Enslaved Africans Showed Whites How To Inoculate Against Small Pox

That's why I support slavery. It cures diseases.
Not much of a link there, Leroy.
interesting story, however the chinese were doing it by 1000 BC

and various forms of it occurred throughout history.

wonder why a slave would want to save people that would own him?
Interesting tidbit in US history regarding the medical knowledge owned by enslaved Africans. Just another one of those things that are omitted in US history books.

How an African slave helped Boston fight smallpox - The Boston Globe
And they say we don't need black history month.
you don't

been around for over a decade and this has yet to be mentioned.

Asc found it on his own w/o the help of forced observation.
A smart person helped him.
wonder why a slave would want to save people that would own him?
I guess that they considered doing nothing to help save people from death as a more worse act compared to a person being "owned". Owning a person is bad yes, but it isn't like letting a person kick the bucket either.

God bless you always!!!

interesting story, however the chinese were doing it by 1000 BC

and various forms of it occurred throughout history.

wonder why a slave would want to save people that would own him?

The chinese didnt teach whites to do it though. A Black person did. I never said they were the first to do it but they were the first to use tetracycline.

Black people are more giving than other races evidently. They freely educated whites more than once on many different subjects.
Ummmm, that article says it was shown to Europeans in the Americas in 1721. As early as 1700 British missionaries returning from China had written reports about the practice and people trading with the Turks had seen the practice. It wasn't completely unknown to whites before chattel slavery
interesting story, however the chinese were doing it by 1000 BC

and various forms of it occurred throughout history.

wonder why a slave would want to save people that would own him?

Maybe because small pox wasnt a thing that only went after slave masters and skipped slaves :dunno:
interesting story, however the chinese were doing it by 1000 BC

and various forms of it occurred throughout history.

wonder why a slave would want to save people that would own him?

Maybe because small pox wasnt a thing that only went after slave masters and skipped slaves :dunno:
but they could have just helped each other and let the owners die
interesting story, however the chinese were doing it by 1000 BC

and various forms of it occurred throughout history.

wonder why a slave would want to save people that would own him?

Maybe because small pox wasnt a thing that only went after slave masters and skipped slaves :dunno:
but they could have just helped each other and let the owners die

Yeah but blacks are kind hearted...until they learned to be more ruthless like whites
interesting story, however the chinese were doing it by 1000 BC

and various forms of it occurred throughout history.

wonder why a slave would want to save people that would own him?

Maybe because small pox wasnt a thing that only went after slave masters and skipped slaves :dunno:
but they could have just helped each other and let the owners die

Yeah but blacks are kind hearted...until they learned to be more ruthless like whites
Why would you make something like that up?

seriously, that's just plain racist ignorance.
So the lesson here is that blacks all became imbeciles when slavery was outlawed.
interesting story, however the chinese were doing it by 1000 BC

and various forms of it occurred throughout history.

wonder why a slave would want to save people that would own him?

Blacks were big fans of slavery; they invented it, like they invented everything else. The freed slaves that founded Liberia set up plantations and enslaved the locals, getting back to their original roots. Wonder why they don't take credit for that?
Smallpox inoculation was being used in England before this; it wasn't 'learned from black slaves', they were inoculated by slave owners before being sold or picked it up from whites.
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