Father, stepdaughter shot in the head over a fender-bender

You are ranting wildly.

Show me where I ever said noting should be done. Show me where I defend murderers.
I won't go any further until you come to the realization that you are throwing wild accusations out.

Ok good, let's get this straightened out.

1) "Show me where I ever said nothing should be done."

Prove me wrong. Tell me what you think should be done to help prevent incidents like this.

2) "Show me where I defend murderers."

Huh? I didn't say you defend murderers. That would be ridiculous.
When you cancel bail, let prisoners out early, support riots and defund the police you for all intents and purposes defend murderers.

You're not following the conversation very well.
You’re building your own narrative. You type don’t read. Typical Leftist.

No, really. What you posted had nothing to do with anything being discussed.

I can sit here and try to explain it to you but I'm going to have to start charging you if you keep doing this.

Ya know, that's how I feel about you.

You seem to keep forgetting what you previously said.

I think it's time to let it go on this one
You don’t think. You’re a Leftist from SF.

^^^ Having trouble following the conversation and doesn't know who he's responding to.

Also, I'm not from SF.
LOL —- went over your head. You are hopeless. Funny how you don’t have solutions, just complaints
You are ranting wildly.

Show me where I ever said noting should be done. Show me where I defend murderers.
I won't go any further until you come to the realization that you are throwing wild accusations out.

Ok good, let's get this straightened out.

1) "Show me where I ever said nothing should be done."

Prove me wrong. Tell me what you think should be done to help prevent incidents like this.

2) "Show me where I defend murderers."

Huh? I didn't say you defend murderers. That would be ridiculous.
When you cancel bail, let prisoners out early, support riots and defund the police you for all intents and purposes defend murderers.

You're not following the conversation very well.
You’re building your own narrative. You type don’t read. Typical Leftist.

No, really. What you posted had nothing to do with anything being discussed.

I can sit here and try to explain it to you but I'm going to have to start charging you if you keep doing this.
I am providing context. Google what that means. If you need money that badly, start a GoFundme page

Still has nothing to do with what is being posted, sorry.
To me context matters. Again, only a Leftist would believe an opinion is wrong and you are sorry.

Ok then. :itsok:
Emojis = first sign of leftist defeat. I win.
In your deranged mind. LOL. You’re a hypocrite

I believe that you believe that. I don't see how I'm being a hypocrite.
Therein lies the problem. I could explain it to you but I would have to charge you.

I don't think you, not very coherently at least. I'll pass.
You don’t think. We agree there. Hypocrite. If the dad had a gun to defend himself, he and his daughter may still be alive. In your world only criminals have guns. Defund the police. Disarm law abiding citizens. Burn cities. Typical Leftist. Conte
You are ranting wildly.

Show me where I ever said noting should be done. Show me where I defend murderers.
I won't go any further until you come to the realization that you are throwing wild accusations out.

Ok good, let's get this straightened out.

1) "Show me where I ever said nothing should be done."

Prove me wrong. Tell me what you think should be done to help prevent incidents like this.

2) "Show me where I defend murderers."

Huh? I didn't say you defend murderers. That would be ridiculous.
When you cancel bail, let prisoners out early, support riots and defund the police you for all intents and purposes defend murderers.

You're not following the conversation very well.
You’re building your own narrative. You type don’t read. Typical Leftist.

No, really. What you posted had nothing to do with anything being discussed.

I can sit here and try to explain it to you but I'm going to have to start charging you if you keep doing this.

Ya know, that's how I feel about you.

You seem to keep forgetting what you previously said.

I think it's time to let it go on this one
You don’t think. You’re a Leftist from SF.

^^^ Having trouble following the conversation and doesn't know who he's responding to.

Also, I'm not from SF.
LOL —- went over your head. You are hopeless. Funny how you don’t have solutions, just complaints

Now that I agree with.

I asked him several times how he suggested we deal with incidents like the double murder in SC.
Clearly I told him I blame Democrat policies......
Democrats are the ones pampering criminals.
Even if this one murder was not at all related to democrat policies, the vast majority are.

His only defense was "It's a RED area", as if people don't move from other areas and as if social media and news of BLM and other bad influences is not available in those areas. Weak
You don’t think. We agree there. Hypocrite. If the dad had a gun to defend himself, he and his daughter may still be alive. In your world only criminals have guns. Defund the police. Disarm law abiding citizens. Burn cities. Typical Leftist. Conte

Let me know when you calm down and have something useful to say.

Just looks like you're making baseless personal attacks, mixing up arguments, and misinterpreting things.

I wonder how much coverage of this thug's murdering two innocent people over a minor accident will be seen on the MSM outlets. I'm guessing it will be close to ZERO!

as a sane and rational liberal progressive who despises trumpers I say the MURDERER is HUMAN GARBAGE and should be PROSECUTED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT of the law....

but this doesn't PROVE that ALL BLACKS are murderers and it does NOT justify cops killing people in the streets.....

this MURDERER should be dealt with appropriately

and all cops who SPIT ON THEIR OATHS by abusing people in the streets or in their homes should ALSO be dealt with
Oh lord---criminals are violent people and babying them does not work----in order to stop crime, sometimes the cops have to use their guns to shoot the bad guys. You can not baby guys and have a peaceful community especially so many youths and young males are out of control and not protectors (which btw is the natural state of having absentee sperm donors for fathers.) Ending welfare would go a long long way in cutting down the number of times that the cops have shoot bad guys refusing arrest or attacking others.
Now that I agree with.

I asked him several times how he suggested we deal with incidents like the double murder in SC.
Clearly I told him I blame Democrat policies......
Democrats are the ones pampering criminals.
Even if this one murder was not at all related to democrat policies, the vast majority are.

His only defense was "It's a RED area", as if people don't move from other areas and as if social media and news of BLM and other bad influences is not available in those areas. Weak

I gave a suggestion for this. It's in post #76.

What have you suggested? Nothing, right?

You blamed this on Democrat policies. I asked which policies. No answer.

You clearly missed the point that it's a red area where Democrats are not in power so you have a hell of a case if you're trying to blame this on Democrats in a Republican-controlled area.
I wonder how much coverage of this thug's murdering two innocent people over a minor accident will be seen on the MSM outlets. I'm guessing it will be close to ZERO!

This crime is all over the mainstream media.

Isn’t this just the price you pay for your second amendment rights? That anyone can be shot at any time for whatever reason?

Just because one mentally ill person goes berserk doesn’t mean gun ownership should be restricted.
If I wasn't paying attention, this might be a fairly good attempt at deflection.
You see, I already asked YOU several times what you suggest we do about these murderous "crazy assholes" as you called them.
You have thus far avoided a reply, yet now you bounce the question back at me. Deflection is what that is called.


I think we should be able to track guns more efficiently. I'd like to prevent the sale of guns without a background check. If this guy bought his gun from someone else, then we need to know who sold him that gun and we can hold that person accountable.

There's one of my suggestions. And don't worry about responding to it because I already know exactly where it's going to go. You disagree.

Great. So there's my idea. You disagree with it. We accomplished nothing. Can we fast-forward past this part now? It's not helpful and it gets extremely repetitive.

Notice that I have a suggestion. You don't like it, but I have one. So now it's your turn.

Prove me wrong. Tell me what you think should be done to help prevent incidents like this.

Do you understand the purpose and beauty of the 2nd Amendment?

If government is empowered to track every gun, then it is also empowered to track down resistance in case it goes rouge / tyrannical.
I have a feeling you would believe neither would be possible, but men FAR wiser than you could ever hope to be set up that for a reason.

Your suggestions (like all hoplophobes) ALWAYS see the gun as the problem.
Never the criminal who uses it.

That is so fucked up I refuse to argue with you.

Thank you 2nd Amendment.
What the hell does the 2nd Amendment have to do with a criminal murdering two innocent white people crazy woman?

Why the selective outrage here? Why no outrage for black people being executed by whites - like Ahmaud Arbery being hunted down and executed by whites? You were all for black people being shot with impunity.

You want people to be outraged when White people die senselessly but not when whites people kill others.

Double standard much?
You don’t think. We agree there. Hypocrite. If the dad had a gun to defend himself, he and his daughter may still be alive. In your world only criminals have guns. Defund the police. Disarm law abiding citizens. Burn cities. Typical Leftist. Conte

Let me know when you calm down and have something useful to say.

Just looks like you're making baseless personal attacks, mixing up arguments, and misinterpreting things.

You are sorry. And you know what I mean. The guns are there. Democrats want to defund the police the only solution is for us to arm and defend ourselves as happened in Wisconsin. When police shoot criminals you cry foul. Crazy.

Thank you 2nd Amendment.
What the hell does the 2nd Amendment have to do with a criminal murdering two innocent white people crazy woman?

Why the selective outrage here? Why no outrage for black people being executed by whites - like Ahmaud Arbery being hunted down and executed by whites? You were all for black people being shot with impunity.

You want people to be outraged when White people die senselessly but not when whites people kill others.

Double standard much?
Why the selective outrage you Canadian asshole? Black people kill other black people at ridiculous numbers but you don’t care. Why? More babies that are black aborted since 1970 than black babies that were born but you don’t care? Hypocrite. Stay in your weak ass country
If I wasn't paying attention, this might be a fairly good attempt at deflection.
You see, I already asked YOU several times what you suggest we do about these murderous "crazy assholes" as you called them.
You have thus far avoided a reply, yet now you bounce the question back at me. Deflection is what that is called.


I think we should be able to track guns more efficiently. I'd like to prevent the sale of guns without a background check. If this guy bought his gun from someone else, then we need to know who sold him that gun and we can hold that person accountable.

There's one of my suggestions. And don't worry about responding to it because I already know exactly where it's going to go. You disagree.

Great. So there's my idea. You disagree with it. We accomplished nothing. Can we fast-forward past this part now? It's not helpful and it gets extremely repetitive.

Notice that I have a suggestion. You don't like it, but I have one. So now it's your turn.

Prove me wrong. Tell me what you think should be done to help prevent incidents like this.

Do you understand the purpose and beauty of the 2nd Amendment?

If government is empowered to track every gun, then it is also empowered to track down resistance in case it goes rouge / tyrannical.
I have a feeling you would believe neither would be possible, but men FAR wiser than you could ever hope to be set up that for a reason.

Your suggestions (like all hoplophobes) ALWAYS see the gun as the problem.
Never the criminal who uses it.

That is so fucked up I refuse to argue with you.

Great. We disagree. Just like I predicted. We accomplished nothing. Just like I predicted. Now can we move past that stupid detour that you insisted on?

Your statement: "Show me where I ever said nothing should be done."

Prove me wrong. Tell me what you think should be done to help prevent incidents like this.

You claimed I was deflecting because I wouldn't offer a suggestion. I told you it wouldn't be helpful because we'll disagree on it anyway. But at least I have a suggestion.

What's yours?
You don’t think. We agree there. Hypocrite. If the dad had a gun to defend himself, he and his daughter may still be alive. In your world only criminals have guns. Defund the police. Disarm law abiding citizens. Burn cities. Typical Leftist. Conte

Let me know when you calm down and have something useful to say.

Just looks like you're making baseless personal attacks, mixing up arguments, and misinterpreting things.

You are sorry. And you know what I mean. The guns are there. Democrats want to defund the police the only solution is for us to arm and defend ourselves as happened in Wisconsin. When police shoot criminals you cry foul. Crazy.

More baseless unrelated bullshit.
If I wasn't paying attention, this might be a fairly good attempt at deflection.
You see, I already asked YOU several times what you suggest we do about these murderous "crazy assholes" as you called them.
You have thus far avoided a reply, yet now you bounce the question back at me. Deflection is what that is called.


I think we should be able to track guns more efficiently. I'd like to prevent the sale of guns without a background check. If this guy bought his gun from someone else, then we need to know who sold him that gun and we can hold that person accountable.

There's one of my suggestions. And don't worry about responding to it because I already know exactly where it's going to go. You disagree.

Great. So there's my idea. You disagree with it. We accomplished nothing. Can we fast-forward past this part now? It's not helpful and it gets extremely repetitive.

Notice that I have a suggestion. You don't like it, but I have one. So now it's your turn.

Prove me wrong. Tell me what you think should be done to help prevent incidents like this.

Do you understand the purpose and beauty of the 2nd Amendment?

If government is empowered to track every gun, then it is also empowered to track down resistance in case it goes rouge / tyrannical.
I have a feeling you would believe neither would be possible, but men FAR wiser than you could ever hope to be set up that for a reason.

Your suggestions (like all hoplophobes) ALWAYS see the gun as the problem.
Never the criminal who uses it.

That is so fucked up I refuse to argue with you.

Great. We disagree. Just like I predicted. We accomplished nothing. Just like I predicted. Now can we move past that stupid detour that you insisted on?

Your statement: "Show me where I ever said nothing should be done."

Prove me wrong. Tell me what you think should be done to help prevent incidents like this.

You claimed I was deflecting because I wouldn't offer a suggestion. I told you it wouldn't be helpful because we'll disagree on it anyway. But at least I have a suggestion.

What's yours?

Correct.......our thinking is vastly different.

You believe guns commit crimes against people and need more control.
I believe bad people commit crimes with guns and those people need more control.

You see, I don't blame objects for crimes like you do.
If I wasn't paying attention, this might be a fairly good attempt at deflection.
You see, I already asked YOU several times what you suggest we do about these murderous "crazy assholes" as you called them.
You have thus far avoided a reply, yet now you bounce the question back at me. Deflection is what that is called.


I think we should be able to track guns more efficiently. I'd like to prevent the sale of guns without a background check. If this guy bought his gun from someone else, then we need to know who sold him that gun and we can hold that person accountable.

There's one of my suggestions. And don't worry about responding to it because I already know exactly where it's going to go. You disagree.

Great. So there's my idea. You disagree with it. We accomplished nothing. Can we fast-forward past this part now? It's not helpful and it gets extremely repetitive.

Notice that I have a suggestion. You don't like it, but I have one. So now it's your turn.

Prove me wrong. Tell me what you think should be done to help prevent incidents like this.

Do you understand the purpose and beauty of the 2nd Amendment?

If government is empowered to track every gun, then it is also empowered to track down resistance in case it goes rouge / tyrannical.
I have a feeling you would believe neither would be possible, but men FAR wiser than you could ever hope to be set up that for a reason.

Your suggestions (like all hoplophobes) ALWAYS see the gun as the problem.
Never the criminal who uses it.

That is so fucked up I refuse to argue with you.

Great. We disagree. Just like I predicted. We accomplished nothing. Just like I predicted. Now can we move past that stupid detour that you insisted on?

Your statement: "Show me where I ever said nothing should be done."

Prove me wrong. Tell me what you think should be done to help prevent incidents like this.

You claimed I was deflecting because I wouldn't offer a suggestion. I told you it wouldn't be helpful because we'll disagree on it anyway. But at least I have a suggestion.

What's yours?

Correct.......our thinking is vastly different.

You believe guns commit crimes against people and need more control.
I believe bad people commit crimes with guns and those people need more control.

Crazy, right? It's almost like we disagree on this. Who could have possibly predicted that? It's mind-boggling.

Now then, what's your suggestion?

Your statement: "Show me where I ever said nothing should be done."

My response: Prove me wrong. Show me what you think should be done.
You don’t think. We agree there. Hypocrite. If the dad had a gun to defend himself, he and his daughter may still be alive. In your world only criminals have guns. Defund the police. Disarm law abiding citizens. Burn cities. Typical Leftist. Conte

Let me know when you calm down and have something useful to say.

Just looks like you're making baseless personal attacks, mixing up arguments, and misinterpreting things.

You are sorry. And you know what I mean. The guns are there. Democrats want to defund the police the only solution is for us to arm and defend ourselves as happened in Wisconsin. When police shoot criminals you cry foul. Crazy.

More baseless unrelated bullshit.
Translation: I cannot refute your statement.
You don’t think. We agree there. Hypocrite. If the dad had a gun to defend himself, he and his daughter may still be alive. In your world only criminals have guns. Defund the police. Disarm law abiding citizens. Burn cities. Typical Leftist. Conte

Let me know when you calm down and have something useful to say.

Just looks like you're making baseless personal attacks, mixing up arguments, and misinterpreting things.

You are sorry. And you know what I mean. The guns are there. Democrats want to defund the police the only solution is for us to arm and defend ourselves as happened in Wisconsin. When police shoot criminals you cry foul. Crazy.

More baseless unrelated bullshit.
Translation: I cannot refute your statement.

What would you like me to refute? Be specific.