FCC to free internet from Obama's net neutrality rules


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
FCC to Free Internet from Obama’s “Net Neutrality” Rules
WASHINGTON, D.C. – This Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, FCC Chairman Ajit V. Pai is expected to circulate to his fellow commissioners and make public a draft of a new FCC order widely anticipated to eliminate the “Net Neutrality” rules put in place under the Obama administration.

Just so happens to be reality news today and lets see how this goes over how pathetic is it so many issues have had to be UN-DONE from that idiot loser OBAMA the number one bastard along with Bush who tried shoving us into the NEW WORLD ORDER and a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT................ as Trump tries undoing it the idiots who worship him can't tell communism from freedom they are that brainwashed. Mansons cult followers and they don't even know it.
FCC to Free Internet from Obama’s “Net Neutrality” Rules
WASHINGTON, D.C. – This Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, FCC Chairman Ajit V. Pai is expected to circulate to his fellow commissioners and make public a draft of a new FCC order widely anticipated to eliminate the “Net Neutrality” rules put in place under the Obama administration.

Just so happens to be reality news today and lets see how this goes over how pathetic is it so many issues have had to be UN-DONE from that idiot loser OBAMA the number one bastard along with Bush who tried shoving us into the NEW WORLD ORDER and a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT................ as Trump tries undoing it the idiots who worship him can't tell communism from freedom they are that brainwashed. Mansons cult followers and they don't even know it.
Do you have any clue what “Net Neutrality” is or do you just hate it because Obama wanted it? If you figure it out please tell us how letting corporations decide on your internet content is "freedom"?
Thank God! I can't wait to pay more for internet services.
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FCC to Free Internet from Obama’s “Net Neutrality” Rules
WASHINGTON, D.C. – This Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, FCC Chairman Ajit V. Pai is expected to circulate to his fellow commissioners and make public a draft of a new FCC order widely anticipated to eliminate the “Net Neutrality” rules put in place under the Obama administration.

Just so happens to be reality news today and lets see how this goes over how pathetic is it so many issues have had to be UN-DONE from that idiot loser OBAMA the number one bastard along with Bush who tried shoving us into the NEW WORLD ORDER and a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT................ as Trump tries undoing it the idiots who worship him can't tell communism from freedom they are that brainwashed. Mansons cult followers and they don't even know it.
Do you have any clue what “Net Neutrality” is or do you just hate it because Obama wanted it? If you figure it out please tell us how letting corporations decide on your internet content is "freedom"?

You missed my point oh well.
Is this going to make the price of my internet service rise? Because I'd gladly pay a little extra to see more of Obama's legacy disappear one piece at a time. :biggrin:

Freedom isn't free, you know.
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FCC to Free Internet from Obama’s “Net Neutrality” Rules
WASHINGTON, D.C. – This Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, FCC Chairman Ajit V. Pai is expected to circulate to his fellow commissioners and make public a draft of a new FCC order widely anticipated to eliminate the “Net Neutrality” rules put in place under the Obama administration.

Just so happens to be reality news today and lets see how this goes over how pathetic is it so many issues have had to be UN-DONE from that idiot loser OBAMA the number one bastard along with Bush who tried shoving us into the NEW WORLD ORDER and a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT................ as Trump tries undoing it the idiots who worship him can't tell communism from freedom they are that brainwashed. Mansons cult followers and they don't even know it.
Do you have any clue what “Net Neutrality” is or do you just hate it because Obama wanted it? If you figure it out please tell us how letting corporations decide on your internet content is "freedom"?

I know exactly what it is---------------------------------------

Congress, Don't Sell the Internet Out
Net neutrality is under serious threat. Right now, the FCC is considering a proposal to roll back the critical net neutrality protections in the Open Internet Order. We can’t let that happen. It’s time to tell your lawmakers: Don’t let the FCC sell the Internet out.

The FCC’s 2015 Open Internet Order was a huge victory for Internet users. Thanks to the millions of us who spoke up for a free and open Internet, we won essential net neutrality protections.

Now those protections could disappear, as FCC Chairman Ajit Pai is considering reversing the Open Internet Order and giving major telecommunications companies an unprecedented level of control over how we use the Internet.

Under Pai’s plan, the FCC would relinquish its authority to enforce its common-sense, light-touch net neutrality rules, thus giving ISPs free rein to engage in unfair practices like site blocking and throttling.

Please tell your members of Congress to oppose efforts to roll back net neutrality protections.


BY 3.0 US

Congress, Don't Sell the Internet Out | EFF Action Center
I can't wait until Comcast or Verizon decides to throttle content to sites ya'll enjoy.
I am sure pleased we have a government that looks out for the poor downtrodden telecommunications companies. They have suffered far too long under the yoke of an oppressive government.
You can bet on one thing: That because it was an Obama-era order, it had everything to do with re-distribution of resources. In other words, "From those according to their ability, to those according to their needs."

The title "Net Neutrality" itself speaks volumes.
FCC to Free Internet from Obama’s “Net Neutrality” Rules
WASHINGTON, D.C. – This Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, FCC Chairman Ajit V. Pai is expected to circulate to his fellow commissioners and make public a draft of a new FCC order widely anticipated to eliminate the “Net Neutrality” rules put in place under the Obama administration.

Just so happens to be reality news today and lets see how this goes over how pathetic is it so many issues have had to be UN-DONE from that idiot loser OBAMA the number one bastard along with Bush who tried shoving us into the NEW WORLD ORDER and a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT................ as Trump tries undoing it the idiots who worship him can't tell communism from freedom they are that brainwashed. Mansons cult followers and they don't even know it.
Do you have any clue what “Net Neutrality” is or do you just hate it because Obama wanted it? If you figure it out please tell us how letting corporations decide on your internet content is "freedom"?

You missed my point oh well.

Well it was kind of an incoherent ramble...Do you know what Net Neutrality does?
FCC to Free Internet from Obama’s “Net Neutrality” Rules
WASHINGTON, D.C. – This Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, FCC Chairman Ajit V. Pai is expected to circulate to his fellow commissioners and make public a draft of a new FCC order widely anticipated to eliminate the “Net Neutrality” rules put in place under the Obama administration.

Just so happens to be reality news today and lets see how this goes over how pathetic is it so many issues have had to be UN-DONE from that idiot loser OBAMA the number one bastard along with Bush who tried shoving us into the NEW WORLD ORDER and a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT................ as Trump tries undoing it the idiots who worship him can't tell communism from freedom they are that brainwashed. Mansons cult followers and they don't even know it.

FCC Upgrade: Better Picture, Less Privacy — And You’ll Need a New TV

U.S. regulators on Thursday approved the use of new technology that will improve picture quality on mobile phones, tablets and television, but also raises significant privacy concerns by giving advertisers dramatically more data about viewing habits.

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission voted 3-2 to allow broadcasters to voluntarily use the new technology, dubbed ATSC 3.0, which would allow for more precise geolocating of television signals, ultra-high definition picture quality and more interactive programming, like new educational content for children and multiple angles of live sporting events.
FCC to Free Internet from Obama’s “Net Neutrality” Rules
WASHINGTON, D.C. – This Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, FCC Chairman Ajit V. Pai is expected to circulate to his fellow commissioners and make public a draft of a new FCC order widely anticipated to eliminate the “Net Neutrality” rules put in place under the Obama administration.

Just so happens to be reality news today and lets see how this goes over how pathetic is it so many issues have had to be UN-DONE from that idiot loser OBAMA the number one bastard along with Bush who tried shoving us into the NEW WORLD ORDER and a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT................ as Trump tries undoing it the idiots who worship him can't tell communism from freedom they are that brainwashed. Mansons cult followers and they don't even know it.
Do you have any clue what “Net Neutrality” is or do you just hate it because Obama wanted it? If you figure it out please tell us how letting corporations decide on your internet content is "freedom"?

You missed my point oh well.

Well it was kind of an incoherent ramble...Do you know what Net Neutrality does?

GIVE IT A BREAK.........................
You can bet on one thing: That because it was an Obama-era order, it had everything to do with re-distribution of resources. In other words, "From those according to their ability, to those according to their needs."

The title "Net Neutrality" itself speaks volumes.

They can't comprehend why Obama was brought into my ramble....................they leftist degenerates only comprehend putting it on Trump. that's what happens when you have major brain damage.
You can bet on one thing: That because it was an Obama-era order, it had everything to do with re-distribution of resources. In other words, "From those according to their ability, to those according to their needs."

The title "Net Neutrality" itself speaks volumes.

Could you please stop suggesting that just because someone did something that in itself is enough to hate it as being logical. Or reading a title like "Net Neutrality" and using that title instead of your knowledge of what it is to make a decision.

It makes you look stupid and not only that gets you to cheer to fuck yourself by using a Mascot to hate instead of the policy itself.

Be less stupid
You can bet on one thing: That because it was an Obama-era order, it had everything to do with re-distribution of resources. In other words, "From those according to their ability, to those according to their needs."

The title "Net Neutrality" itself speaks volumes.

Could you please stop suggesting that just because someone did something that in itself is enough to hate it as being logical. Or reading a title like "Net Neutrality" and using that title instead of your knowledge of what it is to make a decision.

It makes you look stupid and not only that gets you to cheer to fuck yourself by using a Mascot to hate instead of the policy itself.

Be less stupid

How stupid is it of you to not understand what "net neutrality" means? It means exactly what it says: To level out the playing field for the internet.

I pay good money for my internet service. I don't expect to get it for free, or to get a special consideration from the government just because I live in some underprivileged Sesame Street neighborhood, or because I'm one of those poor "minorities" who can't afford decent service.

Do you not understand plain English? It's called "Net Neutrality". The title itself tells me everything I need to know about it and if you can't figure that out, you're less intelligent than you make yourself out to be.
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