Everyone Is Lying. trump Questions Health Experts On Twitter

I like how Trump ticks people off.
But saying you care about science, when we have heard false statements about the science since this thing started....... Name one prediction that came true? Name one model that actually happened?

They can't hardly figure out why even the most recent models are showing the opposite than expected trend. Covid cases, and Covid deaths were following each other in sync. Now deaths have been in a continual decline, while cases have dramatically increased.

They can't even explain that. But you think you have the science figured out? No you don't. You don't know jack. None of you do.
Name one prediction that came true? Name one model that actually happened?
Fauci: " if we do everything right, we'll still have 100-240k deaths by the end of summer".
Pretty close except we haven't done everything right. Cases are rising very sharply. We may blow past those projections.
Science is only 1/3 of the equation. There is also the economic impact and psychological impact
The path to best managing those goes through science.
No it doesn’t. It’s 1/3 of the equation. Science says I should not eat Buffalo Wings with blue cheese as it’s bad for me. Doesn’t mean I wont eat it as having fun and enjoying food is OK sometimes.
Science doesn't just mean health. Economics can be a science to. This might be a good article for you. Don't worry it agrees with your assumed premise that health isn't the only consideration. ‘That’s Crazy’: Reopening Schools Is Possible, but We’re Doing It Wrong
Having fun though is not a good enough reason to risk OTHER people's life though.
I'm guessing you are trying to make a point with this interview right? I'm further guessing it is Fauci saying that children aren't really affected? This is true. On the other hand, we don't know what role exactly children can play in SPREADING the disease.
So have young teachers teach them while mentored by more seasoned teachers via zoom.
Is the infrastructure in place for that? How does that work practically since we are talking about a severe staff shortage in school? It also doesn't address the simple fact that these kids go home to their parents after being in contact with other kids who might be infected. Transmission is just that transmission. It doesn't have to affect a high-risk individual the first time. It still kills those people even if they get it from someone who was in contact with a teacher who got it from a kid.

The whole point is limiting contact.
Kids hang with other kids now. My kids hang in groups of 50+ constantly so that cat is out of the bag. Teachers that refuse to go back go on disability and we hire those that want to teach. You cannot have your cake and eat it too.
That's a bit cynical, isn't it? Well, the cat is out of the bag so let's not take any measures since it works for me. I have a question for you that you are free to disregard if you don't want to answer it. Do you or your kids come in contact with people in the high-risk groups? Grandparents maybe? These groups have a 7 to 10 percent chance of dying if they catch it. I certainly wouldn't wish this to happen but for me and I assume for you the chance that it does should convince you that taking measures, even painful ones are worth it.
Yes. My parents and my wife’s mom. Other than that IDK. We see the grandparents on a limited basis. Their friends grand parents and such I cannot speak for that. I believe if you’re under 85 and are not a diabetic or have some condition where your immune system is compromised then you have a 99% chance of not dying. It is not cynical it is real life. Beaches are jammed as are restaurants in MA.
Not what the data shows I'm sorry to say.

Starting at 50 the mortality rate starts to climb at 70 we are at best at 5 percent mortality
They do it now. Do you know any kids who are isolating? They exist I am sure but I dont know any.

Well, recently in the news, they were reporting on a summer camp where over 80 people, kids and counselors both, caught COVID 19. Everyone who was in attendance at that camp had an e-mail sent to their home telling the parents to put their kids in quarantine for the next 14 days.

And the Missouri camp isn't the only one that has closed due to kids catching the virus.......................

So kids don’t have symptoms and don’t die. So keep em in school for 60 days. The school will have herd immunity and then bring back the teachers. Or should we not believe in the science?
Science is only 1/3 of the equation. There is also the economic impact and psychological impact
The path to best managing those goes through science.
No it doesn’t. It’s 1/3 of the equation. Science says I should not eat Buffalo Wings with blue cheese as it’s bad for me. Doesn’t mean I wont eat it as having fun and enjoying food is OK sometimes.
Science doesn't just mean health. Economics can be a science to. This might be a good article for you. Don't worry it agrees with your assumed premise that health isn't the only consideration. ‘That’s Crazy’: Reopening Schools Is Possible, but We’re Doing It Wrong
Having fun though is not a good enough reason to risk OTHER people's life though.
I'm guessing you are trying to make a point with this interview right? I'm further guessing it is Fauci saying that children aren't really affected? This is true. On the other hand, we don't know what role exactly children can play in SPREADING the disease.
So have young teachers teach them while mentored by more seasoned teachers via zoom.
Is the infrastructure in place for that? How does that work practically since we are talking about a severe staff shortage in school? It also doesn't address the simple fact that these kids go home to their parents after being in contact with other kids who might be infected. Transmission is just that transmission. It doesn't have to affect a high-risk individual the first time. It still kills those people even if they get it from someone who was in contact with a teacher who got it from a kid.

The whole point is limiting contact.
Kids hang with other kids now. My kids hang in groups of 50+ constantly so that cat is out of the bag. Teachers that refuse to go back go on disability and we hire those that want to teach. You cannot have your cake and eat it too.
That's a bit cynical, isn't it? Well, the cat is out of the bag so let's not take any measures since it works for me. I have a question for you that you are free to disregard if you don't want to answer it. Do you or your kids come in contact with people in the high-risk groups? Grandparents maybe? These groups have a 7 to 10 percent chance of dying if they catch it. I certainly wouldn't wish this to happen but for me and I assume for you the chance that it does should convince you that taking measures, even painful ones are worth it.
Yes. My parents and my wife’s mom. Other than that IDK. We see the grandparents on a limited basis. Their friends grand parents and such I cannot speak for that. I believe if you’re under 85 and are not a diabetic or have some condition where your immune system is compromised then you have a 99% chance of not dying. It is not cynical it is real life. Beaches are jammed as are restaurants in MA.
Not what the data shows I'm sorry to say.
View attachment 363017
Starting at 50 the mortality rate starts to climb at 70 we are at best at 5 percent mortality
This doesn’t show US? So if you’re under 60 you have a better chance of dying from a car accident

What are the health experts lying about? What is the truth?

trump doesn't say but retweets that accusation.

People can be wrong about things then when they get more information they can change their views but that's not lying. It's being wrong.

Most were wrong about the virus at first. Only because there wasn't much known about it at first. When more information was known, things changed. Which is what is supposed to happen when new information is known.

Only the stupid people don't change when they get new information.

As far as most people and I can see, trump is the liar here. Not the experts.

Did Trump the Corrupt notice that it's getting hot and the virus is swamping the new ATF?
That would be Arizona, Texas and Florida.

Map: Illegal immigrant population by state.


Although California has the highest number of illegal immigrants, Nevada has the largest proportion of illegal immigrants—7.2 percent of the state population and as much as 10 percent of its workforce. California and Texas follow at just under 7 percent of their populations, with New Jersey and Arizona rounding out the top five.


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Dr. Fauci is 79-years-old - and he still works 80 hours per week. Trump isn't worthy of even wiping this great man's ass.
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Every time the mentally ill president opens his mouth these days, his poll numbers fall. Someone please follow him around with a microphone.

Down to 40.4% and cratering:

No it doesn’t. It’s 1/3 of the equation.
False. Better wake the fuck up. The road to preserving the economy goes through science. Psychology is a science, so really didn't think i had to point out the obvious on that one.
Economics is science? Maybe. Not the way I was stating it. Let me restate since you're confused.

#1) Medical Science
#2) Economic Science
#3) Psychological Science

All three must be weighed equally.
Science is only 1/3 of the equation. There is also the economic impact and psychological impact
The path to best managing those goes through science.
No it doesn’t. It’s 1/3 of the equation. Science says I should not eat Buffalo Wings with blue cheese as it’s bad for me. Doesn’t mean I wont eat it as having fun and enjoying food is OK sometimes.
Science doesn't just mean health. Economics can be a science to. This might be a good article for you. Don't worry it agrees with your assumed premise that health isn't the only consideration. ‘That’s Crazy’: Reopening Schools Is Possible, but We’re Doing It Wrong
Having fun though is not a good enough reason to risk OTHER people's life though.
I'm guessing you are trying to make a point with this interview right? I'm further guessing it is Fauci saying that children aren't really affected? This is true. On the other hand, we don't know what role exactly children can play in SPREADING the disease.
So have young teachers teach them while mentored by more seasoned teachers via zoom.
Is the infrastructure in place for that? How does that work practically since we are talking about a severe staff shortage in school? It also doesn't address the simple fact that these kids go home to their parents after being in contact with other kids who might be infected. Transmission is just that transmission. It doesn't have to affect a high-risk individual the first time. It still kills those people even if they get it from someone who was in contact with a teacher who got it from a kid.

The whole point is limiting contact.
And what about all the family members those kids bring it home to?
They do it now. Do you know any kids who are isolating? They exist I am sure but I dont know any.
Yeah, my kids. Because the last thing they want to do is get me, my wife, or their grandparents, aunts, uncles, infected with COVID-19.
Science is only 1/3 of the equation. There is also the economic impact and psychological impact
The path to best managing those goes through science.
No it doesn’t. It’s 1/3 of the equation. Science says I should not eat Buffalo Wings with blue cheese as it’s bad for me. Doesn’t mean I wont eat it as having fun and enjoying food is OK sometimes.
Science doesn't just mean health. Economics can be a science to. This might be a good article for you. Don't worry it agrees with your assumed premise that health isn't the only consideration. ‘That’s Crazy’: Reopening Schools Is Possible, but We’re Doing It Wrong
Having fun though is not a good enough reason to risk OTHER people's life though.
I'm guessing you are trying to make a point with this interview right? I'm further guessing it is Fauci saying that children aren't really affected? This is true. On the other hand, we don't know what role exactly children can play in SPREADING the disease.
So have young teachers teach them while mentored by more seasoned teachers via zoom.
Is the infrastructure in place for that? How does that work practically since we are talking about a severe staff shortage in school? It also doesn't address the simple fact that these kids go home to their parents after being in contact with other kids who might be infected. Transmission is just that transmission. It doesn't have to affect a high-risk individual the first time. It still kills those people even if they get it from someone who was in contact with a teacher who got it from a kid.

The whole point is limiting contact.
Kids hang with other kids now. My kids hang in groups of 50+ constantly so that cat is out of the bag. Teachers that refuse to go back go on disability and we hire those that want to teach. You cannot have your cake and eat it too.
"You cannot have your cake and eat it too."

Uh, yes you can.
So you want to not work and get paid as if you are working. Indeed. You are a Democrat.
No, dumbfuck. I actually do work. I was speaking to your massacre of that saying about cake.
They do it now. Do you know any kids who are isolating? They exist I am sure but I dont know any.

Well, recently in the news, they were reporting on a summer camp where over 80 people, kids and counselors both, caught COVID 19. Everyone who was in attendance at that camp had an e-mail sent to their home telling the parents to put their kids in quarantine for the next 14 days.

And the Missouri camp isn't the only one that has closed due to kids catching the virus.......................

Never forget -- rightwingers are fucking retarded.
Science is only 1/3 of the equation. There is also the economic impact and psychological impact
The path to best managing those goes through science.
No it doesn’t. It’s 1/3 of the equation. Science says I should not eat Buffalo Wings with blue cheese as it’s bad for me. Doesn’t mean I wont eat it as having fun and enjoying food is OK sometimes.
Science doesn't just mean health. Economics can be a science to. This might be a good article for you. Don't worry it agrees with your assumed premise that health isn't the only consideration. ‘That’s Crazy’: Reopening Schools Is Possible, but We’re Doing It Wrong
Having fun though is not a good enough reason to risk OTHER people's life though.
I'm guessing you are trying to make a point with this interview right? I'm further guessing it is Fauci saying that children aren't really affected? This is true. On the other hand, we don't know what role exactly children can play in SPREADING the disease.
So have young teachers teach them while mentored by more seasoned teachers via zoom.
Is the infrastructure in place for that? How does that work practically since we are talking about a severe staff shortage in school? It also doesn't address the simple fact that these kids go home to their parents after being in contact with other kids who might be infected. Transmission is just that transmission. It doesn't have to affect a high-risk individual the first time. It still kills those people even if they get it from someone who was in contact with a teacher who got it from a kid.

The whole point is limiting contact.
And what about all the family members those kids bring it home to?
They do it now. Do you know any kids who are isolating? They exist I am sure but I dont know any.
Yeah, my kids. Because the last thing they want to do is get me, my wife, or their grandparents, aunts, uncles, infected with COVID-19.
I'll take your word for it. How old are they?
Science is only 1/3 of the equation. There is also the economic impact and psychological impact
The path to best managing those goes through science.
No it doesn’t. It’s 1/3 of the equation. Science says I should not eat Buffalo Wings with blue cheese as it’s bad for me. Doesn’t mean I wont eat it as having fun and enjoying food is OK sometimes.
Science doesn't just mean health. Economics can be a science to. This might be a good article for you. Don't worry it agrees with your assumed premise that health isn't the only consideration. ‘That’s Crazy’: Reopening Schools Is Possible, but We’re Doing It Wrong
Having fun though is not a good enough reason to risk OTHER people's life though.
I'm guessing you are trying to make a point with this interview right? I'm further guessing it is Fauci saying that children aren't really affected? This is true. On the other hand, we don't know what role exactly children can play in SPREADING the disease.
So have young teachers teach them while mentored by more seasoned teachers via zoom.
Is the infrastructure in place for that? How does that work practically since we are talking about a severe staff shortage in school? It also doesn't address the simple fact that these kids go home to their parents after being in contact with other kids who might be infected. Transmission is just that transmission. It doesn't have to affect a high-risk individual the first time. It still kills those people even if they get it from someone who was in contact with a teacher who got it from a kid.

The whole point is limiting contact.
Kids hang with other kids now. My kids hang in groups of 50+ constantly so that cat is out of the bag. Teachers that refuse to go back go on disability and we hire those that want to teach. You cannot have your cake and eat it too.
"You cannot have your cake and eat it too."

Uh, yes you can.
So you want to not work and get paid as if you are working. Indeed. You are a Democrat.
No, dumbfuck. I actually do work. I was speaking to your massacre of that saying about cake.
I am talking about teachers. Why are you so conceited?
What are the health experts lying about? What is the truth?

trump doesn't say but retweets that accusation.

People can be wrong about things then when they get more information they can change their views but that's not lying. It's being wrong.

Most were wrong about the virus at first. Only because there wasn't much known about it at first. When more information was known, things changed. Which is what is supposed to happen when new information is known.

Only the stupid people don't change when they get new information.

As far as most people and I can see, trump is the liar here. Not the experts.

Actually, they are not as wrong as some people think. Scientist like Fauci qualify just about every statement or prediction he made. I think he did this knowing eventually the Trump administration would come after him. However, he's not enough of a politician to realize that the Trumpsters will drop any qualification, pull the quote out of context and link it with other quotes to create the narrative they want. One right wing web site attacked some scientist who they claimed said, 2 million will die in the US from Covid 19. What he actually said, was "2 million could die if the covid 19 immunity proves to last only a few weeks.
What are the health experts lying about? What is the truth?

trump doesn't say but retweets that accusation.

People can be wrong about things then when they get more information they can change their views but that's not lying. It's being wrong.

Most were wrong about the virus at first. Only because there wasn't much known about it at first. When more information was known, things changed. Which is what is supposed to happen when new information is known.

Only the stupid people don't change when they get new information.

As far as most people and I can see, trump is the liar here. Not the experts.

Did Trump the Corrupt notice that it's getting hot and the virus is swamping the new ATF?
That would be Arizona, Texas and Florida.

Map: Illegal immigrant population by state.
View attachment 363041

Although California has the highest number of illegal immigrants, Nevada has the largest proportion of illegal immigrants—7.2 percent of the state population and as much as 10 percent of its workforce. California and Texas follow at just under 7 percent of their populations, with New Jersey and Arizona rounding out the top five.
C'mon. So what does that have to do with A,T, and F and Covid 19 cases? Is it warmed up and hot as hell in the East and the West? Yes and the virus stats are increasing right along with. Trump said many times it would go away in warm places. Get it?
They do it now. Do you know any kids who are isolating? They exist I am sure but I dont know any.

Well, recently in the news, they were reporting on a summer camp where over 80 people, kids and counselors both, caught COVID 19. Everyone who was in attendance at that camp had an e-mail sent to their home telling the parents to put their kids in quarantine for the next 14 days.

And the Missouri camp isn't the only one that has closed due to kids catching the virus.......................

Never forget -- rightwingers are fucking retarded.
You complain and swear a lot. You're an angry little man.
What are the health experts lying about? What is the truth?

trump doesn't say but retweets that accusation.

People can be wrong about things then when they get more information they can change their views but that's not lying. It's being wrong.

Most were wrong about the virus at first. Only because there wasn't much known about it at first. When more information was known, things changed. Which is what is supposed to happen when new information is known.

Only the stupid people don't change when they get new information.

As far as most people and I can see, trump is the liar here. Not the experts.

TDSers should take that advice themselves when they criticize every move Trump makes. The "he said this and now he says this" isn't lying.....unless Trump does it I guess. :dunno:
Economics is science?
No, not what i am saying. I am saying the path to preserving our economy goes through science. And i don't just mean "getting back to normal". I mean preserving the basic functions of our society, like banking and being able to buy groceries.

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