Federal officer whose gun was used to kill Kate Steinle? Can't be held responsible for illegal use of that gun. Buh Bye lawsuits against gun owners.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Anti-gun extremists have been having fantasies about arresting, prosecuting, locking up and generally destroying the lives of normal gun owners....

They couldn't care less about actual criminals with long histories of crime and violence......

But the thought of punishing a law abiding citizen for the sin of owning, and.......(shrieking) Carrying a gun....now that gets them excited......

This ruling by the 9th circuit, the looney court...may end those sexual fantasies...

The U.S. government can’t be held liable for the death of Kate Steinle on a San Francisco pier based on a federal ranger’s negligent storage of a gun that was stolen and used to shoot her, a Ninth Circuit panel ruled Tuesday.
Steinle was killed by a bullet that ricocheted off a concrete walkway and struck her in the back on Pier 14 in San Francisco on July 1, 2015.
In 2020, a federal judge found the U.S. government could not be held legally responsible for the 32-year-old woman's death.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Joseph Spero cited the lack of a direct connection between the theft of a pistol from a federal ranger’s car and the shooting that occurred four days later and half a mile away.

In arguments before a three-judge Ninth Circuit panel last month, a lawyer for Steinle’s parents argued U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) ranger John Woychowski had a duty under California law to safeguard his firearm. His actions “created a risk of harm” for Steinle, attorney Valerie McGinty said.
In a 12-page opinion issued Tuesday, a three-judge Ninth Circuit panel refused to accept that argument. The panel affirmed Judge Spero’s January 2020 decision granting the U.S. government’s motion for summary judgment.
“We conclude that the connection between Woychowski’s storage of the pistol in his vehicle and Ms. Steinle’s death is so remote that, as a matter of law, Woychowski’s acts were not the proximate or legal cause of the fatal incident,” U.S. Ninth Circuit Judge Susan Graber, a Bill Clinton appointee, wrote for the three-judge panel.

Joe131.....I know you are out there...you are the one guy with the biggest fantasies on this......
It would be stupid if they did allow the officer to be held liable. If that were the new precedent, anybody who had a firearm stolen would be held to the same liability if their weapon was used in a murder.

It's understandable how the family would want somebody to take responsibility since some judge found the killer not guilty of the murder, but perhaps they should be suing the state and sanctuary city where the crime took place since he was a five times deported illegal that kept returning until it led to this murder. Who knows? He might have never left this country until this day.
It would be stupid if they did allow the officer to be held liable. If that were the new precedent, anybody who had a firearm stolen would be held to the same liability if their weapon was used in a murder.

It's understandable how the family would want somebody to take responsibility since some judge found the killer not guilty of the murder, but perhaps they should be suing the state and sanctuary city where the crime took place since he was a five times deported illegal that kept returning until it led to this murder. Who knows? He might have never left this country until this day.

Yep...but this is the fever dream of gun grabber like joe131.......they know that if they can sue gun makers, and gun stores, they can cripple gun ownership.
I blame the lawyer who took the case for the parents and told them such a stupid idea might work.

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