sure let's have one. 85% of americans have insurance, what's your issue? I thought obammy care covered the other 15% what happened? almost nine years now.

It didn't, it only closed the gap. Now the number of uninsured is spiking up. Millions do not have insurance.
what the fk does that even mean? dude, nice pretzel routine.

It's not complicated. When Obama was president due to the ACA the number of uninsured went down. That number is now going up.

Because all of the sudden under Trump people across the land are deciding they don't want to be insured. Of course that's complete bullshit.

Before the individual mandate was struck down:
isn't that their right to not want to be insured? why does that bother you? wow, amazing.
I know, Finland is so scary.
it is?

According to you guys who claim so called 'socialism' has failed everywhere.
how are they socialists exactly? they are as captialist as us.

Hey, now you're catching on.

Their healthcare is publicly funded. Not just like us.
we have medicare, and we have the VA, you're confused as usual.

We don't have it for most Americans, unlike Finland who insures everyone. That you guys insist would make us all communists or whatever.
sure let's have one. 85% of americans have insurance, what's your issue? I thought obammy care covered the other 15% what happened? almost nine years now.

It didn't, it only closed the gap. Now the number of uninsured is spiking up. Millions do not have insurance.
what the fk does that even mean? dude, nice pretzel routine.

It's not complicated. When Obama was president due to the ACA the number of uninsured went down. That number is now going up.

Because all of the sudden under Trump people across the land are deciding they don't want to be insured. Of course that's complete bullshit.

Before the individual mandate was struck down:
Some people don't want to be dictated to like Communist Regimes dictate to their people.

They might do cost sharing, or join a collective. It's none of The Government's business what kind of Health Insurance people buy or if they chose to buy none at all.

According to you guys who claim so called 'socialism' has failed everywhere.
how are they socialists exactly? they are as captialist as us.

Hey, now you're catching on.

Their healthcare is publicly funded. Not just like us.
we have medicare, and we have the VA, you're confused as usual.

We don't have it for most Americans, unlike Finland who insures everyone. That you guys insist would make us all communists or whatever.

Why is Finland’s healthcare system failing my family? | Ed Dutton
You certainly can't have an honest discussion about universal healthcare or of social safety nets which exist in literally every established western democracy with the far right.
sure let's have one. 85% of americans have insurance, what's your issue? I thought obammy care covered the other 15% what happened? almost nine years now.

It didn't, it only closed the gap. Now the number of uninsured is spiking up. Millions do not have insurance.
what the fk does that even mean? dude, nice pretzel routine.

It's not complicated. When Obama was president due to the ACA the number of uninsured went down. That number is now going up.
People lost their insurance, and their doctors, and had to settle for lesser coverage. People also lost their Jobs. Obama's ACA took the stock market down to 10,000 levels.

The Stock Market has had it's up and downs, but it has steadily risen since the GOP gained more control in The House and Senate and since President Trump was elected and climbed 19,000 points, and sits today around 15,000 points above The Obama Regime's Average.

The stock market was rising before and after the ACA was passed on March 23rd, 2010.


when did the aca pass - Google Search

dow average chart - Google Search

Fucking idiot.
The Dangers of Marxism-Communism-Globalism-Socialism, just different flavors of The Same Oppression, The Same Wealth Theft of Nations, can bring out The Same Trolls, pretty much every single time.

They won't even try to discuss the topic.

I replied to your "Joe is a blathering Senile Chinese Russian Puppet Idiot."

I do however laugh a lot at your amalgam monster of Marxism-Communism-Globalism-Socialism opression.
so you support those governments? Well now we know what you truly think of americans.

So you just make shit up about Americans. It's almost like you're always trying to divide Americans against themselves..
well either you stand with americans who say we don't want communist, socialists, marxists or Globalism or you're with those governments. why do you hate americans soooo much?

Your fear mongering is noted. Democrats are not Communist, Socialists or Marxists.
The Dangers of Marxism-Communism-Globalism-Socialism, just different flavors of The Same Oppression, The Same Wealth Theft of Nations, can bring out The Same Trolls, pretty much every single time.

They won't even try to discuss the topic.

I replied to your "Joe is a blathering Senile Chinese Russian Puppet Idiot."

I do however laugh a lot at your amalgam monster of Marxism-Communism-Globalism-Socialism opression.
so you support those governments? Well now we know what you truly think of americans.

So you just make shit up about Americans. It's almost like you're always trying to divide Americans against themselves..
well either you stand with americans who say we don't want communist, socialists, marxists or Globalism or you're with those governments. why do you hate americans soooo much?

Your fear mongering is noted. Democrats are not Communist, Socialists or Marxists.
then why don't they denounce them?
Why do they push programs that are theirs?
Why do they go after billionaires?
It demonstrates they hate capitalism, obammy stated, 'you didn't build that.'

Obama: "If You've Been Successful, You Didn't Get There On Your Own" | RealClearPolitics
It didn't, it only closed the gap. Now the number of uninsured is spiking up. Millions do not have insurance.
what the fk does that even mean? dude, nice pretzel routine.

It's not complicated. When Obama was president due to the ACA the number of uninsured went down. That number is now going up.

Because all of the sudden under Trump people across the land are deciding they don't want to be insured. Of course that's complete bullshit.

Before the individual mandate was struck down:
isn't that their right to not want to be insured? why does that bother you? wow, amazing.

Is it your right not to pay into medicare?

And no, if you're going to use our healthcare system and can afford to pay into it you should. I much prefer that than expensive ER care that doesn't really do much for preventative health care.
sure let's have one. 85% of americans have insurance, what's your issue? I thought obammy care covered the other 15% what happened? almost nine years now.

It didn't, it only closed the gap. Now the number of uninsured is spiking up. Millions do not have insurance.
what the fk does that even mean? dude, nice pretzel routine.

It's not complicated. When Obama was president due to the ACA the number of uninsured went down. That number is now going up.
People lost their insurance, and their doctors, and had to settle for lesser coverage. People also lost their Jobs. Obama's ACA took the stock market down to 10,000 levels.

The Stock Market has had it's up and downs, but it has steadily risen since the GOP gained more control in The House and Senate and since President Trump was elected and climbed 19,000 points, and sits today around 15,000 points above The Obama Regime's Average.

The stock market was rising before and after the ACA was passed on March 23rd, 2010.


when did the aca pass - Google Search

dow average chart - Google Search

Fucking idiot.
The stock market started rising the day The GOP took over Congress in late 2013 early 2014 and stopped Obama from trying to Murder The American Dream with His Marxist Mayhem.
what the fk does that even mean? dude, nice pretzel routine.

It's not complicated. When Obama was president due to the ACA the number of uninsured went down. That number is now going up.

Because all of the sudden under Trump people across the land are deciding they don't want to be insured. Of course that's complete bullshit.

Before the individual mandate was struck down:
isn't that their right to not want to be insured? why does that bother you? wow, amazing.

Is it your right not to pay into medicare?
Go Bankrupt Finland.
I say if you sit on your ass and don't work, and collect welfare, and pop out welfare babies, or are a deadbeat dad, we Deport you to Finland.
It didn't, it only closed the gap. Now the number of uninsured is spiking up. Millions do not have insurance.
what the fk does that even mean? dude, nice pretzel routine.

It's not complicated. When Obama was president due to the ACA the number of uninsured went down. That number is now going up.
People lost their insurance, and their doctors, and had to settle for lesser coverage. People also lost their Jobs. Obama's ACA took the stock market down to 10,000 levels.

The Stock Market has had it's up and downs, but it has steadily risen since the GOP gained more control in The House and Senate and since President Trump was elected and climbed 19,000 points, and sits today around 15,000 points above The Obama Regime's Average.

The stock market was rising before and after the ACA was passed on March 23rd, 2010.


when did the aca pass - Google Search

dow average chart - Google Search

Fucking idiot.
The stock market started rising the day The GOP took over Congress in late 2013 early 2014 and stopped Obama from trying to Murder The American Dream with His Marxist Mayhem.

The stock market started rising in 2009, I just provided a link to it.
It's not complicated. When Obama was president due to the ACA the number of uninsured went down. That number is now going up.

Because all of the sudden under Trump people across the land are deciding they don't want to be insured. Of course that's complete bullshit.

Before the individual mandate was struck down:
isn't that their right to not want to be insured? why does that bother you? wow, amazing.

Is it your right not to pay into medicare?
Go Bankrupt Finland.
I say if you sit on your ass and don't work, and collect welfare, and pop out welfare babies, or are a deadbeat dad, we Deport you to Finland.

They work and they have publicly funded healthcare. Why should they go bankrupt?

Many Americans work and can't afford healthcare because it's not provided through their employment, or they are children who I guess are the lazy fucks you're talking about.
These are the ingredients necessary to enslave a free people under Socialism and Communism.

Socialism & Communism are two sides of the same coin. Both eventually become totalitarian.
On one side of The Coin is The Whip, and on the other is The Carrot. Without propaganda, hysteria, lies, hatred, and demonization of people who want to be free, Communism and Socialism cannot exist.

Without continual erosion of moral and ethical values, without the undermining of the righteous glue that holds communities together when we make ourselves accountable to a Supreme Power for how we treat other human beings, Godless Communism, and Godless Socialism cannot forge the chains that bind men in to Socio-Economic Slavery.

As The State Grows, The Chains are Hardened. As the all consuming Government draws off more resources from a Free Society, the burden placed upon the backs of men who desire only for self determination are made heavier, and then become so heavy that self determination must become dependency.

Hear these words. The Liar, The Fear Monger, The Haters of Freedom, want to intimidate you to voluntarily place shackles upon yourselves, convincing you that servitude is liberty. Do not heed their wicked words, for they come from The Pit of Hell, where all Liars and People of Wicked Imaginations Draw their Inspiration.

In the words of The Prophet George Orwell, Big Brother That Liar who seeks your destruction Declares:



Fear, Hatred, Intimidation, & Lies"

same tactics fascists, conservatives and republicans use.....
Pushed by Russian trolls.

here are two of them now.....
View attachment 311524

as I look at that picture I wonder....

the thing on the left.....

is that a guy?


can't be a female......

Because all of the sudden under Trump people across the land are deciding they don't want to be insured. Of course that's complete bullshit.

Before the individual mandate was struck down:
isn't that their right to not want to be insured? why does that bother you? wow, amazing.

Is it your right not to pay into medicare?
Go Bankrupt Finland.
I say if you sit on your ass and don't work, and collect welfare, and pop out welfare babies, or are a deadbeat dad, we Deport you to Finland.

They work and they have publicly funded healthcare. Why should they go bankrupt?

Many Americans work and can't afford healthcare because it's not provided through their employment, or they are children who I guess are the lazy fucks you're talking about.

I don't know I or anyone bothers to debate people like JC456 or Tree Stump. It's posters like these that gaslight even the most basic of facts.
It's not complicated.

When Obama was president due to the ACA

the number of uninsured went down.

That number is now going up.

To the bold, NO IT DIDN'T!

And if the amount of uninsured is going up, God
Bless Them!

Your dime store accolades count for nothing.

Because all of the sudden under Trump people across the land are deciding they don't want to be insured. Of course that's complete bullshit.

Before the individual mandate was struck down:
isn't that their right to not want to be insured? why does that bother you? wow, amazing.

Is it your right not to pay into medicare?
Go Bankrupt Finland.
I say if you sit on your ass and don't work, and collect welfare, and pop out welfare babies, or are a deadbeat dad, we Deport you to Finland.

They work and they have publicly funded healthcare. Why should they go bankrupt?

Many Americans work and can't afford healthcare because it's not provided through their employment, or they are children who I guess are the lazy fucks you're talking about.

I don't know I or anyone bothers to debate people like JC456 or Tree Stump. It's posters like these that gaslight even the most basic of facts.
you can't debate us because you can't use facts. we use facts and it overwhelms your ass.
It's not complicated. When Obama was president due to the ACA the number of uninsured went down. That number is now going up.

Because all of the sudden under Trump people across the land are deciding they don't want to be insured. Of course that's complete bullshit.

Before the individual mandate was struck down:
isn't that their right to not want to be insured? why does that bother you? wow, amazing.

Is it your right not to pay into medicare?
Go Bankrupt Finland.
I say if you sit on your ass and don't work, and collect welfare, and pop out welfare babies, or are a deadbeat dad, we Deport you to Finland.

"I say if you sit on your ass and don't work, and collect welfare, and pop out welfare babies, or are a deadbeat dad, we Deport you to Finland."


YOU don't get to tell Finland what to do!

YOU do not get to DEPORT any Americans anywhere!


the Fins do NOT sit around cranking out welfare babies.

Because all of the sudden under Trump people across the land are deciding they don't want to be insured. Of course that's complete bullshit.

Before the individual mandate was struck down:
isn't that their right to not want to be insured? why does that bother you? wow, amazing.

Is it your right not to pay into medicare?
Go Bankrupt Finland.
I say if you sit on your ass and don't work, and collect welfare, and pop out welfare babies, or are a deadbeat dad, we Deport you to Finland.

"I say if you sit on your ass and don't work, and collect welfare, and pop out welfare babies, or are a deadbeat dad, we Deport you to Finland."


YOU don't get to tell Finland what to do!

YOU do not get to DEPORT any Americans anywhere!


the Fins do NOT sit around cranking out welfare babies.
nope our stupid ass american lazies do that.
These are the ingredients necessary to enslave a free people under Socialism and Communism.

Socialism & Communism are two sides of the same coin. Both eventually become totalitarian.
On one side of The Coin is The Whip, and on the other is The Carrot. Without propaganda, hysteria, lies, hatred, and demonization of people who want to be free, Communism and Socialism cannot exist.

Without continual erosion of moral and ethical values, without the undermining of the righteous glue that holds communities together when we make ourselves accountable to a Supreme Power for how we treat other human beings, Godless Communism, and Godless Socialism cannot forge the chains that bind men in to Socio-Economic Slavery.

As The State Grows, The Chains are Hardened. As the all consuming Government draws off more resources from a Free Society, the burden placed upon the backs of men who desire only for self determination are made heavier, and then become so heavy that self determination must become dependency.

Hear these words. The Liar, The Fear Monger, The Haters of Freedom, want to intimidate you to voluntarily place shackles upon yourselves, convincing you that servitude is liberty. Do not heed their wicked words, for they come from The Pit of Hell, where all Liars and People of Wicked Imaginations Draw their Inspiration.

In the words of The Prophet George Orwell, Big Brother That Liar who seeks your destruction Declares:


Project much, psycho trumpkin?

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