Espn commentator says jerry Jones is acting like a slave owner

Slavery isn't over if you can't exercise your First Amendment Rights while others can...
Jim Crow has simply become less obvious, everyone doesn't have equal access to the polls or criminal justice, housing is not now or has ever been fair...
Don't worry with these are white.
You diminish the memory and suffering of your forefathers in real slavery and the efforts of Dr King, his work and his personal sacrifice and many of his contemporaries. This tantrum going on with black players is falling on deaf ears. Theyre in fact doing the work of white supremists by turning people off to black complaints of supposed discrimination. People's eyes are opening to the bullshit and deceit coming from you people.
Actually the majority of white people never approved or loved Dr. King for the things he stood for so stop that revisionist bullshit...Dr. King had a habit and knew the power of kneeling in protest and Black people today aren't fooled by the attempts to misdirect and outright lie as to the motivations of the players.
White people who are turned off by the display of player solidarity were never going to approve of anything the Black players were going to do if not approved by white folks...
Tutorial for ignorant white conservative people that are too stupid to understand the First Amendment...

When the National Anthem is played you have a First Amendment Right to stand in recognition of the flag and/or anthem.

No one has the right to demand that you kneel or remain seated, this would be a violation of your free exercise of your First Amendment Right.
No one has a Right to demand that others stand for the flag or anthem, it is an American's First Amendment Right to remain seated, take a knee or stick their fingers in their ears, it's their Right.

The power of the First Amendment is that it protects free speech of all viewpoints. You don't have to approve of another's method of acknowledgement of the flag and they do not have to approve of yours.

You both have an equal Right to your personal manner of conduct.

Black Slaves were never afforded Civil Rights and now you have a white man attempting to tell Players that are majority Black that they have no right to exercise their First Amendment Rights prior to performing the duties they are paid to perform.
NFL Players aren't paid to be political props for the government.
Shut up and shine my shoes, boy.
The players and owners, having won their point, will go back to playing football and ignoring the far right goofs.
The right crushed their silly protest and now the NFL and its kneelers have to bend over and take it up the ass. They don't want to stop, but we forced them to. Time to eat crow, bitches! :laugh:
^^^^ :) Yep, you guys got it in the behind. The players and owners did what they did, you had to take it, and now they go back to playing football while smirking at you.
^ Revisionist history from the mind of a child.
Says the childish mind. It's all ok, Godboy. There is nothing you guys can do to injure the NFL.
We already injured them, badly. We got those retards good! :laugh:
Sure you did. :)
Tutorial for ignorant white conservative people that are too stupid to understand the First Amendment...

When the National Anthem is played you have a First Amendment Right to stand in recognition of the flag and/or anthem.

No one has the right to demand that you kneel or remain seated, this would be a violation of your free exercise of your First Amendment Right.
No one has a Right to demand that others stand for the flag or anthem, it is an American's First Amendment Right to remain seated, take a knee or stick their fingers in their ears, it's their Right.

The power of the First Amendment is that it protects free speech of all viewpoints. You don't have to approve of another's method of acknowledgement of the flag and they do not have to approve of yours.

You both have an equal Right to your personal manner of conduct.

Black Slaves were never afforded Civil Rights and now you have a white man attempting to tell Players that are majority Black that they have no right to exercise their First Amendment Rights prior to performing the duties they are paid to perform.
NFL Players aren't paid to be political props for the government.
Your employer has every right to expect certain behavior from an employee. If that employee refuses they can be fired. You being racist it's clear that YOU are the one that has no understanding of rights. Now you go ahead and spew your racist bullshit, as you are an example of how the left is destroying freedom. You define rights as what ever you want them to mean..
I understand that it upsets you to see Black players exercising their First Amendment Rights in a manner YOU PERSONALLY don't approve
Guess don't have to approve of their manner of exercise, you don't get to choose for them, they don't have to agree with your "opinion."
You are an example of what happens when the populace is too stupid to understand the Constitution...
You are an example of how Nazism and dictators get a foothold in destroying Democracy...
Go give a Nazi Salute to the mirror, you need practice for the time when we live in the type of country you advocate for...
No you don't understand. You make everything about race because you are too stupid to know better. Screw the black players. Why not just call them the players? Or is it because the black players are mostly the only ones doing this crap? You see, the players have every right to disrespect America and it's veterans while on the field if it's ok with their employers. You know, employees are expected to obey certain rules while at work. Now if they want to do it in their off time, the employers have nothing to say about it as long as they aren't wearing a team uniform drawing attention the the owners. And then the people who see this disrespect for what it is have every right to boycott them and cost them a fortune like we are doing! So if you can't understand that I have every right you protest a protest, maybe you're too stupid to be in this discussion, because it's a two way street. And that just eats the left wing bed wetters asses alive!
Well Mr. couch potato warrior you dispelled any confusion as to your stupidity when you ignorantly stated that the Black Players are disrespecting veterans and America...LOL.
Shut your stupid ass up until you at least know why the players are rightfully kneeling.
Nobody is costing the players a fortune, they are getting paid as usual; which burns fake pussy patriots like you to no end.
These players aren't your house Negroes and they don't have to tap dance to your tune or at your time...
LOL! The players are costing the owners a fortune, and they are disrespecting The country and it's service men and women, and we put a stop to it. Take 'em all back to Africa if you don't like it.
Tutorial for ignorant white conservative people that are too stupid to understand the First Amendment...

When the National Anthem is played you have a First Amendment Right to stand in recognition of the flag and/or anthem.

No one has the right to demand that you kneel or remain seated, this would be a violation of your free exercise of your First Amendment Right.
No one has a Right to demand that others stand for the flag or anthem, it is an American's First Amendment Right to remain seated, take a knee or stick their fingers in their ears, it's their Right.

The power of the First Amendment is that it protects free speech of all viewpoints. You don't have to approve of another's method of acknowledgement of the flag and they do not have to approve of yours.

You both have an equal Right to your personal manner of conduct.

Black Slaves were never afforded Civil Rights and now you have a white man attempting to tell Players that are majority Black that they have no right to exercise their First Amendment Rights prior to performing the duties they are paid to perform.
NFL Players aren't paid to be political props for the government.
Your employer has every right to expect certain behavior from an employee. If that employee refuses they can be fired. You being racist it's clear that YOU are the one that has no understanding of rights. Now you go ahead and spew your racist bullshit, as you are an example of how the left is destroying freedom. You define rights as what ever you want them to mean..
I understand that it upsets you to see Black players exercising their First Amendment Rights in a manner YOU PERSONALLY don't approve
Guess don't have to approve of their manner of exercise, you don't get to choose for them, they don't have to agree with your "opinion."
You are an example of what happens when the populace is too stupid to understand the Constitution...
You are an example of how Nazism and dictators get a foothold in destroying Democracy...
Go give a Nazi Salute to the mirror, you need practice for the time when we live in the type of country you advocate for...
No you don't understand. You make everything about race because you are too stupid to know better. Screw the black players. Why not just call them the players? Or is it because the black players are mostly the only ones doing this crap? You see, the players have every right to disrespect America and it's veterans while on the field if it's ok with their employers. You know, employees are expected to obey certain rules while at work. Now if they want to do it in their off time, the employers have nothing to say about it as long as they aren't wearing a team uniform drawing attention the the owners. And then the people who see this disrespect for what it is have every right to boycott them and cost them a fortune like we are doing! So if you can't understand that I have every right you protest a protest, maybe you're too stupid to be in this discussion, because it's a two way street. And that just eats the left wing bed wetters asses alive!
Well Mr. couch potato warrior you dispelled any confusion as to your stupidity when you ignorantly stated that the Black Players are disrespecting veterans and America...LOL.
Shut your stupid ass up until you at least know why the players are rightfully kneeling.
Nobody is costing the players a fortune, they are getting paid as usual; which burns fake pussy patriots like you to no end.
These players aren't your house Negroes and they don't have to tap dance to your tune or at your time...
the protests were for criminals--some LIFE-long criminals--some were attacking the cops..ALL were resisting/danger to the cops
the players are protesting FOR criminals/criminality
why do the blacks LOVE criminals so much? I feel good when a criminal of any color is dead
Tutorial for ignorant white conservative people that are too stupid to understand the First Amendment...

When the National Anthem is played you have a First Amendment Right to stand in recognition of the flag and/or anthem.

No one has the right to demand that you kneel or remain seated, this would be a violation of your free exercise of your First Amendment Right.
No one has a Right to demand that others stand for the flag or anthem, it is an American's First Amendment Right to remain seated, take a knee or stick their fingers in their ears, it's their Right.

The power of the First Amendment is that it protects free speech of all viewpoints. You don't have to approve of another's method of acknowledgement of the flag and they do not have to approve of yours.

You both have an equal Right to your personal manner of conduct.

Black Slaves were never afforded Civil Rights and now you have a white man attempting to tell Players that are majority Black that they have no right to exercise their First Amendment Rights prior to performing the duties they are paid to perform.
NFL Players aren't paid to be political props for the government.
Your employer has every right to expect certain behavior from an employee. If that employee refuses they can be fired. You being racist it's clear that YOU are the one that has no understanding of rights. Now you go ahead and spew your racist bullshit, as you are an example of how the left is destroying freedom. You define rights as what ever you want them to mean..
I understand that it upsets you to see Black players exercising their First Amendment Rights in a manner YOU PERSONALLY don't approve
Guess don't have to approve of their manner of exercise, you don't get to choose for them, they don't have to agree with your "opinion."
You are an example of what happens when the populace is too stupid to understand the Constitution...
You are an example of how Nazism and dictators get a foothold in destroying Democracy...
Go give a Nazi Salute to the mirror, you need practice for the time when we live in the type of country you advocate for...
No you don't understand. You make everything about race because you are too stupid to know better. Screw the black players. Why not just call them the players? Or is it because the black players are mostly the only ones doing this crap? You see, the players have every right to disrespect America and it's veterans while on the field if it's ok with their employers. You know, employees are expected to obey certain rules while at work. Now if they want to do it in their off time, the employers have nothing to say about it as long as they aren't wearing a team uniform drawing attention the the owners. And then the people who see this disrespect for what it is have every right to boycott them and cost them a fortune like we are doing! So if you can't understand that I have every right you protest a protest, maybe you're too stupid to be in this discussion, because it's a two way street. And that just eats the left wing bed wetters asses alive!
Well Mr. couch potato warrior you dispelled any confusion as to your stupidity when you ignorantly stated that the Black Players are disrespecting veterans and America...LOL.
Shut your stupid ass up until you at least know why the players are rightfully kneeling.
Nobody is costing the players a fortune, they are getting paid as usual; which burns fake pussy patriots like you to no end.
These players aren't your house Negroes and they don't have to tap dance to your tune or at your time...
the protests were for criminals--some LIFE-long criminals--some were attacking the cops..ALL were resisting/danger to the cops
the players are protesting FOR criminals/criminality
why do the blacks LOVE criminals so much? I feel good when a criminal of any color is dead
Because the master liberal has called for it, that's why.
If being paid millions of dollars to throw a ball around is slavery, these players should do what slaves could never do. Walk away. Just walk away.
Tutorial for ignorant white conservative people that are too stupid to understand the First Amendment...

When the National Anthem is played you have a First Amendment Right to stand in recognition of the flag and/or anthem.

No one has the right to demand that you kneel or remain seated, this would be a violation of your free exercise of your First Amendment Right.
No one has a Right to demand that others stand for the flag or anthem, it is an American's First Amendment Right to remain seated, take a knee or stick their fingers in their ears, it's their Right.

Wrong. If that Anthem is being played as part of an NFL football game and you are employed by the NFL, you are bound by the contract you signed with the team and the NFL. If you disobey the rules you can be fired. You don't have to stand for the anthem, but you can be escorted from the stadium if you don't. If you are hired on by a company that makes you sign a document that says every morning you will say the pledge and you try to invoke your 1st amendment right to not say the pledge, you can be immediately fired. You can't say its a free speech violation, you gave up that free speech when you signed that employment contract. While working for your employer, you are bound by the employers rules. Don't like it, leave.

All the rules change when you're on the payroll of someone.
Tutorial for ignorant white conservative people that are too stupid to understand the First Amendment...

When the National Anthem is played you have a First Amendment Right to stand in recognition of the flag and/or anthem.

No one has the right to demand that you kneel or remain seated, this would be a violation of your free exercise of your First Amendment Right.
No one has a Right to demand that others stand for the flag or anthem, it is an American's First Amendment Right to remain seated, take a knee or stick their fingers in their ears, it's their Right.

The power of the First Amendment is that it protects free speech of all viewpoints. You don't have to approve of another's method of acknowledgement of the flag and they do not have to approve of yours.

You both have an equal Right to your personal manner of conduct.

Black Slaves were never afforded Civil Rights and now you have a white man attempting to tell Players that are majority Black that they have no right to exercise their First Amendment Rights prior to performing the duties they are paid to perform.
NFL Players aren't paid to be political props for the government.

The First Amendment protects them from the Government, not their employers.
I mean someone could claim its a free speech violation that an employee at Wal Mart isn't allowed to wear a bra and thong panties to work. After all, they have a right to wear that as "free speech." However, Wal Mart's rules state you must wear your company issued uniform while on the clock. If you don't like it, quit, but don't sign employment contracts and then don't follow them.
Tutorial for ignorant white conservative people that are too stupid to understand the First Amendment...

When the National Anthem is played you have a First Amendment Right to stand in recognition of the flag and/or anthem.

No one has the right to demand that you kneel or remain seated, this would be a violation of your free exercise of your First Amendment Right.
No one has a Right to demand that others stand for the flag or anthem, it is an American's First Amendment Right to remain seated, take a knee or stick their fingers in their ears, it's their Right.

Wrong. If that Anthem is being played as part of an NFL football game and you are employed by the NFL, you are bound by the contract you signed with the team and the NFL. If you disobey the rules you can be fired. You don't have to stand for the anthem, but you can be escorted from the stadium if you don't. If you are hired on by a company that makes you sign a document that says every morning you will say the pledge and you try to invoke your 1st amendment right to not say the pledge, you can be immediately fired. You can't say its a free speech violation, you gave up that free speech when you signed that employment contract. While working for your employer, you are bound by the employers rules. Don't like it, leave.

All the rules change when you're on the payroll of someone.
Wrong...please post one link where an NFL Player's contract states that he MUST stand for the one link where the NFL Association mandates players MUST stand for the anthem.
Don't waste my time because you can't.
Again...if you choose to be offended by someone else's free expression of the First Amend, you are part of the problem.
We don't protest with your permission and your blessing of time and place.
Tutorial for ignorant white conservative people that are too stupid to understand the First Amendment...

When the National Anthem is played you have a First Amendment Right to stand in recognition of the flag and/or anthem.

No one has the right to demand that you kneel or remain seated, this would be a violation of your free exercise of your First Amendment Right.
No one has a Right to demand that others stand for the flag or anthem, it is an American's First Amendment Right to remain seated, take a knee or stick their fingers in their ears, it's their Right.

The power of the First Amendment is that it protects free speech of all viewpoints. You don't have to approve of another's method of acknowledgement of the flag and they do not have to approve of yours.

You both have an equal Right to your personal manner of conduct.

Black Slaves were never afforded Civil Rights and now you have a white man attempting to tell Players that are majority Black that they have no right to exercise their First Amendment Rights prior to performing the duties they are paid to perform.
NFL Players aren't paid to be political props for the government.
Shut up and shine my shoes, boy.
We both know how awful the ass whooping you would receive if you ever said that to someone's face..
I'll chalk it up to unreleased rage from your tiki torch march failure.
Tutorial for ignorant white conservative people that are too stupid to understand the First Amendment...

When the National Anthem is played you have a First Amendment Right to stand in recognition of the flag and/or anthem.

No one has the right to demand that you kneel or remain seated, this would be a violation of your free exercise of your First Amendment Right.
No one has a Right to demand that others stand for the flag or anthem, it is an American's First Amendment Right to remain seated, take a knee or stick their fingers in their ears, it's their Right.

The power of the First Amendment is that it protects free speech of all viewpoints. You don't have to approve of another's method of acknowledgement of the flag and they do not have to approve of yours.

You both have an equal Right to your personal manner of conduct.

Black Slaves were never afforded Civil Rights and now you have a white man attempting to tell Players that are majority Black that they have no right to exercise their First Amendment Rights prior to performing the duties they are paid to perform.
NFL Players aren't paid to be political props for the government.
Your employer has every right to expect certain behavior from an employee. If that employee refuses they can be fired. You being racist it's clear that YOU are the one that has no understanding of rights. Now you go ahead and spew your racist bullshit, as you are an example of how the left is destroying freedom. You define rights as what ever you want them to mean..
I understand that it upsets you to see Black players exercising their First Amendment Rights in a manner YOU PERSONALLY don't approve
Guess don't have to approve of their manner of exercise, you don't get to choose for them, they don't have to agree with your "opinion."
You are an example of what happens when the populace is too stupid to understand the Constitution...
You are an example of how Nazism and dictators get a foothold in destroying Democracy...
Go give a Nazi Salute to the mirror, you need practice for the time when we live in the type of country you advocate for...
No you don't understand. You make everything about race because you are too stupid to know better. Screw the black players. Why not just call them the players? Or is it because the black players are mostly the only ones doing this crap? You see, the players have every right to disrespect America and it's veterans while on the field if it's ok with their employers. You know, employees are expected to obey certain rules while at work. Now if they want to do it in their off time, the employers have nothing to say about it as long as they aren't wearing a team uniform drawing attention the the owners. And then the people who see this disrespect for what it is have every right to boycott them and cost them a fortune like we are doing! So if you can't understand that I have every right you protest a protest, maybe you're too stupid to be in this discussion, because it's a two way street. And that just eats the left wing bed wetters asses alive!
Well Mr. couch potato warrior you dispelled any confusion as to your stupidity when you ignorantly stated that the Black Players are disrespecting veterans and America...LOL.
Shut your stupid ass up until you at least know why the players are rightfully kneeling.
Nobody is costing the players a fortune, they are getting paid as usual; which burns fake pussy patriots like you to no end.
These players aren't your house Negroes and they don't have to tap dance to your tune or at your time...
the protests were for criminals--some LIFE-long criminals--some were attacking the cops..ALL were resisting/danger to the cops
the players are protesting FOR criminals/criminality
why do the blacks LOVE criminals so much? I feel good when a criminal of any color is dead
Why do some whites love lies and so stupidly accept them as fact??? now we have trump lies about the flags and soldiers and then your bullshit that it's all about
The only people that believe such ignorance are the ignorant.
Tutorial for ignorant white conservative people that are too stupid to understand the First Amendment...

When the National Anthem is played you have a First Amendment Right to stand in recognition of the flag and/or anthem.

No one has the right to demand that you kneel or remain seated, this would be a violation of your free exercise of your First Amendment Right.
No one has a Right to demand that others stand for the flag or anthem, it is an American's First Amendment Right to remain seated, take a knee or stick their fingers in their ears, it's their Right.

The power of the First Amendment is that it protects free speech of all viewpoints. You don't have to approve of another's method of acknowledgement of the flag and they do not have to approve of yours.

You both have an equal Right to your personal manner of conduct.

Black Slaves were never afforded Civil Rights and now you have a white man attempting to tell Players that are majority Black that they have no right to exercise their First Amendment Rights prior to performing the duties they are paid to perform.
NFL Players aren't paid to be political props for the government.
Your employer has every right to expect certain behavior from an employee. If that employee refuses they can be fired. You being racist it's clear that YOU are the one that has no understanding of rights. Now you go ahead and spew your racist bullshit, as you are an example of how the left is destroying freedom. You define rights as what ever you want them to mean..
I understand that it upsets you to see Black players exercising their First Amendment Rights in a manner YOU PERSONALLY don't approve
Guess don't have to approve of their manner of exercise, you don't get to choose for them, they don't have to agree with your "opinion."
You are an example of what happens when the populace is too stupid to understand the Constitution...
You are an example of how Nazism and dictators get a foothold in destroying Democracy...
Go give a Nazi Salute to the mirror, you need practice for the time when we live in the type of country you advocate for...
No you don't understand. You make everything about race because you are too stupid to know better. Screw the black players. Why not just call them the players? Or is it because the black players are mostly the only ones doing this crap? You see, the players have every right to disrespect America and it's veterans while on the field if it's ok with their employers. You know, employees are expected to obey certain rules while at work. Now if they want to do it in their off time, the employers have nothing to say about it as long as they aren't wearing a team uniform drawing attention the the owners. And then the people who see this disrespect for what it is have every right to boycott them and cost them a fortune like we are doing! So if you can't understand that I have every right you protest a protest, maybe you're too stupid to be in this discussion, because it's a two way street. And that just eats the left wing bed wetters asses alive!
Well Mr. couch potato warrior you dispelled any confusion as to your stupidity when you ignorantly stated that the Black Players are disrespecting veterans and America...LOL.
Shut your stupid ass up until you at least know why the players are rightfully kneeling.
Nobody is costing the players a fortune, they are getting paid as usual; which burns fake pussy patriots like you to no end.
These players aren't your house Negroes and they don't have to tap dance to your tune or at your time...
LOL! The players are costing the owners a fortune, and they are disrespecting The country and it's service men and women, and we put a stop to it. Take 'em all back to Africa if you don't like it.
The players are getting their paychecks and exercising their First Amendment Right...they don't care about your faux indignation.
If you don't like it go back to Europe ...
Your employer has every right to expect certain behavior from an employee. If that employee refuses they can be fired. You being racist it's clear that YOU are the one that has no understanding of rights. Now you go ahead and spew your racist bullshit, as you are an example of how the left is destroying freedom. You define rights as what ever you want them to mean..
I understand that it upsets you to see Black players exercising their First Amendment Rights in a manner YOU PERSONALLY don't approve
Guess don't have to approve of their manner of exercise, you don't get to choose for them, they don't have to agree with your "opinion."
You are an example of what happens when the populace is too stupid to understand the Constitution...
You are an example of how Nazism and dictators get a foothold in destroying Democracy...
Go give a Nazi Salute to the mirror, you need practice for the time when we live in the type of country you advocate for...
No you don't understand. You make everything about race because you are too stupid to know better. Screw the black players. Why not just call them the players? Or is it because the black players are mostly the only ones doing this crap? You see, the players have every right to disrespect America and it's veterans while on the field if it's ok with their employers. You know, employees are expected to obey certain rules while at work. Now if they want to do it in their off time, the employers have nothing to say about it as long as they aren't wearing a team uniform drawing attention the the owners. And then the people who see this disrespect for what it is have every right to boycott them and cost them a fortune like we are doing! So if you can't understand that I have every right you protest a protest, maybe you're too stupid to be in this discussion, because it's a two way street. And that just eats the left wing bed wetters asses alive!
Well Mr. couch potato warrior you dispelled any confusion as to your stupidity when you ignorantly stated that the Black Players are disrespecting veterans and America...LOL.
Shut your stupid ass up until you at least know why the players are rightfully kneeling.
Nobody is costing the players a fortune, they are getting paid as usual; which burns fake pussy patriots like you to no end.
These players aren't your house Negroes and they don't have to tap dance to your tune or at your time...
LOL! The players are costing the owners a fortune, and they are disrespecting The country and it's service men and women, and we put a stop to it. Take 'em all back to Africa if you don't like it.
The players are getting their paychecks and exercising their First Amendment Right...they don't care about your faux indignation.
If you don't like it go back to Europe ...
Fuck you, we will send their black asses to Liberia and then replace them with more pavement apes that play sportsball. These groids are not irreplaceable.
I understand that it upsets you to see Black players exercising their First Amendment Rights in a manner YOU PERSONALLY don't approve
Guess don't have to approve of their manner of exercise, you don't get to choose for them, they don't have to agree with your "opinion."
You are an example of what happens when the populace is too stupid to understand the Constitution...
You are an example of how Nazism and dictators get a foothold in destroying Democracy...
Go give a Nazi Salute to the mirror, you need practice for the time when we live in the type of country you advocate for...
No you don't understand. You make everything about race because you are too stupid to know better. Screw the black players. Why not just call them the players? Or is it because the black players are mostly the only ones doing this crap? You see, the players have every right to disrespect America and it's veterans while on the field if it's ok with their employers. You know, employees are expected to obey certain rules while at work. Now if they want to do it in their off time, the employers have nothing to say about it as long as they aren't wearing a team uniform drawing attention the the owners. And then the people who see this disrespect for what it is have every right to boycott them and cost them a fortune like we are doing! So if you can't understand that I have every right you protest a protest, maybe you're too stupid to be in this discussion, because it's a two way street. And that just eats the left wing bed wetters asses alive!
Well Mr. couch potato warrior you dispelled any confusion as to your stupidity when you ignorantly stated that the Black Players are disrespecting veterans and America...LOL.
Shut your stupid ass up until you at least know why the players are rightfully kneeling.
Nobody is costing the players a fortune, they are getting paid as usual; which burns fake pussy patriots like you to no end.
These players aren't your house Negroes and they don't have to tap dance to your tune or at your time...
LOL! The players are costing the owners a fortune, and they are disrespecting The country and it's service men and women, and we put a stop to it. Take 'em all back to Africa if you don't like it.
The players are getting their paychecks and exercising their First Amendment Right...they don't care about your faux indignation.
If you don't like it go back to Europe ...
Fuck you, we will send their black asses to Liberia and then replace them with more pavement apes that play sportsball. These groids are not irreplaceable.
Fuck me???...why would you try to replace your loved ones???
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