Elon Musk to file ‘thermonuclear lawsuit’ as advertisers desert X

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Iam not sure what his complaint is.

If you invite nazis on to your forum you have your free speech nirvana.

But there is no obligation on brands to support this.

Lots of decent people abhor the holocaust denial so beloved of muskys anti semite fanboys.
They dont want their brands associated with it.

If I held tesla stock I would be looking to sack musk. He is a liability
His bad reputation damages the tesla brand.
Musk has no bad reputation other than the one you goons are deliberately trying to create hoping to put Twitter out of business for making the platform fair and open to free speech.

Hes a free speech "champion" sueing an organisation for saying mean things about him.
He is suing because they are maliciously lying trying to cost him advertising revenue to put him under. Damn are you one stupid ignorant lying fuck.

That makes me want to vomit.
Good. Hope you choke on it like Jimi Hendrix.
Musk has no bad reputation other than the one you goons are deliberately trying to create hoping to put Twitter out of business for making the platform fair and open to free speech.

He is suing because they are maliciously lying trying to cost him advertising revenue to put him under. Damn are you one stupid ignorant lying fuck.

Good. Hope you choke on it like Jimi Hendrix.
You have little understanding of how advertisers work, or anything really. They scan all platorms all the time to see that their brand is positioned as they expect it to be.

They actually have people employed to do that. Its called a marketing department.

And they are on the phone straight away to ensure that they get what they pay for.

Is it just possible that a company like IBM might have some screenshots of evidence ? Is it just possible that they will have loads you thick fucker ?

I am sure they will hand them over to media matters.

But musk will already have copies. IBM will have handed them over in order to get their rebate. Maybe it would have been cheaper to keep all the staff he fired ?

Iam not sure what his complaint is.

If you invite nazis on to your forum you have your free speech nirvana.

But there is no obligation on brands to support this.

Lots of decent people abhor the holocaust denial so beloved of muskys anti semite fanboys.
They dont want their brands associated with it.

If I held tesla stock I would be looking to sack musk. He is a liability
Musk can deflect all he wants by going after Media Matters, but he brought it all on himself because of this:

Musk on Wednesday agreed with a post on X that falsely claimed Jewish people were stoking hatred against white people, saying the user, who referenced the “great replacement” conspiracy theory, was speaking “the actual truth”.

That was the reason why IBM, Apple, and other companies are withdrawing their business not because of anything Media Matters wrote.

For a guy who is so smart, he can really be a dunce sometimes.
Musk can deflect all he wants by going after Media Matters, but he brought it all on himself because of this:

Musk on Wednesday agreed with a post on X that falsely claimed Jewish people were stoking hatred against white people, saying the user, who referenced the “great replacement” conspiracy theory, was speaking “the actual truth”.

That was the reason why IBM, Apple, and other companies are withdrawing their business not because of anything Media Matters wrote.

For a guy who is so smart, he can really be a dunce sometimes.
What seems to be happening there is a rich narcissist unable even to comprehend the idea that something was his fault.

Iam not sure what his complaint is.

If you invite nazis on to your forum you have your free speech nirvana.

But there is no obligation on brands to support this.

Lots of decent people abhor the holocaust denial so beloved of muskys anti semite fanboys.
They dont want their brands associated with it.

If I held tesla stock I would be looking to sack musk. He is a liability
If advertisers run because you're an Afrikaans racist, thats on you.

Also truth us a defense. They literally ran his racist shit next to corporate ads. Bye Felicia!
It seems more likely his pooters just threw some ads up and the person who capped them happened to be looking at posts of some asshole at the time. I doubt it is a giant conspiracy.
You have little understanding of how advertisers work, or anything really.
^^^Says the imbecile shill.

Is it just possible that a company like IBM might have some screenshots of evidence ? Is it just possible that they will have loads you thick fucker ?
No, it is just a continuation of the same shadow banning started a few years ago by you fascists, trying to attack and destroy anyone who opposes your totalitarianism and doesn't tow the party group-think mind. Just like Trump. You people are the enemies of freedom: free speech, free thought, and free will. That is why you want everyone disarmed so you can impose your fascist will unopposed.
^^^Says the imbecile shill.

No, it is just a continuation of the same shadow banning started a few years ago by you fascists, trying to attack and destroy anyone who opposes your totalitarianism and doesn't tow the party group-think mind. Just like Trump. You people are the enemies of freedom: free speech, free thought, and free will. That is why you want everyone disarmed so you can impose your fascist will unopposed.
Says a nazi.
Only in the mind of stupid Moon Bats. What the matter asshole you hate African Americans that do well?

By the way, Musk bought Twitter with a little of his "fuck you" money so he really doesn't give a shit.
He clearly does. You nazis dont do logic do you ?
Says a nazi.

Look in the mirror, fascist. You ooze group-think communist fascism in your every post, such as your comment above: "If I held tesla stock I would be looking to sack musk. He is a liability."

In other words, Musk is the enemy, he needs taken out because he doesn't comport with YOUR agenda. You ignore the fact that it is HIS business to run as he sees fit: to stay in business, he must comport with YOUR will or be taken out--- deprived of advertiser revenue, protested, sued, driven out of business bled dry until he is no more. You've said it ever since he took over Twitter and cleaned house of all of the infiltrators, collaborators and government ops.

:1peleas: COMMIE.

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