Essentially The Republican Party is Dead!


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
The republican party is essentially dead. Due to the covert action/takeover of violent libertarians and Christian Fundamentalists. Most all republicans have been purged from elective office. This is why my father in law a fiscal conservative republican for at least 60 years moved to the democratic party in Pennsylvania 3 years ago.

My in laws cannot stomach the Bush family of politicians and politics which has a tight grip on the party. They are not republicans,they are not fiscal conservative and certainly NOT socially responsible.

Fiscal conservative and Socially Responsible republicans have no home unless they do as my inlaws have done. Incidentally my Father in law happens to be a quite a brilliant fiscal conservative.

My inlaws could never bring themselves to vote for a Bush. Quite stunning was they voted Kerry and Gore.
The republican party is essentially dead. Due to the covert action/takeover of violent libertarians and Christian Fundamentalists. Most all republicans have been purged from elective office. This is why my father in law a fiscal conservative republican for at least 60 years moved to the democratic party in Pennsylvania 3 years ago.

My in laws cannot stomach the Bush family of politicians and politics which has a tight grip on the party. They are not republicans,they are not fiscal conservative and certainly NOT socially responsible.

Fiscal conservative and Socially Responsible republicans have no home unless they do as my inlaws have done. Incidentally my Father in law happens to be a quite a brilliant fiscal conservative.

My inlaws could never bring themselves to vote for a Bush. Quite stunning was they voted Kerry and Gore.

lol My God man, put down the kool-aid.

Democrats have ZERO, ZERO credibility on any fiscal matter.
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Oh right. This party is dead, that party is dead. Yada, yada. There is a natural waxing and waning in politics.
lol, here we go with the Responsible Republicans again..

is this jakeys sock puppet.?
In any party, there are going to be people who are better or appeal more than others. Some years you get better candidates and some not. That is the way it goes. For me, i am done holding my nose to vote for the lesser problem. Now, i only vote for people i support or i don't vote.
WE must all think about what republicans have left behind for democratic administrations to clean up which BTW is no mean feat. Multiple offenses have made it damn difficult for America to catch up.

Read and think about the magnitude of these events which have cost millions upon millions their jobs,retirement programs and medical insurance!

In fact it appears to be policy of republican administrations.

AND they are still trying to steal OUR Social Security Insurance dollars and give it to greedy Wall Street investors. That is simply unacceptable.

It's YOUR money! 4 cases in point to be considered:

1. The Reagan/Bush Savings and Loan Heist(Cost taxpayers $1.4 trillion)
The Bush family and the S&L (Savings and Loan) Scandal

2. Wall Street Bank Fraud on Consumers under Bush/Cheney sent the economy out the window costing taxpayers many many trillions. What is the difference between a Ponzi scheme and a housing bubble? | Dollars & Sense

3. Only 3 financial institutions were actually at risk why $700 billion of bail out money?
"Good Billions After Bad" - One Year After Wall Street Bailout, Pulitzer Winners Barlett and Steele Investigate Where All the Money Went

4. Social Security Insurance AT Risk for no reason. This would cost taxpayers $4 trillion, plus add $300 billion to the debt each of the next 20 years, place taxpayers insurance money at risk and wreck the economy)
Social Security Q&A | Dollars & Sense

Now how exactly does any of the above represent Fiscal Conservative values? Fiscal Responsible values? Responsibility at all?

The Fiscal Conservative republican party as it was once known is dead!
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Now how exactly does any of the above represent Fiscal Conservative values? Fiscal Responsible values? Responsibility at all?

The Republicans are not a fiscally conservative party, but neither are the Democrats and the GOP is no more dead than the Dems are.

The Democratic Party wasn't dead after 1994 and the Republican Party wasn't dead after 2006 and 2008, and the Democratic Party isn't dead after 2010. You guys need to stop making these stupid claims.
The republican party is essentially dead. Due to the covert action/takeover of violent libertarians and Christian Fundamentalists. Most all republicans have been purged from elective office. This is why my father in law a fiscal conservative republican for at least 60 years moved to the democratic party in Pennsylvania 3 years ago.

My in laws cannot stomach the Bush family of politicians and politics which has a tight grip on the party. They are not republicans,they are not fiscal conservative and certainly NOT socially responsible.

Fiscal conservative and Socially Responsible republicans have no home unless they do as my inlaws have done. Incidentally my Father in law happens to be a quite a brilliant fiscal conservative.

My inlaws could never bring themselves to vote for a Bush. Quite stunning was they voted Kerry and Gore.

lol My God man, put down the kool-aid.

Democrats have ZERO, ZERO credibility on any fiscal matter.

Put down the kool-aid.
WE must all think about what republicans have left behind for democratic administrations to clean up which BTW is no mean feat. Multiple offenses have made it damn difficult for America to catch up.

Read and think about the magnitude of these events which have cost millions upon millions their jobs,retirement programs and medical insurance!

In fact it appears to be policy of republican administrations.

AND they are still trying to steal OUR Social Security Insurance dollars and give it to greedy Wall Street investors. That is simply unacceptable.

It's YOUR money! 4 cases in point to be considered:

1. The Reagan/Bush Savings and Loan Heist(Cost taxpayers $1.4 trillion)
The Bush family and the S&L (Savings and Loan) Scandal

2. Wall Street Bank Fraud on Consumers under Bush/Cheney sent the economy out the window costing taxpayers many many trillions. What is the difference between a Ponzi scheme and a housing bubble? | Dollars & Sense

3. Only 3 financial institutions were actually at risk why $700 billion of bail out money?
"Good Billions After Bad" - One Year After Wall Street Bailout, Pulitzer Winners Barlett and Steele Investigate Where All the Money Went

4. Social Security Insurance AT Risk for no reason. This would cost taxpayers $4 trillion, plus add $300 billion to the debt each of the next 20 years, place taxpayers insurance money at risk and wreck the economy)
Social Security Q&A | Dollars & Sense

Now how exactly does any of the above represent Fiscal Conservative values? Fiscal Responsible values? Responsibility at all?

The Fiscal Conservative republican party as it was once known is dead!

I find it absolutely comical you rag on repubs about fiscal matters and dont speak a word about democrats who have controlled every congress except two in the last hundred years.

You dont mention that democrats emptied SS by law.

I can see I have been much too kind to you.
WE must all think about what republicans have left behind for democratic administrations to clean up which BTW is no mean feat. Multiple offenses have made it damn difficult for America to catch up. Read and think about the magnitude of these events which have cost millions upon millions their jobs,retirement programs and medical insurance! In fact it appears to be policy of republican administrations.

AND they are still trying to steal OUR Social Security Insurance dollars and give it to greedy Wall Street investors. That is simply unacceptable.
SS will never be privatized, thats why its called the "3rd rail of politics"

1. The Reagan/Bush Savings and Loan Heist(Cost taxpayers $1.4 trillion)
The Bush family and the S&L (Savings and Loan) Scandal
Bad link. anything called "national revolution" needs to be discarded. Put up a credible link instead of bullshit.

2. Wall Street Bank Fraud on Consumers under Bush/Cheney sent the economy out the window costing taxpayers many many trillions. What is the difference between a Ponzi scheme and a housing bubble? | Dollars & Sense
Clinton passed the Community Reinvestment Act making banks loan to the unqualified, who promptly defaulted, which led to the financial crisis. The fucking dems in control of Fannie & Freddie with friends like Newt created the financial crisis. It was setup before Bush took office, but Bush should have done more.

The banks paid back every dollar with interest, and those loans saved millions of jobs. AIG and GM and Solyndra are better examples of squandering tax dollars.

4. Social Security Insurance AT Risk for no reason. This would cost taxpayers $4 trillion, plus add $300 billion to the debt each of the next 20 years, place taxpayers insurance money at risk and wreck the economy)
Social Security Q&A | Dollars & Sense

Now how exactly does any of the above represent Fiscal Conservative values? Fiscal Responsible values? Responsibility at all?
SS is easily fixable. Its solvent until 2037, a few tweaks and its good long term. Medicare is bankrupt. Obamacare is even more bankrupt.
SS is easily fixable. Its solvent until 2037,

:lmao: It just doesnt have any money!!
A blatant appeal for a complete democrat dictatorship. Not that the people will buy it.
The republican party is essentially dead. Due to the covert action/takeover of violent libertarians and Christian Fundamentalists. Most all republicans have been purged from elective office. This is why my father in law a fiscal conservative republican for at least 60 years moved to the democratic party in Pennsylvania 3 years ago.
Your father-in-law is just a typical RINO who finally showed his true colors. :doubt:
The GOP isn't dead, it's just seriously ill. Not the first time. It will recover from its illness by changing, as it has done before.
The republican party is essentially dead. Due to the covert action/takeover of violent libertarians and Christian Fundamentalists. Most all republicans have been purged from elective office. This is why my father in law a fiscal conservative republican for at least 60 years moved to the democratic party in Pennsylvania 3 years ago.

My in laws cannot stomach the Bush family of politicians and politics which has a tight grip on the party. They are not republicans,they are not fiscal conservative and certainly NOT socially responsible.

Fiscal conservative and Socially Responsible republicans have no home unless they do as my inlaws have done. Incidentally my Father in law happens to be a quite a brilliant fiscal conservative.

My inlaws could never bring themselves to vote for a Bush. Quite stunning was they voted Kerry and Gore.

You need to just stop your making yourself look silly. First of all you claim the republican party was taken over by 'violent' (Fuck you for that) libertarians, then you criticize the republicans for not being fiscally responsible.

Do you know what your talking about? I dont think you do. Your anger should not be directed at republicans, or libertarians, but at the corporate liberals. The NEOCONS. The people that think tax money is endless and should be handed to corporate power for manufactured needs and substandard goods and services. All provided at a tremendous profit of course. These are the people that are literal walking representatives for corporate power.

Partisan shitbags such as yourself make me want to vomit. You are the problem with this country with your intentional misinformation and constant smear campaign, although your party cannot offer any real solutions.
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Another brilliant political analysis by a hate filled liberal. Merrill' in-laws "can't stand the Bush family". Unfortunately this kind of fluff passes for reason in the liberal mind. Libs rely on emotion and the strongest emotion is hatred. Merrell couldn't help including "Christian fundamentalists" in his rant as if it had anything to do with the unemployment statistics and the fiscal crisis.
Yep, deader 'n a doornail, killed by radical religion and the body bought by Big Bucks. And, we ain't seen nuthin yet.

Funny reading Water's rant. Well, actually, grim describes it better. Some really do believe the pub's lies about "fiscal responsibility" even though its nonexistent. I keep expecting one of the Boehner Bunch to stand in front of a mic and ask, "What are you going to believe? What you see or what I tell you?"

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