Espn commentator says jerry Jones is acting like a slave owner

Tutorial for ignorant white conservative people that are too stupid to understand the First Amendment...

When the National Anthem is played you have a First Amendment Right to stand in recognition of the flag and/or anthem.

No one has the right to demand that you kneel or remain seated, this would be a violation of your free exercise of your First Amendment Right.
No one has a Right to demand that others stand for the flag or anthem, it is an American's First Amendment Right to remain seated, take a knee or stick their fingers in their ears, it's their Right.

The power of the First Amendment is that it protects free speech of all viewpoints. You don't have to approve of another's method of acknowledgement of the flag and they do not have to approve of yours.

You both have an equal Right to your personal manner of conduct.

Black Slaves were never afforded Civil Rights and now you have a white man attempting to tell Players that are majority Black that they have no right to exercise their First Amendment Rights prior to performing the duties they are paid to perform.
NFL Players aren't paid to be political props for the government.
Shut up and shine my shoes, boy.
We both know how awful the ass whooping you would receive if you ever said that to someone's face..
I'll chalk it up to unreleased rage from your tiki torch march failure.
Lmao! I grew up around groids. They're pussies one on one. All dance, no real power in their punches.
No you don't understand. You make everything about race because you are too stupid to know better. Screw the black players. Why not just call them the players? Or is it because the black players are mostly the only ones doing this crap? You see, the players have every right to disrespect America and it's veterans while on the field if it's ok with their employers. You know, employees are expected to obey certain rules while at work. Now if they want to do it in their off time, the employers have nothing to say about it as long as they aren't wearing a team uniform drawing attention the the owners. And then the people who see this disrespect for what it is have every right to boycott them and cost them a fortune like we are doing! So if you can't understand that I have every right you protest a protest, maybe you're too stupid to be in this discussion, because it's a two way street. And that just eats the left wing bed wetters asses alive!
Well Mr. couch potato warrior you dispelled any confusion as to your stupidity when you ignorantly stated that the Black Players are disrespecting veterans and America...LOL.
Shut your stupid ass up until you at least know why the players are rightfully kneeling.
Nobody is costing the players a fortune, they are getting paid as usual; which burns fake pussy patriots like you to no end.
These players aren't your house Negroes and they don't have to tap dance to your tune or at your time...
LOL! The players are costing the owners a fortune, and they are disrespecting The country and it's service men and women, and we put a stop to it. Take 'em all back to Africa if you don't like it.
The players are getting their paychecks and exercising their First Amendment Right...they don't care about your faux indignation.
If you don't like it go back to Europe ...
Fuck you, we will send their black asses to Liberia and then replace them with more pavement apes that play sportsball. These groids are not irreplaceable.
Fuck me???...why would you try to replace your mother???
Better watch it, a mod sees that comment and you'll catch a ban.
Tutorial for ignorant white conservative people that are too stupid to understand the First Amendment...

When the National Anthem is played you have a First Amendment Right to stand in recognition of the flag and/or anthem.

No one has the right to demand that you kneel or remain seated, this would be a violation of your free exercise of your First Amendment Right.
No one has a Right to demand that others stand for the flag or anthem, it is an American's First Amendment Right to remain seated, take a knee or stick their fingers in their ears, it's their Right.

The power of the First Amendment is that it protects free speech of all viewpoints. You don't have to approve of another's method of acknowledgement of the flag and they do not have to approve of yours.

You both have an equal Right to your personal manner of conduct.

Black Slaves were never afforded Civil Rights and now you have a white man attempting to tell Players that are majority Black that they have no right to exercise their First Amendment Rights prior to performing the duties they are paid to perform.
NFL Players aren't paid to be political props for the government.
Shut up and shine my shoes, boy.
We both know how awful the ass whooping you would receive if you ever said that to someone's face..
I'll chalk it up to unreleased rage from your tiki torch march failure.
Lmao! I grew up around groids. They're pussies one on one. All dance, no real power in their punches.
Yeah right...
Well Mr. couch potato warrior you dispelled any confusion as to your stupidity when you ignorantly stated that the Black Players are disrespecting veterans and America...LOL.
Shut your stupid ass up until you at least know why the players are rightfully kneeling.
Nobody is costing the players a fortune, they are getting paid as usual; which burns fake pussy patriots like you to no end.
These players aren't your house Negroes and they don't have to tap dance to your tune or at your time...
LOL! The players are costing the owners a fortune, and they are disrespecting The country and it's service men and women, and we put a stop to it. Take 'em all back to Africa if you don't like it.
The players are getting their paychecks and exercising their First Amendment Right...they don't care about your faux indignation.
If you don't like it go back to Europe ...
Fuck you, we will send their black asses to Liberia and then replace them with more pavement apes that play sportsball. These groids are not irreplaceable.
Fuck me???...why would you try to replace your mother???
Better watch it, a mod sees that comment and you'll catch a ban.
Yeah you would go whining like a little bitch, so let me rephrase..

Why are you trying to replace your loved ones...they like to fuck...
Tutorial for ignorant white conservative people that are too stupid to understand the First Amendment...

When the National Anthem is played you have a First Amendment Right to stand in recognition of the flag and/or anthem.

No one has the right to demand that you kneel or remain seated, this would be a violation of your free exercise of your First Amendment Right.
No one has a Right to demand that others stand for the flag or anthem, it is an American's First Amendment Right to remain seated, take a knee or stick their fingers in their ears, it's their Right.

The power of the First Amendment is that it protects free speech of all viewpoints. You don't have to approve of another's method of acknowledgement of the flag and they do not have to approve of yours.

You both have an equal Right to your personal manner of conduct.

Black Slaves were never afforded Civil Rights and now you have a white man attempting to tell Players that are majority Black that they have no right to exercise their First Amendment Rights prior to performing the duties they are paid to perform.
NFL Players aren't paid to be political props for the government.
Shut up and shine my shoes, boy.
We both know how awful the ass whooping you would receive if you ever said that to someone's face..
I'll chalk it up to unreleased rage from your tiki torch march failure.
Lmao! I grew up around groids. They're pussies one on one. All dance, no real power in their punches.
Yeah right...
You're scared of blacks, I'm not. Which should tell you which of us actually grew up around them. They aren't shit without 6 buddies or weapons 9 times out of 10.
LOL! The players are costing the owners a fortune, and they are disrespecting The country and it's service men and women, and we put a stop to it. Take 'em all back to Africa if you don't like it.
The players are getting their paychecks and exercising their First Amendment Right...they don't care about your faux indignation.
If you don't like it go back to Europe ...
Fuck you, we will send their black asses to Liberia and then replace them with more pavement apes that play sportsball. These groids are not irreplaceable.
Fuck me???...why would you try to replace your mother???
Better watch it, a mod sees that comment and you'll catch a ban.
Yeah you would go whining like a little bitch, so let me rephrase..

Why are you trying to replace your loved ones...they like to fuck...
Haha, no I don't care. I talk shit and I expect it back. But I am also mod-bait. They follow me around on here. I was just trying to help you out.
Tutorial for ignorant white conservative people that are too stupid to understand the First Amendment...

When the National Anthem is played you have a First Amendment Right to stand in recognition of the flag and/or anthem.

No one has the right to demand that you kneel or remain seated, this would be a violation of your free exercise of your First Amendment Right.
No one has a Right to demand that others stand for the flag or anthem, it is an American's First Amendment Right to remain seated, take a knee or stick their fingers in their ears, it's their Right.

The power of the First Amendment is that it protects free speech of all viewpoints. You don't have to approve of another's method of acknowledgement of the flag and they do not have to approve of yours.

You both have an equal Right to your personal manner of conduct.

Black Slaves were never afforded Civil Rights and now you have a white man attempting to tell Players that are majority Black that they have no right to exercise their First Amendment Rights prior to performing the duties they are paid to perform.
NFL Players aren't paid to be political props for the government.
Shut up and shine my shoes, boy.
We both know how awful the ass whooping you would receive if you ever said that to someone's face..
I'll chalk it up to unreleased rage from your tiki torch march failure.
Lmao! I grew up around groids. They're pussies one on one. All dance, no real power in their punches.
Yeah right...
You're scared of blacks, I'm not. Which should tell you which of us actually grew up around them. They aren't shit without 6 buddies or weapons 9 times out of 10.
ok dude...go to bed now and dream of new fantasies...
Shut up and shine my shoes, boy.
We both know how awful the ass whooping you would receive if you ever said that to someone's face..
I'll chalk it up to unreleased rage from your tiki torch march failure.
Lmao! I grew up around groids. They're pussies one on one. All dance, no real power in their punches.
Yeah right...
You're scared of blacks, I'm not. Which should tell you which of us actually grew up around them. They aren't shit without 6 buddies or weapons 9 times out of 10.
ok dude...go to bed now and dream of new fantasies...
You think blacks are the toughest people on earth I bet. They make you quake in your high heels when they walk by you in groups, don't they?

Oh yeah, I know you're type. I also know plenty of pussy white boys like you.
We both know how awful the ass whooping you would receive if you ever said that to someone's face..
I'll chalk it up to unreleased rage from your tiki torch march failure.
Lmao! I grew up around groids. They're pussies one on one. All dance, no real power in their punches.
Yeah right...
You're scared of blacks, I'm not. Which should tell you which of us actually grew up around them. They aren't shit without 6 buddies or weapons 9 times out of 10.
ok dude...go to bed now and dream of new fantasies...
You think blacks are the toughest people on earth I bet. They make you quake in your high heels when they walk by you in groups, don't they?

Oh yeah, I know you're type. I also know plenty of pussy white boys like you.
lol...ok chuck Norris...
Tutorial for ignorant white conservative people that are too stupid to understand the First Amendment...

When the National Anthem is played you have a First Amendment Right to stand in recognition of the flag and/or anthem.

No one has the right to demand that you kneel or remain seated, this would be a violation of your free exercise of your First Amendment Right.
No one has a Right to demand that others stand for the flag or anthem, it is an American's First Amendment Right to remain seated, take a knee or stick their fingers in their ears, it's their Right.

The power of the First Amendment is that it protects free speech of all viewpoints. You don't have to approve of another's method of acknowledgement of the flag and they do not have to approve of yours.

You both have an equal Right to your personal manner of conduct.

Black Slaves were never afforded Civil Rights and now you have a white man attempting to tell Players that are majority Black that they have no right to exercise their First Amendment Rights prior to performing the duties they are paid to perform.
NFL Players aren't paid to be political props for the government.
Part of their "duties" is to stand for the national anthem before each's not something's something that's been expected of players for decades! I played hockey...we stood on our respective blue lines and listened to both the US anthem and the Canadian anthem at most of our games. This was never a black - white thing until racists like you decided to MAKE it a racist thing!
Bottom line is this...the players have a right to protest on their own time. I have the right to stop watching the NFL if they continue to disrespect a flag that I admire. The reason that the NFL is trying to "fix" this public relations disaster is that the owners have just figured out that this nonsense could drive away a large chunk of their fan base...a fan base that makes them and the players fabulously rich!

Too bad they weren't smart enough to see this coming...
Lmao! I grew up around groids. They're pussies one on one. All dance, no real power in their punches.
Yeah right...
You're scared of blacks, I'm not. Which should tell you which of us actually grew up around them. They aren't shit without 6 buddies or weapons 9 times out of 10.
ok dude...go to bed now and dream of new fantasies...
You think blacks are the toughest people on earth I bet. They make you quake in your high heels when they walk by you in groups, don't they?

Oh yeah, I know you're type. I also know plenty of pussy white boys like you.
lol...ok chuck Norris...
You don't even have to be Chick Norris to whoop a black man's ass, just don't show fear and let him land one. Laugh in his face...he will either run away or catch the calculated right hook power punch he didn't see coming when he landed his soft ass jab.
By the way...ESPN is well on the way to killing their OWN goose that laid the golden egg because they've decided that politicizing sports is what they need to do...and people are tuning out in DROVES!
Yeah right...
You're scared of blacks, I'm not. Which should tell you which of us actually grew up around them. They aren't shit without 6 buddies or weapons 9 times out of 10.
ok dude...go to bed now and dream of new fantasies...
You think blacks are the toughest people on earth I bet. They make you quake in your high heels when they walk by you in groups, don't they?

Oh yeah, I know you're type. I also know plenty of pussy white boys like you.
lol...ok chuck Norris...
You don't even have to be Chick Norris to whoop a black man's ass, just don't show fear and let him land one. Laugh in his face...he will either run away or catch the calculated right hook power punch he didn't see coming when he landed his soft ass jab.

Ah, I used to live in Dorchester, Ma...OOM and the black folks THERE were anything but "soft"! I get a kick out of you internet tough guys...
You're scared of blacks, I'm not. Which should tell you which of us actually grew up around them. They aren't shit without 6 buddies or weapons 9 times out of 10.
ok dude...go to bed now and dream of new fantasies...
You think blacks are the toughest people on earth I bet. They make you quake in your high heels when they walk by you in groups, don't they?

Oh yeah, I know you're type. I also know plenty of pussy white boys like you.
lol...ok chuck Norris...
You don't even have to be Chick Norris to whoop a black man's ass, just don't show fear and let him land one. Laugh in his face...he will either run away or catch the calculated right hook power punch he didn't see coming when he landed his soft ass jab.

Ah, I used to live in Dorchester, Ma...OOM and the black folks THERE were anything but "soft"! I get a kick out of you internet tough guys...
They are all dance, no substance...9 times out of 10. I was best friends with the baddest groids because I held my own. And I guarantee Dorchester was weak compared to 1980's and early 90's South LA.
ok dude...go to bed now and dream of new fantasies...
You think blacks are the toughest people on earth I bet. They make you quake in your high heels when they walk by you in groups, don't they?

Oh yeah, I know you're type. I also know plenty of pussy white boys like you.
lol...ok chuck Norris...
You don't even have to be Chick Norris to whoop a black man's ass, just don't show fear and let him land one. Laugh in his face...he will either run away or catch the calculated right hook power punch he didn't see coming when he landed his soft ass jab.

Ah, I used to live in Dorchester, Ma...OOM and the black folks THERE were anything but "soft"! I get a kick out of you internet tough guys...
They are all dance, no substance...9 times out of 10. I was best friends with the baddest groids because I held my own. And I guarantee Dorchester was weak compared to 1980's and early 90's South LA.
You don't know much about Boston you? I wonder how tough you are when you're actually around black people?
You think blacks are the toughest people on earth I bet. They make you quake in your high heels when they walk by you in groups, don't they?

Oh yeah, I know you're type. I also know plenty of pussy white boys like you.
lol...ok chuck Norris...
You don't even have to be Chick Norris to whoop a black man's ass, just don't show fear and let him land one. Laugh in his face...he will either run away or catch the calculated right hook power punch he didn't see coming when he landed his soft ass jab.

Ah, I used to live in Dorchester, Ma...OOM and the black folks THERE were anything but "soft"! I get a kick out of you internet tough guys...
They are all dance, no substance...9 times out of 10. I was best friends with the baddest groids because I held my own. And I guarantee Dorchester was weak compared to 1980's and early 90's South LA.
You don't know much about Boston you? I wonder how tough you are when you're actually around black people?
Lol..again with another scared ass white boy that thinks blacks are scary.

I'm not scared of blacks in the slightest, why should I be? Because they're more likely to be thugs?
lol...ok chuck Norris...
You don't even have to be Chick Norris to whoop a black man's ass, just don't show fear and let him land one. Laugh in his face...he will either run away or catch the calculated right hook power punch he didn't see coming when he landed his soft ass jab.

Ah, I used to live in Dorchester, Ma...OOM and the black folks THERE were anything but "soft"! I get a kick out of you internet tough guys...
They are all dance, no substance...9 times out of 10. I was best friends with the baddest groids because I held my own. And I guarantee Dorchester was weak compared to 1980's and early 90's South LA.
You don't know much about Boston you? I wonder how tough you are when you're actually around black people?
Lol..again with another scared ass white boy that thinks blacks are scary.

I'm not scared of blacks in the slightest, why should I be? Because they're more likely to be thugs?

Scared ass white boy? I played hockey up through Juniors. I fought full contact PKA karate back in the 80's. Unlike you...I've had fights with black guys who were tough as hell! You're just another internet bad ass who would probably wet himself if someone dropped him off on Blue Hills Ave in Boston.
You don't even have to be Chick Norris to whoop a black man's ass, just don't show fear and let him land one. Laugh in his face...he will either run away or catch the calculated right hook power punch he didn't see coming when he landed his soft ass jab.

Ah, I used to live in Dorchester, Ma...OOM and the black folks THERE were anything but "soft"! I get a kick out of you internet tough guys...
They are all dance, no substance...9 times out of 10. I was best friends with the baddest groids because I held my own. And I guarantee Dorchester was weak compared to 1980's and early 90's South LA.
You don't know much about Boston you? I wonder how tough you are when you're actually around black people?
Lol..again with another scared ass white boy that thinks blacks are scary.

I'm not scared of blacks in the slightest, why should I be? Because they're more likely to be thugs?

Scared ass white boy? I played hockey up through Juniors. I fought full contact PKA karate back in the 80's. Unlike you...I've had fights with black guys who were tough as hell! You're just another internet bad ass who would probably wet himself if someone dropped him off on Blue Hills Ave in Boston.
Lol...karate. I never said there aren't any bad ass black dudes, I said 9 times out 10 they are more dance than power. Whites and latinos actually have stronger upper body strength on average than blacks by the way. Are you aware of that physiological fact?

I have known and know some bad ass blacks. I'm saying most are pussies one on one because that's my experience. I am not a small man, so that may also be why I don't see it how you do.

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