Eric Holder: Palin Wasn't a Good VP Candidate, Even Worse Judge of Who Should Be Impe

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You must be pretty young if you don't remember attorney general john mitchell, who went to prison. Then of course edwin meese, one of reagan's attorney generals, had to resign due to scandals. Hmm... All republicans.

And you must be pretty thick headed not to understand that back in those days, the newspapers did their jobs. These days left wing crooks like Holder can pretty much do whatever they please and get off Scott free.

They had the goods on mitchell as well as nixon including tapes. I see you deal in insults, not facts.

I'll call you out on Meese.

What dirty did you find on him? Do it or I will throw you against the USMB wall of shame.

You are now in my sights. I've got a bead on you. Tell me what Meese did.
Hold on I take my previous comment back. I disagree with him about the Redskins name. He should stfu about that.

Everything else... spot on :thup:

Why are you trying to copy vigilante with your avie? I find that offensive. Because if you want to start a rage think of what all conservatives can do on this board to mirror your left wing avies.

Do you want that call out? I think I can make that happen.

I noticed that, and Holder should keep individual names out the discussion.
You best check out Holders resume.

What's he ever been convicted of? You've tried him in the court of resume and found him guilty. Got it. I'm not one of holders fans either. Like Obama, he serves banks and corporations first.

So you have not investigated Holder. OK.

Apparently neither have you, if you're still insisting he had anything to do with Waco.

For one so full of bluster as yourself, you seem to make shit up a lot of the time.
Considering Eric Holder is one of the worst if not the worst Attorney General in my lifetime he might want to rethink telling other's what they are not good at.

You must be pretty young if you don't remember attorney general john mitchell, who went to prison. Then of course edwin meese, one of reagan's attorney generals, had to resign due to scandals. Hmm... All republicans.

I said one of the worst if not the worst funny how you missed that part.
Considering Eric Holder is one of the worst if not the worst Attorney General in my lifetime he might want to rethink telling other's what they are not good at.

You must be pretty young if you don't remember attorney general john mitchell, who went to prison. Then of course edwin meese, one of reagan's attorney generals, had to resign due to scandals. Hmm... All republicans.

And you must be pretty thick headed not to understand that back in those days, the newspapers did their jobs. These days left wing crooks like Holder can pretty much do whatever they please and get off Scott free.
I thought that when reporters did their job you wingnuts deride them as the "liberal media"?
Considering Eric Holder is one of the worst if not the worst Attorney General in my lifetime he might want to rethink telling other's what they are not good at.

Why is he the worst?

First I didn't say he was the worst I said he was one of the worst if not the worst the worst at anything is always a matter of opinion. He is one of the worst because every scandal that has hit this administration he has ignored, ducked, dodged, and stonewalled on.
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Palin was a dreadful VP candidate; there were republicans not voting for the GOP ticket in 2008 because of Palin.

And then as now, Palin has done nothing but to expose her comprehensive ignorance of the Constitution, its case law, the rule of law, and sound, appropriate governance in general.

Indeed, Palin has succeeded in only demonstrating herself to be a vacuous, tedious rightwing partisan hack.

Consequently, she's in no position of authority to speak as to the merits of 'impeaching' the president.

As with every other American she's at liberty to express her subjective opinion, which will be correctly received as an opinion devoid of value.

So again, the AG is absolutely correct in his assessment of Palin.
“For whatever reason, [some] Asked about calls by Sarah Palin to impeach Obama over the administration’s immigration policies, Holder said: “She wasn't a particularly good vice presidential candidate. She's an even worse judge of who ought to be impeached and why.”

Holder similarly dismissed calls for himself to be impeached for declining to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the IRS scandal. Holder insisted that a special prosecutor isn’t necessary, with “career people” and FBI agents “doing a good, professional job” investigating the matter.
This is coming from the guy who said some Bankers are too big to Prosecute.

Eric Holder Admits Some Banks Are Just Too Big To Prosecute
Considering Eric Holder is one of the worst if not the worst Attorney General in my lifetime he might want to rethink telling other's what they are not good at.

Why is he the worst?

Because he's a democrat, of course.

All democratic AGs are 'the worst.'

And the next democratic AG will be 'the worst.' And the one after that.
Palin was a dreadful VP candidate; there were republicans not voting for the GOP ticket in 2008 because of Palin.

And then as now, Palin has done nothing but to expose her comprehensive ignorance of the Constitution, its case law, the rule of law, and sound, appropriate governance in general.

Indeed, Palin has succeeded in only demonstrating herself to be a vacuous, tedious rightwing partisan hack.

Consequently, she's in no position of authority to speak as to the merits of 'impeaching' the president.

As with every other American she's at liberty to express her subjective opinion, which will be correctly received as an opinion devoid of value.

So again, the AG is absolutely correct in his assessment of Palin.

That Steadman look-alike is about as correct as you are - you poseur. He is a clown in a suit. Just as you are.

That badass LOVES to go after the Boy Scouts of America (latent Homo I guess) but he refuses to enforce any other "laws" unless it involves conservatives.

He's a bullshit thug. Just as you would love to be.
Palin was a dreadful VP candidate; there were republicans not voting for the GOP ticket in 2008 because of Palin.

And then as now, Palin has done nothing but to expose her comprehensive ignorance of the Constitution, its case law, the rule of law, and sound, appropriate governance in general.

Indeed, Palin has succeeded in only demonstrating herself to be a vacuous, tedious rightwing partisan hack.

Consequently, she's in no position of authority to speak as to the merits of 'impeaching' the president.

As with every other American she's at liberty to express her subjective opinion, which will be correctly received as an opinion devoid of value.

So again, the AG is absolutely correct in his assessment of Palin.

That Steadman look-alike is about as correct as you are - you poseur. He is a clown in a suit. Just as you are.

That badass LOVES to go after the Boy Scouts of America (latent Homo I guess) but he refuses to enforce any other "laws" unless it involves conservatives.

He's a bullshit thug. Just as you would love to be.

I don't agree with anything in this post except your observation that Holder looks like "Steadman".

But nevertheless, it's funny as shit. I owe you a rep.
Palin was a dreadful VP candidate; there were republicans not voting for the GOP ticket in 2008 because of Palin.

And then as now, Palin has done nothing but to expose her comprehensive ignorance of the Constitution, its case law, the rule of law, and sound, appropriate governance in general.

Indeed, Palin has succeeded in only demonstrating herself to be a vacuous, tedious rightwing partisan hack.

Consequently, she's in no position of authority to speak as to the merits of 'impeaching' the president.

As with every other American she's at liberty to express her subjective opinion, which will be correctly received as an opinion devoid of value.

So again, the AG is absolutely correct in his assessment of Palin.

That Steadman look-alike is about as correct as you are - you poseur. He is a clown in a suit. Just as you are.

That badass LOVES to go after the Boy Scouts of America (latent Homo I guess) but he refuses to enforce any other "laws" unless it involves conservatives.

He's a bullshit thug. Just as you would love to be.

I don't agree with anything in this post except your observation that Holder looks like "Steadman".

But nevertheless, it's funny as shit. I owe you a rep.

That's the "man's" best quality - he could be Oprah's "boyfriends" twin. Just about as worthless, too!
Considering Eric Holder is one of the worst if not the worst Attorney General in my lifetime he might want to rethink telling other's what they are not good at.

Why is he the worst?

First I didn't say he was the worst I said he was one of the worst if not the worst the worst at anything is always a matter of opinion. He is one of the worst because every scandal that has hit this administration he has ignored, ducked, dodged, and stonewalled on.

If Republicans need the help of a Democratic AG in order to prove their 'scandals', then they have no scandals.
Why is he the worst?

First I didn't say he was the worst I said he was one of the worst if not the worst the worst at anything is always a matter of opinion. He is one of the worst because every scandal that has hit this administration he has ignored, ducked, dodged, and stonewalled on.

If Republicans need the help of a Democratic AG in order to prove their 'scandals', then they have no scandals.

Give me a break. Holder is the Attorney General (supposedly) and he has been asked repeatedly by CONGRESS to investigate. What does he do? He stalls or he appoints an Obama campaign donor to "investigate" - and she hasn't been seen since.

You have probably forgotten this one salient point - but the Attorney General is SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT ALL AMERICANS. NOT JUST HIS BESTEST BUDDY OBARRY. HE IS NOT OBARRY'S LITTLE LAP DOG. Oh wait, yes he is. :cuckoo:

There is no doubt in anyone's mind that there has not been law breaking in the IRS, the VA, Benghazi, and the rest. However, if you can't get an impartial AG to do his damned job - then what do you have? Nazi Germany. Just like I have been saying for the last year.

Nazi Germany.

You might want to keep this in mind. When the republicans take over - and they will - you will no doubt experience a measure of pay back. Remember that when you are screaming like a little girl about how "evil" the republicans are. You and your party have it coming.
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