Fat Albert's Unprovoked Attack on a White Woman Leaves Her Hospitalized

I dont want to sound like a liberal, but I'd REALLY like to understand what causes these these creatures to do these things.

We keep seeing the same pattern. Blacks brutally assaulting people minding their own damn business, for NO REASON AT ALL except being of a different race.

Are their brains short circuited? We RARELY see this behavior in any other group. Never among grown ass adults -- except among the black race
I cant believe the way the "bystanders" did nothing to intervene. They didnt even get the goblin's plate.

Based on what we've been seeing lately, especially this last year, it doesn't surprise me one damn bit!
Bystanders are always the biggest pussies I've ever seen, they are an embarrassment to humanity!

As a lifelong coward, I can understand why most bystanders are reluctant to get involved.

1. They could get physically injured.

2. The victim could turn on them for some reason. (For example, if it's a domestic dispute.)

3. The perp in this case could scream "Racism!"

Of course, even I would call 911 and write down important details.
What can explain why the douchebag witnesses did not string that beast up on the nearest tree?
They were probably thinking that they didn't know exactly what was going on, was it a domestic dispute or what? And imagining what their lives would be like when the media posted a story about some racist vigilante mob beating a poor black man, who was really just a gentle giant, a big ole Teddy Bear.....

I'll bet a lot of stuff like that was going through their minds, and they were weighing the choice of "Do I want to risk sacrificing my job, my livelihood, my life savings on lawyers, my reputation, maybe losing my freedom if this fat fuck dies and I get charged, etc., to jump into something where I don't know what all is going on, and I don't even know this lady?"
Serious question - why is it not deemed a racist attack rather than "brutal attack"

You can bet your mortgage and pension on if the roles were reversed Police would be hunting for a "racist attacker" and you never know, some more towns and businesses might even burn too.
Because only non-violent Whites can be considered Racist.

The real Racist attacks are simply referred to as "brutal attacks".

A while ago, a black adult man shot and killed a 5 year old white boy name Cannon. And for no apparent reason. Like the incident in this OP. Neither of them had said a word to each other. The POS just walked out and shot the kid.
So looking at news articles from the major sources, not one of them mentioned either the POS or the boys race. MSNBC didn't even post it on their news webiste.
Serious question - why is it not deemed a racist attack rather than "brutal attack"

You can bet your mortgage and pension on if the roles were reversed Police would be hunting for a "racist attacker" and you never know, some more towns and businesses might even burn too.
Come on.
its not like he called the cops in a row over dogwalking in Central Park.
You know. Real racism which makes it to the British newspapers.
Don't get me started on that either ....

Black on black violence rife on the streets of London, whilst a Muslim, BLM-loving, lefty mayor in charge of it all sits back and let's it all happen.
Its rife in Ireland too, despite them being in the country only 20 odd fucking years.
No go areas and gang culture.
Ungrateful bastards never stop whinging either.

Said it before I'll say it again....Europe is f****d.
Totally agree - but what's that say about the USA? it was the USA (a country I absolutely love btw) that imported lefties, woke'ism, BLM and cancel culture to the rest of the Western world.

Well on this level anyway, there's always been lefties in Europe but the USA has made it popular and trendy on this intense level recently.

I hope the UK and the USA can get their act together.

None of the political parties or figure heads have the capacity or bravery to do anything about it.

I used to think dictatorships were just evil but now I'm not so sure. The right person and all this crap literally stops overnight and maybe then we can go back to giving democracy another chance.

If they actually fixed things, the media would go broke. Along with those who own the media (and just about anything else that deals in real money)
Imagine, getting rid of the politicians that are owned by the military industrial complex or insurance companies. Or even the NRA lobbyist and gun manufacturers for that matter.
I dont want to sound like a liberal, but I'd REALLY like to understand what causes these these creatures to do these things.

We keep seeing the same pattern. Blacks brutally assaulting people minding their own damn business, for NO REASON AT ALL except being of a different race.

Are their brains short circuited? We RARELY see this behavior in any other group. Never among grown ass adults -- except among the black race

Violence isn't necessarily a race thing, It's a human nature trait. Some humans are the most vile and horrendous creatures on the planet.

I'm posting this news report because it doesn't list the gory details.

How someone thinks it's OK to do violence on someone else, unprovoked, is beyond me.

A while ago, a black adult man shot and killed a 5 year old white boy name Cannon. And for no apparent reason. Like the incident in this OP. Neither of them had said a word to each other. The POS just walked out and shot the kid.
So looking at news articles from the major sources, not one of them mentioned either the POS or the boys race. MSNBC didn't even post it on their news webiste.
Notice these cowards are usually attacking women and children.

A while ago, a black adult man shot and killed a 5 year old white boy name Cannon. And for no apparent reason. Like the incident in this OP. Neither of them had said a word to each other. The POS just walked out and shot the kid.
So looking at news articles from the major sources, not one of them mentioned either the POS or the boys race. MSNBC didn't even post it on their news webiste.
Notice these cowards are usually attacking women and children.
RACISTS notice these "racists" are usually attacking women and children.
This fat Albert bragging about killing someone, then asks the cops "Wad I do?"

I don't get the nonchalant way he just went about his day, without remorse. This has got to be some mental issue. Mentally ill, yes. But should be given a lesser sentence for being mentally ill, nope. Not one day shorter.
Can some blacks on this board please come in here and tell us how this was a "staged attacked" by the media. I always enjoy those posts.
Blacks have had behavioral issues (murder, rape, assault, robbery, etc.) since day one in the USA. Which is why Southerners strung the culprits up as necessary. Their savagery has been turbo charged by the Europhobic "occupied" academia, MSM, law enforcement, etc. I notice the hundreds of Jewish organizations have been having vigils lately because some kid drew a Swastika, which everyone did back in the day because it is a cool symbol. It is no different than the Jewish flag with the inverted triangles. But they claim anti-Jewish activity while they promote anti-White activity at all levels of government, academia, MSM, law enforcement, etc. :dunno:
That's all black people will do is attack weaker people, attack in groups of a lot more who they are attacking, do drive by shootings, scream and yell when no one is around or they are around people who don't do anything about it, and so on. They are cowards in the end. They put on a big show to intimidate people, and they attack easy targets to look and sound tough.

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