Ex-Trump adviser says former president ‘hasn’t got the brains’ for dictatorship

Sure they do.

He's still sticking to that lie? I guess the truth will come out in the Insurrection trial. Is trump and the supreme's going to delay that one before the election? Oh well. We will just try him in the court of public opinion. It is an election year. People forget how bad the insurrection was.

I love it that Trump was FORCED to condemn the insurrectionists on Jan 6 but now he's calling them patriots.

You guys are doubling down on the lies. I love it. Personally, I think it's a losing approach but hey Hitler pulled it off and Trump won in 2016 so you never know.

But that was against Hillary. At the time the most polarizing person in America. Guess who holds that title now?
Only four of Trump's prior cabinet members and staff have endorsed his reelection. Four out of over forty. You routinely hear prior cabinet officials and staff express similar sentiments to that of John Bolton. These are people who worked closely with this man every single day and warned him he would lose reelection if he didn't change his behavior. Despite all of this, Cult 45 continues to insist these people are all the "Deep State" just out to get him.
You don't have to convince us that Trump's first administration was filled with treasonous Deep Staters.
We already knew that.
The fact is Trump couldn't be bought, so many of them turned on him once that became a realization.
It makes him a less than reliable source.

Are you about to tell me that everyone bad-mouthing Trump isn't politically motivated?

In recent years you clowns have been falling over yourselves to post commentary from Bill Maher every time he expresses an opinion that the right agrees with, despite the fact the man is a bleeding heart liberal. Why don't you apply the same standard to his opinions?
I love how Trumpers blow off people who know Trump best. I wonder how many posters here have worked for Trump or know Trump personally. Those that have worked for him, know him to be a dense, childish ill informed moron. Believe those that know him best. No President has ever had so many of his own cabinet members come out and call their former boss a cretin like Trump has.
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Only four of Trump's prior cabinet members and staff have endorsed his reelection. Four out of over forty. You routinely hear prior cabinet officials and staff express similar sentiments to that of John Bolton. These are people who worked closely with this man every single day and warned him he would lose reelection if he didn't change his behavior. Despite all of this, Cult 45 continues to insist these people are all the "Deep State" just out to get him.
A lot of them will still hold their noses and vote for Trump because they lean right and have been convinced Biden isn't doing a good job. I think he is. Biden deserves another 4 years.

And I like what Bill Maher said last night.

“We handed out 4 trillion dollars of free money, 280 billion of which was just flat-out stolen in what the AP called ‘the greatest grift in US history’ and which started an inflationary spiral that we now blame on Biden. So we’re gonna bring back Trump?! The guy who ignored COVID like it was the dinner check?!”
In recent years you clowns have been falling over yourselves to post commentary from Bill Maher every time he expresses an opinion that the right agrees with, despite the fact the man is a bleeding heart liberal. Why don't you apply the same standard to his opinions?
Yesterday Bill said he's a liberal but not WOKE.
I love how Trumpers blow off people who know Trump best. best.
They have to. They're so emotionally invested in him at this point that anyone who criticizes him must be viewed as evil and corrupt.

You're either MAGA or a commie. That's it. That's as deep as their thought processes go.

These are the Manson Girls.
John Bolton is a warmongering jerkoff.

Nobody cares what that jerk has to say about Trump because he's obviously a Deep State Stooge.
Like I said, I don't love Liz Chaney, John McCain or Mr. Bolton. Or Pence. Or Nikki. Or Chris Christie. Or Mitt Romney. All pieces of shit I agree with you.

I will never fault Republicans for picking Trump over any Republican. They are all deep state globalist liars. But at least they are patriotic, believe in free and fair elections, the two party system, holding the president accountable.

It was a disgrace how the Republicans protected Trump for 4 years while he broke the laws of our land.

Remember the very first time Trump crossed the line? Paul Ryan was speaker at the time. He used the excuse that Trump was new and didn't know any better.

But fast forward to 2018 and Rex said Trump got sick of him telling him he couldn't do what he wanted because what he wanted to do was illegal.

Mr Bolton has no love for trump. But I think that this might be an accurate assessment. trump also lacks the energy and focus. He is too self absorbed in his own private concerns to be a premier league didtator.

He is happier fighting Megan Rapinoe than dismantling the state.

But that doesnt include the shadowy figures around him. The guy who fetches donny his macdonalds breakfast is likely more on board with the dictator vibe.

Its a very worrying time for planet earth.

Nor the desire to be.
They have to. They're so emotionally invested in him at this point that anyone who criticizes him must be viewed as evil and corrupt.

You're either MAGA or a commie. That's it. That's as deep as their thought processes go.

These are the Manson Girls.

I texted my Christian friends who like Trump this morning "just remember guys there were good people on both sides of the crucifiction."
Agreed, not to mention his profound mental/emotional issues, but the problem is that he is surrounded by people who can do it just by manipulating him.

Stephen Miller, Kash Patel, Steve Bannon, for starters.

Look to history. It has never been about one guy.


J6 was a learning experience for them. if we don't show up in droves on election day, then the playbook project 2015 will become doctrine.
They have to. They're so emotionally invested in him at this point


Here's the thing: You're so emotionally invested in hating him at this point, you've lost the critical thinking skills to determine the fact that the Nation was much better off under Trump than the Democrats.

And the vast majority of "chaos and panic" was actually just corporate media gaslighting, as the World was a far more peaceful and prosperous place.

I should know.

I used to be just like you.

The only difference is the COVID/BLM psyop woke me the hell up.
Trump just cares about trump.
Surely you aren't naive enough to think he is the only politician in the West who cares only about themselves, if true?

You know Adam Smiths concept of self-interest and the invisible hand and how it can help everyone via the butcher, the brewer or the baker? Well to me it is in degrees along a continuum. Thus, EVERY politician today benefits to some degree, but some require the corruption far more than others.

Trump is wealthy. He didn't join politics to gain wealth as career politicians have. That as a function alone is vastly superior a situation.

So all politicians in the West today have some self benefit. Some politicians more than others. On that same token some politicians also provide more benefits for their constituents than other politicians. This much is clear and it is the calculus voters are left with.

Voters will have to decide, "of the imperfect options which option ensures the best future for my country and my family".

The British Intel have had it wrong so many times that I cannot count and it hurts me because I know there are a few Mavericks in mi5 and mi6 who know better but they are caught in the hierarchy and those in the hierarchy are bending to pressure of the majority rather than taking what is most accurate, even if not from ideal sources. So reflexively they dislike Trump, he is more "unknown" and "uncontrollable". This is code for "we don't have sources on him"

This Groupthink is not unique to the UK but the U.S are more open to debate. John O'Neil for instance, was a compulsive FBI agent as he was obsessed with Bin Laden and his terror groups BEFORE 9/11. His problem was he was undiplomatic and unprofessional, he was his own worst enemy. Too flashy and arrogant at times.

Now, some skilled superiors could have listened more to him through tact and a focus on facts rather than his faults. This is also where British Intel continues to fail, because they are even more institutionalized a system. No new invention was ever developed without debunking to some degree the old technology. This is the same with intelligence. Evolve or perish.

So, the long and short of it is that today Russias successes have been largely due to UKs poor intel. They loved Obama. They loved him so much that under his time Crimea and the Spratly islands were taken. This is because the Brits, MUCH weaker today than in 1980 for instance, is deathly afraid of conflict, while the U.S being much stronger has been given intel that I presume is not in their national interests. China thus rose, Putin consolidated power and influenced European politicians while everyone was patting themselves on the back.

Again, back to Adam Smith. Americas success is ALL of the Wests success. Some Western nations don't understand this, or perhaps even selfishly (and foolishly) don't want this success.

If you don't believe me, don't watch videos today from experts on the Russian War, listen to the predictions from some of the highest placed and best informed from 2-3 years ago. Listen to how wrong that have been. You can extrapolate this even further back, 10-12 years.

Certainly the war in Iraq altered Putins thinking as well, this cannot be overstated. However, world leadership has been absent for a long time and these uncreative, Yes Men (and womens) deficiencies trickle down through intel agencies.
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