Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired is a theft from those who hunger but are not fed & who are cold but are not clothed

Our borders are everywhere we have to depend on trade for our economy. We can't be an isolationist nation and still import all the stuff we want and need. Certain presidents have misused and abused the necessity of keeping trade flowing freely but the necessity is still there.

China can trade all around the world without attacking country after country.
Sucks that in our modern day, that world leaders result to War.

How about we also stop providing aid to countries that don't need it. US is obligated to give 47 Billion dollars in aid this year.
Why the hell are we giving Canada 32 million in aid?
The below website is great. Browse and see how much we have committed to countries all over the world.

For Canada:

Canada is a close neighbours and this is common that priorties on one can be less on the other side... Honestly it is surprising it is so low..

One really surprised was $166m to Mexico... That should be multiples that figure... By not supporting Mexico the US is causing the Southern Border problem, a little investment there relieves the pressure on the deman on the border...
By the way conservative costs on the wall after build was over a billion a year... Which could be climbed with a $5 ladder...
The “Guns vs Butter” economic analogy refers to a society spending money on the military vs social programs

It is a trade off all societies make
Our social programs are rooted in the indefensible irresponsible behavior of our people. They are also a way of "keeping the people down", as blacks like to say.
You could have just quoted James 4: 1-3

"From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?​

2 Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not.
3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts."
There will come soft rains and the smell of the ground,
And swallows circling with their shimmering sound;

And frogs in the pools singing at night,
And wild plum trees in tremulous white,

Robins will wear their feathery fire
Whistling their whims on a low fence-wire;

And not one will know of the war, not one
Will care at last when it is done.

Not one would mind, neither bird nor tree
If mankind perished utterly;

And Spring herself, when she woke at dawn,
Would scarcely know that we were gone.

For Canada:

Canada is a close neighbours and this is common that priorties on one can be less on the other side... Honestly it is surprising it is so low..

One really surprised was $166m to Mexico... That should be multiples that figure... By not supporting Mexico the US is causing the Southern Border problem, a little investment there relieves the pressure on the deman on the border...
By the way conservative costs on the wall after build was over a billion a year... Which could be climbed with a $5 ladder...
How do you climb a 30 foot wall using a 12 foot ladder?

Trump's wall was never finished ('fitted out') with razor wire and sensors. Thanks Joe.
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No, the complaint is that we should not pay much in defense while paying more in welfare. I believe our defense comes FIRST without the military we won't be a Country for long and all your so-called social programs will end anyway.

China and other countries are working on that now regardless.
There will come soft rains and the smell of the ground,
And swallows circling with their shimmering sound;

And frogs in the pools singing at night,
And wild plum trees in tremulous white,

Robins will wear their feathery fire
Whistling their whims on a low fence-wire;

And not one will know of the war, not one
Will care at last when it is done.

Not one would mind, neither bird nor tree
If mankind perished utterly;

And Spring herself, when she woke at dawn,
Would scarcely know that we were gone.

Written before the Atom bomb was developed.

Matthew 24:21-22​

21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.​

22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
Our borders are everywhere we have to depend on trade for our economy. We can't be an isolationist nation and still import all the stuff we want and need. Certain presidents have misused and abused the necessity of keeping trade flowing freely but the necessity is still there.
The concern is the US spending disproportionately to maintain those trade routes.
The EU has an economy the equivalent of the US. They can bear more of the burden of protecting trade in that region.
But with the US bearing the burden of that military mission, the EU is free to invest in social programs, modern infrastructure, healthcare, education, worker benefits that the US ignores.

Same applies to Japan and S Korea
China can trade all around the world without attacking country after country.
It is about soft Diplomacy...

US was absolute kingpin in it until Trump came... He gutted the State Dept and gave China the field... There were international conferences with no US representatives..

Trump didn't know that US soft power was their real power...Other world leaders used clammer to get a picture with the US President, it would be on the front page of their national press....

That stopped with Trump... He was considered a child and leaders knew he was a liability, guilt by association... He was ill prepared for meetings and take massively ill informed stances and would use false information as his reason. You can't deal with someone that immature. They just had meeting without him and informed US of the outcome, Trump didn't even know and no one really wanted to tell him either... This wasn't done out of fear. There was part pity for the people who had to live with him and part annoyance that he was selected (if not by a majority of the people)...
^^^Says the warmonger screaming for more guns to Ukraine. Fuck off.

Ukraine is a good example of how our military should function

Unlike previous Presidents who launched invasions of Vietnam, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq…….Biden put the burden of defense on Ukraine.
Let them do the fighting and dying…we just provide the tools

The Biden Doctrine is working
It is the old Economic “Guns vs Butter” argument

The US has always sided with guns as we allow our social programs to suffer
our social programs do not suffer. Now the politicians and bureaucrats putting that $$$ into their own pockets, never reaching the hungry and cold, THEY are the culprits.

I notice though that illegals and minorities aren't cold and hungry with their fancy done nails and big screen flat TVs and their EBT cards at end and first of every month.

your claim sorta falls flat.
It is about soft Diplomacy...

US was absolute kingpin in it until Trump came... He gutted the State Dept and gave China the field... There were international conferences with no US representatives..

Trump didn't know that US soft power was their real power...Other world leaders used clammer to get a picture with the US President, it would be on the front page of their national press....

That stopped with Trump... He was considered a child and leaders knew he was a liability, guilt by association... He was ill prepared for meetings and take massively ill informed stances and would use false information as his reason. You can't deal with someone that immature. They just had meeting without him and informed US of the outcome, Trump didn't even know and no one really wanted to tell him either... This wasn't done out of fear. There was part pity for the people who had to live with him and part annoyance that he was selected (if not by a majority of the people)...

Our problems extend far beyond when Trump came into the picture.
our social programs do not suffer. Now the politicians and bureaucrats putting that $$$ into their own pockets, never reaching the hungry and cold, THEY are the culprits.

I notice though that illegals and minorities aren't cold and hungry with their fancy done nails and big screen flat TVs and their EBT cards at end and first of every month.

your claim sorta falls flat.

Illegals don't get EBT cards. If they have a big screen TV it was their employer that provided that money.
The concern is the US spending disproportionately to maintain those trade routes.
The EU has an economy the equivalent of the US. They can bear more of the burden of protecting trade in that region.
But with the US bearing the burden of that military mission, the EU is free to invest in social programs, modern infrastructure, healthcare, education, worker benefits that the US ignores.

Same applies to Japan and S Korea
Of course I get all that and it's something to deal with but it would involve retreating from places where we have military supremacy. Seems like every time we feel safe doing that the same old threats pop right back up. I'm nothing like a war hawk but power vacuums are a dangerous thing to create without good reason.
Ukraine is a good example of how our military should function

Unlike previous Presidents who launched invasions of Vietnam, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq…….Biden put the burden of defense on Ukraine.
Let them do the fighting and dying…we just provide the tools

The Biden Doctrine is working

You're in a cult.
You can make the same argument about the military being inefficient and wasteful
Yes but which is more.. you can’t shift the goal posts to a zero sum game. I think you know how bloated the bureaucracy is America is. Be honest.

And, you didn’t address the harmful social programs
Illegals don't get EBT cards. If they have a big screen TV it was their employer that provided that money.
bullshirt Whatever you want to call it, Biden is giving these people access to services in this country that are denied to natural born and homegrown americans

look it up yerdamself
bullshirt Whatever you want to call it, Biden is giving these people access to services in this country that are denied to natural born and homegrown americans

You can make up whatever you want and rant over it but that is all it is. Your made up rants.

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