Facts About Judaism

My goodness. Moses did not write the first 11 chapters of Genes or the accounts of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

They were not revealed to him by God. They were accounts that had been passed down orally.
Sure, puppy, whatever you say.
Sorry to be the one to break this to you but the earth wasn’t created 6,000 years ago either.
My goodness. Moses did not write the first 11 chapters of Genes or the accounts of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

They were not revealed to him by God. They were accounts that had been passed down orally.
Sure, puppy, whatever you say.
Sorry to be the one to break this to you but the earth wasn’t created 6,000 years ago either.

what did Jesus say about that?
He said die to self and confront reality.

oh----you think that the crucifixion thing was
Not exactly what I was saying, Rosie.

But thanks for playing.

you wrote that Jesus said "DIE" to himself "AND CONFRONT
REALITY" What did you mean by that comment? Do you have
any idea what YOU MEANT? According to the science called
Psychiatry-----workers in that field seem to agree that suicide is
a matter of extreme unhappiness and anger. It is an "aggression
against self by a person who feels unable to act aggressively to
those or that which aggrieves him. Can you explain YOUR COMMENT?
He didn’t really say it, Rosie.

It was more of a living parable. And it’s not meant to be read literally. All major religions teach to die to self. It’s how we see reality.

"a living parable" ??? OH----you seem to be struggling to claim
that the crucifixion was an ALLEGORY of that to which "all"
religious leaders and icons strive. Jesus wanted to "die to self...?
something like BUDDHA. So he was an ordinary man seeking
NIRVANA thru death..... ok ---------weird but if that is what
you want.....fine with me. It does not seem to me to be the classical
sunday school approach
It’s probably easier for you to put words in my mouth. But that just means you are arguing with yourself.

It is CLEARLY easier for you to express words which make no sense, even to you.
If that’s how you need to see it, more power to you.

You have declined to explain your own words. I commented on
that fact. You are reduced to more babble. So far you have evaded a very simple task which is that you explain why you refer to
the crucifixion of Jesus--------which was LIKELY an historic event based on the history of that place at that time under brutal roman
oppression, as an ALLEGORY. Are you suggesting that it did not really HAPPEN? If so, why do you think that the ROMAN CHURCH decided to magnify it into an EVENT of extreme importance for the entire world? Christian women and men still walk around
with crosses as an "IMPORTANT" symbol of a religion------but it is
only an allegory?. As to the tens or even hundreds of thousands
of people crucified by Roman authorities------were those events ALSO "allegorical"?
Don’t change, Rosie. Keep obsessing over Christianity.

I did not start this idiot thread--------I am SIMPLY taking
part in the discussion.. People who are not jews who feel
compelled to DECIDE what nature of "jewish belief" is are the
obsessed. This idiocy is not new to me. I grew up in a
very WHITE CHRISTIAN town and was often invited to "learn"
about Christianity -----in "sunday school" lots of throw away
literature-------EXTENSIVE OBSESSION to "reach da jooooos"
I don’t need your origin story, Rosie.

you are very SUBJECTIVE, dingbat. YOU are not the only person
who reads this thread
At least dogshit can be used for fertilizer.
This Ding is a Dingbat.
You seem upset.
You keep ignoring verses, which makes you useless in any discussion.
And you keep ignoring reality. I’m sorry you don’t understand the account of Genesis is allegorical and believe it is real.

dingbat, you have described BOTH the book of genesis
and the crucifixion of Jesus as "allegorical" Are you now
claiming that neither is "real"?
You may wish to regard the following: Messianic Life


See...that's exactly what I'm talking about,
missionaries have not the least integrity to be straightforward,
trolling around seeking to disconnect Jews from their heritage, always sneaky.

What is that about Islam and Christianity that makes them so unsure
of themselves that they absolutely must try and turn everyone to be like them?
What heritage are you concerned about? I note that Mary and Joseph were a Jewish couple. Jesus was raised Jewish. He was dedicated at the Temple at Jerusalem... All the prophetic heritage of the Old Testament point to the coming of the Messiah who I firmly believe has come and will return again (likely sooner than later). The Messiah/Christ fulfilled every requirement of the Mosaic/GOD's Law. I note that many Jews are still seeking the Messiah's coming. Yet if indeed He came this day would Jews be anymore receptive than they were 2000 years ago? Would they not expect things to change at His revelation?

I see true Christianity as the pinnacle, or fruition of the history of the nation of Israel, and its part of bringing the SAVIOR to the ENTIRE world (the gentiles) --- and not just so it (Israel) can wallow in exclusive "traditions" for tradition sake... I as an evangelical christian love the Jewish people and their traditions, but I also realize that most of these traditions point to the Messiah. This is something I personally feel many Jews miss. They see them as family gatherings and shinning a spotlight upon themselves. But believers should be shining the light upon HIM who save us an not fret that we will somehow lose traditional identity. This is because we are all made whole when we spotlight G-D's grace to everyone.
If the episode of Mary barging her way onto the Temple Mount actually occurred, the Kohanim would have executed her or had her executed by the Romans.
The Kohanim were not known for being shy.
If you actually studied the Torah you would know how preposterous this "episode" sounds.
And where exactly does that episode appear in any of the Gospel narratives? I've never read of it. If you are speaking of some Hollywood movie, where have they ever stuck to the Bible without "artistic license". Look at NOAH and also the Ten Commandments. There are problems and I read the Bible and do not depend on even the best that Hollywood has to offer as sticking to the original script.
The fact is that you have not read the NT at all if you don’t even know about this episode.
What I've read is that Mary and Joseph returned to Jerusalem when they realized that the 12 year old Jesus was missing from among the relatives and friends with whom they were traveling. Joseph and Mary found Jesus in the Temple days later astounding the learned men there with HIS knowledge of scripture. That is hardly barging in anywhere. We are not told of exactly where in the Temple complex this occurred. There was also a women's court.

you got a specific PART of the NT for that story? I read the NT
(long ago) and I remember the incident simply as being something
like "Jesus was in a synagogue talking to "grown up" educated
people and EXPOUNDING on scriptures in a manner beyond his years. I do not recall this incident as taking place in the central temple
in Jerusalem. I think your problem here is a matter of TRANSLATION
Lukas 2:41-52 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
41 And his horim (parents) used to make aliyah leregel (pilgrimage) to Yerushalayim shanah bshanah (year by year) for Chag HaPesach (the Feast of Pesach). [SHEMOT 23:15; DEVARIM 16:1-8]
42 And when he became a bocher of twelve years of age, they made aliyah leregel (pilgrimage), as usual, according to the mitzvah and minhag of the Chag.
43 And as they were returning, having fulfilled the prescribed number of yamim (days), the bocher Yehoshua stayed behind in Yerushalayim. And his horim (parents) did not have daas (knowledge) of this,
44 But supposed him to be in the caravan, and went a day’s journey. And they began looking for him among the krovim (relatives) and acquaintances.
45 And, not having found him, they returned to Yerushalayim, looking for him.
46 And it came about, that after shlosha yamim (three days) they found him in the courts of the Beis HaMikdash, sitting in the midst of the rabbis, both listening to them and asking them she’elot (kashes, questions).
47 And all the ones listening to him where amazed at his binah and at his teshuvot (answers).
48 And when his horim (parents) saw him, they were astounded, and his Em (mother) said to him, Beni, why did you do thus to us? Hinei, your abba and I were anxiously looking for you.
49 And he said to them, Why is it that you were looking for me? Did you not have daas that I must be in the Beis Avi [i.e., dealing with His affairs]?
50 And they did not have binah of the dvar which he spoke to them.
51 And he went down with them, and they came to Natzeret; and he continued in mishmaat (obedience) to his horim (parents). And his Em (mother) was treasuring all these things in her lev (heart).
52 And Yehoshua kept increasing in chochmah VGADEL VATOV GAM IM HASHEM VGAM IM ANASHIM (and stature and favor with Hashem and men, SHMUEL ALEF 2:26).
Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
I read Luke many years ago; every verse, not just the cherry picked verses.
It's a very funny book.
I find that there are many funny things recorded in the entire Bible. God obviously has a sense of humor.
God has nothing on the bull crap in the NT.
The NT is akin to Curb Your Enthusiasm.
God has everything to do with the New Testament --- it (the New Testament) totally reaffirms the truth of the Old Testament. The book of Hebrews is a prime example.

Christian Discovers that the Book of Hebrews Corrupted Jewish Scriptures!

"Reaffirm" as in corrupting the word of G-d?

It completes what the Old Testament eluded to.

It's obvious you have never read the Torah or the prophets.
God said that everything that has happened in history was going to happen but your priests and ministers don't want you to read those verses.

I agree with you that everything that happened and will happen GOD already knew would and will happen. And yes, my minister did in fact explain that GOD is never taken off guard.
You may wish to regard the following: Messianic Life


See...that's exactly what I'm talking about,
missionaries have not the least integrity to be straightforward,
trolling around seeking to disconnect Jews from their heritage, always sneaky.

What is that about Islam and Christianity that makes them so unsure
of themselves that they absolutely must try and turn everyone to be like them?
What heritage are you concerned about? I note that Mary and Joseph were a Jewish couple. Jesus was raised Jewish. He was dedicated at the Temple at Jerusalem... All the prophetic heritage of the Old Testament point to the coming of the Messiah who I firmly believe has come and will return again (likely sooner than later). The Messiah/Christ fulfilled every requirement of the Mosaic/GOD's Law. I note that many Jews are still seeking the Messiah's coming. Yet if indeed He came this day would Jews be anymore receptive than they were 2000 years ago? Would they not expect things to change at His revelation?

I see true Christianity as the pinnacle, or fruition of the history of the nation of Israel, and its part of bringing the SAVIOR to the ENTIRE world (the gentiles) --- and not just so it (Israel) can wallow in exclusive "traditions" for tradition sake... I as an evangelical christian love the Jewish people and their traditions, but I also realize that most of these traditions point to the Messiah. This is something I personally feel many Jews miss. They see them as family gatherings and shinning a spotlight upon themselves. But believers should be shining the light upon HIM who save us an not fret that we will somehow lose traditional identity. This is because we are all made whole when we spotlight G-D's grace to everyone.
If the episode of Mary barging her way onto the Temple Mount actually occurred, the Kohanim would have executed her or had her executed by the Romans.
The Kohanim were not known for being shy.
If you actually studied the Torah you would know how preposterous this "episode" sounds.
And where exactly does that episode appear in any of the Gospel narratives? I've never read of it. If you are speaking of some Hollywood movie, where have they ever stuck to the Bible without "artistic license". Look at NOAH and also the Ten Commandments. There are problems and I read the Bible and do not depend on even the best that Hollywood has to offer as sticking to the original script.
The fact is that you have not read the NT at all if you don’t even know about this episode.
What I've read is that Mary and Joseph returned to Jerusalem when they realized that the 12 year old Jesus was missing from among the relatives and friends with whom they were traveling. Joseph and Mary found Jesus in the Temple days later astounding the learned men there with HIS knowledge of scripture. That is hardly barging in anywhere. We are not told of exactly where in the Temple complex this occurred. There was also a women's court.

you got a specific PART of the NT for that story? I read the NT
(long ago) and I remember the incident simply as being something
like "Jesus was in a synagogue talking to "grown up" educated
people and EXPOUNDING on scriptures in a manner beyond his years. I do not recall this incident as taking place in the central temple
in Jerusalem. I think your problem here is a matter of TRANSLATION
Lukas 2:41-52 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
41 And his horim (parents) used to make aliyah leregel (pilgrimage) to Yerushalayim shanah bshanah (year by year) for Chag HaPesach (the Feast of Pesach). [SHEMOT 23:15; DEVARIM 16:1-8]
42 And when he became a bocher of twelve years of age, they made aliyah leregel (pilgrimage), as usual, according to the mitzvah and minhag of the Chag.
43 And as they were returning, having fulfilled the prescribed number of yamim (days), the bocher Yehoshua stayed behind in Yerushalayim. And his horim (parents) did not have daas (knowledge) of this,
44 But supposed him to be in the caravan, and went a day’s journey. And they began looking for him among the krovim (relatives) and acquaintances.
45 And, not having found him, they returned to Yerushalayim, looking for him.
46 And it came about, that after shlosha yamim (three days) they found him in the courts of the Beis HaMikdash, sitting in the midst of the rabbis, both listening to them and asking them she’elot (kashes, questions).
47 And all the ones listening to him where amazed at his binah and at his teshuvot (answers).
48 And when his horim (parents) saw him, they were astounded, and his Em (mother) said to him, Beni, why did you do thus to us? Hinei, your abba and I were anxiously looking for you.
49 And he said to them, Why is it that you were looking for me? Did you not have daas that I must be in the Beis Avi [i.e., dealing with His affairs]?
50 And they did not have binah of the dvar which he spoke to them.
51 And he went down with them, and they came to Natzeret; and he continued in mishmaat (obedience) to his horim (parents). And his Em (mother) was treasuring all these things in her lev (heart).
52 And Yehoshua kept increasing in chochmah VGADEL VATOV GAM IM HASHEM VGAM IM ANASHIM (and stature and favor with Hashem and men, SHMUEL ALEF 2:26).
Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
I read Luke many years ago; every verse, not just the cherry picked verses.
It's a very funny book.
I find that there are many funny things recorded in the entire Bible. God obviously has a sense of humor.
God has nothing on the bull crap in the NT.
The NT is akin to Curb Your Enthusiasm.
God has everything to do with the New Testament --- it (the New Testament) totally reaffirms the truth of the Old Testament. The book of Hebrews is a prime example.

Christian Discovers that the Book of Hebrews Corrupted Jewish Scriptures!

"Reaffirm" as in corrupting the word of G-d?

It completes what the Old Testament eluded to.

It's obvious you have never read the Torah or the prophets.
God said that everything that has happened in history was going to happen but your priests and ministers don't want you to read those verses.

I agree with you that everything that happened and will happen GOD already knew would and will happen. And yes, my minister did in fact explain that GOD is never taken off guard.

I don't.
Shabbat: The Source of Blessing - Rabbi Zamir Cohen

What is the connection between observing the Sabbath and a good livelihood? How do we explain the relevance of the Sabbath laws in today's day and age? How do we respond to those having a hard time with their Sabbath observance? All this and more in the following lecture by Rabbi Zamir Cohen

My goodness. Moses did not write the first 11 chapters of Genes or the accounts of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

They were not revealed to him by God. They were accounts that had been passed down orally.
Sure, puppy, whatever you say.
Sorry to be the one to break this to you but the earth wasn’t created 6,000 years ago either.
My goodness. Moses did not write the first 11 chapters of Genes or the accounts of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

They were not revealed to him by God. They were accounts that had been passed down orally.
Sure, puppy, whatever you say.
Sorry to be the one to break this to you but the earth wasn’t created 6,000 years ago either.

what did Jesus say about that?
He said die to self and confront reality.

oh----you think that the crucifixion thing was
Not exactly what I was saying, Rosie.

But thanks for playing.

you wrote that Jesus said "DIE" to himself "AND CONFRONT
REALITY" What did you mean by that comment? Do you have
any idea what YOU MEANT? According to the science called
Psychiatry-----workers in that field seem to agree that suicide is
a matter of extreme unhappiness and anger. It is an "aggression
against self by a person who feels unable to act aggressively to
those or that which aggrieves him. Can you explain YOUR COMMENT?
He didn’t really say it, Rosie.

It was more of a living parable. And it’s not meant to be read literally. All major religions teach to die to self. It’s how we see reality.

"a living parable" ??? OH----you seem to be struggling to claim
that the crucifixion was an ALLEGORY of that to which "all"
religious leaders and icons strive. Jesus wanted to "die to self...?
something like BUDDHA. So he was an ordinary man seeking
NIRVANA thru death..... ok ---------weird but if that is what
you want.....fine with me. It does not seem to me to be the classical
sunday school approach
It’s probably easier for you to put words in my mouth. But that just means you are arguing with yourself.

It is CLEARLY easier for you to express words which make no sense, even to you.
If that’s how you need to see it, more power to you.

You have declined to explain your own words. I commented on
that fact. You are reduced to more babble. So far you have evaded a very simple task which is that you explain why you refer to
the crucifixion of Jesus--------which was LIKELY an historic event based on the history of that place at that time under brutal roman
oppression, as an ALLEGORY. Are you suggesting that it did not really HAPPEN? If so, why do you think that the ROMAN CHURCH decided to magnify it into an EVENT of extreme importance for the entire world? Christian women and men still walk around
with crosses as an "IMPORTANT" symbol of a religion------but it is
only an allegory?. As to the tens or even hundreds of thousands
of people crucified by Roman authorities------were those events ALSO "allegorical"?
Don’t change, Rosie. Keep obsessing over Christianity.

I did not start this idiot thread--------I am SIMPLY taking
part in the discussion.. People who are not jews who feel
compelled to DECIDE what nature of "jewish belief" is are the
obsessed. This idiocy is not new to me. I grew up in a
very WHITE CHRISTIAN town and was often invited to "learn"
about Christianity -----in "sunday school" lots of throw away
literature-------EXTENSIVE OBSESSION to "reach da jooooos"
I don’t need your origin story, Rosie.

you are very SUBJECTIVE, dingbat. YOU are not the only person
who reads this thread
At least dogshit can be used for fertilizer.
This Ding is a Dingbat.
You seem upset.
You keep ignoring verses, which makes you useless in any discussion.
And you keep ignoring reality. I’m sorry you don’t understand the account of Genesis is allegorical and believe it is real.

dingbat, you have described BOTH the book of genesis
and the crucifixion of Jesus as "allegorical" Are you now
claiming that neither is "real"?
Actually I haven’t. You made that leap.

Genesis is an allegorical account.
OH? to what part of the book called "genesis" do you refer?
Have you ever read it?
OH? to what part of the book called "genesis" do you refer?
Have you ever read it?

The part I am referring to right now is chapters 1 & 2.

but the first 11 chapters record the world history that all nations share.
Interspersed in the answers to the origin questions are wisdoms about the uniqueness of humans.
Fuck them and the horse they rode in on.
Easy, Adolph. Just kidding about the Adolph thing. Seriously, what could you possibly have against the Jews besides their tribal cliquish behavior and their propensity to act like assholes to outsiders.

All of 'em? Or just some of them. Most don't and some do just like in any religious group.
Just some. And it’s probably a small percentage. I don’t what I see here is a statistically valid representation.
Dingbat is VERY representative of...............well, nevah mind
You, and several others on this board, spend significantly more time discussing the faith of others, specifically Christianity, than you do your own faith. And you do so from the lofty position of looking down on it’s adherents with as much disdain as you can possibly muster. Not to mention the disrespect for them and their beliefs that radiates out of almost every post you make.

it’s not a good look.
Dingbat is VERY representative of...............well, nevah mind
You, and several others on this board, spend significantly more time discussing the faith of others, specifically Christianity, than you do your own faith. And you do so from the lofty position of looking down on it’s adherents with as much disdain as you can possibly muster. Not to mention the disrespect for them and their beliefs that radiates out of almost every post you make.

it’s not a good look.

you are delusional, dingbat. The only time jews address Christian
beliefs is IN RESPONSE to Christian BS about Judaism. Christians are OBSESSED about JUDAISM-------try reading your idiot
books or even visit a jewish book store and watch Christian intruders
sticking their idiot propaganda into jewish books------even the little
story books for children------EVEN COOKBOOKS. Then check out
a Christian book store---------sit around for a few years and WAIT for a jew to engage the underhanded propaganda pamphlet ploy that your idiot propagandaists use
Dingbat is VERY representative of...............well, nevah mind
You, and several others on this board, spend significantly more time discussing the faith of others, specifically Christianity, than you do your own faith. And you do so from the lofty position of looking down on it’s adherents with as much disdain as you can possibly muster. Not to mention the disrespect for them and their beliefs that radiates out of almost every post you make.

it’s not a good look.

you are delusional, dingbat. The only time jews address Christian
beliefs is IN RESPONSE to Christian BS about Judaism. Christians are OBSESSED about JUDAISM-------try reading your idiot
books or even visit a jewish book store and watch Christian intruders
sticking their idiot propaganda into jewish books------even the little
story books for children------EVEN COOKBOOKS. Then check out
a Christian book store---------sit around for a few years and WAIT for a jew to engage the underhanded propaganda pamphlet ploy that your idiot propagandaists use
I totally expected you to respond that way and deny reality.

Adam, did you eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil?

The woman you made gave it to me.

do you understand, Rosie? Or do I need to explain it to you?
Dingbat is VERY representative of...............well, nevah mind
You, and several others on this board, spend significantly more time discussing the faith of others, specifically Christianity, than you do your own faith. And you do so from the lofty position of looking down on it’s adherents with as much disdain as you can possibly muster. Not to mention the disrespect for them and their beliefs that radiates out of almost every post you make.

it’s not a good look.

you are delusional, dingbat. The only time jews address Christian
beliefs is IN RESPONSE to Christian BS about Judaism. Christians are OBSESSED about JUDAISM-------try reading your idiot
books or even visit a jewish book store and watch Christian intruders
sticking their idiot propaganda into jewish books------even the little
story books for children------EVEN COOKBOOKS. Then check out
a Christian book store---------sit around for a few years and WAIT for a jew to engage the underhanded propaganda pamphlet ploy that your idiot propagandaists use
I totally expected you to respond that way and deny reality.

Adam, did you eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil?

The woman you made gave it to me.

do you understand, Rosie? Or do I need to explain it to you?

the very sublime book called "genesis" is way beyond your ken. Long, long ago-----when I was a kid in college (the state school)----
my "English teacher" sent me to the room that was created to help
those kids who were so stupid that they did not understand how to wrote a simple essay or understand literature. YOU NEED HELP.
Genesis is not confined to the garden or eden story-------try reading it again. Did you read THE ODYSSEY in the ninth grade? ------
did you really believe that POSEIDAN gave a BAG OF WIND to
Dingbat is VERY representative of...............well, nevah mind
You, and several others on this board, spend significantly more time discussing the faith of others, specifically Christianity, than you do your own faith. And you do so from the lofty position of looking down on it’s adherents with as much disdain as you can possibly muster. Not to mention the disrespect for them and their beliefs that radiates out of almost every post you make.

it’s not a good look.

you are delusional, dingbat. The only time jews address Christian
beliefs is IN RESPONSE to Christian BS about Judaism. Christians are OBSESSED about JUDAISM-------try reading your idiot
books or even visit a jewish book store and watch Christian intruders
sticking their idiot propaganda into jewish books------even the little
story books for children------EVEN COOKBOOKS. Then check out
a Christian book store---------sit around for a few years and WAIT for a jew to engage the underhanded propaganda pamphlet ploy that your idiot propagandaists use
I totally expected you to respond that way and deny reality.

Adam, did you eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil?

The woman you made gave it to me.

do you understand, Rosie? Or do I need to explain it to you?

the very sublime book called "genesis" is way beyond your ken. Long, long ago-----when I was a kid in college (the state school)----
my "English teacher" sent me to the room that was created to help
those kids who were so stupid that they did not understand how to wrote a simple essay or understand literature. YOU NEED HELP.
Genesis is not confined to the garden or eden story-------try reading it again. Did you read THE ODYSSEY in the ninth grade? ------
did you really believe that POSEIDAN gave a BAG OF WIND to
Actually it’s not. I have already summarized the knowledge ancient man was passing down.

you haven’t. So maybe it’s beyond your ken.
What is "IT" which is "NOT"? You "summarized the knowledge
of ancient man......" ? I am fascinated-----WHEN? In my freshman
college year, "ENGLISH COMP." 101-2 was OBLIGATORY -----
so many were like you---------barely able to write a cogent sentence.
I was assigned to the "REMEDIAL ROOM" to help your fellow nitwits.
One of my "students" was a math savant, but his idea of logical
writing was just like yours. He complained to me that he had gotten
a "D" on his paper even though he had CHECKED THE SPELLING.
No spelling errors!!!
What is "IT" which is "NOT"? You "summarized the knowledge
of ancient man......" ? I am fascinated-----WHEN? In my freshman
college year, "ENGLISH COMP." 101-2 was OBLIGATORY -----
so many were like you---------barely able to write a cogent sentence.
I was assigned to the "REMEDIAL ROOM" to help your fellow nitwits.
One of my "students" was a math savant, but his idea of logical
writing was just like yours. He complained to me that he had gotten
a "D" on his paper even though he had CHECKED THE SPELLING.
No spelling errors!!!
Genesis tells us, in part....

1. God created existence
2. Everything he created is good
3. What he created was done in steps
4. Man is a product of that creation
5. Man is unlike any other creature in creation
6. Man is made in God’s image in that he is a being which knows and creates
7. Man was told to go forth and be fruitful
8. Man was told to do as the original creator; to create for 6 days and then rest
9. Man knows right from wrong
10. Rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong when man does wrong, he rationalizes he didn’t do wrong
11. Successful behaviors naturally lead to success
12. Failed behaviors naturally lead to failure
13. Pass it down to the next generation
What is "IT" which is "NOT"? You "summarized the knowledge
of ancient man......" ? I am fascinated-----WHEN? In my freshman
college year, "ENGLISH COMP." 101-2 was OBLIGATORY -----
so many were like you---------barely able to write a cogent sentence.
I was assigned to the "REMEDIAL ROOM" to help your fellow nitwits.
One of my "students" was a math savant, but his idea of logical
writing was just like yours. He complained to me that he had gotten
a "D" on his paper even though he had CHECKED THE SPELLING.
No spelling errors!!!
I find it ironic that you would question anyone’s writing ability, Rosie.
What is "IT" which is "NOT"? You "summarized the knowledge
of ancient man......" ? I am fascinated-----WHEN? In my freshman
college year, "ENGLISH COMP." 101-2 was OBLIGATORY -----
so many were like you---------barely able to write a cogent sentence.
I was assigned to the "REMEDIAL ROOM" to help your fellow nitwits.
One of my "students" was a math savant, but his idea of logical
writing was just like yours. He complained to me that he had gotten
a "D" on his paper even though he had CHECKED THE SPELLING.
No spelling errors!!!
Genesis tells us, in part....

1. God created existence
2. Everything he created is good
3. What he created was done in steps
4. Man is a product of that creation
5. Man is unlike any other creature in creation
6. Man is made in God’s image in that he is a being which knows and creates
7. Man was told to go forth and be fruitful
8. Man was told to do as the original creator; to create for 6 days and then rest
9. Man knows right from wrong
10. Rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong when man does wrong, he rationalizes he didn’t do wrong
11. Successful behaviors naturally lead to success
12. Failed behaviors naturally lead to failure
13. Pass it down to the next generation

so? you are calling that the "knowledge of ancient man" ?
Actually you are wrong. SOME of it is, very simply, the evolutionary
outcome of group survival HARDWIRED into the brain just like the
mating song of the cricket is hardwired.

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