Father kills gay son

The son was nothing but a nutcase. Most gays are. This one just made things worse by being a druggie.

The son apparently was mentally ill and a drug addict. We don't know whether the father was or not.

To you all that matters is being able to attack him for being gay- and you had also hoped to attack the family for being Muslim.

That just didn't work out for you- when your fantasies and speculations collided with the facts.
The right to marry would be one. But straights tried to use government power to establish their religion and prevent it.

But now gays and lesbians are trying to use that same government to establish it, and crush any religious objection to it.

Christians who follow the law- as the New Testament commands them to- have no religious objection to following the law

Romans 13New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
Obey Those in Authority
13 All of you must obey those who rule over you. There are no authorities except the ones God has chosen. Those who now rule have been chosen by God. 2 So whoever opposes the authorities opposes leaders whom God has appointed. Those who do that will be judged. 3 If you do what is right, you won’t need to be afraid of your rulers. But watch out if you do what is wrong! You don’t want to be afraid of those in authority, do you? Then do what is right, and you will be praised. 4 The one in authority serves God for your good. But if you do wrong, watch out! Rulers don’t carry a sword for no reason at all. They serve God. And God is carrying out his anger through them. The ruler punishes anyone who does wrong. 5 You must obey the authorities. Then you will not be punished. You must also obey them because you know it is right.

...and daughters should be killed and death for wearing two types of cloth.....

How about render to caesar .... our laws and social norms

Give to god what is gods in your church or home, not outside.

church and state don't mix
You cited risk to religious liberties. There is virtually none.

When Nathan Deal vetoed our religious liberty bill here in Georgia, he set the precedent for allowing gay couples to walk into a church, mosque or synagogue and demand the Pastor, Rabbi, or Imam marry them..

No- not in the least.

No more than a Jewish couple can walk into a Catholic church and demand that the Priest marry them.

Hell the Catholic Church will not even marry two Protestants.

Despite the fear mongering of the far right, no one is demanding churches end their traditional discriminatory practices- nor does the law in anyway support ending it.
You cited risk to religious liberties. There is virtually none.

When Nathan Deal vetoed our religious liberty bill here in Georgia, he set the precedent for allowing gay couples to walk into a church, mosque or synagogue and demand the Pastor, Rabbi, or Imam marry them..

No- not in the least.

No more than a Jewish couple can walk into a Catholic church and demand that the Priest marry them.

Hell the Catholic Church will not even marry two Protestants.

Despite the fear mongering of the far right, no one is demanding churches end their traditional discriminatory practices- nor does the law in anyway support ending it.

It's not hard to see you will deny it. Always. It isn't fear mongering. Because the bill itself was designed to protect priests and other religious officials from having to marry gay couples against their religious beliefs. Now that Deal has rejected such a bill, it sets a precedent. Marry us, or else.
Since Christians customers are actually protected more completely by these laws than gay customers I think Christian entrepreneurs will do just fine.

You should get a refund on that crystal ball. It's busted.

Christian entreprenuers are doing just fine.

Now if they would just follow the Bible they wouldn't have to worry about being in conflict with the law

Romans 13New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
Obey Those in Authority
13 All of you must obey those who rule over you. There are no authorities except the ones God has chosen. Those who now rule have been chosen by God. 2 So whoever opposes the authorities opposes leaders whom God has appointed. Those who do that will be judged. 3 If you do what is right, you won’t need to be afraid of your rulers. But watch out if you do what is wrong! You don’t want to be afraid of those in authority, do you? Then do what is right, and you will be praised. 4 The one in authority serves God for your good. But if you do wrong, watch out! Rulers don’t carry a sword for no reason at all. They serve God. And God is carrying out his anger through them. The ruler punishes anyone who does wrong. 5 You must obey the authorities. Then you will not be punished. You must also obey them because you know it is right.

It's great, how liberals like you try to invoke the bible when you've been cornered.

Ephesians 6:7-8

7 Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, 8 because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.

So, serve man and his laws, or serve God. What is a Christian to do?

Romans 12:2

2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.
The right to marry would be one. But straights tried to use government power to establish their religion and prevent it.

But now gays and lesbians are trying to use that same government to establish it, and crush any religious objection to it.

Christians who follow the law- as the New Testament commands them to- have no religious objection to following the law

Romans 13New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
Obey Those in Authority
13 All of you must obey those who rule over you. There are no authorities except the ones God has chosen. Those who now rule have been chosen by God. 2 So whoever opposes the authorities opposes leaders whom God has appointed. Those who do that will be judged. 3 If you do what is right, you won’t need to be afraid of your rulers. But watch out if you do what is wrong! You don’t want to be afraid of those in authority, do you? Then do what is right, and you will be praised. 4 The one in authority serves God for your good. But if you do wrong, watch out! Rulers don’t carry a sword for no reason at all. They serve God. And God is carrying out his anger through them. The ruler punishes anyone who does wrong. 5 You must obey the authorities. Then you will not be punished. You must also obey them because you know it is right.

There is no Christian scholar on the planet gonna claim that God chooses politicians and blesses them with divine wisdom. Or that Hitlers and Stalins were chosen by God for the good of their people. I think there's a confusion about AUTHORITIES here or it's a lawyerly way to escape persecution from the current rulers at the time..
All you can say is, in your opinion they deserve love and acceptance. There is no right, no enforceable right to love, acceptance or fair treatment.


This is pathetic.
It's also true and you have to know that. When was the time, any time that you saw any action for violating a personal right to love and acceptance? You might find a family reprehensible for turning away a child but there is nothing to stop them from doing it.
Since Christians customers are actually protected more completely by these laws than gay customers I think Christian entrepreneurs will do just fine.

You should get a refund on that crystal ball. It's busted.

Christian entreprenuers are doing just fine.

Now if they would just follow the Bible they wouldn't have to worry about being in conflict with the law

Romans 13New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
Obey Those in Authority
13 All of you must obey those who rule over you. There are no authorities except the ones God has chosen. Those who now rule have been chosen by God. 2 So whoever opposes the authorities opposes leaders whom God has appointed. Those who do that will be judged. 3 If you do what is right, you won’t need to be afraid of your rulers. But watch out if you do what is wrong! You don’t want to be afraid of those in authority, do you? Then do what is right, and you will be praised. 4 The one in authority serves God for your good. But if you do wrong, watch out! Rulers don’t carry a sword for no reason at all. They serve God. And God is carrying out his anger through them. The ruler punishes anyone who does wrong. 5 You must obey the authorities. Then you will not be punished. You must also obey them because you know it is right.

It's great, how liberals like you try to invoke the bible when you've been cornered.

Ephesians 6:7-8

7 Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, 8 because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.

So, serve man and his laws, or serve God. What is a Christian to do?

Romans 12:2

2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.

killing gays is not god's work, it's the devils

.............go directly to hell, do no pass church, do not collect absolution.
It's also true and you have to know that. When was the time, any time that you saw any action for violating a personal right to love and acceptance?

What are you talking about?

You might find a family reprehensible for turning away a child but there is nothing to stop them from doing it.

Eh, you have parenting all wrong pal. There are Christians here who want to preserve the "family unit" as it were. Here you are wanting to tear it apart because one member is gay.

Family's family. I don't understand why you would simply throw your gay family member out on the street for being gay.
Since Christians customers are actually protected more completely by these laws than gay customers I think Christian entrepreneurs will do just fine.

You should get a refund on that crystal ball. It's busted.

Christian entreprenuers are doing just fine.

Now if they would just follow the Bible they wouldn't have to worry about being in conflict with the law

Romans 13New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
Obey Those in Authority
13 All of you must obey those who rule over you. There are no authorities except the ones God has chosen. Those who now rule have been chosen by God. 2 So whoever opposes the authorities opposes leaders whom God has appointed. Those who do that will be judged. 3 If you do what is right, you won’t need to be afraid of your rulers. But watch out if you do what is wrong! You don’t want to be afraid of those in authority, do you? Then do what is right, and you will be praised. 4 The one in authority serves God for your good. But if you do wrong, watch out! Rulers don’t carry a sword for no reason at all. They serve God. And God is carrying out his anger through them. The ruler punishes anyone who does wrong. 5 You must obey the authorities. Then you will not be punished. You must also obey them because you know it is right.

It's great, how liberals like you try to invoke the bible when you've been cornered.

Ephesians 6:7-8

7 Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, 8 because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.

So, serve man and his laws, or serve God. What is a Christian to do?

Romans 12:2

2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.

killing gays is not god's work, it's the devils

.............go directly to hell, do no pass church, do not collect absolution.

All you can say is, in your opinion they deserve love and acceptance. There is no right, no enforceable right to love, acceptance or fair treatment.


This is pathetic.
It's also true and you have to know that. When was the time, any time that you saw any action for violating a personal right to love and acceptance? You might find a family reprehensible for turning away a child but there is nothing to stop them from doing it.

Child services............ and the child might be found another home or become emancipated.
All you can say is, in your opinion they deserve love and acceptance. There is no right, no enforceable right to love, acceptance or fair treatment.


This is pathetic.
It's also true and you have to know that. When was the time, any time that you saw any action for violating a personal right to love and acceptance? You might find a family reprehensible for turning away a child but there is nothing to stop them from doing it.

Child services............ and the child might be found another home or become emancipated.
Well no. Even minor children aren't entitled to love or acceptsnce, child services comes to a home, they check to see if there is food in the house, does the child have adequate clothing, a place to sleep, age appropriate toys. They never even ask about personal feelings. The number of children told to leave home when they turn 18 are too many to think about. For adult children, they are shit out of luck. In this case, the gay son was 29 years old. He had no right to be in that home.

Of course 18 year olds are aged out of foster care every day and end up on the street.
The right to marry would be one. But straights tried to use government power to establish their religion and prevent it.

But now gays and lesbians are trying to use that same government to establish it, and crush any religious objection to it.

PA laws aren't religion.

"PA" laws. What are "PA" laws? I'm no good with acronyms.
Public accommodation

Ahh, gotcha.
Long years ago i knew a woman that was raped and elected to keep the biracial child. To me, this woman was a really twisted sister. The rapist was never arrested so the woman birthed his child with the intention of visiting all the hate for the father on the child. The poor little girl went to school saying mom hates me. But because the child was well cared for social services could do no more than suggest counseling. That was more than simply withholdin
It's also true and you have to know that. When was the time, any time that you saw any action for violating a personal right to love and acceptance?

What are you talking about?

You might find a family reprehensible for turning away a child but there is nothing to stop them from doing it.

Eh, you have parenting all wrong pal. There are Christians here who want to preserve the "family unit" as it were. Here you are wanting to tear it apart because one member is gay.

Family's family. I don't understand why you would simply throw your gay family member out on the street for being gay.
You wouldn't. There is nothing stopping anyone from throwing a family member out because they are gay or for any reason or no reason. There is nothing stopping them. There is no civil or criminal penalty for tossing an adult family member out on their asses.
All you can say is, in your opinion they deserve love and acceptance. There is no right, no enforceable right to love, acceptance or fair treatment.


This is pathetic.
It's also true and you have to know that. When was the time, any time that you saw any action for violating a personal right to love and acceptance? You might find a family reprehensible for turning away a child but there is nothing to stop them from doing it.

Child services............ and the child might be found another home or become emancipated.
Well no. Even minor children aren't entitled to love or acceptsnce, child services comes to a home, they check to see if there is food in the house, does the child have adequate clothing, a place to sleep, age appropriate toys. They never even ask about personal feelings. The number of children told to leave home when they turn 18 are too many to think about. For adult children, they are shit out of luck. In this case, the gay son was 29 years old. He had no right to be in that home.

Of course 18 year olds are aged out of foster care every day and end up on the street.

they check to see if there is abuse, mental or physical abuse of any kind.

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