Equity vs Equality, what is the diff?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Don't feel bad if you don't know the difference, Bernie Sanders and the democrats don't seem to know either.

Say, is there a Biologist in the house that can define what they mean?

On a recent appearance on "Real Time with Bill Maher," Senator Bernie Sanders struggled to define the difference between equity and equality, before eventually stating that he sides with "equality" when prompted with the question by the host.

"I think this word 'equity' has come into the language in the last few years and, before that, we didn't hear it a lot. I think a lot of people hear 'equity' and they hear 'equality,' like it's the same word, and it's not the same word and the same concept," host Bill Maher explained.

"How would you differentiate between 'equity' and 'equality'?" Maher asked Sanders.

"Well, equality we talk about — I don’t know what the answer to that is," Sanders replied.

"'Equality' is equality of opportunity, we live in a society and we want all people to have —" Sanders continued before Maher interjected, saying, "Equity is, I think, is more guarantee of outcome, is it not?"

"I think so," Sanders answered

"So which side do you come down on?" Maher asked.

"Equality," the senator stated.

Responding to video of Sanders' remarks, Fox News host Greg Gutfeld called the senator's lack of distinction "intentional."

"They want to replace the word ‘equality’ with ‘equity,’ but with equality, everybody has the opportunity from below to excel. So the starting blocks are the same. Equity requires that everyone finish the same, you know, which means there has to be force from above to keep everybody down, which is absolute fascism," Gutfeld explained.

Sanders recently made headlines responding to presidential candidate Nikki Haley, who had proposed a competency test for politicians over 75 years old.

“We are fighting racism. We’re fighting sexism. We’re fighting homophobia. I think we should also be fighting ageism," said Sanders in response to the proposal.

Haley replied at a campaign rally, saying, “Bernie Sanders lost his mind because I asked for that [test]. He is exactly the reason we need it.”

The senator has also frequently criticized corporate media companies while making his rounds on several popular shows.

"I'm going to tell you something you won't hear about too much in the mainstream media. We have a corrupt political system in which billionaires through super PACs can buy elections in this country," Sanders said after an interview with Stephen Colbert.

On his Twitter account, Sanders also stated that people have been "told by the corporate media that the status quo is as good as it's ever going to get."
Outside of mathematics and reductionist scientific matters , equality is for blind and stupid people .Does not exist .

Even the idea that there is equality in the eyes of the law is idealistic nonsense . But a good goal .
Not even God and Baby Jesus believed in it -- see, my house has many mansions , and other Christian Cult mantras .

Equality of opportunity is another matter . An excellent aim but rarely achievable . But a highly desirable aim , imho.
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Equality means everyone gets the same shot.
Equity is discrimination.
you live in the american south, i live in lebanon. you get better quality concerts than i do, yet you don't usually go to them. i guess that means you're not taking advantage of your "White privilege"
Outside of mathematics and reductionist scientific matters , equality is for blind and stupid people .Does not exist .

Even the idea that there is equality in the eyes of the law is idealistic nonsense .
Not even God and Baby Jesus believed in it -- see, my house has many mansions and other Christian Cultist mantras .
Equality is a natural state. Equality is the foundation of liberty.
As always, Lefties try to win the debate by redefining and inventing new words. One might be inclined to forget it, but there is an agency in the Federal Government called the "Equal Employment Opportunity Commission." Like the NAACP, it is ALWAYS referred to by its initials because people are uncomfortable with the actual words.

There was a time when EQUAL OPPORTUNITY (now, I suppose that is "equality") was the gold standard of treatment for everybody, including the descendants of American enslaved people. Now, their self-appointed "leaders" want no part of equal opportunity, they want equality of results. Because they know that there is an entire generation of such people who have been raised to believe that they don't have to work hard to be as good as their competitors; they are entitled to an equal result regardless of their actual merit or qualifications. And lacking that equal result, they are "victims" of discrimination, oppression, or whatever.

When rational people are queried, they always prefer INEQUALITY that is the result of fairness, as contrasted with EQUALITY that is the result of unfairness. Even POC's.

But their leaders don't believe it.
Kamala gave a different definition, though i was confused by what she said

If you listen and eat the word salad, known as Kamala Harris, you will only get nauseous and more confused.

Kamala is the perfect illustration of what the Swamp really is. Republicans hate her, and she was the first one voted out of the Democrat race for President, so even they did not like her.

Now she is a heartbeat away from being President.
Kamala gave a different definition, though i was confused by what she said

Everyone has the same capacity?
What kind of dim witted bimbo believes that?

She's brings down the IQ in any room she enters & is less than useless on her feet.

She needs to stick to her specialties- pole squatting & knob polishing

"Equality" means that everyone was given the same opportunity.

"Equity" means everyone demands the same outcome, regardless of the amount to time and effort they are willing to put into using their opportunities to best effect.

Equity means why try?

Equity means excellence no longer exists is America.

Equity means you no longer have the right to demand that the doctor who sees you in the ER needs to be the best doctor that the hospital could hire. It means that doctor has the right to attempt to practice medicine on you based on their skin pigment, rather than their skill.

Done. That's over and done.

I now get my medical care from a VietNam Veteran Army medic who knows so fucking much more about medicine than any doctor who works at the hospital.

I get great medical care. Cheaper too.

Equity is looting other people's paychecks instead of working for what you want.

DEI - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion - it's a foundation principle of the Biden Admin, and you can now find it at just about every major US corporation.

Diversity - it's "acceptable discrimination" based upon DNA, not merit, ability, or qualifications.

Equity - equal outcomes. Basically, reparations.

Inclusion - all are welcome, as long as you think like we do.

From the US side, it's all about getting votes for Democrats. Our foreign adversaries also fund groups which propel these initiatives, as they know it will weaken the US and make us less competitive. To achieve the goals of these initiative, we have to lower our standards.

These lower standards will absolutely result in disasters when they are applied to things like airline pilots, air traffic controllers, nuclear power plant operators, civil engineers who design bridges and buildings, doctors, and just about everything else that matters.

Equality to me is the idea that every individual regardless of their circumstances should be treated equally and without discrimination, i.e., equal opportunity in the marketplace and equal under the law. It is a noble idea that has never been realized in human history, but ought to be worked for to the benefit of all of society.

Equity however is the opposite, every individual should be treated differently according to their circumstances, discriminating as necessary. I recall the state of California some 20 years ago passing a law that said no one could be discriminated against, and then in 2020 they tried to repeal that law so they could indeed discriminate against some people to the advantage of others, apparently without legal consequence. A person's effort and abilities would take a back seat to their group identity, in effect squelching motivation and creativity.

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