Everything Obama does is political, Why release Oil reserves now?

Republicans didn't want to do anything about speculators..and they were complaining about rising gas prices.

This is a big fuck you..to that.


Fuck you?
I just ask a question ass hole
to start with the speculators you think Obama has hurt are the same people Obama will us our dollars to replace this oil with at about 3 times what we bought with too start with
Sallow your an idiot

I ask a simple question
The liberal mind is a disease
Using tax dollars, its another failed stimulus
thats all this is
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What has the GOP done to "block any means" to address high gas prices?


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcXJR7eZ_jQ]YouTube - ‪Cantor Promises Oil Speculators That GOP Will Block Financial Regulations‬‏[/ame]
That's it? Cantor is not the POTUS. (Yet). A statement from one junior GOP congressman is the basis for your statement?
That's weak. Even for you.

Your claiming the GOP are the reasons we have hi gas?
nothing to do with us not mining the oil shale we have in multiple states
or the halt of oil production in the gulf
Your so right.

Gas prices were on the way down so why release the reserve oil now??

You can bet any bang from that release won't last long. What happens then??

Ol'BO's policies haven't done jack for the economy and he knows it. IMHO its all just politics.

it is a stimulus in disguise
thank you
we will have to replace that oil at 3 times the cost we put it there
thats tax payers money
You folks remember me talking about "unintended consequences" ?

Well, oil fell at first, and now it's on it's way back up.
The action taken by releasing oil from the national reserves has pissed off the Saudi's and they are
now asking "why should we increase production for YOU after you pissed on our shoes ?"

So in one fell swoop, we depleted our national reserve quantities, didn't really accomplish anything
and managed to really piss off the Saudi's at that same time.

Man, that takes TALENT.
You folks remember me talking about "unintended consequences" ?

Well, oil fell at first, and now it's on it's way back up.
The action taken by releasing oil from the national reserves has pissed off the Saudi's and they are
now asking "why should we increase production for YOU after you pissed on our shoes ?"

So in one fell swoop, we depleted our national reserve quantities, didn't really accomplish anything
and managed to really piss off the Saudi's at that same time.

Man, that takes TALENT.

and people like sallow tell us to get f--- when we point it out to the
does the liberal realize we are in the same boat?
that oil was bought and paid for by US tax dollars in the case of a crises, war

not for Obama to do with what he wanted to
and yes, it is going to change the game

one other item
how many billions did he cause 401ks across the country yesterday?
Liberal or conservative, we all are going to end up paying for this mess.

At some point we really need to get out of the mold and stop calling each other names and look at
what our own government is doing to us. Either the people running it, right down to the bureaucrats
writing rules and regulations , are totally incompetent and can't even count, or there is a concerted
plan, by both political parties and their leadership, to bankrupt this nation and it's people.

We as a nation built our middle class off of actually producing wealth from our natural resources.
Be it wood, coal, oil, steel, or copper. These were the basic building blocks of our wealth that then
raised up the middle class. Until we tell the gov't to stop bleeding us dry and force it out of our way
when it comes to doing what we need to do to build wealth again, we will continue to lose ground.

It's a bit late for short term fixes.
We're in real economic trouble here.
You Obama detractors are a) insane b) laugh-worthy and c) predictable.

You scream at him...he complies...you scream at him again.

I wish the man had some balls and would just stop compromising with conservatives who wont meet him half way.
You Obama detractors are a) insane b) laugh-worthy and c) predictable.

You scream at him...he complies...you scream at him again.

I wish the man had some balls and would just stop compromising with conservatives who wont meet him half way.

When did Obama ever compromise with conservatives, "counselor"?
You aren't the biggest idiot on this site. If that's any comfort.
Republicans didn't want to do anything about speculators..and they were complaining about rising gas prices.

This is a big fuck you..to that.


And the drill baby drill mantra. There are plenty of places to drill but it seems that many expect Obama to do the drilling or something.
Just becuase we can't drill in ANWR to many there can be no drilling at all.
Rubbish and limp wristed partisanship going on there.
but they love being tools of big oil....
Your so right.

Gas prices were on the way down so why release the reserve oil now??

You can bet any bang from that release won't last long. What happens then??

Ol'BO's policies haven't done jack for the economy and he knows it. IMHO its all just politics.

it is a stimulus in disguise
thank you
we will have to replace that oil at 3 times the cost we put it there
thats tax payers money

Actually I think bush refilled it using $4 plus gas prices after he let some loose out of it that was filled at $2.50 gas prices.
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Your so right.

Gas prices were on the way down so why release the reserve oil now??

You can bet any bang from that release won't last long. What happens then??

Ol'BO's policies haven't done jack for the economy and he knows it. IMHO its all just politics.

it is a stimulus in disguise
thank you
we will have to replace that oil at 3 times the cost we put it there
thats tax payers money

Actually I think bush refilled it using $4 plus gas prices after he let some loose out of it that was filled at $2.50 gas prices.

Actually Bush used it appropriately in the wake of Katrina, which was a big interruption in supply.
But if Bush was wrong, why is Obama reprising his policies? I thought he was elected to end the failed policies of Pres George W Bush?
Republicans didn't want to do anything about speculators..and they were complaining about rising gas prices.

This is a big fuck you..to that.


yeah, but he's not allowed to do anything according to the rightwingnut loons. he's supposed to let them spew endlessly without response.

it's like dealing with palestinian terrorists. :cuckoo:

So conservatives are terrorists, "counselor"?
Conservatives do use fear as their favorte tool to manipulate their followers.

Tell us all about it, jerkoff.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-usmvYOPfco]YouTube - ‪Alan Grayson on the GOP Health Care Plan: "Don't Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!"'‬‏[/ame]
Your so right.

Gas prices were on the way down so why release the reserve oil now??

You can bet any bang from that release won't last long. What happens then??

Ol'BO's policies haven't done jack for the economy and he knows it. IMHO its all just politics.

it is a stimulus in disguise
thank you
we will have to replace that oil at 3 times the cost we put it there
thats tax payers money

Actually I think bush refilled it using $4 plus gas prices after he let some loose out of it that was filled at $2.50 gas prices.

I would hope that we would use links to prop up those accusations
I also cannot imagine how many more years GWB will be president
Your so right.

Gas prices were on the way down so why release the reserve oil now??

You can bet any bang from that release won't last long. What happens then??

Ol'BO's policies haven't done jack for the economy and he knows it. IMHO its all just politics.

it is a stimulus in disguise
thank you
we will have to replace that oil at 3 times the cost we put it there
thats tax payers money

Actually I think bush refilled it using $4 plus gas prices after he let some loose out of it that was filled at $2.50 gas prices.

I guess you forgot about hurricane Ivan?

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