Establishment Republicans Want the Pro-Life Movement Dead

Democrats' cruel and heartless hatred of the unborn child makes it obvious they are lying when they claim to have "compassion" towards any other group.

Say the conservatives who vote to end the WIC program which provides parental nutrition and infant nutrition.

You don’t care about babies , you want to control women.

Blackrook was in Congress?
Establishment Republicans Want the Pro-Life Movement Dead

Just a few days before Christmas, departing Ohio Governor John Kasich decided to play a disappointing Santa and put a massive lump of coal in the pro-life movement’s stocking. He vetoed a bill that would have made it a felony for a doctor to perform an abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected. Mercifully, he did at least sign a second bill which bans the most common second trimester abortion procedure, the dilation and evacuation—“D&E”—also called a “dismemberment” abortion, during which a fetus is ripped apart and extracted piece by piece.

Is any political constituency as regularly swindled and abused as are pro-lifers?

From their promises to defund Planned Parenthood to their assurances that Roe v. Wade is very soon to be on the chopping block, establishment Republicans are masters at talking a big game but doing nothing at all to advance the right to life of the unborn.

Too many Republican politicians either are cynical grifters or outright liars who don’t care a whit about the 14th Amendment’s promise of “equal protection of the laws” to all persons or the Declaration’s teachingthat “all men are created equal” and “are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights”—chief among them being the right to life.


Things are getting worse, not better. New York has just passed a law legalizing abortion all the way to the moment of death. Virginia just narrowly avoided passing such a law, and now it looks like Rhode Island might attempt to pass such a law.

It is time for all Americans to think about this issue. Do we really want a world where human life is so worthless that even babies who have already been born are at risk of being murdered?

The idea of post-birth abortion as the left is trying to push, is not only savage and uncivilized, it's unconstitutional. The moment that child is born of American citizen parents, he or she is an American citizen and should be protected under the rights and liberties guaranteed to every other American citizen.
There is no such thing as post birth abortion...

So why the resistance to laws protecting babies born alive who survive abortion attempts?

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