Father kills gay son

]Fascinating story. Can you back any of that up?

It's right there in front you all the time.

Every church service in history has ended with the usual screaming mob carrying torches and racing through the streets looking for homosexuals and uppity black people to lynch or burn at the stake. It's so common they don't even report it in the news any more, in case there are any foreign posters here who haven't been to America and aren't aware of this.
]Fascinating story. Can you back any of that up?

It's right there in front you all the time.

Every church service in history has ended with the usual screaming mob carrying torches and racing through the streets looking for homosexuals and uppity black people to lynch or burn at the stake. It's so common they don't even report it in the news any more, in case there are any foreign posters here who haven't been to America and aren't aware of this.
All that's in front of me right now is some stupid lying asshole. Go play your games elsewhere.
]Fascinating story. Can you back any of that up?

It's right there in front you all the time.

Every church service in history has ended with the usual screaming mob carrying torches and racing through the streets looking for homosexuals and uppity black people to lynch or burn at the stake. It's so common they don't even report it in the news any more, in case there are any foreign posters here who haven't been to America and aren't aware of this.
All that's in front of me right now is some stupid lying asshole. Go play your games elsewhere.

Don't get sarcasm, do you. You must be from California.
]Fascinating story. Can you back any of that up?

It's right there in front you all the time.

Every church service in history has ended with the usual screaming mob carrying torches and racing through the streets looking for homosexuals and uppity black people to lynch or burn at the stake. It's so common they don't even report it in the news any more, in case there are any foreign posters here who haven't been to America and aren't aware of this.
All that's in front of me right now is some stupid lying asshole. Go play your games elsewhere.

Don't get sarcasm, do you. You must be from California.
You must be from Dumbfuckistan.
]Fascinating story. Can you back any of that up?

It's right there in front you all the time.

Every church service in history has ended with the usual screaming mob carrying torches and racing through the streets looking for homosexuals and uppity black people to lynch or burn at the stake. It's so common they don't even report it in the news any more, in case there are any foreign posters here who haven't been to America and aren't aware of this.
All that's in front of me right now is some stupid lying asshole. Go play your games elsewhere.

Don't get sarcasm, do you. You must be from California.
You must be from Dumbfuckistan.

Brilliant retort. Change the batteries in your butt plug and take a break.
I'm not blaming gays, just the mentally ill gay son..

Yet you have indeed been blaming gays- providing your own kooky theory that all gays are mentally ill- a theory that was discredited 42 years ago.

You have assigned your self judge and jury and have exonerated the father and blamed the person who was killed based upon your "in depth investigative analysis" that lead you to suggest incorrectly that the family was Muslim.

This was indeed a tragedy. Two people are dead. A father is in jail.

And you want to use the incident to spin your tales for whatever nefarious purpose you have.

Dear Syriusly
Some gay or transgender people ARE mentally ill. Look at the shooter in the case of the VA TV station who was gay and obviously ill
with both homocidal and suicidal issues.

Just because they are LGBT does not make them immune to mental illness that can affect anyone.

As for "a theory that was discredited 42 years ago"
what about spiritual healing that has healed people and changed orientation?
Where is the research that shows these cases?

The research isn't complete until ALL cases are studied.

People can be healed of anger or broken relations, and that doesn't count as mental illness.
So can people be healed of unwanted homosexual attractions, and that isn't a mental illness either.
But yes, such people can also have mental illness related to abuses if this is what
happened to them that caused them to exhibit the homosexual attractions and orientation.
Some cases are like that also.

Some are natural some unnatural.
Some can change, some cannot. Until all these are studied, the research
isn't complete and people are making biased conclusions based on biased research.

Homosexuality is a mental disorder, and was not even remotely proved otherwise '42 years ago' or any other time. Like all mental illnesses revolving around sexual fetishes, it's a matter of degrees of pathology; some cases are more severe and obsessive than others. the only question that remains is whether it is a primary pathology in itself, or an associative disorder related to a more severe mental disorder.

The APA 'vote' in 1973 had zero to do with 'science'; it had to do with the APA caving in to political agitprop and the typical '60's style mau-mauing. The vote was some 5,800 for changing it, and 3,800 against, with some 10,000 members not voting at all, so obviously 'science' had nothing to do with the change at all.
I'm not blaming gays, just the mentally ill gay son..

Yet you have indeed been blaming gays- providing your own kooky theory that all gays are mentally ill- a theory that was discredited 42 years ago.

You have assigned your self judge and jury and have exonerated the father and blamed the person who was killed based upon your "in depth investigative analysis" that lead you to suggest incorrectly that the family was Muslim.

This was indeed a tragedy. Two people are dead. A father is in jail.

And you want to use the incident to spin your tales for whatever nefarious purpose you have.

Dear Syriusly
Some gay or transgender people ARE mentally ill. Look at the shooter in the case of the VA TV station who was gay and obviously ill
with both homocidal and suicidal issues.

Just because they are LGBT does not make them immune to mental illness that can affect anyone.

As for "a theory that was discredited 42 years ago"
what about spiritual healing that has healed people and changed orientation?
Where is the research that shows these cases?

The research isn't complete until ALL cases are studied.

People can be healed of anger or broken relations, and that doesn't count as mental illness.
So can people be healed of unwanted homosexual attractions, and that isn't a mental illness either.
But yes, such people can also have mental illness related to abuses if this is what
happened to them that caused them to exhibit the homosexual attractions and orientation.
Some cases are like that also.

Some are natural some unnatural.
Some can change, some cannot. Until all these are studied, the research
isn't complete and people are making biased conclusions based on biased research.

Homosexuality is a mental disorder, and was not even remotely proved otherwise '42 years ago' or any other time. Like all mental illnesses revolving around sexual fetishes, it's a matter of degrees of pathology; some cases are more severe and obsessive than others. the only question that remains is whether it is a primary pathology in itself, or an associative disorder related to a more severe mental disorder.

The APA 'vote' in 1973 had zero to do with 'science'; it had to do with the APA caving in to political agitprop and the typical '60's style mau-mauing. The vote was some 5,800 for changing it, and 3,800 against, with some 10,000 members not voting at all, so obviously 'science' had nothing to do with the change at all.

Holy Thread resurrection Idiot Boy!

Whether an Idiot Boy like you thinks homosexuality is a mental disorder is as relevant as whether you consider a Mormonism to be a mental disorder.

There is no 'science' which shows that homosexuality is a mental disorder- which is why no reputable or major medical organization in the entire Western world agrees with Idiot Boy.

Which by the way is ironic- because this thread was an attempt by another idiot to blame Islam on the murder of a gay.

But it turned out the father was a Christian- not a Muslim- so the entire thread turned to attacking gays instead.

What idiot bigots.
North Hills Father Charged With Murder for Allegedly Shooting Son Because He Was Gay

From the names it looks like this is a muslim family.

The son was probably being obnoxious and badgering his father demanding dad meet his demands. The old man couldn't take it any more.
Many Right Wingers would agree with you that the father had every right to kill his son.
Very few,not many,its the extreme of any religion to goto that length.
Are there nuts that claim to be Christian,like those westbore shit heads,they are extremely rare and do not represent the conservative right in any form. Hi
I'm not blaming gays, just the mentally ill gay son..

Yet you have indeed been blaming gays- providing your own kooky theory that all gays are mentally ill- a theory that was discredited 42 years ago.

You have assigned your self judge and jury and have exonerated the father and blamed the person who was killed based upon your "in depth investigative analysis" that lead you to suggest incorrectly that the family was Muslim.

This was indeed a tragedy. Two people are dead. A father is in jail.

And you want to use the incident to spin your tales for whatever nefarious purpose you have.

Dear Syriusly
Some gay or transgender people ARE mentally ill. Look at the shooter in the case of the VA TV station who was gay and obviously ill
with both homocidal and suicidal issues.

Just because they are LGBT does not make them immune to mental illness that can affect anyone.

As for "a theory that was discredited 42 years ago"
what about spiritual healing that has healed people and changed orientation?
Where is the research that shows these cases?

The research isn't complete until ALL cases are studied.

People can be healed of anger or broken relations, and that doesn't count as mental illness.
So can people be healed of unwanted homosexual attractions, and that isn't a mental illness either.
But yes, such people can also have mental illness related to abuses if this is what
happened to them that caused them to exhibit the homosexual attractions and orientation.
Some cases are like that also.

Some are natural some unnatural.
Some can change, some cannot. Until all these are studied, the research
isn't complete and people are making biased conclusions based on biased research.

Homosexuality is a mental disorder, and was not even remotely proved otherwise '42 years ago' or any other time. Like all mental illnesses revolving around sexual fetishes, it's a matter of degrees of pathology; some cases are more severe and obsessive than others. the only question that remains is whether it is a primary pathology in itself, or an associative disorder related to a more severe mental disorder.

The APA 'vote' in 1973 had zero to do with 'science'; it had to do with the APA caving in to political agitprop and the typical '60's style mau-mauing. The vote was some 5,800 for changing it, and 3,800 against, with some 10,000 members not voting at all, so obviously 'science' had nothing to do with the change at all.
Dear Picaro
In some cases chronic rage is part of a mental disorder. For most ppl anger is natural and part of being human. Some ppl are more prone to anger and some none at all.

Are you going to argue that anger is a mental health issue that falls on a spectrum? It is only Some cases, not all that are considered sick.

So if this becomes out of control and a danger to others like sexual addicts who rape or abuse others, then that can be policed.

If someone is using or producing child porn, that is a chargeable offense.

But we cannot prove what is natural or unnatural orientation anymore than we can prove what is natural or unnatural anger unless it becomes a crime like harassing or threatening ppl .

This remains faith based and is up to the person's choice what is natural or unnatural for them, what can be changed and what can't.

Yes Picaro there are cases of it being mental illness but this is not true for all ppl. That's why the conflict remains, because the cases are different and are not all unnatural sickness and not all natural either. Some cases are one or the other. It depends on the person.

Syriusly it would help to acknowledge that some cases of homosexual orirntation/attraction are related to abuse that is sick and not natural. Some such cases have been changed by spiritual healing. If either side is going to open up and recognize the other side is right about "some cases" , it helps if both sides open up and recognize not all cases are the same. The change in perception usually happens mutually.
Syriusly it would help to acknowledge that some cases of homosexual orirntation/attraction are related to abuse that is sick and not natural..

I am all for any victims of childhood sexual abuse getting treatment for any of the resulting mental harm from the abuse.
Syriusly it would help to acknowledge that some cases of homosexual orirntation/attraction are related to abuse that is sick and not natural..

I am all for any victims of childhood sexual abuse getting treatment for any of the resulting mental harm from the abuse.
Yes if we focus on healing this applies and helps all ppl regardless what their orientation or beliefs turns out to be after all other issues are resolved. Thank you Syriusly!
That is why my kids would bring their friends to our house for safety.
I don't understand how parents can reject their children for who they are
Islam is an intolerant cult...

I've know Christians who are no better when they find out their kids are LGBT

Beaten, tortured, put in forced conversions (attempts), exorcised, thrown out, even attempted to kill them.
Some kids were driven to attempt suicide or drugs.

No kid should have to go through that.

I was born and raised in San Francisco in a home not too far from the Haight Ashbury District. Very few of my contemporaries hung out in the Haight, and many of those flower children who moved here in the late 60's had drifted here to find acceptance.

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