FAILURE By Design or Incompetence?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Pollsters suffer huge embarrassment

"Pollsters and election modelers suffered an industry-shattering embarrassment at the hands of Donald Trump."

I am still one who believes the massive 'failure to accurately predict' the polls was by design, a 'gambit'.

The 'all-in' media, seeing the low Primary turnouts and high GOP turnouts during the Primaries, sought to counter that trend by falsely reporting huge leads / numbers for Hillary in the polls, in hopes of discouraging GOP turnout in the general election...and it did not work. The alternative theory / theories is / are that the media just SUCKS at their jobs and / or they underestimated the American people / voters.

Pollsters suffer huge embarrassment
I said all along the polls were BS, you can't justify Clinton leading while attracting small crowds while Trump was drawing the crowds he was. Trump had the enthusiasm
The national poll average is going to end up as close the actual result, or closer, than it was in 2012.
When and how? The major media sources ,as I pointed out, ate calling this an epic, historic, utter 'polls' failure'. (That said, I have never put much stock into polls anyway, so I am happy to see this, but I also don't buy into this massively bleak analysis of the polling as stated in this election...)

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