Fair Tax

"replace a long time employee with a 10 dollar an hour employee"

Yes, this exact thing happened to my mom after 15 years of service, a nice large bonus and an award for excellence. They "laid her off due to budget" but had her seat filled with an un-skliled college grad by the end of a month. Needless to say, the new girl "didn't work out".
"replace a long time employee with a 10 dollar an hour employee"

Yes, this exact thing happened to my mom after 15 years of service, a nice large bonus and an award for excellence. They "laid her off due to budget" but had her seat filled with an un-skliled college grad by the end of a month. Needless to say, the new girl "didn't work out".

And so the company failed with their idea.
Sorry for your mom...but do you prefer a country where no one can get layed off and no one can get fired?
Shit happens...you get the good with the bad in a free country.
Sorry for your mom...but do you prefer a country where no one can get layed off and no one can get fired?

And then they denied her unemployment saying that she was "always late" which is a total lie. She had never been written up or reported for anything. She appealed those bastards and won (which took months and months). What if she had lost? What if she were a single mom w/ two kids? This is not just "shit happens" conservative mentality. This is so wrong, I don't know where to start. To bust your ass for 15 years, make millions for the company while drawing a pittance for yourself. Really... this is not OK. When the American employee has no stability, no motivation, no assurance of "moving up" and wages continue to decline despite responsibilities and stress tripling... what motivation do they have to "better themselves" or take courses on their behalf? They feel like they are under fire no matter how excellent and loyal they are. Why bother when employees know that employers no longer care about their employees and only see them as a necessary evil?
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"replace a long time employee with a 10 dollar an hour employee"

Yes, this exact thing happened to my mom after 15 years of service, a nice large bonus and an award for excellence. They "laid her off due to budget" but had her seat filled with an un-skliled college grad by the end of a month. Needless to say, the new girl "didn't work out".

And so the company failed with their idea.
Sorry for your mom...but do you prefer a country where no one can get layed off and no one can get fired?
Shit happens...you get the good with the bad in a free country.

Having been downsized from a family business where the wife of the President, who worked part time i.e. less than 20 hours a week and made full time wages and a President who's only function in the business was to enter time cards on a spreadsheet which could have been accomplished by an $8/hour employee all the while making $2k/week, I would have to say that I would prefer a country where no one can get laid off or fired. But, that is because at the moment, I'm ticked off and quite frankly, I find it very difficult not to laugh when I am told the President and his wife are running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

US companies have shot themselves in both feet. With their re organizations, downsizing, smart sizing, offshoring, and outsourcing they have lost their distinctive edge and all just blur together now in mediocrity.
Sorry for your mom...but do you prefer a country where no one can get layed off and no one can get fired?

And then they denied her unemployment saying that she was "always late" which is a total lie. She had never been written up or reported for anything. She appealed those bastards and won (which took months and months). What if she had lost? What if she were a single mom w/ two kids? This is not just "shit happens" conservative mentality. This is so wrong, I don't know where to start. To bust your ass for 15 years, make millions for the company while drawing a pittance for yourself. Really... this is not OK. When the American employee has no stability, no motivation, no assurance of "moving up" and wages continue to decline despite responsibilities and stress tripling... what motivation do they have to "better themselves" or take courses on their behalf? They feel like they are under fire no matter how excellent and loyal they are. Why bother when employees know that employers no longer care about their employees and only see them as a necessary evil?

She won because she was in the right.
You get unemployment and it is up to the employer to show you should not get it......and more often than not, even proof of not deserving it does not pan out.

How did your mom make millions for the company? If she was so talented, why didnt she market her skills?
If she made the millions, she certainlyu could have gone elsewhere.
If she made them millions, why would they let her go due to one 3 minute lateness?

It is easy to disparrage the system without telling the whole story and cherry picking items that make you right.

But as you see...it is easy to show how it makes no sense at all.

If she made them millions and was a great employee, they would not fire her for being 3 minutes late ONE TIME in her career.

You are not telling us the whoile story

Unless.....of course.....the business owner is so stupid that he fired her desoite the return on her....

Yeah...that is probably it....the business owner that makes millions is an idiot.

Sorry Peepers...your story does not add up. There is more to it.
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I believe that every American should be paying the same amount of tax as anybody else. Makes no difference if you are the poorest man or the richest man, the taxes should be the same. Everybody, regardless of who they are should be paying income taxes. I've heard that approximately 50% of all Americans pay no taxes at all. I think that is wrong. If you make a dollar it should be taxed just the same as the man who makes a million dollars - no difference. It makes absolutely no sense for people to not pay the same amount of taxes as their fellow Americans. We are all in this together - not just the rich.

Oh please. How in the world could we afford the invaiosn and subsequent occupation of Iraq, with an idea like this?

I am sure in his little imaginary Republican fantasy world ruled by King Limbaugh a tax structure where the majority of the tax burden was on the shoulders on the poor is a perfectly sustainable system...

First off, Limbaugh has stayed away from comment on any of this. Secondly, go read Linder's book before you make asinine statements such as these. You won't come off as such an ill-informed douche.
Yes, this exact thing happened to my mom after 15 years of service, a nice large bonus and an award for excellence. They "laid her off due to budget" but had her seat filled with an un-skliled college grad by the end of a month. Needless to say, the new girl "didn't work out".

And so the company failed with their idea.
Sorry for your mom...but do you prefer a country where no one can get layed off and no one can get fired?
Shit happens...you get the good with the bad in a free country.

Having been downsized from a family business where the wife of the President, who worked part time i.e. less than 20 hours a week and made full time wages and a President who's only function in the business was to enter time cards on a spreadsheet which could have been accomplished by an $8/hour employee all the while making $2k/week, I would have to say that I would prefer a country where no one can get laid off or fired. But, that is because at the moment, I'm ticked off and quite frankly, I find it very difficult not to laugh when I am told the President and his wife are running around like chickens with their heads cut off.


Yep...and they got what they deserved.
Capitalism at work.

Thoise companies that laid off 75% of their employees while the owners vacationed in France? What chance in hell do they have of securing top talent when the market rebounds.

Capitalism at work. We reap the rewards, we suffer the consequences...of PERSONAL DECISIONS.

I would have it no other way...and I was 23 and homeless...just lost my job...a mere 28 years ago.
US companies have shot themselves in both feet. With their re organizations, downsizing, smart sizing, offshoring, and outsourcing they have lost their distinctive edge and all just blur together now in mediocrity.

You mean 95% of the businesses out there that are surviving the recession, employing millions and still turning a profit?

You mean those companies?

Or are you only interested in pointing fingers at the few that support your side of the debate?
I am not asking you to thank the hand that slapped you.

95% of the businesses in America are still in America employing Americans and paying American taxes and adhering to American environmental regulations and making American goods and seeling them to Amereicans at fair prices.

Stop grouping all business owners with the likes of GE executives....oh yeah...I forgot...they are OK...they are liberals.

Now you are sounding like an asshole....not someone trying to make a valid point...AND YES....your point is valid. I SAID THAT WITH MY FIRST RESPONSE...yet you continue to berate me...a conservative.
The bonuses paid out at Citigroup amount to almost $500,000 per employee. I'll bet the teller at your local Citigroup branch ain't walking away with damn near a half million dollars! And yet that's the corporate mindset you want to respect and revere as the height of unfettered Capitalism.

My point is this mindset is unsustainable. Outsourcing manufacturing jobs is unsustainable, if a company wants a vibrant middle class customer base.

In an economic downturn like this one, the credit market tightens up making capital more difficult to secure. It's times like these that demand the biggest economic force standing become the spender, just to get money moving again. And in this case, it's the federal government.

Given all that, the stimulus of that 'vibrant' middle class is essential. And if that means largess to struggling families and laid off workers, fine! No ideology provides a perfect template for both economic and political action. Once free wheeling, deregulated Capitalism crashes and burns (as it usually does) a robust federal spending plan has to fill the void. For the sake of those who made it all possible anyway~ the working class American.

A teller goes to work at 9 AM...gets a break at 11AM....goes to lunch at 1PM...gets a break at 3 PM....goes home at 5PM and does not think about work until the next morning. This telller has the responsibility to herself (himself) and no one else at work. This teller has the basic responsibility to do his or her job as he or she was trained to do.

The senior executive that gets the big bucks opted for a career that includes 12 hour days, issues on the weekends, travelling for days at a time, headaches of under employee issues, conference calls on Sunday's, covering for the tellers when they cant make it in due to 2 inches of snow.
Many say the higher execs salary to the lower employee salary spread has increased over the past 20 years. Yes, it has. But that is a result of technology, not greed. It used to be that a lathe turner who made 17 bucks an hour sat at the lathe for 10 hours a day as he turned brass into fittings. Now, they get the same 17 an hour to program the computer and watch the brass turn into fittings...barely breaking a sweat.
Meanwhile, the senior execs STILL need to travel worldwide, deal wiuth issues on the weekend, deal with personnel issues, etc etc etc.
Your beef is with technology....not with business owners. You just dont want to see it.
So it's technology that's responsible for the disparity between executive pay and worker pay! Well! I feel great about that! I suppose it's technology that made it acceptable, possible and laudable that executives can bring home 20, 40, 80, 250 times what the workers make. Whew! That's fantastic! I'm so happy for those poor, overworked executives!

technology! and I didn't want to see it! What a bright future this mindset proffers! Especially to middle class workers. They can make less, their bosses (who have yet to take advantage of this grand technology apparently lest they not be so overworked)) can continue to rake it in!
US companies have shot themselves in both feet. With their re organizations, downsizing, smart sizing, offshoring, and outsourcing they have lost their distinctive edge and all just blur together now in mediocrity.

You mean 95% of the businesses out there that are surviving the recession, employing millions and still turning a profit?

You mean those companies?

Or are you only interested in pointing fingers at the few that support your side of the debate?

Only 5 % of the businesses failed?
Seems like we had at least that many banks alone fail.
And yes I mean those businesses that survived. So far....
If she made them millions and was a great employee, they would not fire her for being 3 minutes late ONE TIME in her career.

I think you're getting me mixed up w/ another poster. My mom wasn't late. This happened to her out of the clear blue.
US companies have shot themselves in both feet. With their re organizations, downsizing, smart sizing, offshoring, and outsourcing they have lost their distinctive edge and all just blur together now in mediocrity.

You mean 95% of the businesses out there that are surviving the recession, employing millions and still turning a profit?

You mean those companies?

Or are you only interested in pointing fingers at the few that support your side of the debate?

Only 5 % of the businesses failed?
Seems like we had at least that many banks alone fail.
And yes I mean those businesses that survived. So far....


Sorry caps.....unintentional..

Those of us still operating are doing fine. Yes we are struggling as demand is down, but most of us are always prepared for recessions.
Yes, many of us had to lay off as banks are not lending....but that was a new lesson learned....have your own capital on hand just in case lending ceases...I am amassing capital as I type this for future needs...yes, I take nada out of my companies right now...it will be there for payroll if this happens again.

Why? Becuase my business is my livlihood...I do not want them to fail...so I live and learn.

We live and learn my friend who likes to mock those with mentally diabled children . That is what made our country so great....We live and learn.

Obama believes we live but dont learn....but he is wrong...Business owners...on the most part....live and learn.
Congrats on your business doing well.
However a large percentage of small businesses fail.
And many larger busiensses have been absorbed by larger fish in the last few decades.
Congrats on your business doing well.
However a large percentage of small businesses fail.
And many larger busiensses have been absorbed by larger fish in the last few decades.

Good times and bad, a large percentage of small businesses fail...due to poor decsion making.
Small businesses failing now is for the same reason....poor decision making during times of prosperity.
And those business owners, Obama willing, will start a new with new lessons learned....

Again....Obama willing....sadly, he prefers to be Daddy and make sure none of us make the same mistake twice....at the cost of us doing what we wnat to do, hjow we want to do it and when we want to do it.
So it's technology that's responsible for the disparity between executive pay and worker pay! Well! I feel great about that! I suppose it's technology that made it acceptable, possible and laudable that executives can bring home 20, 40, 80, 250 times what the workers make. Whew! That's fantastic! I'm so happy for those poor, overworked executives!

technology! and I didn't want to see it! What a bright future this mindset proffers! Especially to middle class workers. They can make less, their bosses (who have yet to take advantage of this grand technology apparently lest they not be so overworked)) can continue to rake it in!
Yes, the Boss Caste, and make no mistake this is a caste system wherein birth (or at least patronage) is of vital importance, always manages to make claims of how they made the "better choices" but I often wonder when you get to choose your parents? Naturally I am more familiar with engineers and programmers than MBA's and executives, so I can only speak of what I, from outside the executive circle, observe. Well and what happens with engineers and programmers from a somewhat closer perspective.
The big bosses come in sometime around 9:00 and leave by 3:00, If something is a huge rush then they make sure to stay until 4:00 before calling it a day. Meanwhile the engineering (or programming) staff, who was reduced from 18 to 12 because they should "work smarter not harder" is forced to stay until 9:00 PM, even though they were at work by 8:00 AM, because there are not enough to do all the work. The engineers and programmers are expected to keep certifying in every new system or technology which the company wants to use or develop, as well as being prepared for going to another company when the one you are in decides the remaining engineers need to get smarter yet, and you get the axe for no other reason than an exec needs to justify their raise.

Now consider what the engineer did to get the job in the first place - college for four years, perhaps a masters (another year or two) - and hwat they are getting paid. Only a bit more than machinists and toolmakers of similar experience, btu the hourly guys get overtime when they work more than 40 hours while the engineer is salaries and regularly expected to put in 50+ hours a week, what with green time and comp time and mandatory minimums and of course the work has to get done so when the department is understaffed, which it always is because it is better in a lean job market to work the workers to death than to hire enough, the engineer gets worked 60+ hours a week and is making less than an hourly guy with a smaller skill set. And a LOT less than the exec who does not work more than 40 hours a week. Then having put in 60 hours at work, the engineer has to put in another 10 to 20 hours keeping current.

But hey everyone made their choices and it is clear, to listen to the Execs talk, that the only sensible choice for anyone would be to take a BBA and go into management, then move up to Exec, then rake in the money they "Earned" with their tough degree and "years" of working as middle management. Middle management who generally makes about as much as engineers of similar experience might I add, while the engineer, gets caught in a tight market. Take whatever job you can get or your expensive, (but it must have been sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much easier than a BBA) Engineering degree is just so much paper. Two years out of college and still looking for work is the same as not having a degree, so you MUST take whatever is offered. You don't have the luxury of being in a field like business where the technology does not render the degree useless, no you were foolish enough to pursue a technical degree.

The engineers and programmers should all walk out of their jobs en masse across the country and tell the execs to do it themselves.
Or pay fair wages.
So it's technology that's responsible for the disparity between executive pay and worker pay! Well! I feel great about that! I suppose it's technology that made it acceptable, possible and laudable that executives can bring home 20, 40, 80, 250 times what the workers make. Whew! That's fantastic! I'm so happy for those poor, overworked executives!

technology! and I didn't want to see it! What a bright future this mindset proffers! Especially to middle class workers. They can make less, their bosses (who have yet to take advantage of this grand technology apparently lest they not be so overworked)) can continue to rake it in!
Yes, the Boss Caste, and make no mistake this is a caste system wherein birth (or at least patronage) is of vital importance, always manages to make claims of how they made the "better choices" but I often wonder when you get to choose your parents? Naturally I am more familiar with engineers and programmers than MBA's and executives, so I can only speak of what I, from outside the executive circle, observe. Well and what happens with engineers and programmers from a somewhat closer perspective.
The big bosses come in sometime around 9:00 and leave by 3:00, If something is a huge rush then they make sure to stay until 4:00 before calling it a day. Meanwhile the engineering (or programming) staff, who was reduced from 18 to 12 because they should "work smarter not harder" is forced to stay until 9:00 PM, even though they were at work by 8:00 AM, because there are not enough to do all the work. The engineers and programmers are expected to keep certifying in every new system or technology which the company wants to use or develop, as well as being prepared for going to another company when the one you are in decides the remaining engineers need to get smarter yet, and you get the axe for no other reason than an exec needs to justify their raise.

Now consider what the engineer did to get the job in the first place - college for four years, perhaps a masters (another year or two) - and hwat they are getting paid. Only a bit more than machinists and toolmakers of similar experience, btu the hourly guys get overtime when they work more than 40 hours while the engineer is salaries and regularly expected to put in 50+ hours a week, what with green time and comp time and mandatory minimums and of course the work has to get done so when the department is understaffed, which it always is because it is better in a lean job market to work the workers to death than to hire enough, the engineer gets worked 60+ hours a week and is making less than an hourly guy with a smaller skill set. And a LOT less than the exec who does not work more than 40 hours a week. Then having put in 60 hours at work, the engineer has to put in another 10 to 20 hours keeping current.

But hey everyone made their choices and it is clear, to listen to the Execs talk, that the only sensible choice for anyone would be to take a BBA and go into management, then move up to Exec, then rake in the money they "Earned" with their tough degree and "years" of working as middle management. Middle management who generally makes about as much as engineers of similar experience might I add, while the engineer, gets caught in a tight market. Take whatever job you can get or your expensive, (but it must have been sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much easier than a BBA) Engineering degree is just so much paper. Two years out of college and still looking for work is the same as not having a degree, so you MUST take whatever is offered. You don't have the luxury of being in a field like business where the technology does not render the degree useless, no you were foolish enough to pursue a technical degree.

The engineers and programmers should all walk out of their jobs en masse across the country and tell the execs to do it themselves.
Or pay fair wages.

Yes...they can do that if they wish.
Personal choioces...personal responsibility.
Until the proposed healthcare bill...no one can tell you that you must do anything. You have the right to make your own decisions...and reap the rewards or suffer the consequences.
But hey everyone made their choices and it is clear, to listen to the Execs talk, that the only sensible choice for anyone would be to take a BBA and go into management, then move up to Exec, then rake in the money they "Earned" with their tough degree and "years" of working as middle management.

Can't even do that anymore. They don't keep employees around long enough to "move up". Once you get to be a little more expensive than anyone else, you're ass is gone! Then they hire someone to replace you at 1/3 of what you were getting paid.
And so the company failed with their idea.
Sorry for your mom...but do you prefer a country where no one can get layed off and no one can get fired?
Shit happens...you get the good with the bad in a free country.

Having been downsized from a family business where the wife of the President, who worked part time i.e. less than 20 hours a week and made full time wages and a President who's only function in the business was to enter time cards on a spreadsheet which could have been accomplished by an $8/hour employee all the while making $2k/week, I would have to say that I would prefer a country where no one can get laid off or fired. But, that is because at the moment, I'm ticked off and quite frankly, I find it very difficult not to laugh when I am told the President and his wife are running around like chickens with their heads cut off.


Yep...and they got what they deserved.
Capitalism at work.

Thoise companies that laid off 75% of their employees while the owners vacationed in France? What chance in hell do they have of securing top talent when the market rebounds.

Capitalism at work. We reap the rewards, we suffer the consequences...of PERSONAL DECISIONS.

I would have it no other way...and I was 23 and homeless...just lost my job...a mere 28 years ago.

Truthfully, I would have it no other way either. I don't know what will happen to my previous employer. Part of me wishes them a quick turn around, the other part says, I'd love to drive by their shop in three months and see them out of business. But, it was a risk I took when I went to work for a small family business.

But hey everyone made their choices and it is clear, to listen to the Execs talk, that the only sensible choice for anyone would be to take a BBA and go into management, then move up to Exec, then rake in the money they "Earned" with their tough degree and "years" of working as middle management.

Can't even do that anymore. They don't keep employees around long enough to "move up". Once you get to be a little more expensive than anyone else, you're ass is gone! Then they hire someone to replace you at 1/3 of what you were getting paid.

Again...personal decisions.
If your desire is to move up, why take a position that has no career path?
If the position offers no movement and you want to try to move up...why not take initiative?
Why not make sure you get your ass in when there is a foot of snow out there? You will stand out. Why not go to your boss and ask if you can stay late and "learn the new system"...without asking to get paid?
Why not find out what positions are available in the company above you and see what you need to "acquire" to be considered for that position?

You make it seem like those evil rich greedy employers are idiots. Do you think they became eveil and rich by making stupid decisions? They know what to look for in a prospect.....most dont let someone loose that has great potential....

Probelm is...and I see this as an employer ALL THE TIME....most of the lower employees say "that is not my job"...or...."will I get paid to learn the new system"?....and I hear all the time..."It is my right to take a personal day today even though I am really needed in the office"....and how about..."oopos, its 5:30..time to go home....this stuff can wait for tomorrow...."

SO ready to blame those evil rich greedy business owners....somehow forgetting that those evil rich greedy business owners are smart enough to become rich.

You truly think they get rich by pissing off quality employees?

Sorry.....does not make sense.

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