Everyone's a Hypocrite

... if as much time was spent DOING something rather than talking about it, a difference might be made.

Easy to rant on a board. It's why I rarely say anything about the "hot topic" issues.
If I cared enough about them, I'd be using my phone or laptop to write people that actually can make a difference, or, out finding out how I can become part of the fight I "supposedly" care about....
What makes you think I am doing nothing?

Never assume.

I don't know or don't know, but I see a lot of nonsense being talked over and over by the same people doing nothing and going no where....

I'm sure there may be a few on here empassioned enough to be out trying to make a REAL difference.
I'm admittedly NOT one of them, but, I don't spend time on here either arguing about my side......or going around in circles where people are not really interested in LEARNING or CHANGE - only WINNING ARGUMENTS!
The purpose of this board is to exchange information and ideas. (Ranting is also tolerated for those with limited cognitive and/or verbal skills.) As such, it serves as a barometer of opinions within a somewhat select group of individuals. If some kernels of wisdom seep out into the general populace, so much the better. But I don't expect it to shape world events.

And you accomplish this by putting 80+ posters on Ignore? Fascinating...

As for the OP, it's easy to assume that people ranting on message boards aren't also taking action IRL, and I'd say for the majority this is true. I'm sure there are some who believe that Liking something on FB actually accomplishes something (in a very small way it does, by bringing certain issues to your friends' attention, but if no one follows up, it ends there).

For example, there's a nonprofit organization called ONE that was brought to my attention on FB: ONE

Some of the stories of how much can be done with very little are amazing.

I'm assuming that, like most message boards, USMB has a group dedicated to posting "Africa is a shithole." I can almost make a mental list of who they are.

Once the ZOMG REFUGEES!!!! furor dies down again, I expect they'll reemerge. It'll be fun contradicting them. :)
I know the above doesn't address me.

I don't put people on ignore but if I see the topic of:


etc.... I just don't read it. (which pretty much eliminates 90% of the postings here)
You know why?
It's all the same. Nothing new, and dreadfully time consuming.

Another 8% is sill drivel that people banter back and forth thinking they are funny and great friends being pathetic on the internet and just total dumbasses.

That leaves about 2% (and I'm being generous) of any meaningful or - REAL - conversation.
I know the above doesn't address me.

I don't put people on ignore but if I see the topic of:


etc.... I just don't read it. (which pretty much eliminates 90% of the postings here)
You know why?
It's all the same. Nothing new, and dreadfully time consuming.

Another 8% is sill drivel that people banter back and forth thinking they are funny and great friends being pathetic on the internet and just total dumbasses.

That leaves about 2% (and I'm being generous) of any meaningful or - REAL - conversation.

What are YOU doing on this board?
I know the above doesn't address me.

I don't put people on ignore but if I see the topic of:


etc.... I just don't read it. (which pretty much eliminates 90% of the postings here)
You know why?
It's all the same. Nothing new, and dreadfully time consuming.

Another 8% is sill drivel that people banter back and forth thinking they are funny and great friends being pathetic on the internet and just total dumbasses.

That leaves about 2% (and I'm being generous) of any meaningful or - REAL - conversation.

What are YOU doing on this board?

Searching.........for interesting topics and discussion....entertainment....
... if as much time was spent DOING something rather than talking about it, a difference might be made.

Easy to rant on a board. It's why I rarely say anything about the "hot topic" issues.
If I cared enough about them, I'd be using my phone or laptop to write people that actually can make a difference, or, out finding out how I can become part of the fight I "supposedly" care about....

I have pretty much given up. I think we're well and truly fucked, and am just hoping that the house of cards doesn't collapse until I'm dead.
I know the above doesn't address me.

I don't put people on ignore but if I see the topic of:


etc.... I just don't read it. (which pretty much eliminates 90% of the postings here)
You know why?
It's all the same. Nothing new, and dreadfully time consuming.

Another 8% is sill drivel that people banter back and forth thinking they are funny and great friends being pathetic on the internet and just total dumbasses.

That leaves about 2% (and I'm being generous) of any meaningful or - REAL - conversation.

What are YOU doing on this board?

I would like to know too. :dunno:
Well Bonzi I personally find the USMB to be a fountain of information with direct links that I can use and pass on to other like minds.

Other boards as well.

When I put my shit up I always back it up with very solid links that can't be busted evah! I know people carry that information forward. Not sure what you are missing but when I tell you for example I have links to proof that we as in the USA trained ISIS's Baghdadi's right hand military man from Chechnya my information is solid.

And this is the type of information that has to get out there and our message boards get out shit that the main stream bullshit media will never let John Q Public know about.

On a personal level I have been a conservation warrior for decades. Starting with Grassy Narrows (mercury poisoning) to trying to get regulations in place for intensive hog farming on an aquifer in Ontario to the tune that although I'm a conservative we had Kennedy up here. To now working on water conservation issues in Manitoba and trying to block Bi Pole III.

I specialize in water conservation. Ducks Unlimited and reclaiming wetlands. Granted I am able to hit more issues because of having a successful career in the music business and was able to retire very early. Had some other interesting lifetimes as a catahoula breeder in my life.

BUT and it's a big but. I live in a place that has 10 months of winter and two months of bad skating so I have the time to fight for issues I believe in.

I think there are so many people out there who would like to be more "involved" but the day to day life that they live is home to work and work to home and try to spend some quality time with their families.

I don't think that it's 100% hypocrisy. I just don't think most people have the luxury of taking time out of their daily lives to "fight the good fight". I am blessed that I can fight for my conservation issues.
... if as much time was spent DOING something rather than talking about it, a difference might be made.

Easy to rant on a board. It's why I rarely say anything about the "hot topic" issues.
If I cared enough about them, I'd be using my phone or laptop to write people that actually can make a difference, or, out finding out how I can become part of the fight I "supposedly" care about....


And just what's stopping you from doing something useful? It's easy to tell others what to do; whine about what others aren't doing or what they aren't saying, but while you do that, while you're throwing a tantrum at us, you're doing absolutely nothing. What a waste of your time and mine.

Don't assume we're all here wasting our lives away posting on this monotonous political forum. We all fight in our own ways. Who are you to judge?
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... if as much time was spent DOING something rather than talking about it, a difference might be made.

Easy to rant on a board. It's why I rarely say anything about the "hot topic" issues.
If I cared enough about them, I'd be using my phone or laptop to write people that actually can make a difference, or, out finding out how I can become part of the fight I "supposedly" care about....


And just what's stopping you from doing something useful? It's easy to tell others what to do; whine about what others aren't doing or what they aren't saying, but while you do that, while you're throwing a tantrum at us, you're doing absolutely nothing. What a waste of your time and mine.

Don't assume we're all here wasting our lives away posting on this monotonous political forum. We all fight in our own ways. Who are you to judge?

I am the great and almighty Bonzi! Have you not heard?

I do include myself. I'm a lazy introvert that is looking for some remnant of fun and interest in my life because I'm too lazy to work at a friendship.

How's that for honesty?
I know the above doesn't address me.

I don't put people on ignore but if I see the topic of:


etc.... I just don't read it. (which pretty much eliminates 90% of the postings here)
You know why?
It's all the same. Nothing new, and dreadfully time consuming.

Another 8% is sill drivel that people banter back and forth thinking they are funny and great friends being pathetic on the internet and just total dumbasses.

That leaves about 2% (and I'm being generous) of any meaningful or - REAL - conversation.

What are YOU doing on this board?

I would like to know too. :dunno:

I've answered... see below... unlike most, I'm not afraid to be truthful.....
Jesus Christ, who pissed on your cereal this morning? Go have a drink and relax, for fuck's sake.
Jesus Christ, who pissed on your cereal this morning? Go have a drink and relax, for fuck's sake.

I'm fine. You?
You may be "fine", but your head is a mess.

Maybe - I just say out loud what most people won't.....

So you are here because . . . ??? You are here for some magical special reason and the rest of us are just losers with no life? :lol: Granted, I don't have much of a life during the week because I'm unmarried and therefore I don't have a husband to talk to and spend time with and I also work two jobs, one full time and one part time. :D
I'd like to know, Bonzi, what makes you think your reason for being here is so much more noble than anyone else's reasons for being here. After all, most of your posts and threads are not really "meaningful" in any way. Most are about dating, religion or yourself. :dunno:

I think that if I can change just ONE person's mind about something that I feel is important, then I've accomplished something.
Something to consider, I had a friend on another forum who was a disabled person and could not just up and leave his home. He used to join forums and post online because, basically, he had nothing better to do, no fault of his own. He was probably also lonely because of a lack of contact with other people being homebound. Another thing, is that a lot of people who might post on these forums work from home on the computer, so it is easy to have access to the site throughout their day. Having cellphones that have online capabilities have also changed things. You can access the site when you're sitting in a restaurant, waiting for a table. And some people might be old and retired people or whatever. This is an awfully judgmental thread. Tsk, tsk, Bonzi, who claims to speak on behalf of God. :D

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