Evangelicals Think The World Is Supposed To End Today.....Again


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

Apparently, trending on all of the social media platforms is the almost annual belief that the rapture is coming...this time, it is supposed to occur at 6:36 pm Israel time, which is 11:36 am eastern standard time....I wouldn't cancel any lunch plans if I were you......my question is, why do evangelicals keep doing this? Over and over again they having these predictions about the end of the world -- in fact, 95% of the reason they love Israel so much is based on their end-times fantasies and the need for Israel to be destroyed so Jesus can return and force Jews to convert or burn in hell...real festive stuff...and these are the people right-wingers try to pander to?


Apparently, trending on all of the social media platforms is the almost annual belief that the rapture is coming...this time, it is supposed to occur at 6:36 pm Israel time, which is 11:36 am eastern standard time....I wouldn't cancel any lunch plans if I were you......my question is, why do evangelicals keep doing this? Over and over again they having these predictions about the end of the world -- in fact, 95% of the reason they love Israel so much is based on their end-times fantasies and the need for Israel to be destroyed so Jesus can return and force Jews to convert or burn in hell...real festive stuff...and these are the people right-wingers try to pander to?

Well, my Jeep is coming out of the paint shop in about an hour, so I can enjoy it being back at the house for a little while looking great. You got to appreciate the little things, especially if the world is about to end.

Apparently, trending on all of the social media platforms is the almost annual belief that the rapture is coming...this time, it is supposed to occur at 6:36 pm Israel time, which is 11:36 am eastern standard time....I wouldn't cancel any lunch plans if I were you......my question is, why do evangelicals keep doing this? Over and over again they having these predictions about the end of the world -- in fact, 95% of the reason they love Israel so much is based on their end-times fantasies and the need for Israel to be destroyed so Jesus can return and force Jews to convert or burn in hell...real festive stuff...and these are the people right-wingers try to pander to?

So you are saying that every evangelical believes this?...
April Ajoy, committed leftist committed to detoxifying evangelicalism.

This is what the left panders to. Of course the leftists lie. If a leftist told the truth it would begin the Rapture.
So you are saying that every evangelical believes this?...
Enough of them for it to be a thing

Are you saying that there isn't a SIGNIFICANT PORTION of evangelicals who don't preach end times bullshit?

"The LifeWay poll found that 80 percent of evangelicals believed that the creation of Israel in 1948 was a fulfillment of biblical prophecy that would bring about Christ’s return. The LifeWay poll also asked evangelical respondents what factors contribute to their support for the state of Israel. More than half of evangelicals said that was a reason they supported Israel’s existence."

Now replace that "evangelicals" with Muslims and their religious belief that Israel must be destroyed for their "savior" to return....and I guarantee you that you won't be saying "but not all Muslims believe that"
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Evangelicals are easy targets for the left even though they pose no threat. They have their own belief system based mostly on faith and scripture and that's fair enough. The problem comes when scientists and mostly left wing politicians and the president join with the media and declare the end of the world because of Global Warming. Didn't G.W. guru Al Gore predict the end of the world about 20 years ago?
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Enough of them for it to be a thing

Are you saying that there isn't a SIGNIFICANT PORTION of evangelicals who don't preach end times bullshit?

"The LifeWay poll found that 80 percent of evangelicals believed that the creation of Israel in 1948 was a fulfillment of biblical prophecy that would bring about Christ’s return. The LifeWay poll also asked evangelical respondents what factors contribute to their support for the state of Israel. More than half of evangelicals said that was a reason they supported Israel’s existence."

Now replaced that "evangelicals" with Muslims and their religious belief that Israel must be destroyed for their "savior" to return....and I guarantee you that you won't be saying "but not all Muslims believe that"
Tell us about the godless cults. Global warming..... global cooling.... global climate change. Ozone layer.... carbon credits... Florida was supposed to be half gone by now. The end of the world every few years...Now it is 2030. Freon no good...we need new refrigerants. New refrigerants now no good...we need newer refrigerants.....And the rich get richer and more power.

But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father” (Matthew 24:33-36). As Jesus explains in this passage of Scripture, nobody knows when the Second Coming will be except the Father.

Apparently, trending on all of the social media platforms is the almost annual belief that the rapture is coming...this time, it is supposed to occur at 6:36 pm Israel time, which is 11:36 am eastern standard time....I wouldn't cancel any lunch plans if I were you......my question is, why do evangelicals keep doing this? Over and over again they having these predictions about the end of the world -- in fact, 95% of the reason they love Israel so much is based on their end-times fantasies and the need for Israel to be destroyed so Jesus can return and force Jews to convert or burn in hell...real festive stuff...and these are the people right-wingers try to pander to?

thanks, biff, i've still got an hour to find my football helmet in case of falling asteroids. this by the way is the cause of many of our problems, as if jesus will drive up with a cosmic tanker, stick a dip stick in at spindletop, and fill the earth up with a fresh billion years of petroleum

Apparently, trending on all of the social media platforms is the almost annual belief that the rapture is coming...this time, it is supposed to occur at 6:36 pm Israel time, which is 11:36 am eastern standard time....I wouldn't cancel any lunch plans if I were you......my question is, why do evangelicals keep doing this? Over and over again they having these predictions about the end of the world -- in fact, 95% of the reason they love Israel so much is based on their end-times fantasies and the need for Israel to be destroyed so Jesus can return and force Jews to convert or burn in hell...real festive stuff...and these are the people right-wingers try to pander to?

Tomorrow they will stock up on more stupid pills.

But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father” (Matthew 24:33-36). As Jesus explains in this passage of Scripture, nobody knows when the Second Coming will be except the Father.
I am not the one who continuously grifts from predicting the rapture, that is 10000% the work of Evangelicals....

Just understand there is a reason more and more people are leaving the church......and it aint because of the "left"
Enough of them for it to be a thing

Are you saying that there isn't a SIGNIFICANT PORTION of evangelicals who don't preach end times bullshit?

"The LifeWay poll found that 80 percent of evangelicals believed that the creation of Israel in 1948 was a fulfillment of biblical prophecy that would bring about Christ’s return. The LifeWay poll also asked evangelical respondents what factors contribute to their support for the state of Israel. More than half of evangelicals said that was a reason they supported Israel’s existence."

Now replace that "evangelicals" with Muslims and their religious belief that Israel must be destroyed for their "savior" to return....and I guarantee you that you won't be saying "but not all Muslims believe that"

You just made that up.

Apparently, trending on all of the social media platforms is the almost annual belief that the rapture is coming...this time, it is supposed to occur at 6:36 pm Israel time, which is 11:36 am eastern standard time...
Biff, you need to give us more advance notice so we can go on spending sprees and stop paying our bills.
I am not the one who continuously grifts from predicting the rapture, that is 10000% the work of Evangelicals....

Just understand there is a reason more and more people are leaving the church......and it aint because of the "left"

I'm just pointing out nobody knows when Christ will return.
Yes, he did. Are you hard of reading? He doesn't say some evangelicals believe.
Most evangelicals know what prophesies have to be fulfilled before the rapture takes place. Note that I said most. The thread title doesn't make that distinction...

The rapture is an invention of the 19th century by a man named John Darby. The earliest mention of this doctrine was in 1830. It then gained a following through the Scofield Bible. In recent times, it has gained a most general acceptance through the Left Behind series. Before all of this, the rapture was literally non-existent in church history. If it’s such an “obvious” of important doctrine, why for 1800 years did no one see it in the bible?
The rapture is an invention of the 19th century by a man named John Darby. The earliest mention of this doctrine was in 1830. It then gained a following through the Scofield Bible. In recent times, it has gained a most general acceptance through the Left Behind series. Before all of this, the rapture was literally non-existent in church history. If it’s such an “obvious” of important doctrine, why for 1800 years did no one see it in the bible?

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