Elon Musk rips Democrats' billionaire-tax plan that could slap him with a $10 billion annual bill

You do realize once you have implemented cradle to grave entitlements that the rich can never pay for it becomes you that has to pay. You do understand that right?
In understand we all pay taxes. That covers that. You are at, like, square one in the debate over a social safety net In fact, I pay now. Don't you? Ya freeloader? ;)
A fair question. But, before anyone does any work, is there any number you would accept? I mean, people can have their opinions. But you are asking for them. So it is fair to ask what number you would accept.

Seeing as how the federal government took in record revenue this year in excess of $ 4 trillion I see no reason to raise anybody's rates. They don't have a revenue problem. They have a spending and priorities problem. Instead of raising rates there are plenty of deductions they can slash first which would result in corporations and the billionaire class paying more than they are now.
The worst thing about all these tax hikes are, the things they want to use the funds for, is unconstitutional!
I know federal supremacists dont understand, or even care about the Constitution, but still..
The constitution is CLEAR on what powers the fed gov have, and most of this stupid shit isnt mentioned..
Tesla CEO Elon Musk on Monday evening criticized a Democratic tax proposal that would target American billionaires to fund a safety-net expansion, saying it represented the start of a new campaign from Democrats to redistribute wealth from the richest Americans.

"Eventually, they run out of other people's money and then they come for you," he wrote on Twitter.

The former Rush Limbaugh is spinning in his grave over this "tax the rich" plan. You guys have to stop it!

Personally, I think the rich should pay their fair share.
/——/ I liked your post up to your pre-programmed talking point “Personally, I think the rich should pay their fair share.”
What makes you think they don’t already pay the bulk of taxes? And WTF is a fair share?


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More and more every year.
/——-/ And democRATs wonder why the rich move their money overseas to tax friendly countries.
Trust me on this, the rich didn’t get rich by being stupid with money. Their tax experts will find away around this nightmare. The real target is the middle class. That’s where the money is.
A fair question. But, before anyone does any work, is there any number you would accept? I mean, people can have their opinions. But you are asking for them. So it is fair to ask what number you would accept.

Seems to me that “fair share” to many Democrats is whatever makes everyone economically equal. Don’t kid yourself, in the minds of most leftists, the “rich” will never pay their “fair share” as long as they can afford to buy a Ferrarri and others can’t.
We should also be smart enough to see through their statements as musk is targeting to make normal people afraid of something that affects him.
It will eventually affect them. As another poster said, see the history of the income tax.

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