Federal Judge Blocks Obama Drilling Moratorium

Bobby can't do anything right. He had an entire extra week to run a pipe that should have only taken him five days. Prolly back in the office sending out whining press releases and couldn't be bothered.

Moving on to another argument now that your first line of attack failed. Hold them to their own agreement? Perhaps conditions or circumstances have changed and warrant the current actions. They are more than a little busy in the governor's office. The federal is busy trying to destroy the oil industry in LA, or hadn't you heard?
I haven't changed my argument. Jindall is once again blaming someone else for his own ineptitude.

Trying to slip away huh? At first, you said they needed to move the operation because it was going to ruin the barrier islands. That was not proven by your source, so then you went with Jindall had agreed to move the dredging operation. So, maybe he changed his mind. By the way, his "ineptitude" is resulting in an improved barrier to oil destroying habitat. You might have an issue with policy, but the results are worth considering.
Bobby can't do anything right. He had an entire extra week to run a pipe that should have only taken him five days. Prolly back in the office sending out whining press releases and couldn't be bothered.

Moving on to another argument now that your first line of attack failed. Hold them to their own agreement? Perhaps conditions or circumstances have changed and warrant the current actions. They are more than a little busy in the governor's office. The federal is busy trying to destroy the oil industry in LA, or hadn't you heard?
I haven't changed my argument. Jindall is once again blaming someone else for his own ineptitude.

He must be learning from Obama.
Moving on to another argument now that your first line of attack failed. Hold them to their own agreement? Perhaps conditions or circumstances have changed and warrant the current actions. They are more than a little busy in the governor's office. The federal is busy trying to destroy the oil industry in LA, or hadn't you heard?
I haven't changed my argument. Jindall is once again blaming someone else for his own ineptitude.

Trying to slip away huh? At first, you said they needed to move the operation because it was going to ruin the barrier islands. That was not proven by your source, so then you went with Jindall had agreed to move the dredging operation. So, maybe he changed his mind. By the way, his "ineptitude" is resulting in an improved barrier to oil destroying habitat. You might have an issue with policy, but the results are worth considering.
No...they were told not to dredge where they were dredging because there is a very good chance it will cause more harm than good. Jindall knew this and was given two deadlines to move the dredging operation. He did nothing...now he's whining that his lack of effort is the fault of someone else.
They were told to move the dredging elsewhere, they are not being told they cannot dredge or build the berms.

Jindall will meltdown about this for days instead of just dredging elsewhere.
And why are they being told to dredge elsewhere? To protect the environment! Armageddon in an oil can is bearing down on them, and they worry about a thin strip that may minimize acres if not miles of damage. Their sense of priority and propriety is all out of whack. 7 days to reset up and what kind of damage will this have? Will it render the whole operation moot? Could.

Micromanagement once again from on high destroys another community and nature.
You don't protect the environment by destroying the environment. IIRC, they were told not to dredge there to begin with.
I'd dig small swaths and holes to save the vast hectares threatened by a greater threat. A strip dredged recovers far faster than a deadzone for miles.

Indeed. And 3-4 pages later, not a single "drill baby drill" con has acknowledged this profound conflict of interest. Typical.

Think this doesn't matter? Look what happened in the Microsoft anti-trust decision. After hearing all the evidence and all the argument was over, but before the decision was published, the judge was interviewed and called the Microsoft executives a bunch of criminals.

The judge was removed from the case and a new trial ordered. Even though the judge had seen all the facts and made a judgment based on them, since it wasn't the official judgment, the court of appeals said he was biased.

This judge will, and should, be found biased based on his stock ownership. This decision will likely be overturned and he may be brought before a judicial review board.

Now then, seismology at the Macondo Prospect asserted 50-70 million barrels. Can someone here explain to the forum how 3 days worth of U.S. consumption, which is what we're talking about here under Deepwater Horizon, is worth drilling at these depths? Trying to understand.

At what point does this government ACT on the fact that they've admitted global oil depletion is real, and get serious about the New Deal required for alternatives? Probably never, as we "must keep feeding the beast," right?
Democrats, the party of just say slow. Not sure what military strategy to pursue? Take your time. Have an environmental disaster? Make sure you follow every rule in the book before responding.

Indeed. And 3-4 pages later, not a single "drill baby drill" con has acknowledged this profound conflict of interest. Typical.

Think this doesn't matter? Look what happened in the Microsoft anti-trust decision. After hearing all the evidence and all the argument was over, but before the decision was published, the judge was interviewed and called the Microsoft executives a bunch of criminals.

The judge was removed from the case and a new trial ordered. Even though the judge had seen all the facts and made a judgment based on them, since it wasn't the official judgment, the court of appeals said he was biased.

This judge will, and should, be found biased based on his stock ownership. This decision will likely be overturned and he may be brought before a judicial review board.

Now then, seismology at the Macondo Prospect asserted 50-70 million barrels. Can someone here explain to the forum how 3 days worth of U.S. consumption, which is what we're talking about here under Deepwater Horizon, is worth drilling at these depths? Trying to understand.

At what point does this government ACT on the fact that they've admitted global oil depletion is real, and get serious about the New Deal required for alternatives? Probably never, as we "must keep feeding the beast," right?

But, But, but, isn't what the Anti-Christ has to say more important?????

George Soros
I think the primary responsibility of our government should be to protect it's citizens from all enemies, foreign and domestic. That does include protecting us from corporate abuse and government abuse.

Ravi, there is a documentary on HBO, "Gasland" directed by Josh Fox, released 2010. You must check this out. Seeing is believing. ;)

Indeed. And 3-4 pages later, not a single "drill baby drill" con has acknowledged this profound conflict of interest. Typical.

Think this doesn't matter? Look what happened in the Microsoft anti-trust decision. After hearing all the evidence and all the argument was over, but before the decision was published, the judge was interviewed and called the Microsoft executives a bunch of criminals.

The judge was removed from the case and a new trial ordered. Even though the judge had seen all the facts and made a judgment based on them, since it wasn't the official judgment, the court of appeals said he was biased.

This judge will, and should, be found biased based on his stock ownership. This decision will likely be overturned and he may be brought before a judicial review board.

Now then, seismology at the Macondo Prospect asserted 50-70 million barrels. Can someone here explain to the forum how 3 days worth of U.S. consumption, which is what we're talking about here under Deepwater Horizon, is worth drilling at these depths? Trying to understand.

At what point does this government ACT on the fact that they've admitted global oil depletion is real, and get serious about the New Deal required for alternatives? Probably never, as we "must keep feeding the beast," right?

Try reading the entire thread before looking like a fool.


Indeed. And 3-4 pages later, not a single "drill baby drill" con has acknowledged this profound conflict of interest. Typical.

Think this doesn't matter? Look what happened in the Microsoft anti-trust decision. After hearing all the evidence and all the argument was over, but before the decision was published, the judge was interviewed and called the Microsoft executives a bunch of criminals.

The judge was removed from the case and a new trial ordered. Even though the judge had seen all the facts and made a judgment based on them, since it wasn't the official judgment, the court of appeals said he was biased.

This judge will, and should, be found biased based on his stock ownership. This decision will likely be overturned and he may be brought before a judicial review board.

Now then, seismology at the Macondo Prospect asserted 50-70 million barrels. Can someone here explain to the forum how 3 days worth of U.S. consumption, which is what we're talking about here under Deepwater Horizon, is worth drilling at these depths? Trying to understand.

At what point does this government ACT on the fact that they've admitted global oil depletion is real, and get serious about the New Deal required for alternatives? Probably never, as we "must keep feeding the beast," right?

Try reading the entire thread before looking like a fool.


actually, sunshine... see where i linked to a post on page 7 and said "3-4 pages later?" ... your comment was page 4. Regardless, yours is the only sentence acknowledging a blatant conflict of interest by the party of situational ethics.

Hardly surprising.
let me know when judicial activism, conflicts of interest and ruling by decree by the 'left' appoints a president of the U.S.

it's so good to know you people couldn't care less about this country and it's all about *your* rightwingnuttiness.


That the anti judicial branch nuts on the right would pivot 180 on news of this ruling will stand as the most easily predicted event of the week.
Live by judicial activism, die by judicial activism.

Sucks to be you.

You know, for a guy like you whose situation depends on a judiciary to protect you from that so-called tyranny of the majority, you have an odd contempt for that same judiciary.
To continue doing something that you know you can't fix if it goes wrong, and you know the consequences of what can go wrong are inevitable massive devastation,

is simply insane.
Indeed. And 3-4 pages later, not a single "drill baby drill" con has acknowledged this profound conflict of interest. Typical.

Think this doesn't matter? Look what happened in the Microsoft anti-trust decision. After hearing all the evidence and all the argument was over, but before the decision was published, the judge was interviewed and called the Microsoft executives a bunch of criminals.

The judge was removed from the case and a new trial ordered. Even though the judge had seen all the facts and made a judgment based on them, since it wasn't the official judgment, the court of appeals said he was biased.

This judge will, and should, be found biased based on his stock ownership. This decision will likely be overturned and he may be brought before a judicial review board.

Now then, seismology at the Macondo Prospect asserted 50-70 million barrels. Can someone here explain to the forum how 3 days worth of U.S. consumption, which is what we're talking about here under Deepwater Horizon, is worth drilling at these depths? Trying to understand.

At what point does this government ACT on the fact that they've admitted global oil depletion is real, and get serious about the New Deal required for alternatives? Probably never, as we "must keep feeding the beast," right?

Try reading the entire thread before looking like a fool.


actually, sunshine... see where i linked to a post on page 7 and said "3-4 pages later?" ... your comment was page 4. Regardless, yours is the only sentence acknowledging a blatant conflict of interest by the party of situational ethics.

Hardly surprising.
Funny, I didn't think Ollie was a liberal. Ohhhh ohh... this is reverso day? Noo... that can't be right.

:::snaps fingers::: that's right! You're projecting your habits of relativism onto your enemies to obfuscate your behavior.
Funny, I didn't think Ollie was a liberal. Ohhhh ohh... this is reverso day? Noo... that can't be right.

:::snaps fingers::: that's right! You're projecting your habits of relativism onto your enemies to obfuscate your behavior.

Speaking of situational ethics and obfuscation, by acknowledging me here, you just confirmed your last post in the shale thread was complete bunk, and you had nothing to say because your argument is bankrupt.

Anyhow, no... When i refer to the party of situational ethics, I'm most definitely referring to the GOP. Run along now.

Do let us know when you can tell the forum how you're right, and the DoE, Pentagon and IEA are all wrong regarding imminent global oil depletion. Surely, you're smarter than all the collective minds at those entities.
Several companies that ferry people important supplies and provide other services to offshore drilling rigs asked U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman in New Orleans to overturn the moratorium.

They argued it was arbitrarily imposed after the April 20 explosion on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig that killed 11 workers and blew out the well 5,000 feet underwater. It has spewed anywhere from 67 million to 127 million gallons of oil into the gulf

Judge blocks Gulf offshore drilling moratorium - Yahoo! News

And the companies are RIGHT. Obama is using this spill as an excuse for his agenda and is imposing that agenda regardless of who it effects or harms.

BP is not the only company effected by this ban.

They didn't ban all oil shipping after the Exxon Valdez! Why ban ALL oil drilling?
How large a body-count would it take, for the 'Baggers to show a little-more concern for those folks who do the drilling???

You folks would have to do some serious-praying for additional recovery-ships, as well.

Face the facts.....Bobby Jindal is every-bit the LIAR Porky Limbaugh is!!!

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