EXPLOSIVE Study: Media Suppression of 8 Key Stories 'Stole This Election' for Joe Biden


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The Polling Company surveyed 1,750 Biden voters in seven swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Six of these states (all except North Carolina) have been called for Biden.
The poll found that a whopping 82 percent of Biden voters were unaware of at least one of the news stories, while only five percent said they did not know about all eight.
The Polling Company surveyed 1,750 Biden voters in seven swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Six of these states (all except North Carolina) have been called for Biden.
The poll found that a whopping 82 percent of Biden voters were unaware of at least one of the news stories, while only five percent said they did not know about all eight.
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Well one of those is just stupid, the 33.1% economic growth. That is only measured after the economy tanked because of the coronavirus, and it is all because of borrowed money, mostly those $600 addition to unemployment checks that Republicans bitch about so much. The same for the job numbers. You can't claim you created 11.1 million jobs when that was also only after millions of job losses. The reality is that Trump was down 4.7 million jobs during his term two months before the election, the worst job loss of any president since Hoover. Your source is just plain STUPID.
The Polling Company surveyed 1,750 Biden voters in seven swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Six of these states (all except North Carolina) have been called for Biden.
The poll found that a whopping 82 percent of Biden voters were unaware of at least one of the news stories, while only five percent said they did not know about all eight.
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"Explosive Study" certainly means something different now compared to when I was a boy.
ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC. PBS...all should have their FCC licenses revoked for censoring of the news.
Lefter Holt, George Stephanopolis, Joy Reid should all be out scrounging for racoon pelts to exchange
for food. They should be sleeping on cardboard in a city park somewhere.

The people that manage the news are no better than East German propaganda specialists.
The Polling Company surveyed 1,750 Biden voters in seven swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Six of these states (all except North Carolina) have been called for Biden.
The poll found that a whopping 82 percent of Biden voters were unaware of at least one of the news stories, while only five percent said they did not know about all eight.
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We get it, it's not The Donald's fault. It never is.

Pro Tip: Trump lost not because of policy, but because he's a fucking asshole. The stench just got to be too much.
The Polling Company surveyed 1,750 Biden voters in seven swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Six of these states (all except North Carolina) have been called for Biden.
The poll found that a whopping 82 percent of Biden voters were unaware of at least one of the news stories, while only five percent said they did not know about all eight.
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Nothing explosive here, it's how communists operate. They've just reached new lows is all, that's what makes them progressive.
The Polling Company surveyed 1,750 Biden voters in seven swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Six of these states (all except North Carolina) have been called for Biden.
The poll found that a whopping 82 percent of Biden voters were unaware of at least one of the news stories, while only five percent said they did not know about all eight.
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Nothing explosive here, it's how communists operate. They've just reached new lows is all, that's what makes them progressive.
I thought you didn't pay attention to those stations and that they were fake news? Now they matter, lolz.
Pro Tip: Trump lost not because of policy, but because he's a fucking asshole. The stench just got to be too much.

Yeah, that is exactly why immature, ignorant people didn't vote for him. In their elementary minds, he is a poo poo head and they didn't like him. Policies didn't matter because frankly most of them don't even know his policies. They get all their information filtered through social media, which has largely ignored any positives with regards to Trump policy for 4 years. It is truly sad how dumbed down many people are.
Regardless of what a person thinks about Trump, this is way more important as it's long-term compared to everything else we've seen to date politically. Who controls the national message and whether that message is biased or unbiased.

The practice of delaying stories to time the release for a specific social impact used to be the game, and now it's resorted to blocking coverage all together to keep people in the dark. This should not be tolerated by anyone regardless of political affiliation.

These mega-media corps need to be broken up for the benefit of the US consumer. The corporate media, owned by a handful of billionaires, control national information almost completely (around 90%). These few mega-corporate heads ensure that their media outlets support their own political preferences. Public demand will determine their fate, just not soon enough. Perhaps a political turnover will increase the "awareness" of the populace with future claims of the media not doing enough to obtain a different outcome. As if that's the media's job, to determine outcomes of elections, although many talking heads try to do exactly that. They know they have job security, so no worries there.

The media should not play politics as their business is to provide accurate, aka unbiased, news coverage. Period.
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The Polling Company surveyed 1,750 Biden voters in seven swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Six of these states (all except North Carolina) have been called for Biden.
The poll found that a whopping 82 percent of Biden voters were unaware of at least one of the news stories, while only five percent said they did not know about all eight.
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Nothing explosive here, it's how communists operate. They've just reached new lows is all, that's what makes them progressive.
I thought you didn't pay attention to those stations and that they were fake news? Now they matter, lolz.

I actually flip channels on rare occasion and catch PROG dirt throughout the web. Doesn't take me all day to catch on right, PROGS have become easy to read. Everyday is opposite day.
We get it, it's not The Donald's fault. It never is.

Pro Tip: Trump lost not because of policy, but because he's a fucking asshole. The stench just got to be too much.
We get it. The leftist propaganda machine is totally innocent of censoring the news so Depraved Dishonest
Joe never had to face any hard questions...not that the left ever asks any of him.

What a grueling campaign Middle Class Scranton Joe had to endure. Up at the crack of noon so four hand selected "journalists" could ask him ONE selected question. Then back in his bunker.
Can you believe a human being had to endure all this? Amazing!

Pro Tip: Trump lost the election, if indeed he has, because the democrats used Hugo Chavez' vote changing
machine to steal the election in the most blatant vote stealing scheme in American history.

Tammany Hall, passing out bottles of liquor, cigars and turkeys to Boss Tweed voters, had nothing on Joe Biden and Dominion.
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Pro Tip: Trump lost not because of policy, but because he's a fucking asshole. The stench just got to be too much.

Yeah, that is exactly why immature, ignorant people didn't vote for him. In their elementary minds, he is a poo poo head and they didn't like him. Policies didn't matter because frankly most of them don't even know his policies. They get all their information filtered through social media, which has largely ignored any positives with regards to Trump policy for 4 years. It is truly sad how dumbed down many people are.
He turned a lot of people off by being so arrogant and obnoxious. And lying as much as possible. Not all his policies were good either.
Pro Tip: Trump lost not because of policy, but because he's a fucking asshole. The stench just got to be too much.

Yeah, that is exactly why immature, ignorant people didn't vote for him. In their elementary minds, he is a poo poo head and they didn't like him. Policies didn't matter because frankly most of them don't even know his policies. They get all their information filtered through social media, which has largely ignored any positives with regards to Trump policy for 4 years. It is truly sad how dumbed down many people are.
He turned a lot of people off by being so arrogant and obnoxious. And lying as much as possible. Not all his policies were good either.

That is why the rallies didn't matter.
There is no rally for "I hate Trump".
And that is what decided the election. More voters hate the blob than like him.
Pro Tip: Trump lost not because of policy, but because he's a fucking asshole. The stench just got to be too much.

Yeah, that is exactly why immature, ignorant people didn't vote for him. In their elementary minds, he is a poo poo head and they didn't like him. Policies didn't matter because frankly most of them don't even know his policies. They get all their information filtered through social media, which has largely ignored any positives with regards to Trump policy for 4 years. It is truly sad how dumbed down many people are.
He turned a lot of people off by being so arrogant and obnoxious. And lying as much as possible. Not all his policies were good either.
You are right about Trump arrogance..but you are 100% LYING when you said "lying as much".. and I agree "Not all his policies were good"for some Democrats.
This is what Obama wanted and DID versus what Trump has done.

I mean Obama wanting businesses to go broke?
Wanting HIGHER gas prices?
Wanting 1,400 companies that employ 500,000+, paying over $100 Billion in taxes to go out of business?
Wanting the USA to be MORE DEPENDENT on foreign energy.
Wanting 1 million barrels of oil daily traveling on the open seas vs 700 barrels per mile traveling on dry land... what kind of environmentalist is that?
AND more that Obama wanted that Trump abolished!
Finally Obama really hates America... became a millionaire, by being President...Trump gave his President's salary as he was a billionaire before!
Pro Tip: Trump lost not because of policy, but because he's a fucking asshole. The stench just got to be too much.

Yeah, that is exactly why immature, ignorant people didn't vote for him. In their elementary minds, he is a poo poo head and they didn't like him. Policies didn't matter because frankly most of them don't even know his policies. They get all their information filtered through social media, which has largely ignored any positives with regards to Trump policy for 4 years. It is truly sad how dumbed down many people are.
He turned a lot of people off by being so arrogant and obnoxious. And lying as much as possible. Not all his policies were good either.
You are right about Trump arrogance..but you are 100% LYING when you said "lying as much".. and I agree "Not all his policies were good"for some Democrats.
This is what Obama wanted and DID versus what Trump has done.

I mean Obama wanting businesses to go broke?
Wanting HIGHER gas prices?
Wanting 1,400 companies that employ 500,000+, paying over $100 Billion in taxes to go out of business?
Wanting the USA to be MORE DEPENDENT on foreign energy.
Wanting 1 million barrels of oil daily traveling on the open seas vs 700 barrels per mile traveling on dry land... what kind of environmentalist is that?
AND more that Obama wanted that Trump abolished!
Finally Obama really hates America... became a millionaire, by being President...Trump gave his President's salary as he was a billionaire before!
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I'm a Libertarian, Obummer was a doucher.
Trump was his own worst enemy. And too much of an arrogant lying asshole.
The Polling Company surveyed 1,750 Biden voters in seven swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Six of these states (all except North Carolina) have been called for Biden.
The poll found that a whopping 82 percent of Biden voters were unaware of at least one of the news stories, while only five percent said they did not know about all eight.
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Trump still won by 10 million votes
Pro Tip: Trump lost not because of policy, but because he's a fucking asshole. The stench just got to be too much.

Yeah, that is exactly why immature, ignorant people didn't vote for him. In their elementary minds, he is a poo poo head and they didn't like him. Policies didn't matter because frankly most of them don't even know his policies. They get all their information filtered through social media, which has largely ignored any positives with regards to Trump policy for 4 years. It is truly sad how dumbed down many people are.
He turned a lot of people off by being so arrogant and obnoxious. And lying as much as possible. Not all his policies were good either.
You are right about Trump arrogance..but you are 100% LYING when you said "lying as much".. and I agree "Not all his policies were good"for some Democrats.
This is what Obama wanted and DID versus what Trump has done.

I mean Obama wanting businesses to go broke?
Wanting HIGHER gas prices?
Wanting 1,400 companies that employ 500,000+, paying over $100 Billion in taxes to go out of business?
Wanting the USA to be MORE DEPENDENT on foreign energy.
Wanting 1 million barrels of oil daily traveling on the open seas vs 700 barrels per mile traveling on dry land... what kind of environmentalist is that?
AND more that Obama wanted that Trump abolished!
Finally Obama really hates America... became a millionaire, by being President...Trump gave his President's salary as he was a billionaire before!
View attachment 421686
I'm a Libertarian, Obummer was a doucher.
Trump was his own worst enemy. And too much of an arrogant lying asshole.
No question Trump is very arrogant. NOT a politically correct ass kissing President which is totally refreshing!
Why don't you look at the accomplishments? For example.. Covid.
China...Says they've tested 160 million((interesting..China a round #!)).. BUT they only have 86,185 cases and 4,634 deaths. Really? From the country of origin?
USA Tested 186,931,545 (interesting..China a round #!) 13,173,294 cases and 268,592 deaths. Who do you believe?
Now the point of this is NO ONE seems to question China! Where is the MSM reporting this inconsistency?
Again... further proof that the biased MSM is totally trying to recoup their 96% donations to Hillary and 90% to Biden! Totally biased and you believe them hook line and sinker!
Tell me as a supposedly "intelligent" Libertarian... do you really believe the voting numbers especially from those Democrat controlled cities and states? Really?
The Polling Company surveyed 1,750 Biden voters in seven swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Six of these states (all except North Carolina) have been called for Biden.
The poll found that a whopping 82 percent of Biden voters were unaware of at least one of the news stories, while only five percent said they did not know about all eight.
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Fake news.
Anyone understand why PROGS slap "Fox News Fox News" on conservatives, when THE REALITY IS everyone catches PROG-think 24-7, because it's PROGS who control all mainstream media, from your TV through your "smart phone", music and throughout this web?

Champion projecting & ignorance, high level 1.

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