I prefer my hunting cabin. Quiet. Peaceful.
It depends on the person I guess. I don't miss the god awful rat race but maybe some do. I prefer my hunting cabin. Quiet. Peaceful.
Men in my family die young ( well, before retirement ). There is a really good chance I'll never get to retire. I'll just keel over, quick... Heart attack. Frankly... I'm good with that.
You will make it. Take care of yourself. Avoid all fast food and you will be relaxing wherever you want to be someday.
You will make it. Take care of yourself. Avoid all fast food and you will be relaxing wherever you want to be someday.
Nono... I would prefer the heart attack. I can't handle being bored.
If employers can't match the govt then they shouldn't hire. Easy call.
Nope. Got to beat the government offer by far. The government money, you don't have to work for or put up with management rules or time clocks. Matching won't cut it.
If employers can't match the govt then they shouldn't hire. Easy call.
So nonprofits that can't afford to pay
should just expect people to work for free?

Very small restaurants that need time to grow their customer base, they don't deserve to start up or exist? if they can't afford to advertise like BIGGER corporate chains that can hire people and keep the them on payroll while business is still low?

You sound like you don't care if BIG Corporations wipe out all the smaller businesses that can't afford these policies.

I posted one example of a security guard business that would have to fire people if the minimum wage went up, the clients couldn't afford the higher costs, and people would lose their jobs.

I will look for it, and post it here.
Maybe you need real life examples to understand these rates cannot be "artifically" changed by govt without causing negative consequences as the opposite effects than intended.

(Please see real case scenario attached)

When you give your example of your company paying 17+ an hour, you can CHOOSE to do that without govt forcing it. You aren't affected adversely because you can operate anyway.

But you are discriminating and damaging companies that need more workers to divide up lighter less paid work in order to operate. Not all businesses are the same. Not all regions of the country and markets are the same.

It causes Disasters to legislate for the whole country instead of solving problems case by case. See below for real life case that doesn't work like your workplace does!


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Time to replace them with robots. I mean it can't be that expensive.
That statement is the only true thing you've said. Careful what you wish for moron, you are very close to being priced out of a job. Robots don't complain about wages, health care, no retirement, disability, sick leave, vacation, ss, unemployment, lawsuits... If I was an employer in today's market I definitely would automate.
Find a job that pays higher wages. A good painter here makes $72 per hour. He has work for the next 2 years and is discussing raising his rate.
Not feeling one ounce of sorrow. Nothing. Notta. Can't find workers look in the mirror for the reason.
What a great example of ignorance. As well as a shining example of how well misinformation is lapped up by the willing.
Companies have money running out of their ears, right??
Business owners are all a bunch of misers living lives of luxury and laughing at all the little people - right??

How morons like this dolt think business owners live:


How small business owners ACTUALLY live:


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