Even Trump thinks Red states are S*** holes; Eviscerates Florida and Desantis


Posting From Hunters Laptop
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
The shining city on a sinkhole that right wingers think is well run (Florida) is really a shithole according to Donald Trump. Donald, who is always right, points out some facts (for once) about the state. Id say factually only his covid deaths stat is out of context because of Florida's size - it was in the worst 15 rate but saying it was 3rd worst is a stretch. No quibbles with the rest. Donald convinced me with this to not vote for Desantis. He also convinced me to not vote for himself as he is a crooked tool.


'Florida ranks among the worst in the Country.'

Donald Trump is eviscerating what some might call the “Florida Blueprint,” spotlighting the state’s subpar standings in a variety of quality-of-life metrics.

The former President lobbed yet another attack on Gov. Ron DeSantis, working some new material into the act. Among the new hits: devastating condemnations of the state writ large and a few of its major cities.
In Education, Florida ranks among the worst in the Country and on crime statistics, Florida ranked Third Worst in Murder, Third Worst in Rape, and Third Worst in Aggravated Assault. For 2022, Jacksonville was ranked as one of the Top 25 Major Crime Cities in the Country, with Tampa and Orlando not doing much better,” Trump contended.

“On Education, Florida ranks #39 in Health & Safety in the Country, #50 in Affordability, and #30 in Education & Childcare, HARDLY GREATNESS THERE! The fact is, Ron is an average Governor, but the best by far in the Country in one category, Public Relations, where he easily ranks Number One — But it is all a Mirage, just look at the facts and figures, they don’t lie — And we don’t want Ron as our President!”

“Florida has been successful for many years, long before I put Ron there — It’s amazing what Ocean and Sunshine will do! Surprise, Ron was a big Lockdown Governor on the China Virus, sealing all beaches and everything else for an extended period of time, was Third Worst in the Nation for COVID-19 Deaths (losing 86,294 People), Third Worst for Total Number of Cases, at 7,516,906,” Trump asserted.
Dem OP claims Trump said something Trump never said, lies in the thread title. No surprise there. Here's what Trump actually said, "Florida has been successful for many years"
Show me where I said Trump said something he didnt say. Success is defined by results. Trump listed the lack of results.
I said he thinks it is a shithole... that is easily deduced by reading the accompanied article where Trump points out what a shithole Florida is.
The article says NOTHING about red states in general.
But that won't stop you from "deducing" whatever the fuck you want, will it?
Florida is a red state. Trump thinks Desanits is a phony.. watch this plural: Even Trump thinks red state governors are phony. See... works just fine.
Clearly your brain doesn't work fine. If you cared to pay attention, you would notice that my comment that you quoted was in response to john doe 101, not you.
Keep up the good work.
Where did I say "red states"? Oh I didnt it was the other guy. Try to pay attention.
I thought he was questioning my use of Plural. I feel the headline is clear that he was talking about Florida as it includes it specifically.
Where did I say "red states"? Oh I didnt it was the other guy. Try to pay attention.
You quoted my comment about red states and then responded "Yeah he's saying what a great place it is due to the high violent crime rates."
You are the last dumb fuck who should be telling others to "pay attention".
Yeah he's saying what a great place it is due to the high violent crime rates. You're dumb.
No. He moves there. So obviously he didn’t say it’s a shit hole. You’re a moron.

Did you not grasp that a man can share an opinion about a bad crime rate and other social ills without saying the place is a “shit hole?” Very pathetic of you.
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The shining city on a sinkhole that right wingers think is well run (Florida) is really a shithole according to Donald Trump. Donald, who is always right, points out some facts (for once) about the state. Id say factually only his covid deaths stat is out of context because of Florida's size - it was in the worst 15 rate but saying it was 3rd worst is a stretch. No quibbles with the rest. Donald convinced me with this to not vote for Desantis. He also convinced me to not vote for himself as he is a crooked tool.


'Florida ranks among the worst in the Country.'

Donald Trump is eviscerating what some might call the “Florida Blueprint,” spotlighting the state’s subpar standings in a variety of quality-of-life metrics.

The former President lobbed yet another attack on Gov. Ron DeSantis, working some new material into the act. Among the new hits: devastating condemnations of the state writ large and a few of its major cities.
In Education, Florida ranks among the worst in the Country and on crime statistics, Florida ranked Third Worst in Murder, Third Worst in Rape, and Third Worst in Aggravated Assault. For 2022, Jacksonville was ranked as one of the Top 25 Major Crime Cities in the Country, with Tampa and Orlando not doing much better,” Trump contended.

“On Education, Florida ranks #39 in Health & Safety in the Country, #50 in Affordability, and #30 in Education & Childcare, HARDLY GREATNESS THERE! The fact is, Ron is an average Governor, but the best by far in the Country in one category, Public Relations, where he easily ranks Number One — But it is all a Mirage, just look at the facts and figures, they don’t lie — And we don’t want Ron as our President!”

“Florida has been successful for many years, long before I put Ron there — It’s amazing what Ocean and Sunshine will do! Surprise, Ron was a big Lockdown Governor on the China Virus, sealing all beaches and everything else for an extended period of time, was Third Worst in the Nation for COVID-19 Deaths (losing 86,294 People), Third Worst for Total Number of Cases, at 7,516,906,” Trump asserted.
The best part of the Republican primaries is that it's going to be FL Man vs FL Man!
You quoted my comment about red states and then responded "Yeah he's saying what a great place it is due to the high violent crime rates."
You are the last dumb fuck who should be telling others to "pay attention".
Get your check in the mail today to Trump before your klan rally.
No. He moves there. So obviously he didn’t say it’s a shot hole. You’re a moron.

Did you not grasp that a man can share an opinion about a bad crime rate and other social ills without saying the place is a “shit hole?” Very pathetic of you.
Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. If you told me your house had high crime, terrible education, and was unhealthy.... I'd think you looooooveed your house. Come on. Trump thinks Florida is a shithole and needs someone like him to clean up. Not Desantis clearly.

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