FDR: Warning about today's Republicans

I said Carter was a fucking anti-semite and I proved it. You were, and continue to be, nothing but a whiny bitch.

In other words, you are recalcitrantly stubborn and a liar to boot. You are very similar to koshergirl, aren't you? :lol:
I have a problem with terms as "most historians". If you can't list who the historians are/were and provide a source to validate your statement, then how could any one believe you?
So you went to Bob Jones University and some far right wack group gave you some $$$.

As if you compare with 228 modern historians in whole.

Being sold on yourself is a bad bargain.

poor jake...objective research is scary isn't it?

Liberty continues to show the weakheadedness of his side.

Part of my senior thesis was concerning the failure of progressives in the 30s...and I got 100% A+ on it and was offered $1500 in research money (not bad for undergrad) sooooooo...I think you should look past your embedded ideology. Objective research is worth doing...at least, to those who are not hacks. Also, this was done at a heavy liberal university, and looked at by the whole history department...I am not tooting my own horn I am simply saying it is better to find the truth than simply stay grounded in an ideology. Don't fear changes in your own beliefs the more you discover the truth...IF you try to find the truth, which right now, you don't.
You are entitled to your wrong opinion. That's your American right. But the reasonable standards type of guy is going to take 228 reputable historians' opinion before yours, if we are talking about an appeal to authority.
You are entitled to your wrong opinion. That's your American right. But the reasonable standards type of guy is going to take 228 reputable historians' opinion before yours, if we are talking about an appeal to authority.

I am entitled to the truth, and that is exactly what I have acquired. That is not an American right, that is a human right. You sir, are the one who chooses ignorance of objective, independent, and private research of primary sources to formulate your own opinion. A typical modern liberal, you look to others to make your opinion for you and choose not to delve into the fray of research yourself to discover facts. A very dismal way to live, but hey, some people are just too chicken shit to do their own research.
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You, sir, are entitled to believe that, of course. Critical thinking, along "objective, independent, and private research of primary sources" requires the recognition of, and the accounting for, personal bias. I am no more a liberal than you are a modern, independent thinker. Your unrestrained bias is evident in your posts. Quite common among extremist right-wing reactionaries like you.

You have the right to your opinion, but not to your own facts and not to redefining traditional historical definitions and principles.

There you trip yourself up all the time.
You, sir, are entitled to believe that, of course. Critical thinking, along "objective, independent, and private research of primary sources" requires the recognition of, and the accounting for, personal bias. I am no more a liberal than you are a modern, independent thinker. Your unrestrained bias is evident in your posts. Quite common among extremist right-wing reactionaries like you.

You have the right to your opinion, but not to your own facts and not to redefining traditional historical definitions and principles.

There you trip yourself up all the time.

What political philosophers have you read that shaped your ideology? You, being so educated, must be familiar with the works of say...Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, yes? Also, lol @ libertarians being right wing. Do you even know what that means? haha. So, you are like a holocaust denier? You basically deny that FDR imprisoned American citizens, was derelict in his duty to protect Hawaii, and funneled in the modern corporatist monster economy through his massive subsidy and spending programs? These are facts. Go to irs.gov and look at the records.

Tell you what, I will even go so far as in sending you my thesis, and give you a shot to find any historical inaccuracies. It is 26 (+10 for bibliography) pages with about 70 sources, the majority of which are primary sources. Would you like to give it a shot? Afterall, with your great wisdom I am sure you can find what is inaccurate that the chair of the University of Colorado history department could not. Afterall, you are so smart.
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You, sir, are entitled to believe that, of course. Critical thinking, along "objective, independent, and private research of primary sources" requires the recognition of, and the accounting for, personal bias. I am no more a liberal than you are a modern, independent thinker. Your unrestrained bias is evident in your posts. Quite common among extremist right-wing reactionaries like you.

You have the right to your opinion, but not to your own facts and not to redefining traditional historical definitions and principles.

There you trip yourself up all the time.

What political philosophers have you read that shaped your ideology? You, being so educated, must be familiar with the works of say...Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, yes? Also, lol @ libertarians being right wing. Do you even know what that means? haha. So, you are like a holocaust denier? You basically deny that FDR imprisoned American citizens, was derelict in his duty to protect Hawaii, and funneled in the modern corporatist monster economy through his massive subsidy and spending programs? These are facts. Go to irs.gov and look at the records.

Tell you what, I will even go so far as in sending you my thesis, and give you a shot to find any historical inaccuracies. It is 26 (+10 for bibliography) pages with about 70 sources, the majority of which are primary sources. Would you like to give it a shot? Afterall, with your great wisdom I am sure you can find what is inaccurate that the chair of the University of Colorado history department could not. Afterall, you are so smart.

You mock what I am: objective, fair, aware and account for my bias. I am aware of and know the primary sources from Hobbes, Locke, etc, to the present day. A thesis of 26 pages of narrative, and 10 pages of documentation with 70 sources? A thesis? OK.

We will find your thesis somewhere in here?

CU Undergraduate or Honors Theses All honors theses are retained by the Honors Program, located on the fourth floor of Norlin Library (room M400, 4th floor). Any thesis completed in the last two years is available for viewing on demand, during Honors office business hours. It is recommended that you call the Honors Program (303-492-6617) with specific information about older theses, allowing additional time to retrieve them before your visit. Because these materials don’t leave the building, you will be provided with a quiet place to examine the thesis or theses you’ve requested. For additional information, please follow this link to the Honors web page: Honors Program | University of Colorado at Boulderhttp://www.colorado.edu/honors/
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The Siena College Research Institute has asked 238 presidential scholars to rank presidents five times since 1982. This year was a polling year. Franklin Roosevelt came in first, Barack Obama at 15th, George W. Bush at 40th, and Andrew Johnson dead last.

How Historians Rank the Presidents - Julia Edwards - NationalJournal.com

FDR was a scumbag, and the most dangerous person to ever occupy the office.

he also did really shitty in college and admitted he had no interest in learning economics either before or during his presidency.
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The Siena College Research Institute has asked 238 presidential scholars to rank presidents five times since 1982. This year was a polling year. Franklin Roosevelt came in first, Barack Obama at 15th, George W. Bush at 40th, and Andrew Johnson dead last.

How Historians Rank the Presidents - Julia Edwards - NationalJournal.com

FDR was a scumbag, and the most dangerous person to ever occupy the office.

And you rate with CrusaderFrank as one of the most morally insane on the Board. :lol:

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