Europe: Maintaining The Eternal Illusion of Peace, Pacifism and Progress


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Three things mutually exclusive.

No one achieves let alone keeps the peace through pacifism, much less makes progress. That would be akin to trying to win a wrestling match against your opponent by conceding the match before it even begins. Such thinking is the methods of cowards, who think it better to avoid a fight, than to dare risk it and maybe lose.

Angela Merkel who has wreaked havoc upon her own country decimating Germany with the mass-influx of foreign invaders taking over her country from its own citizens with its wave of crime once again regurgitates another faux-genuflection to insanity maintaining the socialist dream that it is FORM that matters to Europeans more over reality and FUNCTION. In other words, as with the Grand Dupe Failure Obama they so adored, it isn't what you DO anymore, ala Winston Churchill (who they also hated), just so long as you simply SAY all the right things. Pay lip service.

Even as Donald Trump prepares to sit down with North Korea now to barter a peaceful resolution to the Korean Peninsula, even going so far as promising to help North Korea now bring modernization and prosperity to its nation and economy as reward for acquiescence to hostility and violence, and pressures Iran keeping them off balance from their nuclear ambitions, it was Angela Merkel not Donald Trump getting a peace prize today, this one the 'Lamp of Peace' Catholic award in Italy for "seeking the peaceful coexistence of peoples."

I kid you not.

In other words, they now give out awards for being a useful idiot.

These very same people would throw themselves out in front of traffic before ever considering giving a prize to Trump. Trump is simply "not part of the "crowd" of accepted horse traders and players. He's not a Trilateral or Bilderberger (as the Clintons are).


In her speech, Merkel offered such empty words the Europeans so lovingly gobble up such as:

---it was necessary to look beyond the national rim, adding it must again be possible "to give Europe a soul."

At least apparently they are willing to admit they've lost theirs. Meantime Germany was handing out prizes as well. No. This one not to Trump either. Macron, President of France received the Charlemagne prize in Germany. Apparently, every nation in Western Europe has a prize to give out to each other patting each other on the back telling themselves what smart and wonderful people they all really are.

Reminds one a lot of the American Left.

Meantime, does Merkel actually have anything good to say for Trump in these times? Certainly not, instead bitching that he was just getting in the way making everything harder for them and Europe working to do --- --- NOTHING.

According to Merkel, actually taking ACTION and really doing something proactive to effect change, well, that was unthinkable as a nation of "peace." Trump and his cowboy diplomacy was just deplorable next to their methods of just sitting by idly, stoically, doing nothing for decades on end, taking only minimalist roles in any military actions, standing by the sidelines always in a non-leadership role and---- ---- talking a whole lot of shit about wanting peace.

To Germany and Europe, the real model for peace was to simply "closely follow the developments" in other countries like Iran, Syria and Israel; gee, sounds a lot like how Obuma used to talk! Apparently the path to peace for Europe is to sit down each night and tune into Fox News to see what the events of the world are.

Merkel went on to "decry what she called "nightly violations" in Ukraine of cease-fire agreements"---- Wow! What a woman of peace! Someone quick, get her another prize! Meantime, what does Germany do about Ukraine? They decry the nightly violations. Sure, that will put Russia in their place.

I just wonder who laughs hardest at Europe, the Russians or the Muslims.

Merkel wrapped it up with more talk of the "sweeping challenges to a more peaceful world," warning that good solutions will not come easy. In other words, don't expect Germany to solve anything any time soon. These things take time---- ---- at least as long as until the USA comes around to dealing with it for them.

In summation before standing applause, Merkel warned of people "making sweeping claims about entire sections of society" even as she herself made sweeping claims about entire sections of society, including America. That's Merkel's way of saying to Germans: Make room for even more muslim refugees taking over your towns and villages then throwing you out of them while we protect them. Like Obuma, Merkel is throwing her own country under the bus in order to make way to build her "legacy."

A woman of peace.

Europe's path to "peace" is acquiescence, pacifism and blanket acceptance, not leadership by example. Whatever peace they end up with will be the peace that is handed to them by those who dictate to them the terms of their peace. But Angela and Europe will hardly notice their silent surrender; they will be too busy giving each other prizes and clinking champagne glasses for empty talk and non-action, while decrying the actions of those like Trump who embarrass and expose their inaction by simply refusing to follow in their path of endless talk without ever really actually doing anything.

Merkel receives Franciscan Catholic order 'Lamp of Peace' in Assisi, Italy

Merkel decries US pullout from Iran deal, gets peace prize

Three things mutually exclusive.

No one achieves let alone keeps the peace through pacifism, much less makes progress. That would be akin to trying to win a wrestling match against your opponent by conceding the match before it even begins. Such thinking is the methods of cowards, who think it better to avoid a fight, than to dare risk it and maybe lose.

Angela Merkel who has wreaked havoc upon her own country decimating Germany with the mass-influx of foreign invaders taking over her country from its own citizens with its wave of crime once again regurgitates another faux-genuflection to insanity maintaining the socialist dream that it is FORM that matters to Europeans more over reality and FUNCTION. In other words, as with the Grand Dupe Failure Obama they so adored, it isn't what you DO anymore, ala Winston Churchill (who they also hated), just so long as you simply SAY all the right things. Pay lip service.

Even as Donald Trump prepares to sit down with North Korea now to barter a peaceful resolution to the Korean Peninsula, even going so far as promising to help North Korea now bring modernization and prosperity to its nation and economy as reward for acquiescence to hostility and violence, and pressures Iran keeping them off balance from their nuclear ambitions, it was Angela Merkel not Donald Trump getting a peace prize today, this one the 'Lamp of Peace' Catholic award in Italy for "seeking the peaceful coexistence of peoples."

I kid you not.

In other words, they now give out awards for being a useful idiot.

These very same people would throw themselves out in front of traffic before ever considering giving a prize to Trump. Trump is simply "not part of the "crowd" of accepted horse traders and players. He's not a Trilateral or Bilderberger (as the Clintons are).

View attachment 193286

In her speech, Merkel offered such empty words the Europeans so lovingly gobble up such as:

---it was necessary to look beyond the national rim, adding it must again be possible "to give Europe a soul."

At least apparently they are willing to admit they've lost theirs. Meantime Germany was handing out prizes as well. No. This one not to Trump either. Macron, President of France received the Charlemagne prize in Germany. Apparently, every nation in Western Europe has a prize to give out to each other patting each other on the back telling themselves what smart and wonderful people they all really are.

Reminds one a lot of the American Left.

Meantime, does Merkel actually have anything good to say for Trump in these times? Certainly not, instead bitching that he was just getting in the way making everything harder for them and Europe working to do --- --- NOTHING.

According to Merkel, actually taking ACTION and really doing something proactive to effect change, well, that was unthinkable as a nation of "peace." Trump and his cowboy diplomacy was just deplorable next to their methods of just sitting by idly, stoically, doing nothing for decades on end, taking only minimalist roles in any military actions, standing by the sidelines always in a non-leadership role and---- ---- talking a whole lot of shit about wanting peace.

To Germany and Europe, the real model for peace was to simply "closely follow the developments" in other countries like Iran, Syria and Israel; gee, sounds a lot like how Obuma used to talk! Apparently the path to peace for Europe is to sit down each night and tune into Fox News to see what the events of the world are.

Merkel went on to "decry what she called "nightly violations" in Ukraine of cease-fire agreements"---- Wow! What a woman of peace! Someone quick, get her another prize! Meantime, what does Germany do about Ukraine? They decry the nightly violations. Sure, that will put Russia in their place.

I just wonder who laughs hardest at Europe, the Russians or the Muslims.

Merkel wrapped it up with more talk of the "sweeping challenges to a more peaceful world," warning that good solutions will not come easy. In other words, don't expect Germany to solve anything any time soon. These things take time---- ---- at least as long as until the USA comes around to dealing with it for them.

In summation before standing applause, Merkel warned of people "making sweeping claims about entire sections of society" even as she herself made sweeping claims about entire sections of society, including America. That's Merkel's way of saying to Germans: Make room for even more muslim refugees taking over your towns and villages then throwing you out of them while we protect them. Like Obuma, Merkel is throwing her own country under the bus in order to make way to build her "legacy."

A woman of peace.

Europe's path to "peace" is acquiescence, pacifism and blanket acceptance, not leadership by example. Whatever peace they end up with will be the peace that is handed to them by those who dictate to them the terms of their peace. But Angela and Europe will hardly notice their silent surrender; they will be too busy giving each other prizes and clinking champagne glasses for empty talk and non-action, while decrying the actions of those like Trump who embarrass and expose their inaction by simply refusing to follow in their path of endless talk without ever really actually doing anything.

Merkel receives Franciscan Catholic order 'Lamp of Peace' in Assisi, Italy

Merkel decries US pullout from Iran deal, gets peace prize

You have to understand that France is now a Muzzy Land and no longer belong to the French. Germany getting more Muzzy and Liberal.
The smaller Nations are getting less ethic. So in general the face of the population has changed. How the future will play out is unknown. Seems the world is due for the "Thinning of the Herd" in the coming years, man made, or natural is not known.
Three things mutually exclusive.

No one achieves let alone keeps the peace through pacifism, much less makes progress. That would be akin to trying to win a wrestling match against your opponent by conceding the match before it even begins. Such thinking is the methods of cowards, who think it better to avoid a fight, than to dare risk it and maybe lose.

Angela Merkel who has wreaked havoc upon her own country decimating Germany with the mass-influx of foreign invaders taking over her country from its own citizens with its wave of crime once again regurgitates another faux-genuflection to insanity maintaining the socialist dream that it is FORM that matters to Europeans more over reality and FUNCTION. In other words, as with the Grand Dupe Failure Obama they so adored, it isn't what you DO anymore, ala Winston Churchill (who they also hated), just so long as you simply SAY all the right things. Pay lip service.

Even as Donald Trump prepares to sit down with North Korea now to barter a peaceful resolution to the Korean Peninsula, even going so far as promising to help North Korea now bring modernization and prosperity to its nation and economy as reward for acquiescence to hostility and violence, and pressures Iran keeping them off balance from their nuclear ambitions, it was Angela Merkel not Donald Trump getting a peace prize today, this one the 'Lamp of Peace' Catholic award in Italy for "seeking the peaceful coexistence of peoples."

I kid you not.

In other words, they now give out awards for being a useful idiot.

These very same people would throw themselves out in front of traffic before ever considering giving a prize to Trump. Trump is simply "not part of the "crowd" of accepted horse traders and players. He's not a Trilateral or Bilderberger (as the Clintons are).

View attachment 193286

In her speech, Merkel offered such empty words the Europeans so lovingly gobble up such as:

---it was necessary to look beyond the national rim, adding it must again be possible "to give Europe a soul."

At least apparently they are willing to admit they've lost theirs. Meantime Germany was handing out prizes as well. No. This one not to Trump either. Macron, President of France received the Charlemagne prize in Germany. Apparently, every nation in Western Europe has a prize to give out to each other patting each other on the back telling themselves what smart and wonderful people they all really are.

Reminds one a lot of the American Left.

Meantime, does Merkel actually have anything good to say for Trump in these times? Certainly not, instead bitching that he was just getting in the way making everything harder for them and Europe working to do --- --- NOTHING.

According to Merkel, actually taking ACTION and really doing something proactive to effect change, well, that was unthinkable as a nation of "peace." Trump and his cowboy diplomacy was just deplorable next to their methods of just sitting by idly, stoically, doing nothing for decades on end, taking only minimalist roles in any military actions, standing by the sidelines always in a non-leadership role and---- ---- talking a whole lot of shit about wanting peace.

To Germany and Europe, the real model for peace was to simply "closely follow the developments" in other countries like Iran, Syria and Israel; gee, sounds a lot like how Obuma used to talk! Apparently the path to peace for Europe is to sit down each night and tune into Fox News to see what the events of the world are.

Merkel went on to "decry what she called "nightly violations" in Ukraine of cease-fire agreements"---- Wow! What a woman of peace! Someone quick, get her another prize! Meantime, what does Germany do about Ukraine? They decry the nightly violations. Sure, that will put Russia in their place.

I just wonder who laughs hardest at Europe, the Russians or the Muslims.

Merkel wrapped it up with more talk of the "sweeping challenges to a more peaceful world," warning that good solutions will not come easy. In other words, don't expect Germany to solve anything any time soon. These things take time---- ---- at least as long as until the USA comes around to dealing with it for them.

In summation before standing applause, Merkel warned of people "making sweeping claims about entire sections of society" even as she herself made sweeping claims about entire sections of society, including America. That's Merkel's way of saying to Germans: Make room for even more muslim refugees taking over your towns and villages then throwing you out of them while we protect them. Like Obuma, Merkel is throwing her own country under the bus in order to make way to build her "legacy."

A woman of peace.

Europe's path to "peace" is acquiescence, pacifism and blanket acceptance, not leadership by example. Whatever peace they end up with will be the peace that is handed to them by those who dictate to them the terms of their peace. But Angela and Europe will hardly notice their silent surrender; they will be too busy giving each other prizes and clinking champagne glasses for empty talk and non-action, while decrying the actions of those like Trump who embarrass and expose their inaction by simply refusing to follow in their path of endless talk without ever really actually doing anything.

Merkel receives Franciscan Catholic order 'Lamp of Peace' in Assisi, Italy

Merkel decries US pullout from Iran deal, gets peace prize

You have to understand that France is now a Muzzy Land and no longer belong to the French. Germany getting more Muzzy and Liberal.
The smaller Nations are getting less ethic. So in general the face of the population has changed. How the future will play out is unknown. Seems the world is due for the "Thinning of the Herd" in the coming years, man made, or natural is not known.
Germany will lead to the fall of Europe. Its become terrorist central.
The leftists of the world feel that they are more "enlightened" than everyone else. They think they are smarter and they think that they can create a peaceful world where everyone coexists like a fantasy island type of land. They are doing this by means of desensitization, exposing people bit by bit to those things that they might dislike (dislike would be to put it lightly in some cases - lol). They feel that the ends justifies the means (meaning if people die in terrorist attacks it would be worth it in the end to "civilize" the Muslim terrorists).
The leftists of the world feel that they are more "enlightened" than everyone else. They think they are smarter and they think that they can create a peaceful world where everyone coexists like a fantasy island type of land. They are doing this by means of desensitization, exposing people bit by bit to those things that they might dislike (dislike would be to put it lightly in some cases - lol). They feel that the ends justifies the means (meaning if people die in terrorist attacks it would be worth it in the end to "civilize" the Muslim terrorists).

Problem is, their fantasy island is for YOU to live in, not them. They will still be living their privileged life behind closed steel gates with heavy guard. They want no part of the world they feel is good enough for you.

May I ask why you are interested in the theme "Europe"? I thought Europe is not any longer existing for the USA.

... Germany will lead to the fall of Europe. Its become terrorist central.

And I guess you think that's no problem which US-American nukes are not able to solve. And what says your Borg-Queen to your plans? A third world war will make the USA rich again?

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Angela Merkel belongs in an orange jumpsuit.

She is the Quisling of the 21st century.

¿Quisling? ... one moment ... "Quisling"- strange word - what has this to do with the concentration camp Guantanamo and/or death penalty? ... "traitor" ... Ah, got it: You like to execute chancellor Angela Merkel because of "high treason".

Angela Merkel belongs in an orange jumpsuit.

She is the Quisling of the 21st century.

Traitors like her in the past were shot at dawn.

Not at high noon? Why in the dawn? I guess we have to give out a travel warning for the USA.

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¿Quisling? ... one moment ... "Quisling"- strange word - what has this to do with the concentration camp Guantanamo and/or death penalty? ... "traitor" .
Educated people know who Quisling was.

You are obviously not one of them.

I never was interested in Nazis, Nazi. Oh by the way: What to do with the Quisling who is now colonialist - ah sorry: ambassador - of the USA in Germany? To scalp him and bring his scalp together with the scalp of Gina Haspel to the honourable Senator John McGain?

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I'm not interested in Nazis

You misspelled the word "learning".

It does not start with "N".

Ignorance, arrogance, aggressions, drugs, alcohol and a racialist Darwinism as well as a pragmatism which degenerated to opportunism - did I forget one of the main problems of the USA it likes to solve by attacking other nations? Inability to relate to others? Disability to fulfill contracts? ... Thousand lies a day keep the doctor away? ... How to describe Trump politics? Lump politics? Fake politics? Politics without basic skills?

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I'm not interested in Nazis

You misspelled the word "learning".

It does not start with "N".

Ignorance, arrogance, aggressions, drugs, alcohol and a racialist Darwinism as well as a pragmatism which degenerated to opportunism - did I forget one of the main problems of the USA it likes to solve by attacking other nations? Inability to relate to others? Disability to fulfill contracts? ... Thousand lies a day keep the doctor away? ... How to describe Trump politics? Lump politics? Fake politics? Politics without basic skills?

I see.

You are mentally ill in addition to stupid.

So sorry that you received the short end of the genetic stick.
The U.S. has been involved in quite a few wars since 1945. The results have not been spectacular successes. I participated in one, I should know.
I'm not interested in Nazis

You misspelled the word "learning".

It does not start with "N".

Ignorance, arrogance, aggressions, drugs, alcohol and a racialist Darwinism as well as a pragmatism which degenerated to opportunism - did I forget one of the main problems of the USA it likes to solve by attacking other nations? Inability to relate to others? Disability to fulfill contracts? ... Thousand lies a day keep the doctor away? ... How to describe Trump politics? Lump politics? Fake politics? Politics without basic skills?

I see.

You are mentally ill in addition to stupid.

So sorry that you received the short end of the genetic stick.

Not everyone is able to be a genetically perfect frog.

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¿Quisling? ... one moment ... "Quisling"- strange word - what has this to do with the concentration camp Guantanamo and/or death penalty? ... "traitor" .
Educated people know who Quisling was.

You are obviously not one of them.

I never was interested in Nazis, Nazi. Oh by the way: What to do with the Quisling who is now colonialist - ah sorry: ambassador - of the USA in Germany? To scalp him and bring his scalp together with the scalp of Gina Haspel to the honourable Senator John McGain?

¿Quisling? ... one moment ... "Quisling"- strange word - what has this to do with the concentration camp Guantanamo and/or death penalty? ... "traitor" .
Educated people know who Quisling was.

You are obviously not one of them.

I never was interested in Nazis, Nazi. Oh by the way: What to do with the Quisling who is now colonialist - ah sorry: ambassador - of the USA in Germany? To scalp him and bring his scalp together with the scalp of Gina Haspel to the honourable Senator John McGain?

¿What is this? ... Ah I got it. No - this never had happened. Do you know who introduced to scalp people in world history? It were the Englishmen. Rat hunters got some money for the scalp of rats. "Pest control". The English payed also for scalps of the red Indians - for men, women and children. It exists indeed a parallel structure in the behavior of the Nazis, because they murdered Jews with gas like dangerous insects - men, women, children.

I spoke here about the behavior of inhuman human beings who like to continue to use torture as a method of US-American politics and who are full of joy about the cancer of the honorable Senator John McGain, who is an enemy of torture.

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¿Quisling? ... one moment ... "Quisling"- strange word - what has this to do with the concentration camp Guantanamo and/or death penalty? ... "traitor" .
Educated people know who Quisling was.

You are obviously not one of them.

I never was interested in Nazis, Nazi. Oh by the way: What to do with the Quisling who is now colonialist - ah sorry: ambassador - of the USA in Germany? To scalp him and bring his scalp together with the scalp of Gina Haspel to the honourable Senator John McGain?

An idiot tells idiots something? Do you think this has a lot to do with reality?

No more so than any of your silly posts with horrible music accompanying them does. Lol.

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