Fact Check: Hurricanes Are Not Strengthened by Our CO2 Emissions


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
Pj Media

Fact Check: Hurricanes Are Not Strengthened by Our CO2 Emissions


Over the past week, media across the world have proclaimed 2020 a record year for hurricanes in the North Atlantic. The culprit? Man-made climate change, of course.

But this is a mistake, not only because the “records” are misleading but also because the causes of hurricanes are natural phenomena over which we have little or no influence.

The New Jersey-based business news channel CNBC provided several examples of the errors. On November 30, they reported: “Research shows that climate change is making hurricanes stronger and more destructive and increasing the likelihood of more frequent major hurricanes.”

The network quoted Penn State University meteorologist Michael Mann, who went even further, asserting that “The impacts of climate change are no longer subtle. We’re seeing them play out right now in the form of unprecedented wildfires out West and an unprecedented hurricane season back East.”

“Things will only get worse if we continue to burn fossil fuels and generate carbon pollution. This current hurricane season lays bare the reasons we must act on climate now,” he added.

Other media sources put the primary blame squarely on man-made global warming, which supposedly has made the Gulf of Mexico warmer and the air more humid thereby making tropical cyclones—called hurricanes in the North Atlantic—more frequent and more intense.

But this is misleading. Dr. Roy Spencer, a principal research scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, explained that “major hurricanes don’t really care whether the Gulf [of Mexico] is above average or below average in temperature.”



Dr. Mann made a bunch of error filled statements, why does anyone still take this charlatan seriously?
Roy Spencer

Dr. Mann made a bunch of error filled statements, why does anyone still take this charlatan seriously?
Roy Boi got caught fudging the satellite data by using the opposite sign to calculate diurnal satellite drift, satellite"expert" that he is.
why does anyone still take this charlatan seriously?
Last edited:
Roy Spencer

Dr. Mann made a bunch of error filled statements, why does anyone still take this charlatan seriously?
Roy Boi got caught fudging the satellite data by using the opposite sigh to calculate diurnal satellite drift, "expert" that he is.
why does anyone still take this charlatan seriously?

Post one article remains unchallenged, strike two!
Roy Spencer

Dr. Mann made a bunch of error filled statements, why does anyone still take this charlatan seriously?
Roy Boi got caught fudging the satellite data by using the opposite sign to calculate diurnal satellite drift, satellite"expert" that he is.
why does anyone still take this charlatan seriously?
OP remains BULLSHIT!

Post one article remains unchallenged, strike three!

It is clear you are NOT here to discuss/debate post one article.

It is clear you have no argument to offer against the article here, therefore go watch a football game instead.
Roy Spencer

Dr. Mann made a bunch of error filled statements, why does anyone still take this charlatan seriously?
Roy Boi got caught fudging the satellite data by using the opposite sign to calculate diurnal satellite drift, satellite"expert" that he is.
why does anyone still take this charlatan seriously?
Mikey Mann got his ass kicked in court hockey stick style.....to the moon
Roy Spencer

Dr. Mann made a bunch of error filled statements, why does anyone still take this charlatan seriously?
Roy Boi got caught fudging the satellite data by using the opposite sign to calculate diurnal satellite drift, satellite"expert" that he is.
why does anyone still take this charlatan seriously?
Mikey Mann got his ass kicked in court hockey stick style.....to the moon
Roy Boi got his ass kicked by a real scientist in a published study that was so thoroughly documented that Roy Boi had to admit he was full of shit!
Roy Spencer

Dr. Mann made a bunch of error filled statements, why does anyone still take this charlatan seriously?
Roy Boi got caught fudging the satellite data by using the opposite sign to calculate diurnal satellite drift, satellite"expert" that he is.
why does anyone still take this charlatan seriously?
Mikey Mann got his ass kicked in court hockey stick style.....to the moon
Roy Boi got his ass kicked by a real scientist in a published study that was so thoroughly documented that Roy Boi had to admit he was full of shit!
Well then Mikey gotta be real ///barassed since he got his kicked by a talk show fill in host
Roy Spencer

Dr. Mann made a bunch of error filled statements, why does anyone still take this charlatan seriously?
Roy Boi got caught fudging the satellite data by using the opposite sign to calculate diurnal satellite drift, satellite"expert" that he is.
why does anyone still take this charlatan seriously?
Mikey Mann got his ass kicked in court hockey stick style.....to the moon
Roy Boi got his ass kicked by a real scientist in a published study that was so thoroughly documented that Roy Boi had to admit he was full of shit!
Well then Mikey gotta be real ///barassed since he got his kicked by a talk show fill in host
A court is not scientific, eg the OJ case! Roy Boi getting his ass kicked by a scientific study is much worse for a scientist!
Roy Spencer

Dr. Mann made a bunch of error filled statements, why does anyone still take this charlatan seriously?
Roy Boi got caught fudging the satellite data by using the opposite sign to calculate diurnal satellite drift, satellite"expert" that he is.
why does anyone still take this charlatan seriously?
Mikey Mann got his ass kicked in court hockey stick style.....to the moon
Roy Boi got his ass kicked by a real scientist in a published study that was so thoroughly documented that Roy Boi had to admit he was full of shit!
Well then Mikey gotta be real ///barassed since he got his kicked by a talk show fill in host
A court is not scientific, eg the OJ case! Roy Boi getting his ass kicked by a scientific study is much worse for a scientist!
Hockey stick destroyed in court.......author didnt even bother to defend his BS
CO2 Has To Be Suppressing Tropical Storms, If CO2 Is A Formation Factor Like NASA Scientists Suggest
By P Gosselin on 4. December 2020


If CO2 is a factor in cyclone formation, like some scientists suggest, then the data tell us the life-giving gas is more a brake than an accelerator.

There’s been lots of media hype about more tropical storms, which experts suggest are in part due to man-made Co2-induced global warming.

Cut the CO2, and the storms will tame down, they suggest. But is this true or is it fake news and disinformation?

Typhoons trending DOWN

Looking at typhoon data tells us the alarmist claims are in fact mostly fake. The following chart, using Japan Metorological Agency (JMA) data, shows the number of typhoons formed in the month of November since 1951:


Data source: JMA.



Another way to show how irrelevant CO2 bogeyman really is.
Roy Spencer

Dr. Mann made a bunch of error filled statements, why does anyone still take this charlatan seriously?
Roy Boi got caught fudging the satellite data by using the opposite sign to calculate diurnal satellite drift, satellite"expert" that he is.
why does anyone still take this charlatan seriously?
Mikey Mann got his ass kicked in court hockey stick style.....to the moon
Roy Boi got his ass kicked by a real scientist in a published study that was so thoroughly documented that Roy Boi had to admit he was full of shit!
Well then Mikey gotta be real ///barassed since he got his kicked by a talk show fill in host
A court is not scientific, eg the OJ case! Roy Boi getting his ass kicked by a scientific study is much worse for a scientist!

A court is not scientific,

That's why Mann surrendered, instead of fighting?
The main problem with any claim from either side is a lack of empirical data ... the numbers from before the Age of Satellites is considered scientifically unreliable ... that only leaves us with about 50 years and that's no where close enough to make any broad sweeping predictions into the future ... even with today's equipment, the NHC still combs through the satellite images during the off-season because it's fairly common to miss tropical cyclones in real time ... often enough they'll add another storm after-the-fact ...

With exploding populations along these vulnerable coasts, we should expect more damage from the same number of hurricanes ... 50 years ago, a storm might wipe out some broke down cottages ... today the same storm wipes out small cities full of expensive mansions ...

Theoretically, we should be seeing fewer tropical cyclones in the future ... a little ... maybe 1 less storm every three years ... the problem is Arctic Amplification, the polar regions are warming twice as fast as the equatorial regions ... this means less energy needs to be transported from the equator to the poles ... and all the heat transport mechanisms in our atmosphere will be less active, including tropical cyclones ... again, only a little less active, incrementally over 100 years ...

Far and away ... the panic over global warming is more damaging than the actual warming ...
Pj Media

Fact Check: Hurricanes Are Not Strengthened by Our CO2 Emissions


Over the past week, media across the world have proclaimed 2020 a record year for hurricanes in the North Atlantic. The culprit? Man-made climate change, of course.

But this is a mistake, not only because the “records” are misleading but also because the causes of hurricanes are natural phenomena over which we have little or no influence.

The New Jersey-based business news channel CNBC provided several examples of the errors. On November 30, they reported: “Research shows that climate change is making hurricanes stronger and more destructive and increasing the likelihood of more frequent major hurricanes.”

The network quoted Penn State University meteorologist Michael Mann, who went even further, asserting that “The impacts of climate change are no longer subtle. We’re seeing them play out right now in the form of unprecedented wildfires out West and an unprecedented hurricane season back East.”

“Things will only get worse if we continue to burn fossil fuels and generate carbon pollution. This current hurricane season lays bare the reasons we must act on climate now,” he added.

Other media sources put the primary blame squarely on man-made global warming, which supposedly has made the Gulf of Mexico warmer and the air more humid thereby making tropical cyclones—called hurricanes in the North Atlantic—more frequent and more intense.

But this is misleading. Dr. Roy Spencer, a principal research scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, explained that “major hurricanes don’t really care whether the Gulf [of Mexico] is above average or below average in temperature.”



Dr. Mann made a bunch of error filled statements, why does anyone still take this charlatan seriously?
3 lies being used by The Great Reset - New World Order to take over America and impose The End Times Global Government.

1.) Russian Collusion
2.) Scamdemic
3.) Climate Change
Roy Spencer

Dr. Mann made a bunch of error filled statements, why does anyone still take this charlatan seriously?
Roy Boi got caught fudging the satellite data by using the opposite sign to calculate diurnal satellite drift, satellite"expert" that he is.
why does anyone still take this charlatan seriously?
Mikey Mann got his ass kicked in court hockey stick style.....to the moon
Roy Boi got his ass kicked by a real scientist in a published study that was so thoroughly documented that Roy Boi had to admit he was full of shit!
Well then Mikey gotta be real ///barassed since he got his kicked by a talk show fill in host
A court is not scientific, eg the OJ case! Roy Boi getting his ass kicked by a scientific study is much worse for a scientist!
Hockey stick destroyed in court.......author didnt even bother to defend his BS

Dr. Mann has now lost two court cases, but the turd defies the Judges ruling and refuses to pay court costs.
Roy Spencer

Dr. Mann made a bunch of error filled statements, why does anyone still take this charlatan seriously?
Roy Boi got caught fudging the satellite data by using the opposite sign to calculate diurnal satellite drift, satellite"expert" that he is.
why does anyone still take this charlatan seriously?
Mikey Mann got his ass kicked in court hockey stick style.....to the moon
Roy Boi got his ass kicked by a real scientist in a published study that was so thoroughly documented that Roy Boi had to admit he was full of shit!
Well then Mikey gotta be real ///barassed since he got his kicked by a talk show fill in host
A court is not scientific, eg the OJ case! Roy Boi getting his ass kicked by a scientific study is much worse for a scientist!
Hockey stick destroyed in court.......author didnt even bother to defend his BS

Dr. Mann has now lost two court cases, but the turd defies the Judges ruling and refuses to pay court costs.
Roy Spencer

Dr. Mann made a bunch of error filled statements, why does anyone still take this charlatan seriously?
Roy Boi got caught fudging the satellite data by using the opposite sign to calculate diurnal satellite drift, satellite"expert" that he is.
why does anyone still take this charlatan seriously?
Mikey Mann got his ass kicked in court hockey stick style.....to the moon
Roy Boi got his ass kicked by a real scientist in a published study that was so thoroughly documented that Roy Boi had to admit he was full of shit!
Well then Mikey gotta be real ///barassed since he got his kicked by a talk show fill in host
A court is not scientific, eg the OJ case! Roy Boi getting his ass kicked by a scientific study is much worse for a scientist!
Hockey stick destroyed in court.......author didnt even bother to defend his BS

Dr. Mann has now lost two court cases, but the turd defies the Judges ruling and refuses to pay court costs.
That still does not make Roy Boi credible!
I have posted this article: Fact Check: Hurricanes Are Not Strengthened by Our CO2 Emissions, in THREE other forums, there have been replies, all of them insulting Dr. Spencer, while avoiding the article totally.

Here is a classically STUPID attack on Dr. Spencer:

"as some0one who is from Florida and has watched the weather in the past there before anyone talked about climate change, I'll say right off the bat that Roy is full of the end result of grass on a bull's bowels.

The water temperature and wind at sea most certainly do affect hurricanes and the proliferation there of.
furthermore, Huntsville is inland so how in the heck would he/she be familiar enough to know the ends and outs as presented daily in weather reports locally. he/she has to study those and all south eastern coastal reports for decades. just a hunch she has not but come to another bs conclusion worthy only of conspiracy theory unthink tanks or perhaps is marketing a book or interview deal w/ rw disinformation camps."


my reply making a fool of him in the process:

Roy Warren Spencer (born December 20, 1955)[1] is a meteorologist,

Spencer received a B.S. in atmospheric sciences from the University of Michigan in 1978 and his M.S. and Ph.D. in meteorology from the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 1980 and 1982


"In 2001, he designed an algorithm to detect tropical cyclones and estimate their maximum sustained wind speed using the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU).[6][7]

Spencer has been a member of several science teams: the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Space Station Accommodations Analysis Study Team, Science Steering Group for TRMM, TOVS Pathfinder Working Group, NASA Headquarters Earth Science and Applications Advisory Subcommittee, and two National Research Council (NRC) study panels."

red bolding mine

It is becomes clear warmist/alarmists can't address the article at all because they KNOW they have no valid argument to offer against it. Therefore go the gutter level attacks on well educated scientists instead, it is all they have to offer which is why I know they have serious science illiteracy problem.
I have posted this article: Fact Check: Hurricanes Are Not Strengthened by Our CO2 Emissions, in THREE other forums, there have been replies, all of them insulting Dr. Spencer, while avoiding the article totally.

Here is a classically STUPID attack on Dr. Spencer:

"as some0one who is from Florida and has watched the weather in the past there before anyone talked about climate change, I'll say right off the bat that Roy is full of the end result of grass on a bull's bowels.

The water temperature and wind at sea most certainly do affect hurricanes and the proliferation there of.
furthermore, Huntsville is inland so how in the heck would he/she be familiar enough to know the ends and outs as presented daily in weather reports locally. he/she has to study those and all south eastern coastal reports for decades. just a hunch she has not but come to another bs conclusion worthy only of conspiracy theory unthink tanks or perhaps is marketing a book or interview deal w/ rw disinformation camps."


my reply making a fool of him in the process:

Roy Warren Spencer (born December 20, 1955)[1] is a meteorologist,

Spencer received a B.S. in atmospheric sciences from the University of Michigan in 1978 and his M.S. and Ph.D. in meteorology from the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 1980 and 1982


"In 2001, he designed an algorithm to detect tropical cyclones and estimate their maximum sustained wind speed using the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU).[6][7]

Spencer has been a member of several science teams: the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Space Station Accommodations Analysis Study Team, Science Steering Group for TRMM, TOVS Pathfinder Working Group, NASA Headquarters Earth Science and Applications Advisory Subcommittee, and two National Research Council (NRC) study panels."

red bolding mine

It is becomes clear warmist/alarmists can't address the article at all because they KNOW they have no valid argument to offer against it. Therefore go the gutter level attacks on well educated scientists instead, it is all they have to offer which is why I know they have serious science illiteracy problem.

There's a very good reason why basic climatology is taught at the junior level of college ... the student is busy with all the prerequisites the first two years of college ... traditionally, climatology is a back water sub-discipline, for the students who struggled to pass two years of calculus and the idea of having to take a third year of calculus for Dynamic Meteorology is out of the question ... thus with just a second year of statistics, one can get their degree ...

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