Ex Pastors let loose the goods on their former Religion


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009

Hugh Fogelman and John Stone

Ex-pastor Craig Lyons writes: “What the vast majority of Christians fail to realize is that the Hebrew Bible has nothing to say about Jesus, not one thing.” 1[Emphasis added]

Carefully note that he said the “Hebrew Bible;” not the Greek mistranslation of it with its hundreds of alterations and purposeful misquotations and mistranslations purposefully done in an attempt to write within it Christian concepts concerning a pagan dead man-god known as Jesus. That would be known as the Christian Bible.

It is these religious concepts, which were added the Greek translations of the Hebrew Bible, that in a little over 200 years from their initial forgery would be applied to Jesus by the pagan-gentile church of the fourth century which were made up by Roman and Greek laymen. It would be these Greek Church Fathers who gave the strength to the reinterpretation of the Jewish Messiah, and students today find their legacy only compounded upon by Rome.

Christianity's use of the Hebrew Bible is both their strength and their flaw. It is their strength because the Hebrew Bible is the word of God. It is their flaw because gentile pagan Christianity deliberately misinterpreted and misappropriated the Hebrew Scriptures to support their plagiarized pagan claims.

However, when Christianity claims fulfillment of, and yet destroys the Hebrew Bible's message and prophecies, then all who seek the truth have a duty to identify these terrible errors; which are being deliberately passed off to the unsuspecting gentile world as the “infallible, inerrant, and inspired” Word of God.

Ex-pastor Lyons wrote:

“Such a Christian's Bible with such falsehoods and Scriptural adulterations is anything but the Word of God. Secondarily, the Jesus depicted within such a document is anything but “real.”

It is a shame that Christians blindly accept the New Testament's (NT) depiction of Jesus, along with all the forged and falsified texts that surround him, and never desire to investigate or question this “invented” Jesus.

Step back and realize that there are only two bibles; the Source Document, the Hebrew Bible – and copies upon copies, upon copies of the Christian bible. Scholars know what can happen to “copies.” Father Eusebius, after the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE, admitted to changing copies to reflect his own concept of the Christian god Jesus. Before the New Testament was canonized other Christian leaders followed Eusebius’ lead and modified their writings. However, the Hebrew Bible stands in stark contrast to the Christian bibles and copies; for today it is exactly as received over 3,315 years ago.

Without first reading the Source Document, the Hebrew Bible, before reading the New Testament; it is impossible to identify and tell the forgery from the truth. When reading the pages of the NT, Christians accept without question that all contained therein must be true because their clergy and their bible-intoxicated friends have forever been telling them it is the “Word of God unto salvation, yada, yada, yada.” As my wife said, they will never know they are wrong because they were taught never to doubt the NT or ask questions about its reliability and integrity, even though Jews have told the world for over 2,000 years that the Christian Messiah is NOT the Messiah promised in the Hebrew Bible; but no one takes heed!

The truth of the matter is that Christians have been deliberately set up. Their conscience and guilt has been carefully manipulated―against their better judgement―by askilfully induced fear of “the devil” and eternal “hellfire.” The result is a belief in Jesus, a dead man-god that never existed. Christians do not realize that clinging to a faith in a dead man-god makes them an idolater and blasphemer before God!

As G-d created our minds, He expects us to use our reasoning together with our faith. Faith is not a substitute for reason, but a development from it and alongside it. God does not expect us to be led blindly by others who are trying to sell their new/invented pagan religion, aka Christianity. In extremely strong and direct language, God warned all of us about this very thing over 3,315 years ago when the Children of Israel were gathered at Mount Sinai. Carefully study Deuteronomy 13:1-5 (KJV) below:

“If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder,
2 And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them;
3 Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the LORD your God proveth [is testing] you, to know whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.
4 Ye shall walk after the LORD your God, and fear him, and keep his commandments, and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him.
5 And that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death; because he hath spoken to turn you away from the LORD your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed you out of the house of bondage, to thrust thee out of the way which the LORD thy God commanded thee to walk in. So shalt thou put the evil away from the midst of thee.

As you see here, a new religion–a new god [Jesus] is considered an “evil” in your midst. Could God have been any clearer on this? Why didn’t you know this? Why haven’t your clergy and Sunday school teachers taught this? Oh, I see, it is in the Old Testament and that was replaced by this “new” testament. Convenient don’t you think? And what about tithing? That is ONLY in the Old Testament, but your church and clergy brings that forward and makes it a commandment on you. Funny isn’t it – how Christianity picks this and throws out that. All the while it is your soul they are playing with. BUT do you now care enough to study on your own and come to know your Creator instead of a dead man-god?

Let us continue and see what more God has to say on new religions/gods. What if it is your family and friends approaching you with the “good news” of the gospel??? Deuteronomy 13:6-11:

6 If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers;
7 Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you, nigh unto thee, or far off from thee, from the one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth;
8 Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him:
9 But thou shalt surely kill him;2 thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people.
10 And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die; because he hath sought to thrust thee away from the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.
11 And all Israel shall hear, and fear, and shall do no more any such wickedness as this is among you.

Is this not crystal clear? What part do you not understand? Oh yeah, this is the Old Testament and we do not follow that anymore. Says who―God? NO! God said his Torah was eternal! Now what part of eternal do you not understand? Oh, but your preachers and friends said this and that. Does that make it right? Does that cancel God’s own eternal words that have stood exactly as originally given over 3,315 years ago? You know the answer! NO!

So, what are you going to do about it? Are you going to keep going to church and praying to a dead man-god? Are you going to do what God warned you not to do? Or, are you going to embark on an honest mission ― to know your Creator and stand in awe of him, to serve only Him and as he asks?

The Christian bible says Jesus was a Jew and even that he never advocated the establishment of any new religion. Christianity is a religion about Jesus, not Jesus’ religion. Christianity is an invention primarily of the character called Paul. It should be more properly called Pauline Christology.

Unknown to Christians is that the non-Jew, the gentile, has his place within Biblical Judaism as he adheres to the “Covenant and Laws of Noah” which Judaism has taught for over three thousand years. These laws are knows as the Seven Universal Laws for Mankind.

Embark on a search for truth and these laws will be brought before you.


1. Pastor Craig Lyons, M.Div: 902 Cardigan, Garland, Texas 75040

2. After the 2nd Temple was destroyed, so was the Great Sanhedrin. Also lost was the authority to inflict capital punishment.

© 2001-2005 Christianity Revealed
Excellent paper by the former pastor....i guess he decided to follow the righteous way .. Funny how the wicked teach they will have a rapture and leave the earth while we are told the righteous shall never be removed but the wicked shall not inhabit the earth..prov10;30....
Well they never study meaning of words from the biblical eras usage and thus have no understanding of slang terms nor poetic usage of words by the scribes.
With The Dead Sea scrolls helping us understand those words better it is expanding our lexicon and fixing our errors & assumptions. They many times never think to study the scrolls for that reason and when they do come across the real usage they ignore it rather then change their mistakes. *shrugs*
One such word as you already know is the usage of the term "clouds". In certain context as you already know it's refering to gathering of host (used in 1kings as such), because they looked like clouds when gathered together in their puffy white robes. In Daniel son of man coming out of or with the clouds as you know (but they don't)means out of Kohanim lineage (per scrolls IQS IX, II FROM FRAGMENT
4QSe [4Q259]) and with the Kohanim gathering to the Temple for the procession. Which Theslonians recants is with the call by Michael to come up to this enraptured (feverish exciting moment)event up to zion to be with the temple priests gathering (clouds).
A reality event liken to an event to see the Pope and his Cardinals and Bishops, made into some laughable fantasy float to the sky story by those who do not know the usage of words from the era and culture they are reading from.
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Well since many in those days believed epileptics were demon possesed and were incredibly superstious in their dealing with others no wonder they came to those conclusions.... What is the excuse today living in the time we do...the truth is alot of the clergy are privvy to much knowledge that they kept to themselves keeping their flocks in perpetual darkness because it suited their purpose... These things should have been shared long ago to prepare mankind and to enlighten him i find it disturbing that it was not done showing they did not really care for those they were supposedly serving...at least a pastor like this has the fortitude and guts to tell it like it is....
There's one thing to be spiritualy dark through ignorance, but once taught and corrected of the mistakes then the continuance to use those mistakes and be in the dark is a lie. Worse they are dragging others in the lie (darkness) as well. Hence the battle between light (knowledge and truth) and Darkness (ignorance and lies) is simple to see who's who when they refuse knowledge and resort to lying.
Good Shabbos!
Wow an exChristian? How about all the ex-Atheists who came to believe in Jesus and the Bible by doing research for the evidence? Lol your attacks are meaningless my friend. Here are just three books by ex-Atheists who discovered the EVIDENCE which led them to Jesus and God.



And let's not forget this one which says it all...

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Evidence? Please Explain, the only evidence is that there are many christs being confused and converged with many culture's mythologies. Even Christianity teaches this would happen, they just haven't connected the dots and noticed *the events were describing 70ad and their era* Rome was creating the one world converged religion.

What evidence do you have and please use sources and no self testimony. I don't get pics on my browser, it's turned off, so please use words to convey not vids and pics.

(reference note:**Proof these things in revelation took place in that era can be found by combining Luke 21:24 & Romans 11:25 which by history of that era, shows that Revelation 11:1-3 occurred in aprox 70ad.)
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Wow an exChristian? How about all the ex-Atheists who came to believe in Jesus and the Bible by doing research for the evidence? your attacks are meaningless my friend. Here are just three books by ex-Atheists who discovered the EVIDENCE which led them to Jesus and God.
View attachment 46751
View attachment 46752
View attachment 46753
And let's not forget this one which says it all...
View attachment 46754

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Actually in this case it's less than meaningless. The two "authors" are Christ haters who dug up anyone they could find to sling mud. From what I can find they are not having much success. Hugh Fogelman profile says he is a tax collector and a writer who went to high school and got "some college"... see link... his book is an e book and it looks like the price has been drastically reduced. Guess business is bad. According to the profile Hugh Fogelman's credentials are that he has 6 versions of the bible on his desk and a subscription to some magazine. lol.

Hugh Fogelman - Google Profile


Hugh Fogelman
Works at self
Attends na
Lives in High Desert


I have 6 Christian bibles on my desk—KJV, the NIV Study Bible, the Living Bible, the New American Bible, the Jerusalem Bible and the Abingdon Bible on my desk, plus the Jews for Jesus manual. I also have 3 Tanakhs, the Stone Edition with commentaries and the Chabad Tanakh, and the W.G.Plaut commentary of the Torah plus CD Rom’s on Encyclopedia Judaica, Chumash & Tanach with Rashi, and the Psalms and Isaiah commentary of the Jewish sages,—plus of course; Strong’s exhaustive concordance of the bible. I have also subscribed to the Christian Bible Review monthly magazine, and the Book of Jewish Knowledge and the History of the Jewish people helped in my research.


  • na
  • High and some Collage


Other profiles


Tax Account/Writter
  • self
    Tax Account/Writter, present
  • self
I did note that he is a writer who does not know how to spell. He calls himself a Writter?
His book page has had zero responses - Christianity Uncovered
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Mr. Stone - his helper seems to have his own .com address and not much more - here is their work from 2003 bashing Christianity and defending the use of occult words -



Hugh Fogelman

Christians say that “abracadabra” is a prayer to the devil because it comes from, “abba cadaver” ― Father of the dead.
Abracadabra does have a Hebrew or Aramaic origin, but it is not father of the dead, as cadaver has a Latin not a Hebrew root, and the first word is “abra” not abba.

Actually it is pure Aramaic, “A b'ra ki daber” which means “I create with words.”

Sorry Christiholics, there is “No prayer to the devil.

Copyright © 2003, Hugh Fogelman. All rights reserved.
Christiholics? Wow. Mr. Fogelman sounds like he is seething with hatred for Christians. Should we be surprised he dug up some faux Christian to write a hit piece (that no one seems interested in except for HaShev and Shimon) to attack Christianity with? Not in the least. Next time HaShev had better do a little more research before he launches out on another one of these attacks on Christianity.
Wow an exChristian? How about all the ex-Atheists who came to believe in Jesus and the Bible by doing research for the evidence? your attacks are meaningless my friend. Here are just three books by ex-Atheists who discovered the EVIDENCE which led them to Jesus and God.

I did note that he is a writer who does not know how to spell. He calls himself a Writter?
His book page has had zero responses - Christianity Uncovered

It's amazing how you can continue to bring up stuff that can so easilly brought uo against you.
1) we see you once again attack a oerson instead of his commentary.
Your argument never dismisses what they say, all you can do is selectively choose one of the authors to rant about that never changes 5he context of what's said
2) your poisonous wormwood dart hit your gospel writers and Jesus in the behind.
If you say" a writer who does not know how to spell. He calls himself a Writter?"
Then this dan be used against you:
a) Matthew calls himself a Jew when he doesn't know Hebrew Genders?
b)Jesus calls himself a god when he can't write?
c)they call themselves prophets when they can't prophecise?
d) you call yourself a bible believer when you constantly oppose what it says for what you want it to say.
e) tv evangelists call themselves pastors and bishops with no seminary schooling?
f) you call yourself opposition to RCC yet adopted their idol & false prophet and harlot mother.
g)the apostles are called gospel writers yet the church even admits none of the books were written by those named after?

You lied and called the ex pastors ex atheists, is that an admission you though Jesus and his gang were atheists or do you finally comecout to admit you have ab habitual lying problem?

Not once have you ever Attempted to admit or address your serious repetitive sinning problem through true repentance.
You can't even get to simple step onecin the process which is why you do it over and over and even your owb brethren say you have a lying problem and problem in general.
believe in Jesus and the Bible by doing research for the evidence? your attacks are meaningless my friend. Here are just three books by ex-Atheists who discovered the EVIDENCE which led them to Jesus and God.

I did note that he is a writer who does not know how to spell. He calls himself a Writter?
His book page has had zero responses - Christianity Uncovered

It's amazing how you can continue to bring up stuff that can so easilly brought uo against you.
1) we see you once again attack a oerson instead of his commentary.
Your argument never dismisses what they say, all you can do is selectively choose one of the authors to rant about that never changes 5he context of what's said
2) your poisonous wormwood dart hit your gospel writers and Jesus in the behind.
If you say" a writer who does not know how to spell. He calls himself a Writter?"
Then this dan be used against you:
a) Matthew calls himself a Jew when he doesn't know Hebrew Genders?
b)Jesus calls himself a god when he can't write?
c)they call themselves prophets when they can't prophecise?
d) you call yourself a bible believer when you constantly oppose what it says for what you want it to say.
e) tv evangelists call themselves pastors and bishops with no seminary schooling?
f) you call yourself opposition to RCC yet adopted their idol & false prophet and harlot mother.
g)the apostles are called gospel writers yet the church even admits none of the books were written by those named after?

You lied and called the ex pastors ex atheists, is that an admission you though Jesus and his gang were atheists or do you finally come out to admit you have an habitual lying problem?

Not once have you ever Attempted to admit or address your serious repetitive sinning problem through true repentance.
You can't even get to simple step one in the process which is why you do it over and over and even your own brethren say you have a lying problem and problem in general.
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HaShev- I truly feel sorry for you. You will have to answer to God for every word, thought and deed in your pitiful life. God doesn't take to kindly to the slander of His Son- you know; the one that died for your sorry ass.
Ninja you just blamed me for what Jeremiah is saying and seting a standard of. Then you called my life pitiful which was an adhominom attack and deflective behavior.
Furthermore you are saying you are the ones mentioned in the scrolls as the ones who would trample everyone.
An Aramaic Apocalypse" 4Q246 part2
"The Son of God he will be proclaimed (or proclaim himself) and the son of the most high they will call him....They will reign for years on the earth & they will trample all. People will trample people (THIS has Happened in the Name of the Church)
Until the People of God (God's Chosen/Jews) will arise and all will rest by the sword (war no more). **Their (the Chosen ones) kingdom** will be an eternal kingdom, and their path will be in truth. They will judge the earth in truth and all will make peace. The sword will cease and all will pay homage to them (the keepers of the convenant)."

It's the Blessings scroll (1QSb=1Q28b)
V:20 & “War Scroll” (4Q471)
Where in verse XVII, it says, “God will send eternal bliss by the might of the Princely Angel of **the Kingdom of Michael.**
He will enlighten with joy the children of Israel.
They say it's the Kingdom of Michael who through Dan 10:21 we know best knows these truths.

4Q246 of the scrolls is interpreted by many scholars the same way I’ve perceived it.
Like a Shooting star (morning star attributed to Jesus’ Birth ,But also the name attributed to Lucifer)
“Son of God” & “Son of the Most High” were the arrogant and mistaken appellation of the leaders of sons of darkness. Says another scroll scholar Flusser who also said these verses referred to the Anti Christ.
It should be noted so there is no confusion that " son of the most high" would be jesus. After all he entered his fathers temple at age 12...Now just so there is absolutely no mistake one must realize that at 12 noon the sun in the sky(not the son) is most high in the sky directly above ... This shows the worship and veneration of the sun in the sky which is an abomination as per ezekiel 8;16.. It also shows that jesus claimed his father was baal by doing so....
One of the purposes of prophecies, just like the parables, is for the believe to get the abundance but for the disbelieve to get none to meet their doom.
Well of course an ex has the most accurate information. I find going to an ex wife or exhusband is always the best source on a person rather than going directly to them. Cause there is no way their emotional relationship is going Influence their viewpoint.
Avatar you just busted Jesus and the Apostles, they were called HaNotzrim for a reason, it meant strays as in exes no longer considered Judaic ideology.

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