FDR's Message on Corporations and Fascism.


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
83 years ago FDR sent a message to Congress pointing out the top choice for taming the corporate state is government at national, state, and local levels because government is the only real source of law and power capable of restraining corporate rule:

Message to Congress on Curbing Monopolies. | The American Presidency Project

"Unhappy events abroad have retaught us two simple truths about the liberty of a democratic people.

"The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself.

"That, in its essence, is Fascism—ownership of Government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power."

"The second truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if its business system does not provide employment and produce and distribute goods in such a way as to sustain an acceptable standard of living."

Roosevelt's 1938 message to Congress resulted in the establishment of a commission to investigate concentrated corporate power; however, world events soon intervened:

World War II
83 years ago FDR sent a message to Congress pointing out the top choice for taming the corporate state is government at national, state, and local levels because government is the only real source of law and power capable of restraining corporate rule:

Message to Congress on Curbing Monopolies. | The American Presidency Project

"Unhappy events abroad have retaught us two simple truths about the liberty of a democratic people.

"The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself.

"That, in its essence, is Fascism—ownership of Government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power."

"The second truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if its business system does not provide employment and produce and distribute goods in such a way as to sustain an acceptable standard of living."

Roosevelt's 1938 message to Congress resulted in the establishment of a commission to investigate concentrated corporate power; however, world events soon intervened:

World War II
is that Tommy Taint with the mustache?
I don’t much care for FDR, but he was right to try to limit corporate power. Unfortunately there’s no major figure today willing to do this. Hell…many Americans are entirely unaware of the political power the ultra wealthy and big corporations have attained today, and the harm they are doing. We should be in the streets.
I don’t much care for FDR, but he was right to try to limit corporate power. Unfortunately there’s no major figure today willing to do this. Hell…many Americans are entirely unaware of the political power the ultra wealthy and big corporations have attained today, and the harm they are doing. We should be in the streets.
I think any politician of either major party who questioned corporate rule would find a very well funded opponent in his or her next primary. Corporations are the necessary vehicle for wealth accumulation in this world.

The Bottom 90% of Americans Are Borrowing From the Top 1%

"We know three things about the U.S. economy: The rich are getting richer, everyone else is in debt, and interest rates have fallen. Is there a connection? Yes, and the link has implications for fiscal and monetary policy."
83 years ago FDR sent a message to Congress pointing out the top choice for taming the corporate state is government at national, state, and local levels because government is the only real source of law and power capable of restraining corporate rule:

Message to Congress on Curbing Monopolies. | The American Presidency Project

"Unhappy events abroad have retaught us two simple truths about the liberty of a democratic people.

"The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself.

"That, in its essence, is Fascism—ownership of Government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power."

"The second truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if its business system does not provide employment and produce and distribute goods in such a way as to sustain an acceptable standard of living."

Roosevelt's 1938 message to Congress resulted in the establishment of a commission to investigate concentrated corporate power; however, world events soon intervened:

World War II
is that Tommy Taint with the mustache?
It’s shit under your dad’s favorite politician nose.
Yes, yes. The answer to corporations having too much power to control the economy, is to have one corporation (called government) that controls everything. And has the police and military at its disposal.

Good call.
Not the same douchebag
Yes, yes. The answer to corporations having too much power to control the economy, is to have one corporation (called government) that controls everything. And has the police and military at its disposal.

Good call.
Not the same douchebag
Of course they're not the same. One is much worse than the other.
What have today IS Fascism. Big corporations and the ultra wealthy control the politicians and just about every other major institution, but amazingly many Americans disagree.

We can’t control the ultra wealthy and the big corporations. We can vote out Fascist politicians.
I don’t much care for FDR, but he was right to try to limit corporate power. Unfortunately there’s no major figure today willing to do this. Hell…many Americans are entirely unaware of the political power the ultra wealthy and big corporations have attained today, and the harm they are doing. We should be in the streets.
I think any politician of either major party who questioned corporate rule would find a very well funded opponent in his or her next primary. Corporations are the necessary vehicle for wealth accumulation in this world.

The Bottom 90% of Americans Are Borrowing From the Top 1%

"We know three things about the U.S. economy: The rich are getting richer, everyone else is in debt, and interest rates have fallen. Is there a connection? Yes, and the link has implications for fiscal and monetary policy."

If the bottom 90% couldn't borrow, you twats would be whining about that.
When the bottom 90% have to pay higher rates, you twats will be whining about that.
Fucking whiney losers.
I don’t much care for FDR, but he was right to try to limit corporate power. Unfortunately there’s no major figure today willing to do this. Hell…many Americans are entirely unaware of the political power the ultra wealthy and big corporations have attained today, and the harm they are doing. We should be in the streets.
I think any politician of either major party who questioned corporate rule would find a very well funded opponent in his or her next primary. Corporations are the necessary vehicle for wealth accumulation in this world.

The Bottom 90% of Americans Are Borrowing From the Top 1%

"We know three things about the U.S. economy: The rich are getting richer, everyone else is in debt, and interest rates have fallen. Is there a connection? Yes, and the link has implications for fiscal and monetary policy."

If the bottom 90% couldn't borrow, you twats would be whining about that.
When the bottom 90% have to pay higher rates, you twats will be whining about that.
Fucking whiney losers.
I’m afraid you’ll never understand. You’ve got some kind of mental block.
I don’t much care for FDR, but he was right to try to limit corporate power. Unfortunately there’s no major figure today willing to do this. Hell…many Americans are entirely unaware of the political power the ultra wealthy and big corporations have attained today, and the harm they are doing. We should be in the streets.
I think any politician of either major party who questioned corporate rule would find a very well funded opponent in his or her next primary. Corporations are the necessary vehicle for wealth accumulation in this world.

The Bottom 90% of Americans Are Borrowing From the Top 1%

"We know three things about the U.S. economy: The rich are getting richer, everyone else is in debt, and interest rates have fallen. Is there a connection? Yes, and the link has implications for fiscal and monetary policy."

If the bottom 90% couldn't borrow, you twats would be whining about that.
When the bottom 90% have to pay higher rates, you twats will be whining about that.
Fucking whiney losers.
I’m afraid you’ll never understand. You’ve got some kind of mental block.

I understand liberal whining.

That's why I can point it out.
I don’t much care for FDR, but he was right to try to limit corporate power. Unfortunately there’s no major figure today willing to do this. Hell…many Americans are entirely unaware of the political power the ultra wealthy and big corporations have attained today, and the harm they are doing. We should be in the streets.
I think any politician of either major party who questioned corporate rule would find a very well funded opponent in his or her next primary. Corporations are the necessary vehicle for wealth accumulation in this world.

The Bottom 90% of Americans Are Borrowing From the Top 1%

"We know three things about the U.S. economy: The rich are getting richer, everyone else is in debt, and interest rates have fallen. Is there a connection? Yes, and the link has implications for fiscal and monetary policy."

If the bottom 90% couldn't borrow, you twats would be whining about that.
When the bottom 90% have to pay higher rates, you twats will be whining about that.
Fucking whiney losers.
I’m afraid you’ll never understand. You’ve got some kind of mental block.

I understand liberal whining.

That's why I can point it out.
That’s the thing. You think pointing out the injustice and suffering of millions of Americans is whining.
I don’t much care for FDR, but he was right to try to limit corporate power. Unfortunately there’s no major figure today willing to do this. Hell…many Americans are entirely unaware of the political power the ultra wealthy and big corporations have attained today, and the harm they are doing. We should be in the streets.
I think any politician of either major party who questioned corporate rule would find a very well funded opponent in his or her next primary. Corporations are the necessary vehicle for wealth accumulation in this world.

The Bottom 90% of Americans Are Borrowing From the Top 1%

"We know three things about the U.S. economy: The rich are getting richer, everyone else is in debt, and interest rates have fallen. Is there a connection? Yes, and the link has implications for fiscal and monetary policy."

If the bottom 90% couldn't borrow, you twats would be whining about that.
When the bottom 90% have to pay higher rates, you twats will be whining about that.
Fucking whiney losers.
I’m afraid you’ll never understand. You’ve got some kind of mental block.

I understand liberal whining.

That's why I can point it out.
That’s the thing. You think pointing out the injustice and suffering of millions of Americans is whining.

Whining about borrowers borrowing from people with money.....yeah, that's whining.

Ask whiny george if he can lend you any money.......let me know what he says.
If the bottom 90% couldn't borrow, you twats would be whining about that.
When the bottom 90% have to pay higher rates, you twats will be whining about that.
Fucking whiney losers.

Public banking: The other winner in 2017 elections

Public banking?
That would be awesome!!!!
Corrupt government officials loaning taxpayer funds to their cronies.

What could go wrong?
It's all good. In the socialist utopia, your employer, doctor, grocer etc... will all be government officials as well.
Whining about borrowers borrowing from people with money.....yeah, that's whining.
Not whining, Kulak--stealing:eek:
Opinion: The super rich elite have more money than they know what to do with

The wealthiest 1% has taken $50 trillion from working Americans and redistributed it, a new study finds. Here's what that means.

"If the ultrarich hadn't rigged the system in their favor, your annual pay would be doubled — somewhere between $48,000 and $63,000 higher per year.

"That's about $1,000 or more per weekly paycheck that you could have spent in your community, invested in home improvements, or saved for a rainy day, but which instead went to the wealthiest Americans.

"So if it feels like you're working harder for less money than your parents' and grandparents' generations, that's because you are."​

Whining about borrowers borrowing from people with money.....yeah, that's whining.
Not whining, Kulak--stealing:eek:
Opinion: The super rich elite have more money than they know what to do with

The wealthiest 1% has taken $50 trillion from working Americans and redistributed it, a new study finds. Here's what that means.

"If the ultrarich hadn't rigged the system in their favor, your annual pay would be doubled — somewhere between $48,000 and $63,000 higher per year.

"That's about $1,000 or more per weekly paycheck that you could have spent in your community, invested in home improvements, or saved for a rainy day, but which instead went to the wealthiest Americans.

"So if it feels like you're working harder for less money than your parents' and grandparents' generations, that's because you are."​

Thank you Dr. Fauxi!!

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