Evita Duffy Learns She Was Right to Fear Socialism

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Evita Duffy Learns She Was Right to Fear Socialism
Thanks, socialists, for proving Evita Duffy’s point.

Evita Duffy is the daughter of former Republican US Rep Sean Duffy and a student at the University of Chicago. Via the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

The Hayward, Wisconsin, native was featured in a campaign by the university’s Institute of Politics (IOP) showcasing students and why they vote.

She held a whiteboard reading, “I vote because the coronavirus won’t destroy America, but socialism will.”
Reaction from legendarily tolerant leftists was ferocious.

She reports on her treatment in the college paper, the Chicago Maroon:

Fellow students attacked my character, my intellect, my family, my appearance, and even threatened me with physical violence, using foul and offensive language. I was called a racist [she’s Hispanic] and a xenophobe. Some compared me to animals. Others declared that they would personally stop me from voting, and many defended the personal attacks, saying I deserved to be bullied and that I don’t belong at the University of Chicago on account of my beliefs. I was told by many that I was the most hated person on campus. It was frightening. It was also hurtful, since some of the attacks came from people I considered friends.

As she observes, the coronavirus has killed 3,000 globally. This is a small number for a round of the flu. In contrast, socialism/communism has killed over 100 million and counting. The vicious reaction to opposition suggests that collectivists in the USA are not very different from the ones who stacked up tens of millions of corpses under Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, et al.

Confirming this, one fellow student even suggested that she deserves “a brick wall” — i.e., to be executed — for not embracing socialism.

At least educrats came to her defense, upholding the freedom of thought that makes universities worthwhile. Ha ha, I’m kidding of course.

As of writing this opinion, the administration and the IOP have not come to my defense, nor have they condemned the intolerance and violence students have directed toward me. It is not hard to imagine what sort of actions they would be taking if an LGBTQ+ or Muslim student faced similar threats or experienced this sort of intolerance on campus. When a young Hispanic woman joins a fun “get out and vote” initiative and receives this level of social shaming, deeply personal attacks, and threats of violence, conservative students get the message: There is a price to pay for daring to speak your mind or questioning the liberal orthodoxy on campus. This University-endorsed intolerance is why so many students self-censor and some, sadly, simply give up questioning and thinking for themselves.

Creating this climate of fear to exploit people’s herd instinct is a key aspect of indoctrination.

They aren’t universities anymore. They are reeducation camps.

Evita Duffy is wise to fear socialism. What they have done to higher education, they will do to the whole country when they achieve the power. Whether they achieve it in large increments through maniacs like Bernie Sanders or smaller increments through Fabian socialists like Joe Biden makes no difference in the long run.

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