Fauci: USA should consider a national mask mandate


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
This makes Joe Biden look good.
Due to the worsening numbers, Fauci likes the idea of a mask mandate, which Joe Biden supports.
The anti-science candidate Trump doesn't support Fauci's recommendation.
This makes Joe Biden look good.
Due to the worsening numbers, Fauci likes the idea of a mask mandate, which Joe Biden supports.
The anti-science candidate Trump doesn't support Fauci's recommendation.
Recommending a face mandate IS Anti-science.
This makes Joe Biden look good.

Why? Because a TV doctor agrees with him?

This makes Joe Biden look good.
Due to the worsening numbers, Fauci likes the idea of a mask mandate, which Joe Biden supports.
The anti-science candidate Trump doesn't support Fauci's recommendation.
Anti science candidate? Every two weeks or so, the dumbass Fauxci changes his tune, and most people who know virology knows that a virus is much smaller than the webbing of a mask which is why in the blue states, where the killer Governors put sick people in with the elderly, there are more cases because people "THINK" that masks help.

This makes Joe Biden look good.
Due to the worsening numbers, Fauci likes the idea of a mask mandate, which Joe Biden supports.
The anti-science candidate Trump doesn't support Fauci's recommendation.

What it really does is show us, once again, what those of us with better than room-temperature IQs have known all along—that the #CoronaHoax2020 was never about protecting anyone's health from any virus,but about providing criminal filth who infest positions within government a pretext on which to seize and abuse powers to which they have no legitimate claim, and to exercise ever increasing and tyrannical control over the lives of the American people.
The RWNJs should be encouraged to avoid following all recommendations issued by doctors, scientists, virologists, or any other learned professional tasked with controlling the novel coronavirus.

Also, the RWNJs must not trust these same learned professionals when they develop a vaccine. Because, the vaccines' inevitable side-effects will likely do more damage than the virus it is meant to prevent and/or cure.

Lastly, the RWNJs should feel free to gather in larges crowds wherever and whenever possible, social distancing is for sissies.

Mandates! Lefties instinctively love mandates because it gives them soooo much power. Do we understand what "mandates" means? It means that they can put you in jail for not complying and if push comes to shove law enforcement might be able to use deadly physical force. The scenario would entail most likely a white guy who refused to wear a mask when commanded by law enforcement and if he threatened to enter a building without a mask (and presumably put the lives inside the building at risk) law enforcement would have no choice but to put him down. Is that the scenario democrats envision?
This makes Joe Biden look good.
Due to the worsening numbers, Fauci likes the idea of a mask mandate, which Joe Biden supports.
The anti-science candidate Trump doesn't support Fauci's recommendation.
So Fauci, just like Joe FLIP FLOPS again?
This makes Joe Biden look good.
Due to the worsening numbers, Fauci likes the idea of a mask mandate, which Joe Biden supports.
The anti-science candidate Trump doesn't support Fauci's recommendation.
I'll say this again. Most masks worn by the public offer virtually no virus particle protection, about 2% effective. Respirator type N95 masks will filter out (as the name implies) 95% of viral particles but only if the mask is fitted properly.
This makes Joe Biden look good.
Due to the worsening numbers, Fauci likes the idea of a mask mandate, which Joe Biden supports.
The anti-science candidate Trump doesn't support Fauci's recommendation.

Masks don’t work at all. 80% of people who got the WuFlu wore masks all the time. In fact, they probably give people a false sense of security and they get close to other people instead of social distancing.

Social distancing does obviously work, better than any mask that scientific tests have shown do not filter the virus.

However at this point, the mortality rate is just as low as a regular flu at this point, social distancing should be done away with soon.

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