’Everything Calm’ Prior to Benghazi Attack, No Protests

Two weeks isn't that long a time to sort things out. Sure, "at some point", but who's to say two weeks wasn't that point?

Of course you are right. Had the administration said they were not sure of the cause of the riots and were investigating then yes I agree. But they fixed the blame on a video and for all we know because they did there was rioting in the ME over a BS video no on watched. They also jailed the movie maker over the use of the INTERNET. Obama even went before the UN and, as you admit, claimed to know what he didn't know. Rice clearly went on national TV to spread facts which everyone knew at the time was not true. Is that lying or just repeating what the CIA told he had to say? Saying that they did not know would have protected the alledged spies. I am not sure why admitting the truth would jeapordize spies. Or if they did have spies why have we not arrested more people or taken action? Instead we have done little or nothing and those investigating in Libya end up dead.

Are we talking "lies" or are we talking disagreements? What would be the reason to lie? Disagreements happen all the time. I think Occam's Razor applies here. Whatever the case is, it has little bearing on the deaths. That's a separate issue.

OK, whatever they were doing for a full two weeks do you at least agree it turned out to not be true what they said?

Now, the why of what they said we can only speculate. I see no reason a video reason is better then NO reason. Maybe they really believe that it was over a video, if so then they are not telling the truth about what the CIA told them. At some point the left has to realize we were not told the truth. The only question remains is why. Maybe it was justified, maybe not. Now if you can convince me that from the git go they believe it to be about a video then fine they didn't lie. But that isn't what they are now saying. Hell we heard what they said but the left argues then didn't say what they said. Quite amazing. But what difference does it make? Nothing will come of it, our men died for no real reason.
You throw out the word "lie" so easily, when it's obvious, as the administration has been saying all along, that there are conflicting accounts of what was and had been going on. It'll be interesting to hear what the survivors have to say. I'm sure there will be many different stories. This is more a case of "the fog of war" than anything else, IMO.

There was NO conflicting evidence. NONE. They made up the protest bullshit to cover their inept asses. Period.

Yeah it was all made up.......

Timeline: Protests over anti-Islam video - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

I am thinking either them blaming the video caused the riots or the riots were staged as a cover for the attack. There were riots in Australia, what did they have to do with the video?
why do you people pretend Fast and furious was not investigated fully?

Because O quickly shut the investigation down with executive privilige.

Incorrect. The President does not have the power to shut down a Congressional investigation. EP was used on documents requested by the Republican controlled committee.

Of course he doesn't but without the necessary documents a case may not be proven. This is just another case in which the EP was abused.
So you dupes only find out about the 20+ other, earlier attacks that day on ME embassies etc that were directly in reaction to the video, when a DEM tells you? Your gigantic propaganda machine never mentions that?

Don't you ever get tired of the PPM making total fools of you? Change the "channel", MORONS.
Stupid fuck....I didn't say the terrorists killed him because he was gay, I said you scum even throw a gay Ambassador under the bus to keep power.....you are so fucking stupid and pure scum lying about what we say.

Hillary lied back in September to keep her POTUS dream alive and she lied yesterday to get a $25M bribe to pay off her political debt.

They are liars because they are scum only worried about their own careers and power. They don't give a shit about this country, they killed off one of their own, some homo diplomat they sent to Libya as a sacrificial lamb.

"A bump in the road."

You are the liar.

Daily Kos: New wingnut smear: Christopher Stevens was gay, and therefore provoked attack on Libyan embassy
You scum caused his death and quickly covered up your fingerprints of the crime of putting him in a dangerous situation.

You scum talk about "supporting gay people," but then you are quick to throw one under the bus to save your own ass.

Hillary lied back in September to keep her POTUS dream alive and she lied yesterday to get a $25M bribe to pay off her political debt.

They are liars because they are scum only worried about their own careers and power. They don't give a shit about this country, they killed off one of their own, some homo diplomat they sent to Libya as a sacrificial lamb.

"A bump in the road."

Get out of the echo chamber. You're the one throwing out lies. Are we seriously to believe that they purposely "killed one of their own"? How desperate or deluded do you have to be to post that kind of stuff? :cuckoo:
“Why would we ever think that people bring mortars and rocket propelled grenades to spontaneous demonstrations? I mean, on the face of it, this cannot be ignored, the fact that this was all in the heat of a presidential campaign, a president who was campaigning, saying bin Laden is dead, and al-Qaida’s on the run. We know that’s not true.”--McCain

Oh but Hillary says "What difference does it make?"
The liberal scum here are clueless obamination created a situation in Libya where terrorist camps are popping up and growing. obamination in this environment sent the Ambassador there without proper security and even ignored the requests for more security after the DoD security team left Libya last summer.

Once the Ambssador and staff were attacked, obamination and his goons in the White House watched the carnage via a UAV feed and did nothing but come up with a cover story that they had nothing to do with a mob mad over some YouTube video going nuts and killing 4 Americans during the "protest."

Once the CIA reported it was an attack by AQIM to the White House, obamination sent his UN Ambassador out to lie to the world that some video caused a riot that got out of hand. Hillary didn't want to get caught in the lie so Rice was the sacrificial lamb since she really has no political career chances.

Rice lied and obmination lied....Clinton went into hiding. Clinton delayed her testimony with a fake injury giving her a few more weeks to prepare for her lies yesterday of shouting down anyone that questioned their lies. "It doesn't matter" is her response to she and obamination getting Americans killed in Libya due to ignorance before the attack and criminal actions during and after the attack.

She is a Democrap...she knows she can kill Americans and get away with it, ask people in Arkansas.
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Of course you are right. Had the administration said they were not sure of the cause of the riots and were investigating then yes I agree. But they fixed the blame on a video and for all we know because they did there was rioting in the ME over a BS video no on watched. They also jailed the movie maker over the use of the INTERNET. Obama even went before the UN and, as you admit, claimed to know what he didn't know. Rice clearly went on national TV to spread facts which everyone knew at the time was not true. Is that lying or just repeating what the CIA told he had to say? Saying that they did not know would have protected the alledged spies. I am not sure why admitting the truth would jeapordize spies. Or if they did have spies why have we not arrested more people or taken action? Instead we have done little or nothing and those investigating in Libya end up dead.

Are we talking "lies" or are we talking disagreements? What would be the reason to lie? Disagreements happen all the time. I think Occam's Razor applies here. Whatever the case is, it has little bearing on the deaths. That's a separate issue.

OK, whatever they were doing for a full two weeks do you at least agree it turned out to not be true what they said?

Now, the why of what they said we can only speculate. I see no reason a video reason is better then NO reason. Maybe they really believe that it was over a video, if so then they are not telling the truth about what the CIA told them. At some point the left has to realize we were not told the truth. The only question remains is why. Maybe it was justified, maybe not. Now if you can convince me that from the git go they believe it to be about a video then fine they didn't lie. But that isn't what they are now saying. Hell we heard what they said but the left argues then didn't say what they said. Quite amazing. But what difference does it make? Nothing will come of it, our men died for no real reason.

What they believed has nothing to do with why the men died. Why is that so important to you? Even if they did lie, no one died because of it, (and here's a gift to help you confirm what you'll believe regardless of what's said), unlike when Boooooosh lied about WMDs. You're welcome. :cool:
So the CIA and British intel agencies said Saddam had WMDs......but Bush is a liar because he believed them?

The CIA told obmination that AQIM killed the Ambassador and 3 other Americans.....but obamination didn't lie when he claimed people at a "protest" ended up killing them?

Typical liberal bullshit.
So the CIA and British intel agencies said Saddam had WMDs......but Bush is a liar because he believed them?

The CIA told obmination that AQIM killed the Ambassador and 3 other Americans.....but obamination didn't lie when he claimed people at a "protest" ended up killing them?

Typical liberal bullshit.

The difference is the timing of the deaths. Bush's lies resulted in deaths. If lies were told by Obama, and that's still a BIG if, they were AFTER the fact. GET IT, fuckwit?
When American Citizens appear to be in harms way, US Marines were always tasked to evacuate them.
This should have been done once there was a request for more security. Who made the decision, to turn down the request. Where is the paper trail leading to the person who made the actual decision.

Marines should have been sent in during the attack to save the US Citizens and take back the control
of the Consulate. Obviously there was a written order not to deploy them. Where is the order and who signed it. The Marines are quite adept at analyzing situations on the ground and taking action to complete their mission.
Shit stain....Bush was given intel that Saddam had WMDs and you can't prove they didn't go to Syria.

obamination openly lied to the media and public that some protest got people killed in Libya when he fucking watched the attack on a UAV feed....he is a criminal, you stupid pile of shit.

So the CIA and British intel agencies said Saddam had WMDs......but Bush is a liar because he believed them?

The CIA told obmination that AQIM killed the Ambassador and 3 other Americans.....but obamination didn't lie when he claimed people at a "protest" ended up killing them?

Typical liberal bullshit.

The difference is the timing of the deaths. Bush's lies resulted in deaths. If lies were told by Obama, and that's still a BIG if, they were AFTER the fact. GET IT, fuckwit?
The EUCOM FAST team of Marines was told stand by until it was too late.

That is their mission, to do quick missions in Europe and Africa from their Med location.

Also, there were Army and Air Force special forces in Somalia which could have been sent to Libya.

obamination did nothing because he is a limp dick piece of shit that needs months to make a decision like he did with UBL. He needs to be 110% sure of succcess before he will say do it.

When American Citizens appear to be in harms way, US Marines were always tasked to evacuate them.
This should have been done once there was a request for more security. Who made the decision, to turn down the request. Where is the paper trail leading to the person who made the actual decision.

Marines should have been sent in during the attack to save the US Citizens and take back the control
of the Consulate. Obviously there was a written order not to deploy them. Where is the order and who signed it. The Marines are quite adept at analyzing situations on the ground and taking action to complete their mission.
Shit stain....Bush was given intel that Saddam had WMDs and you can't prove they didn't go to Syria.

obamination openly lied to the media and public that some protest got people killed in Libya when he fucking watched the attack on a UAV feed....he is a criminal, you stupid pile of shit.

So the CIA and British intel agencies said Saddam had WMDs......but Bush is a liar because he believed them?

The CIA told obmination that AQIM killed the Ambassador and 3 other Americans.....but obamination didn't lie when he claimed people at a "protest" ended up killing them?

Typical liberal bullshit.

The difference is the timing of the deaths. Bush's lies resulted in deaths. If lies were told by Obama, and that's still a BIG if, they were AFTER the fact. GET IT, fuckwit?

Once again you refuse to face/acknowledge facts. Bush, lies THEN deaths. Obama, deaths THEN so-called "lies". Are you really that idiotic or do you think we're so stupid we can't follow a timeline? :cuckoo:
The EUCOM FAST team of Marines was told stand by until it was too late.

That is their mission, to do quick missions in Europe and Africa from their Med location.

Also, there were Army and Air Force special forces in Somalia which could have been sent to Libya.

obamination did nothing because he is a limp dick piece of shit that needs months to make a decision like he did with UBL. He needs to be 110% sure of succcess before he will say do it.

When American Citizens appear to be in harms way, US Marines were always tasked to evacuate them.
This should have been done once there was a request for more security. Who made the decision, to turn down the request. Where is the paper trail leading to the person who made the actual decision.

Marines should have been sent in during the attack to save the US Citizens and take back the control
of the Consulate. Obviously there was a written order not to deploy them. Where is the order and who signed it. The Marines are quite adept at analyzing situations on the ground and taking action to complete their mission.

I'm sure a hack like you would have given him the benefit of the doubt, if another Desert One incident was the result. Do you think we're idiots? You would have argued a mistake was made which ever way it went.

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