Fake News. The Media Story that Trump Had Rioters Tear Gassed to Get to the Church is False According to Park Police.

As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

Liar. The curfew didn't start until 7:00 PM. They fired off tear gas at 6:30.
Because they were being pelted with debris.


You Trump supporters should get your stories strait. The OP said it was past curfew. Of course that was a lie. I was watching a live feed when the cops started clearing the park. There wasn't any sign of anything being thrown until Trump's attack on innocent protesters.

It was 25 minutes before the crowd was going to be ordered to leave.
That's why Trump did it then, to tear gas them while they were still there.
prove it.

The timeline is already proven.
talking about tear gas.

in any event, i do agree this was not done to help calm things down. but i also believe people are doing all they can to amplify what happened as well.

just the way the world is today.
Another quote from the reporter.

Early Tuesday, a US Park Police source told WTOP the agency was unaware of the President's upcoming walk, and that USPP had fired smoke canisters, rather than tear gas. DC Police Chief Peter Newsham said Tues his agency hadn't used tear gas to clear Lafayette Park. Asked several
The news said William Barr spoke with park police ahead of time about the President's visit.

I read that as well after I posted this. I do not know if it is true. I do know tear gas was not used and Trump never told the Park police to go after protesters. Neither did Barr. Fake news.
not much difference between tear gas and pepper spray.... most people call pepper spray disbursement tear gas... tear gas is a more common use term that covers both in most people's mind....

Is Pepper Spray the same as tear gas?

Pepper Spray. The two biggest differences between tear gas spray and pepper spray are their chemical makeup and delivery methods. Pepper spray (sometimes referred to as “OC spray“) is a combination of natural chemicals, whereas tear gas (also called “CS gas“) comes from man-made compounds.

They did not use pepper spray either. They used smoke canisters. That is what they said. I provided the link with direct quotes from the Park police. This is not difficult. Just read what they said.

Also, Trump never directed the Park police to go after protesters. Neither did Barr. Fake news. And the media is still telling the same lies even though the police on the scene directly contradict the media.
i was just skimming this thread and I believe one of the articles you or someone else posted said they did use pepper spray, not tear gas.

let me see if I can find it....
here ya go.... Park police SAID smoke canisters AND PEPPER BALLS

NEW: Smoke canisters and pepper balls, but United States Park Police acting Chief Gregory T. Monahan says “No tear gas was used by USPP officers or other assisting law enforcement partners to close the area at Lafayette Park.”

I just said that above your post. That is neither tear gas (which the media is still claiming) or pepper spray. Believe the media or believe the cops on the scene. Up to you. :)

So then your argument is purely semantical, WelfareQueen (lol). Whether it was tear gas or mace, bullets or pepper balls, all that shit is academic.

The park police didn't use flowers, unicorns and great intentions to disperse protestors either. Who gives a flying fuck what kind of non lethal projectiles were used to do so, that's a pointless takeaway.

The point is they did it for some useless photo op.
They did it because there was a 7:00PM curfew and other cities were burning. Liberals are clinging to the Washington DC clearing of Lafayette Park and ignoring all the violence and looting in other cities. You can't cherry pick your riot.
As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

Well that's a lie.
As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

It's gotten to the point that one can almost take it on faith that everything MSM reports is a lie and fake news from the get go. They are no longer reliable or credible sources of information, so why are we aollowing our nation's bandwidth to be pissed away for those assholes to run ads if there is no public benefit?
MSM does not even try to practice objective journalism. It's all propaganda to feed the anger of snowflake s because Hillary lost in 2016.
Another quote from the reporter.

Early Tuesday, a US Park Police source told WTOP the agency was unaware of the President's upcoming walk, and that USPP had fired smoke canisters, rather than tear gas. DC Police Chief Peter Newsham said Tues his agency hadn't used tear gas to clear Lafayette Park. Asked several
The news said William Barr spoke with park police ahead of time about the President's visit.

I read that as well after I posted this. I do not know if it is true. I do know tear gas was not used and Trump never told the Park police to go after protesters. Neither did Barr. Fake news.
not much difference between tear gas and pepper spray.... most people call pepper spray disbursement tear gas... tear gas is a more common use term that covers both in most people's mind....

Is Pepper Spray the same as tear gas?

Pepper Spray. The two biggest differences between tear gas spray and pepper spray are their chemical makeup and delivery methods. Pepper spray (sometimes referred to as “OC spray“) is a combination of natural chemicals, whereas tear gas (also called “CS gas“) comes from man-made compounds.

They did not use pepper spray either. They used smoke canisters. That is what they said. I provided the link with direct quotes from the Park police. This is not difficult. Just read what they said.

Also, Trump never directed the Park police to go after protesters. Neither did Barr. Fake news. And the media is still telling the same lies even though the police on the scene directly contradict the media.
i was just skimming this thread and I believe one of the articles you or someone else posted said they did use pepper spray, not tear gas.

let me see if I can find it....
here ya go.... Park police SAID smoke canisters AND PEPPER BALLS

NEW: Smoke canisters and pepper balls, but United States Park Police acting Chief Gregory T. Monahan says “No tear gas was used by USPP officers or other assisting law enforcement partners to close the area at Lafayette Park.”

I just said that above your post. That is neither tear gas (which the media is still claiming) or pepper spray. Believe the media or believe the cops on the scene. Up to you. :)

So then your argument is purely semantical, WelfareQueen (lol). Whether it was tear gas or mace, bullets or pepper balls, all that shit is academic.

The park police didn't use flowers, unicorns and great intentions to disperse protestors either. Who gives a flying fuck what kind of non lethal projectiles were used to do so, that's a pointless takeaway.

The point is they did it for some useless photo op.
They did it because there was a 7:00PM curfew and other cities were burning. Liberals are clinging to the Washington DC clearing of Lafayette Park and ignoring all the violence and looting in other cities. You can't cherry pick your riot.

Ironic, as Cult45 has been doing it since this shit started. One rule for your political tribe and another for everybody else.
As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

Well that's a lie.
shit, how do we honestly know anymore?
As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

It's gotten to the point that one can almost take it on faith that everything MSM reports is a lie and fake news from the get go. They are no longer reliable or credible sources of information, so why are we aollowing our nation's bandwidth to be pissed away for those assholes to run ads if there is no public benefit?
MSM does not even try to practice objective journalism. It's all propaganda to feed the anger of snowflake s because Hillary lost in 2016.
they were headed that way long before hillary. we keep equating general human direction to the actions of 1 person.

just not how the world works, simply how we see it.
As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

Liar. The curfew didn't start until 7:00 PM. They fired off tear gas at 6:30.
Because they were being pelted with debris.


You Trump supporters should get your stories strait. The OP said it was past curfew. Of course that was a lie. I was watching a live feed when the cops started clearing the park. There wasn't any sign of anything being thrown until Trump's attack on innocent protesters.

It was 25 minutes before the crowd was going to be ordered to leave.
That's why Trump did it then, to tear gas them while they were still there.
prove it.

The timeline is already proven.
talking about tear gas.

in any event, i do agree this was not done to help calm things down. but i also believe people are doing all they can to amplify what happened as well.

just the way the world is today.

Nit picking. There might be a technical difference between tear gas and pepper gas, but the effect on the victims is similar, and I don't think many would spend much time pondering the difference immediately after being sprayed by either one.
As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

It's gotten to the point that one can almost take it on faith that everything MSM reports is a lie and fake news from the get go. They are no longer reliable or credible sources of information, so why are we aollowing our nation's bandwidth to be pissed away for those assholes to run ads if there is no public benefit?
MSM does not even try to practice objective journalism. It's all propaganda to feed the anger of snowflake s because Hillary lost in 2016.

You repeat the party rant quite well. Alex Jones should be proud of you. It's bullshit, but you repeat it well.

The police are out of control.
As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

It's gotten to the point that one can almost take it on faith that everything MSM reports is a lie and fake news from the get go. They are no longer reliable or credible sources of information, so why are we aollowing our nation's bandwidth to be pissed away for those assholes to run ads if there is no public benefit?
MSM does not even try to practice objective journalism. It's all propaganda to feed the anger of snowflake s because Hillary lost in 2016.

You repeat the party rant quite well. Alex Jones should be proud of you. It's bullshit, but you repeat it well.
Sorry if you can't handle the truth. Liberal media is a propaganda machine for Democratic Party.
As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

It's gotten to the point that one can almost take it on faith that everything MSM reports is a lie and fake news from the get go. They are no longer reliable or credible sources of information, so why are we aollowing our nation's bandwidth to be pissed away for those assholes to run ads if there is no public benefit?
MSM does not even try to practice objective journalism. It's all propaganda to feed the anger of snowflake s because Hillary lost in 2016.

You repeat the party rant quite well. Alex Jones should be proud of you. It's bullshit, but you repeat it well.
Sorry if you can't handle the truth. Liberal media is a propaganda machine for Democratic Party.

That must be some of that alternative truth you nut bags rant about. I'm still not sure how that works.
As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

Liar. The curfew didn't start until 7:00 PM. They fired off tear gas at 6:30.
Because they were being pelted with debris.


You Trump supporters should get your stories strait. The OP said it was past curfew. Of course that was a lie. I was watching a live feed when the cops started clearing the park. There wasn't any sign of anything being thrown until Trump's attack on innocent protesters.

It was 25 minutes before the crowd was going to be ordered to leave.
That's why Trump did it then, to tear gas them while they were still there.
prove it.

The timeline is already proven.
They had to have their asses out by 7:00PM...not one minute after. 99.99% of these so called protest have just been excuses
No tear gas was used. You buy into liberal media narrative. It was smoke grenades. God you people are dumb.
We are past that now. There is overwhelming video evidence and personal accounts of people being effected by tear gas.

The question that remains is will anyone be held accountable for the use of excessive force and the violation of the protester's constitutional rights? Not to mention Trump's callous use of a church and the bible as backdrop for a piece of propaganda.
it was pepper gas, the natural form of tearing gas, but not the chemical form tear gas made in a lab.... there is little difference, between the two....man made vs natural.

Tear Gas vs. Pepper Spray. The two biggest differences between tear gas spray and pepper spray are their chemical makeup and delivery methods. Pepper spray (sometimes referred to as “OC spray“) is a combination of natural chemicals, whereas tear gas (also called “CS gas“) comes from man-made compounds.
Tear Gas vs. Pepper Spray – Aftermath Services
Thanks for validating my post...it was not a choking agent. Fucking liberals.
pepper spray
Physical Effects: Uncontrollable watering of the eyes, extreme burning of the eyes and nose, temporary blindness, nasal and sinus discharge, burning of the skin, increase in blood pressure. In most cases, the symptoms of pepper spray last no longer than 45-60 minutes.

tear gas
Physical effects: Extreme burning of the nose, eyes, and throat, involuntary closing of the eyes, coughing, rise in blood pressure, mucus secretion, nausea, and vomiting. In most cases, the symptoms of tear gas spray subside within 30 minutes.

Complete BULLSHIT - Please stop LYING. Thank you.

As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

No one is surprised. They are now making the news rather than reporting them. Fake is fake...

Not that I care, 4th grade gossip always was better than the nonstory.

As always, everybody except Donald Trump is lying. Everyone. They're all out to destroy the greatest President who ever lived.

Have you had your meds today Norman?
Another quote from the reporter.

Early Tuesday, a US Park Police source told WTOP the agency was unaware of the President's upcoming walk, and that USPP had fired smoke canisters, rather than tear gas. DC Police Chief Peter Newsham said Tues his agency hadn't used tear gas to clear Lafayette Park. Asked several
The news said William Barr spoke with park police ahead of time about the President's visit.

I read that as well after I posted this. I do not know if it is true. I do know tear gas was not used and Trump never told the Park police to go after protesters. Neither did Barr. Fake news.
not much difference between tear gas and pepper spray.... most people call pepper spray disbursement tear gas... tear gas is a more common use term that covers both in most people's mind....

Is Pepper Spray the same as tear gas?

Pepper Spray. The two biggest differences between tear gas spray and pepper spray are their chemical makeup and delivery methods. Pepper spray (sometimes referred to as “OC spray“) is a combination of natural chemicals, whereas tear gas (also called “CS gas“) comes from man-made compounds.

They did not use pepper spray either. They used smoke canisters. That is what they said. I provided the link with direct quotes from the Park police. This is not difficult. Just read what they said.

Also, Trump never directed the Park police to go after protesters. Neither did Barr. Fake news. And the media is still telling the same lies even though the police on the scene directly contradict the media.
i was just skimming this thread and I believe one of the articles you or someone else posted said they did use pepper spray, not tear gas.

let me see if I can find it....
here ya go.... Park police SAID smoke canisters AND PEPPER BALLS

NEW: Smoke canisters and pepper balls, but United States Park Police acting Chief Gregory T. Monahan says “No tear gas was used by USPP officers or other assisting law enforcement partners to close the area at Lafayette Park.”

I just said that above your post. That is neither tear gas (which the media is still claiming) or pepper spray. Believe the media or believe the cops on the scene. Up to you. :)

So then your argument is purely semantical, WelfareQueen (lol). Whether it was tear gas or mace, bullets or pepper balls, all that shit is academic.

The park police didn't use flowers, unicorns and great intentions to disperse protestors either. Who gives a flying fuck what kind of non lethal projectiles were used to do so, that's a pointless takeaway.

The point is they did it for some useless photo op.
They did it because there was a 7:00PM curfew and other cities were burning. Liberals are clinging to the Washington DC clearing of Lafayette Park and ignoring all the violence and looting in other cities. You can't cherry pick your riot.

They did it to incite a riot so Dumb Donald could look tough. It backfired. It showed what a cowardly bully Trump really is.
My first reaction when Welfare Queen opened this thread was to support LE trying to control the crowd. But as all the rest of the story comes out, it sounds like the crowd was truly manhandled. Using force against protesters who are peacefully airing their grievances and not violating any agreed upon arrangements (like curfew) is ugly. It didn't stop them from coming back yesterday for the largest protest yet. Escalating force is NOT going to solve this problem. It seems to FEED it.
What about all the other cities that are burning? Why would law enforcement not feel that it would break out in DC as well?
I would be on their side if there was good reason to be. Big crowds, emotional protesters, lots of guff; it's not an easy job and can be dangerous as hell. In this case, it doesn't seem justified. The President's decision to take a walk through an area occupied by a large crowd of protesters before curfew was an error, it sounds like to me. Humans make mistakes. It won't kill you to admit he made one.
As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

Liar. The curfew didn't start until 7:00 PM. They fired off tear gas at 6:30.
Because they were being pelted with debris.


You Trump supporters should get your stories strait. The OP said it was past curfew. Of course that was a lie. I was watching a live feed when the cops started clearing the park. There wasn't any sign of anything being thrown until Trump's attack on innocent protesters.

It was 25 minutes before the crowd was going to be ordered to leave.
That's why Trump did it then, to tear gas them while they were still there.
prove it.

The timeline is already proven.
They had to have their asses out by 7:00PM...not one minute after. 99.99% of these so called protest have just been excuses
No tear gas was used. You buy into liberal media narrative. It was smoke grenades. God you people are dumb.
We are past that now. There is overwhelming video evidence and personal accounts of people being effected by tear gas.

The question that remains is will anyone be held accountable for the use of excessive force and the violation of the protester's constitutional rights? Not to mention Trump's callous use of a church and the bible as backdrop for a piece of propaganda.
it was pepper gas, the natural form of tearing gas, but not the chemical form tear gas made in a lab.... there is little difference, between the two....man made vs natural.

Tear Gas vs. Pepper Spray. The two biggest differences between tear gas spray and pepper spray are their chemical makeup and delivery methods. Pepper spray (sometimes referred to as “OC spray“) is a combination of natural chemicals, whereas tear gas (also called “CS gas“) comes from man-made compounds.
Tear Gas vs. Pepper Spray – Aftermath Services
Thanks for validating my post...it was not a choking agent. Fucking liberals.
pepper spray
Physical Effects: Uncontrollable watering of the eyes, extreme burning of the eyes and nose, temporary blindness, nasal and sinus discharge, burning of the skin, increase in blood pressure. In most cases, the symptoms of pepper spray last no longer than 45-60 minutes.

tear gas
Physical effects: Extreme burning of the nose, eyes, and throat, involuntary closing of the eyes, coughing, rise in blood pressure, mucus secretion, nausea, and vomiting. In most cases, the symptoms of tear gas spray subside within 30 minutes.

Lucky they weren't shot after throwing projectiles at law enforcement. They were common criminals waiting for a chance to loot and pillage.
As a matter of record, the media story that Trump had rioters tear gassed so he could go to the church in D.C. is also false. The Park Police said they had no idea Trump was coming. They asked the rioters three times to leave as they were violating curfew, destroying property, and attacking law enforcement. They did not leave so the Park service took the action they did.

Completely fake news the media keeps repeating.

Key quote from the story: "But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship. The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

No one is surprised. They are now making the news rather than reporting them. Fake is fake...

Not that I care, 4th grade gossip always was better than the nonstory.

As always, everybody except Donald Trump is lying. Everyone. They're all out to destroy the greatest President who ever lived.

Have you had your meds today Norman?

The media lies every time.

President Trump is amazing president. Best of all time. The Canadian communist is envious, that's why she is here. They have a giant cuck as a leader. One who is really excited about black face as well.

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