Feds and Militias stand off over cattle seizures.


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
That's right, the Government has sent armed thugs to seize cattle in Nevada, and the currently unfolding standoff is the only barrier to further wildly arbitrary and unreasonable seizure of the remaining cattle.

Militias head to Nevada rancher's standoff with feds: We're not 'afraid to shoot' - Washington Times

government over grazing rights has heated to the point where militia groups have joined in and taken up spots against the feds who’ve circled his land — and talk is, they’re not afraid to open fire.

A spokesman for the one of the militia groups said as much to local 8 News Now: I’m not “afraid to shoot,” he said.

Read more: Militias head to Nevada rancher's standoff with feds: We're not 'afraid to shoot' - Washington Times
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Check your ammo stores and supplies and ensure your weapon is well regulated and in working order, because this could be the start of a very long and bloody episode in American history.

53 other ranchers have been driven out or into bankruptcy , the Bundy's are the last family standing.

I read the BLM has already run 50 other cattle ranchers out of business in that area. It looks like this is about way more than grazing fees. Follow the money. I bet the money leads to a handful of corporations and the elected people they paid off. This is government theft and it will not go unanswered , this is the government the second amendment was written to address.
[MENTION=19484]The T[/MENTION] [MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION]
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That's right, the Government has sent armed thugs to seize cattle in Nevada, and the currently unfolding standoff is the only barrier to further wildly arbitrary and unreasonable seizure of the remaining cattle.

Militias head to Nevada rancher's standoff with feds: We're not 'afraid to shoot' - Washington Times

government over grazing rights has heated to the point where militia groups have joined in and taken up spots against the feds who’ve circled his land — and talk is, they’re not afraid to open fire.

A spokesman for the one of the militia groups said as much to local 8 News Now: I’m not “afraid to shoot,” he said.

Read more: Militias head to Nevada rancher's standoff with feds: We're not 'afraid to shoot' - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Check your ammo stores and supplies and ensure your weapon is well regulated and in working order, because this could be the start of a very long and bloody episode in American history.

I'm sure you hope "this could be the start of a very long and bloody episode in American history", as you hide behind your keyboard. I hope you don't fly our flag and consider yourself a patriot, you're not. Of course not having the balls to act out your anti American convictions, you remain safe to spread vile rhetoric polluting the Internet from your keyboard.
I'm sure you hope "this could be the start of a very long and bloody episode in American history", as you hide behind your keyboard. I hope you don't fly our flag and consider yourself a patriot, you're not. Of course not having the balls to act out your anti American convictions, you remain safe to spread vile rhetoric polluting the Internet from your keyboard.

Ok you Loyalist-Redcoat.


Apparently it's you guys that hope there is an exchange of gunfire, since you're the pushing us to these extremes. You're the violators, the usurpers and the tyrants. We're the sufferings serfs and peasants.
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That's right, the Government has sent armed thugs to seize cattle in Nevada, and the currently unfolding standoff is the only barrier to further wildly arbitrary and unreasonable seizure of the remaining cattle.

Militias head to Nevada rancher's standoff with feds: We're not 'afraid to shoot' - Washington Times

government over grazing rights has heated to the point where militia groups have joined in and taken up spots against the feds who’ve circled his land — and talk is, they’re not afraid to open fire.

A spokesman for the one of the militia groups said as much to local 8 News Now: I’m not “afraid to shoot,” he said.

Read more: Militias head to Nevada rancher's standoff with feds: We're not 'afraid to shoot' - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Check your ammo stores and supplies and ensure your weapon is well regulated and in working order, because this could be the start of a very long and bloody episode in American history.

53 other ranchers have been driven out or into bankruptcy , the Bundy's are the last family standing.

I read the BLM has already run 50 other cattle ranchers out of business in that area. It looks like this is about way more than grazing fees. Follow the money. I bet the money leads to a handful of corporations and the elected people they paid off. This is government theft and it will not go unanswered , this is the government the second amendment was written to address.
[MENTION=19484]The T[/MENTION] [MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION]

The money trail leads straight to Harry Reid and the deal he made with China to open a solar panel plant on that land.
I don't think the American people are going to be very happy with the Feds if they go all in here.

This may not end well

How big is Bundy's ranch? A few hundred square miles of land, or something like that? Do you really want to call him a "serf" or a "peasant"?
I would like to see this end welfare ranching once and for all and you can bet others who are on public lands illegally are watching this unfold.

Not surprising that the unAmerican rw's are buying ammo and hiding under their beds. Idiots.
How is he being bullied? By being told he has to remove his cattle from public lands?? He owes between $300k and $1 million in grazing fees.

And the feds are not at the Bundy ranch. They are at the public lands to remove the cattle that a federal judge ordered Bundy to remove from public lands in 1998!
That's right, the Government has sent armed thugs to seize cattle in Nevada, and the currently unfolding standoff is the only barrier to further wildly arbitrary and unreasonable seizure of the remaining cattle.

Militias head to Nevada rancher's standoff with feds: We're not 'afraid to shoot' - Washington Times

government over grazing rights has heated to the point where militia groups have joined in and taken up spots against the feds who’ve circled his land — and talk is, they’re not afraid to open fire.

A spokesman for the one of the militia groups said as much to local 8 News Now: I’m not “afraid to shoot,” he said.

Read more: Militias head to Nevada rancher's standoff with feds: We're not 'afraid to shoot' - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Check your ammo stores and supplies and ensure your weapon is well regulated and in working order, because this could be the start of a very long and bloody episode in American history.

I'm sure you hope "this could be the start of a very long and bloody episode in American history", as you hide behind your keyboard. I hope you don't fly our flag and consider yourself a patriot, you're not. Of course not having the balls to act out your anti American convictions, you remain safe to spread vile rhetoric polluting the Internet from your keyboard.
And just exactly WHERE are YOU hiding, you nasty little filthy DOG TURD. The only reason you have any guts is hold all your SHIT.

When law enforcement no longer follows the law... THERE IS NO LAW!

The breaking news is DINGY COCK SUCKER HARRY REID is behind this UNLAWFUL land grab.
I would like to see this end welfare ranching once and for all and you can bet others who are on public lands illegally are watching this unfold.

Not surprising that the unAmerican rw's are buying ammo and hiding under their beds. Idiots.

This is what you get when government attains unlimited power. It is happening with regularity these days.

You might want to recognize that a huge percentage of the western states are OWNED by the federal government. And...who owns the federal government?
How is he being bullied? By being told he has to remove his cattle from public lands?? He owes between $300k and $1 million in grazing fees.

And the feds are not at the Bundy ranch. They are at the public lands to remove the cattle that a federal judge ordered Bundy to remove from public lands in 1998!

BULL SHIT... his family has grazed that land since the early 1800's! He's being BULLIED off it for some BULL SHIT reason, the DESSERT TORTOISE, which in fact is THRIVING in spite of the cattle grazing, and the FED's have even KILLED SOME THEM. So he's being PUSHED off that land by government BULLYING and BULL SHIT, and it's coming from that slimy little PUSS BALL dingy Harry who purportedly wants the land for some SOLAR FARM.

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I would like to see this end welfare ranching once and for all and you can bet others who are on public lands illegally are watching this unfold.

Not surprising that the unAmerican rw's are buying ammo and hiding under their beds. Idiots.

This is what you get when government attains unlimited power. It is happening with regularity these days.

You might want to recognize that a huge percentage of the western states are OWNED by the federal government. And...who owns the federal government?

I would like to see this end welfare ranching once and for all and you can bet others who are on public lands illegally are watching this unfold.

Not surprising that the unAmerican rw's are buying ammo and hiding under their beds. Idiots.

I bet you made that remarkable statement on a full stomache
Feds and Militias stand off over cattle seizures.
BWAH HA HA! Now cons use the word "militias" for their terrorism. Al Qaeda by any other name.....

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