Fact check: Reporter on CNN busts open new ad lie. Wife had iinsurance.

Now Cutter has been caught out in a lie. This is getting really good. All the liars are getting flushed.

This is the same bitch that called Romney a felon.

A top Obama campaign official is being accused of lying over what she knew about the man at the center of a damning super PAC ad tying his wife's death to Mitt Romney.

Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter appeared on CNN Wednesday morning to say, among other things, that "I don't know the facts" about the case of Joe Soptic, a steelworker who appeared in a controversial ad for the pro-Obama super-PAC Priorities USA. In the ad, Soptic, recounts how his wife died of cancer after he lost his health insurance when his plant was shuttered after a takeover by Bain Capital and other companies working with the private equity firm.

Cutter said she didn't know when Soptic's wife fell ill, or about his health insurance.

Yet in May of this year, Cutter herself hosted a conference call in which Soptic detailed his case to reporters. During the call, as he did in the ad, Soptic explained how his wife fell ill after he lost his job, and how he lost his health insurance. The call took place as Soptic began appearing in Obama campaign ads, and was featured in a profile on the Obama campaign website.

Obama campaign aide accused of lying over anti-Romney ad, ties to steelworker | Fox News
Prove this woman had insurance.

that means documentation

Prove you're not paid to post.

That means documentation.

This dead woman is not running for president.

Stop lying about her without proof

Well thanks for admitting that you think it is ok to Lie about someone with out proof, as long as they are running for President.


What lie have I told or backed?

You have +10 pages of this campaign ads lie.

You know, the one blaming Romney for a woman dying because her husband was unable or unwilling to provide for her and despite the fact that she had health insurance after the point he claimed they didn't.

That one big huge lie this whole thread is predicated on.
dear idiot,

your party has been lying about Obama from day one

Ok. For the sake of argument, let's say it's correct (It's not btw). But let's say it is.


Hint TM: Someone elses bad behavior doesnt excuse your own.

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