F-35 costs increase dramatically


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
The production consortium of F-35 is requesting another 4 Billion $ from Turkey.
The Defence Producrement Agency which runs currently 250 projects does not have the money, so it made a request to the Finance Ministry to cover the additional costs.
If it is granted, Turkey would have commited 14 Billion $ to the F-35.
Due to the increasing production costs, it is anticipated that around 2014 another 8 Billion $ will be requested by the F-35 production consortium, in the bad scenario another 11 Billion $.

This would put Turkey's particaption in F-35 at a cost tag of 22 to 25 Billion $.
Ekonomi - F-35 projesinde 4 milyar dolarl?k ek maliyet krizi - ZAMAN GAZETES? [?nternetin ?lk Türk Gazetesi]

As the increasing costs can not be covered from the budget of the Defence Procurement Agency (SSM), the additional would be covered by Finance Ministry.
If Finance Ministry rejects the costs, Turkey will pull out of F-35 Consortium.
The letter to the Finance Ministry to cover the additional costs carries the a recommendation signature of the Army and the Defence Procurement Agency.
Meanwhile it is very likely that Turkey will be joining the KFX consortium of S.Korea and Indonesia.
The consortium will produce a 4.5 generation fighter which is able to replace the Turkish F-16's around 2020.
Korea Times - [Exclusive] Turkey could join Korea's fighter plan

It would be a barter deal, with S.Korea choosing the T-129 Attack Helicolipter currently under development for Turkish Army for S.Korea's Attack Helicopter acquisition programme.
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USA has chosen Turkey for missile defence system of NATO, says it is for Turkey to make a decision to station the system in Turkey and vote in favour of the system in NATO meeting.
Bulgaria: Turkey Figures Prominently in US Missile Defense Plans - Novinite.com - Sofia News Agency

Turkish FM says, that Turkey will only agree on missile defence if the threat of missiles is perceived by ALL Nato partners, and not only by USA.
Turkey to seek NATO consensus on missile
Utility Helicopter procurement:
Sikorsky offers production plant in Turkey with 85% of the Helicopter being Turkish components. The contract is about 121 Helicopters, and Sikorsky will buy additional 109 Helicopters from the production line in Turkey to sell to other countries.
Turkey will also be regional maintenance hub for Sikorsky helicopters.
Sikorsky will join the indeginous Utility Helicopter project of TAI (Turkish Aerospace Industries).

Stephen Estill, Strategic Partnerships Vice President of Sikorsky

defence.professionals | defpro.com

Together with S. Korea, Turkey is already largest Sikorsky user outside of USA.
Talking to yourself, Ekram?

If you want in on a deal that will dramatically advance your military, you've got to throw in your chips when the stakes are raised. Think yourselves lucky. Britain will be shelling-out far more than Turkey as we're level one partners.
Talking to yourself, Ekram?

If you want in on a deal that will dramatically advance your military, you've got to throw in your chips when the stakes are raised. Think yourselves lucky. Britain will be shelling-out far more than Turkey as we're level one partners.

Britain is about to make deep cuts in the nation’s defence budget that will affect the country’s security and foreign policy for decades.
(...) Britain’s defence spending will fall by between 10 per cent and 20 per cent over the next four years.
The army would lose about 20 per cent of its personnel. The navy would have many fewer frigates to help patrol the world’s sea lanes.
FT.com / Comment / Editorial - Defence review in danger of sinking

The initial challenge is to save £37bn by 2020, merely to meet unfunded obligations accepted by the last government.
FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Trident skewers Britain?s post-imperial refit

What the armed forces can expect from the defence review
The Army:
main battle tanks are likely to be mothballed, as is much of its other heavy armour and artillery.
The navy would like up to 18 new frigates but this could be reduced to just six.
The entire fleet – eight squadrons – of the RAF's two-crew Tornado GR4 strike aircraft, which have been active in Afghanistan, is expected to be withdrawn from service in the bundle of cuts to be announced next week.
The plan to buy an extra 48 Eurofighter Typhoons is also expected to be dropped, leaving the RAF with a total of 160.
The RAF's total aircraft fleet may be cut from 760 to 550 over the next 10 years.
What the armed forces can expect from the defence review | UK news | The Guardian

The "chips" you're talking about you do not have.
Defense Secreatary Liam Fox of Britain plans to half purchase of F-35. It would save the UK about 15 Billion Pounds. Even after such cuts, the cash shortfall is so vast that the Army remains threatened.
Cuts could leave Britain defended by rowing boats, Airfix jets and Girl Guides | Mail Online

RAF leadership says, that the cuts could make Britain's arispace vulnerable for attack
RAF cuts 'could make Britain's air space vulnerable to attack' by Telegraph.co.uk Media


Britain is declining much faster then the USA. But at least the Brits showed they are able to bounce back after a decline, but that will be not in the near future.
Vendetta of the Colonies.
thax...I have not kept up in my defense reading etc,...this was bound to happen. Europeans spending on def. is already rock bottom and it will drop further, and of course so has ours.

Frankly I think the F-35 venture is misguided from strategic posture stand point. IF you aren't gong to buy enough to make a deference then why buy any at all?

Our issues with the F-35 is worse, is we see it as a stand in for the Raptor,( because its cheaper) which is grave mistake........
Britain’s debt: The untold story
If the current generation of taxpayers wanted to remove the higher bills facing their children and grandchildren, they would now be paying around 30 per cent more in tax.
Failure to cut back now or raise taxes – and there is little sign of the population clamouring to make life easier for the as-yet-unborn – will leave future taxpayers with an additional burden of £200,000 each over their lifetimes to pay for the public services enjoyed by this and previous generations. Even with current plans to reduce the deficit, the tax bill would still be as high as £150,000 over the life of someone born in 2011.
Britain’s debt: The untold story - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

You know, most countries also can purchase Aircraft Carriers or be level 1 partner in F-35 consortium -- payed on debt. And the children pay for it.
Immediately after NATO summit in Brussels was Gates-Clinton-Davutolgu-Gönül meeting about missile Defence

Brüksel'de füze kalkaný pazarlýðý - Hürriyet Dünya

Turkish side has said, it will not agree on missile-shield on its territory which is controlled by USA. Only agree if the system is controlled by NATO Alliance. The USA is holding paralell talks with Romania.
No official statements have been made, but these informations came through to journalists.
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