CDZ End the madness


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
Its time we came together people. I'm not politically savvy. Black lives matter, from what I understand, legitimately stands against rioting and looting. They originally wanted minor reforms. Now, there are claims that white marxist agent provocateurs have basically hijacked and co-opted the movement with this "wreck the establishment disband the police" agenda. I could be wrong, there's a lot going on here. Stop letting them bait you. Be patient, time will settle this.
Its time we came together people. I'm not politically savvy. Black lives matter, from what I understand, legitimately stands against rioting and looting. They originally wanted minor reforms. Now, there are claims that white marxist agent provocateurs have basically hijacked and co-opted the movement with this "wreck the establishment disband the police" agenda. I could be wrong, there's a lot going on here. Stop letting them bait you. Be patient, time will settle this.
There likely is truth to what you're saying. I noticed that a lot of the people I saw destroying shit were white antifa pieces of shit. They likely have hijacked the interest of BLM, but the fact is BLM was pretty much a bullshit concept from the get go. It started in Ferguson with that "Hands up don't shoot" lie.

Something founded on a fraud doesn't stand a chance in the long term.

While I agree Floyd was murdered, BLM's involvement only inspired more chaos. Antifa exacerbated it many times over.
I suspect that all this crap that's going on now will continue to go on until the Democrats win the WH. Which could take years.

Actually, I'm worried things will get worse.

I agree. I believe Trump will win and the cities will burn. Some will go into the burbs and countryside and there will be gunfights. Then the DNC will try use it as a predicate to disarm the entire public, like the Wiemar Republic did.

Its time we came together people. I'm not politically savvy. Black lives matter, from what I understand, legitimately stands against rioting and looting. They originally wanted minor reforms. Now, there are claims that white marxist agent provocateurs have basically hijacked and co-opted the movement with this "wreck the establishment disband the police" agenda. I could be wrong, there's a lot going on here. Stop letting them bait you. Be patient, time will settle this.
Come together? Come together with whom? If you truly believe in our Constitution and its Bill of Rights, then you should never come together with the (former) Democrat Party.
I suspect that all this crap that's going on now will continue to go on until the Democrats win the WH. Which could take years.

Actually, I'm worried things will get worse.

I agree. I believe Trump will win and the cities will burn. Some will go into the burbs and countryside and there will be gunfights. Then the DNC will try use it as a predicate to disarm the entire public, like the Wiemar Republic did.


I'll guarantee it.
They come to my suburb outside of Houston and the lead is gonna fly.
And it will be accurate lead.
Not the spray and pray from the ghettos.
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I suspect that all this crap that's going on now will continue to go on until the Democrats win the WH. Which could take years.

Actually, I'm worried things will get worse.
It's always darkest before the dawn. I hate platitudes too. Honestly? Time will sort this all out. It wounds all heels. And it heals eventually.
Its time we came together people. I'm not politically savvy. Black lives matter, from what I understand, legitimately stands against rioting and looting. They originally wanted minor reforms. Now, there are claims that white marxist agent provocateurs have basically hijacked and co-opted the movement with this "wreck the establishment disband the police" agenda. I could be wrong, there's a lot going on here. Stop letting them bait you. Be patient, time will settle this.
Come together? Come together with whom? If you truly believe in our Constitution and its Bill of Rights, then you should never come together with the (former) Democrat Party.
I know its seems tough. I think the Democratic party will change, yes right NOW they are so toxic borderline criminally insane schizophrenic seditious slaves to G. Soros or wealthy manipulative "Philanthropists". I hate to call names, I have faith somebody will one day retake the Democratic party. Call me a idiot or a fool, I expect Americans twill reclaim the Democratic party. It might take a while. A decade or two.
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Its time we came together people. I'm not politically savvy. Black lives matter, from what I understand, legitimately stands against rioting and looting. They originally wanted minor reforms. Now, there are claims that white marxist agent provocateurs have basically hijacked and co-opted the movement with this "wreck the establishment disband the police" agenda. I could be wrong, there's a lot going on here. Stop letting them bait you. Be patient, time will settle this.
Come together? Come together with whom? If you truly believe in our Constitution and its Bill of Rights, then you should never come together with the (former) Democrat Party.
I know its seems tough. I think the Democratic party will change, yes right NOW they are so toxic borderline criminally insane schizophrenic seditious slaves to G. Soros or wealthy manipulative "Philanthropists". I hate to call names, I have faith somebody will one day retake the Democratic party. Call me a idiot or a fool, I expect Americans twill reclaim the Democratic party. It might take a while. A decade or two.
The (former) Democratic Party will change? It's currently changing, changing into a Marxist/Leninist political party. It needs to be dumped altogether. The last actually good Democratic President that we had was....Kennedy. The (former) Democratic Party of today, would consider him a Republican.
Its time we came together people. I'm not politically savvy. Black lives matter, from what I understand, legitimately stands against rioting and looting. They originally wanted minor reforms. Now, there are claims that white marxist agent provocateurs have basically hijacked and co-opted the movement with this "wreck the establishment disband the police" agenda. I could be wrong, there's a lot going on here. Stop letting them bait you. Be patient, time will settle this.
Come together? Come together with whom? If you truly believe in our Constitution and its Bill of Rights, then you should never come together with the (former) Democrat Party.
I know its seems tough. I think the Democratic party will change, yes right NOW they are so toxic borderline criminally insane schizophrenic seditious slaves to G. Soros or wealthy manipulative "Philanthropists". I hate to call names, I have faith somebody will one day retake the Democratic party. Call me a idiot or a fool, I expect Americans twill reclaim the Democratic party. It might take a while. A decade or two.
The (former) Democratic Party will change? It's currently changing, changing into a Marxist/Leninist political party. It needs to be dumped altogether. The last actually good Democratic President that we had was....Kennedy. The (former) Democratic Party of today, would consider him a Republican.
I have to concur, the Democratic party is constantly devolving. They are at the bottom of the Bell curve, There is no other way for them anymore. Well, unless George Soros or his ilk continue to interfere. 9 months of impeachment or virus lock downs or media hysteria driven anti white/cop/establishment all in a row just magically happened, it was engineered. Stop! Don't take the bait!
Come together? Come together with whom? If you truly believe in our Constitution and its Bill of Rights, then you should never come together with the (former) Democrat Party.


How can I find "common ground" with a horde of sociopaths who destroy cities and monuments because a thug gets killed by a cop and 99.9% of the time it's justified?

How can I find "common ground" with people who believe my truck is destroying the planet and that I should be forced to do things I don't want to do while their leaders eat caviar and do coke in private jets on the way to asinine MMGW conferences that get cancelled because of blizzards?

How can I find "common ground" with a bunch of sexually depraved deviants who want my children attending story time with a freak of nature?

How can I find "common ground" with a political adversary who has proven time and again that they will never stick with an agreement anyway? The DNC always comes back for the rest. They give no ground.

How can I find "common ground" with a mugger? Will they just take my cash and leave me with my watch? How about a rapist? Do you just offer head and then force yourself to believe you're not getting fucked in the end?

These people won't be satisfied just taking my AR's. They will be back for the handguns, then the bolt guns, then the shotguns, then the machetes, axes and knives. They're also NOT INTERESTED IN PUBLIC SAFETY, their agenda is a population that can not resist. PERIOD.

These people will not be satisfied until they have omnipotent power and can cull the "human resource" at will.

There is no "coming together" with these fuckin lunatics. We defeat them in the ballot box, or we blow them to hell when they come for us in our homes. If the Kulaks in Russia during the purges had more than a Moisin Nagant (if they were lucky enough to have that) and 5 rounds of ammo, they would have been able to resist Red Army thugs and commissars. The collectivists know that the people have a fuckton of fire power, and that is the only thing keeping them from destroying this country and establishing another soviet state.

I know its seems tough. I think the Democratic party will change, yes right NOW they are so toxic borderline criminally insane schizophrenic seditious slaves to G. Soros or wealthy manipulative "Philanthropists". I hate to call names, I have faith somebody will one day retake the Democratic party. Call me a idiot or a fool, I expect Americans twill reclaim the Democratic party. It might take a while. A decade or two.

I don't see it as being redeemable, same with the republicrat party. The DNC does need to be completely defeated before the RNC can be trashed though. It's the best vehicle to use at the moment. The democrook party needs to dissolve first, it needs to be fractured into at least 3 special interest parties. Perhaps one for the Green dipshits, one for the marxist lunatics, and one for the fruitcakes. The problem is all these groups fly one anti American banner those of us who oppose them do not all agree on a variety of issues, but that is where we have to "come together" and tolerate voting republicrat until the DNC is no longer a viable threat.

Come together? Come together with whom? If you truly believe in our Constitution and its Bill of Rights, then you should never come together with the (former) Democrat Party.


How can I find "common ground" with a horde of sociopaths who destroy cities and monuments because a thug gets killed by a cop and 99.9% of the time it's justified?

How can I find "common ground" with people who believe my truck is destroying the planet and that I should be forced to do things I don't want to do while their leaders eat caviar and do coke in private jets on the way to asinine MMGW conferences that get cancelled because of blizzards?

How can I find "common ground" with a bunch of sexually depraved deviants who want my children attending story time with a freak of nature?

How can I find "common ground" with a political adversary who has proven time and again that they will never stick with an agreement anyway? The DNC always comes back for the rest. They give no ground.

How can I find "common ground" with a mugger? Will they just take my cash and leave me with my watch? How about a rapist? Do you just offer head and then force yourself to believe you're not getting fucked in the end?

These people won't be satisfied just taking my AR's. They will be back for the handguns, then the bolt guns, then the shotguns, then the machetes, axes and knives. They're also NOT INTERESTED IN PUBLIC SAFETY, their agenda is a population that can not resist. PERIOD.

These people will not be satisfied until they have omnipotent power and can cull the "human resource" at will.

There is no "coming together" with these fuckin lunatics. We defeat them in the ballot box, or we blow them to hell when they come for us in our homes. If the Kulaks in Russia during the purges had more than a Moisin Nagant (if they were lucky enough to have that) and 5 rounds of ammo, they would have been able to resist Red Army thugs and commissars. The collectivists know that the people have a fuckton of fire power, and that is the only thing keeping them from destroying this country and establishing another soviet state.

If you wait until they come to your home to take your firearms, you'll lose. Various states militias are seeing a surge in memberships and those that are seeing the increases are because police officers are joining them. Once opposed to one another, they have found common ground. The enemy is Marxist blacks and whites that want this nation destroyed and I fear the only way to stop it, is to route the Marxists out of our educational systems and media and be prepared to actually fight.
Actually, many of the reforms have been playing out in the background as it is. I was listening to an interview on an NPR show. This woman says with a slight giggle that it was time to reimagine the system.

No. You reimagine banana bread recipes, themed parties, the outdoor living space. You do not scrap the system that you have in place while you 'effiin move a furniture piece across the room to see if that works for you.

Otherwise, you wind up with a shitfest like the bail reform in New York. You know if you dig just a little you can find some nitwit nonprofits that haven't bothered to factor in things like.............funding.
If you wait until they come to your home to take your firearms, you'll lose. Various states militias are seeing a surge in memberships and those that are seeing the increases are because police officers are joining them. Once opposed to one another, they have found common ground. The enemy is Marxist blacks and whites that want this nation destroyed and I fear the only way to stop it, is to route the Marxists out of our educational systems and media and be prepared to actually fight.

When it gets to that point we've already lost, but I get what you're saying. I do realize the so called militia movement isn't what it was in the 90's. It's much more organized now, and indeed there are lots of former cop/military in the ranks. I'm not concerned about the state coming to anyone's door though, it will be the mobs, and in my neck of the woods they won't make it far. They will be buzzard shit within minutes.

The best way I can see to get the marxists out of education is to make it collapse. Get your kids out of it. Ignore the media. Cut cable completely and just go with internet service. Once the corporations realize no one is watching TV anymore, they will stop advertising on the platform and you will see the likes of MSLSD disappear.

We still need to get every voter we can to get out and vote against democrooks.

If you wait until they come to your home to take your firearms, you'll lose. Various states militias are seeing a surge in memberships and those that are seeing the increases are because police officers are joining them. Once opposed to one another, they have found common ground. The enemy is Marxist blacks and whites that want this nation destroyed and I fear the only way to stop it, is to route the Marxists out of our educational systems and media and be prepared to actually fight.

When it gets to that point we've already lost, but I get what you're saying. I do realize the so called militia movement isn't what it was in the 90's. It's much more organized now, and indeed there are lots of former cop/military in the ranks. I'm not concerned about the state coming to anyone's door though, it will be the mobs, and in my neck of the woods they won't make it far. They will be buzzard shit within minutes.

The best way I can see to get the marxists out of education is to make it collapse. Get your kids out of it. Ignore the media. Cut cable completely and just go with internet service. Once the corporations realize no one is watching TV anymore, they will stop advertising on the platform and you will see the likes of MSLSD disappear.

We still need to get every voter we can to get out and vote against democrooks.

Biden said that if elected, he will take all AR-15 style rifles away from private citizens and will appoint anti-gun nut, Beto O'Rourke to handle it. The Chinese government was happy to hear this, as they have publicly said that the American people owning guns is a problem for them. Seeing the rise of Communism here, they don't want an armed resistance. And of course, Biden is deep into the Chinese pockets.
If you wait until they come to your home to take your firearms, you'll lose. Various states militias are seeing a surge in memberships and those that are seeing the increases are because police officers are joining them. Once opposed to one another, they have found common ground. The enemy is Marxist blacks and whites that want this nation destroyed and I fear the only way to stop it, is to route the Marxists out of our educational systems and media and be prepared to actually fight.

When it gets to that point we've already lost, but I get what you're saying. I do realize the so called militia movement isn't what it was in the 90's. It's much more organized now, and indeed there are lots of former cop/military in the ranks. I'm not concerned about the state coming to anyone's door though, it will be the mobs, and in my neck of the woods they won't make it far. They will be buzzard shit within minutes.

The best way I can see to get the marxists out of education is to make it collapse. Get your kids out of it. Ignore the media. Cut cable completely and just go with internet service. Once the corporations realize no one is watching TV anymore, they will stop advertising on the platform and you will see the likes of MSLSD disappear.

We still need to get every voter we can to get out and vote against democrooks.

Biden said that if elected, he will take all AR-15 style rifles away from private citizens and will appoint anti-gun nut, Beto O'Rourke to handle it. The Chinese government was happy to hear this, as they have publicly said that the American people owning guns is a problem for them. Seeing the rise of Communism here, they don't want an armed resistance. And of course, Biden is deep into the Chinese pockets.

Its time we came together people. I'm not politically savvy. Black lives matter, from what I understand, legitimately stands against rioting and looting. They originally wanted minor reforms. Now, there are claims that white marxist agent provocateurs have basically hijacked and co-opted the movement with this "wreck the establishment disband the police" agenda. I could be wrong, there's a lot going on here. Stop letting them bait you. Be patient, time will settle this.

BLM was founded by Marxists

So loose the idea that BLM was created to help blacks and later subverted by Marxists.

BLM is like the NAACP being more of an appendage of the DNC than there to help blacks.

And yes, Marxism is all about chaos, revolution, and turning the US into Venezuela

Madness is what Marxism is all about.

And no, I have NO interest in "coming together" with an ideology that has murdered far more people last century than Nazism.

And no, I don't relish the idea of having to go to war against such people either, but I'm sure no one wanted to go to war in the 1940's either.
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