February 23 Day of Defender of the Fatherland in Russia


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
23 February Day of Defender of the Fatherland in Russia/February 23 Day of Defender of the Fatherland in Russia
The modern Day of Defender of the Fatherland appeared in 2002. Since then, the holiday has received the status of an official day off and has become not only a professional day for persons liable for military duty directly related to the army, but also for all those who protect, defend or will only defend the country.

I hope Litwin and other haters of Russian folk will enjoy watching this great video


Adding my congratulation to all men who celebrate this wonderful holiday in all Kievan Rus (Russia+Ukraine+Belarus) and our countrymen abroad!
According to the Gusski Fifth Column the holiday should be abolished.

According to post-coup Ukrainski as well.

Ukraine becames a country of insanity. Too sad.
Not all Ukraine, only those who allowed the local rulers (Deep State puppets) to wash their brains.

Putin : "Any integration of Russia and Ukraine, along with their capacities and competitive advantages would spell the emergence of a rival, a global rival for both Europe and the world. No one wants this. That's why they'll do anything to tear us apart,".

"Those who took power pursued their self-interests. And what were they? Not even to get more from robbing the Ukrainian people blind, but hold on to what they had previously stolen. That was the main objective. So, where’s the cold hard cash? Pardon my slang, where is the money? In foreign banks," he emphasized.

Putin stressed that the owners of the foreign accounts were keen "to show that they are serving those who hold that money." Hence, the only thing that they trade in is Russophobia.

Episode 2 of the video interview is available at 20 questions with Vladimir Putin. TASS Special Project. First time-ever video interview online

Putin says Russia, Ukraine torn apart to prevent major rival from emerging
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Ukraine becames a country of insanity. Too sad.
Not all Ukraine, only those who allowed the local rulers (Deep State puppets) to wash their brains.

Putin : "Any integration of Russia and Ukraine, along with their capacities and competitive advantages would spell the emergence of a rival, a global rival for both Europe and the world. No one wants this. That's why they'll do anything to tear us apart,".

"Those who took power pursued their self-interests. And what were they? Not even to get more from robbing the Ukrainian people blind, but hold on to what they had previously stolen. That was the main objective. So, where’s the cold hard cash? Pardon my slang, where is the money? In foreign banks," he emphasized.

Putin stressed that the owners of the foreign accounts were keen "to show that they are serving those who hold that money." Hence, the only thing that they trade in is Russophobia.

Episode 2 of the video interview is available at 20 questions with Vladimir Putin. TASS Special Project. First time-ever video interview online

Putin says Russia, Ukraine torn apart to prevent major rival from emerging

You're right, I agree with you.
23 February Day of Defender of the Fatherland in Russia/February 23 Day of Defender of the Fatherland in Russia
The modern Day of Defender of the Fatherland appeared in 2002. Since then, the holiday has received the status of an official day off and has become not only a professional day for persons liable for military duty directly related to the army, but also for all those who protect, defend or will only defend the country.

I hope Litwin and other haters of Russian folk will enjoy watching this great video

Adding my congratulation to all men who celebrate this wonderful holiday in all Kievan Rus (Russia+Ukraine+Belarus) and our countrymen abroad!

Vatniks happy "23 February Day of Defender of the Fatherland" with Love from Chechnya , by the way who won the second CW?

vatnik - Wiktionary
en.wiktionary.org › wiki › vatnik

Översätt den här sidan
Borrowed from Russian (vátnik, “quilted jacket”). ... vatnik (plural vatniks or vatniki) ... Vatnik is a person who is dumb and blindly loves his Motherland.
English · ‎Synonyms
vatnik - Wiktionary
.. Vatnik is a person who is dumb and blindly loves his Motherland.
Well, according to your own description you are half-vatnik just because you are dumb. However I have great news for you:
  1. Nobody on USMB cares about products of the sick minds’ of your brainwashed and hateful Ukrainian buddies, troll.
  2. People on USMB seem neither care about Ukraine nor about your idiotic posts. Tell those who pay you that you are waste of their money.
vatnik - Wiktionary
.. Vatnik is a person who is dumb and blindly loves his Motherland.
Well, according to your own description you are half-vatnik just because you are dumb. However I have great news for you:
  1. Nobody on USMB cares about products of the sick minds’ of your brainwashed and hateful Ukrainian buddies, troll.
  2. People on USMB seem neither care about Ukraine nor about your idiotic posts. Tell those who pay you that you are waste of their money.

Litwin is mentally ill and dumb.
No wonder Ukrainians have chosen him for spamming all forums with their Ukrainian BS. However, I don't see to much attention for them from Americans, they are too busy with their interior problems.
vatnik - Wiktionary
.. Vatnik is a person who is dumb and blindly loves his Motherland.
Well, according to your own description you are half-vatnik just because you are dumb. However I have great news for you:
  1. Nobody on USMB cares about products of the sick minds’ of your brainwashed and hateful Ukrainian buddies, troll.
  2. People on USMB seem neither care about Ukraine nor about your idiotic posts. Tell those who pay you that you are waste of their money.

Litwin is mentally ill and dumb.
No wonder Ukrainians have chosen him for spamming all forums with their Ukrainian BS. However, I don't see to much attention for them from Americans, they are too busy with their interior problems.

The keep him as the forum jester

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