Ending " white supremacy" requires erasue of Washington and Jefferson says ANTIFA supporter


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The Green Party’s vice-presidential candidate in 2016 says the public’s memory of Gen. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson must be erased to help end “White Supremacy” in the United States.



Look you dunces who do not see what is happening to this Country stripping away what America was built upon proves the next thing will be stripping us of our rights , because we won't be America we will become what other nations have become a " COMMUNIST NATION" and no it's not because there are not statues , it is the first stages of our nation sinking under.

“Yes Trump, Jefferson & Washington must be next.”
And it's another of Mindwars' Alex-Jones-parroting threads. He's a diligent parrot, you have to give him that.

What we learn from it is that Trumpflake wuss-thugs have been successfully trained by their masters to wet themselves on command. No matter how stupid the propaganda is, they still believe it instantly, and wet themselves instantly. That's why the world laughs at them. There's not a functioning brain cell or testicle to be found in the lot of 'em combined.

Get off your knees, Trumpflakes. That's no place for free men to be.
This isn't going to end well.

Either you stand for AMERICA, or the rabble Communists.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Good.......go.....go...go!! This shit needs to come to a head. The sooner the better. The pushback by white guys who love America is going to be fucking ePiC s0ns!!!:spinner:

The America those white guys love it too much like the Nazi Germany their white supremacists loved.
And it's another of Mindwars' Alex-Jones-parroting threads. He's a diligent parrot, you have to give him that.

What we learn from it is that Trumpflake wuss-thugs have been successfully trained by their masters to wet themselves on command. No matter how stupid the propaganda is, they still believe it instantly, and wet themselves instantly. That's why the world laughs at them. There's not a functioning brain cell or testicle to be found in the lot of 'em combined.

Get off your knees, Trumpflakes. That's no place for free men to be.

lol..........says the guy who if this comes to his door, he'll just send out his cat!!:rock::rock:
Good.......go.....go...go!! This shit needs to come to a head. The sooner the better. The pushback by white guys who love America is going to be fucking ePiC s0ns!!!:spinner:

The America those white guys love it too much like the Nazi Germany their white supremacists loved.

s0n.........let me tell you something.......if you want to equivocate white nationalists with white supremicists, I highly recommend you go out and ammo up!! Do you understand what that means s0n?
Good.......go.....go...go!! This shit needs to come to a head. The sooner the better. The pushback by white guys who love America is going to be fucking ePiC s0ns!!!:spinner:

The America those white guys love it too much like the Nazi Germany their white supremacists loved.

s0n.........let me tell you something.......if you want to equivocate white nationalists with white supremicists, I highly recommend you go out and ammo up!! Do you understand what that means s0n?

check the definition of "equivocate"
Can we level the Capital building and DOJ just to make this equal for America?

View attachment 144216

The Washington monument is, and was, a waste of money. It is a tribute to
white supremacism. -----Time to stop worshipping the ancient Egyptians and
Greeks and Romans-------in city decorations. It is, actually, an idol. It
represents the REASON that Abraham left Aram and walked to Beersheba.
Keep in mind----Nimrod was the bad guy
Sharpton has already called for the end of public funding for the Jefferson Memorial.
It's just a matter of time before they will want them removed. This is your Dimocrat party of today.

Al Sharpton Puts Jefferson Memorial on Notice

Asked by Charlie Rose (at the 15:30 mark) “should they take down the Jefferson Memorial?” Al Sharpton reflected on the nature of slavery then answered a different question: whether the federal government should support the memorial. Sharpton said it should not. “When you look at the fact that public monuments are supported by public funds you’re asking me to subsidize the insult of my family. I would repeat that the public should not be paying to uphold somebody who has had that kind of background. You have private museums, you have other things that you may want to do there.”

Read more at: Al Sharpton Puts Jefferson Memorial on Notice
Can we level the Capital building and DOJ just to make this equal for America?

View attachment 144216

The Washington monument is, and was, a waste of money. It is a tribute to
white supremacism. -----Time to stop worshipping the ancient Egyptians and
Greeks and Romans-------in city decorations. It is, actually, an idol. It
represents the REASON that Abraham left Aram and walked to Beersheba.
Keep in mind----Nimrod was the bad guy

There are times on this board, I believe you are sniffing glue.
Can we level the Capital building and DOJ just to make this equal for America?

View attachment 144216

The Washington monument is, and was, a waste of money. It is a tribute to
white supremacism. -----Time to stop worshipping the ancient Egyptians and
Greeks and Romans-------in city decorations. It is, actually, an idol. It
represents the REASON that Abraham left Aram and walked to Beersheba.
Keep in mind----Nimrod was the bad guy

There are times on this board, I believe you are sniffing glue.

acts on me like red wine--------headache. The wine issue is probably tyramine.
The same is true of smoking dried banana skins
This isn't going to end well.

Either you stand for AMERICA, or the rabble Communists.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."

Agree it will be destroyed from within. No doubt. and look at the pos Gov. os a few states already beginning the process. Taking away historical statues.
This isn't going to end well.

Either you stand for AMERICA, or the rabble Communists.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."

Agree it will be destroyed from within. No doubt. and look at the pos Gov. os a few states already beginning the process. Taking away historical statues.

high sugar consumption. Rome fell on the basis of cuisine. Destruction of art IS----
really low. -----but Rome did not actually go that road
'Ajamu Baraka' sounds like the name of a mortal kombat character.

Even though I agree with confederate statues being taken down, I don't agree with George Washington and Thomas Jefferson statues being taken down. They were wrong for owning slaves, but at the end of the day it was legal at the time and they were traitors to America. Confederates were straight up traitors to America. They shouldn't be honored. Slavery was in the process of being eradicated but they wanted to continue on with it. They wanted continue with slavery so much so they started a civil war over it.
'Ajamu Baraka' sounds like the name of a mortal kombat character.

Even though I agree with confederate statues being taken down, I don't agree with George Washington and Thomas Jefferson statues being taken down. They were wrong for owning slaves, but at the end of the day it was legal at the time and they were traitors to America. Confederates were straight up traitors to America. They shouldn't be honored.

George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were Traitors to England. What they did---at the
time they did it, was VERY ILLEGAL

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